Triphleba admirabilis Schmitz, 1927
Triphleba aequalis (Schmitz, 1919)
Triphleba bicornuta (Strobl, 1910)
Triphleba distinguenda (Strobl, 1892)
unicalcarata (Becker, 1901)
Triphleba excisa (Lundbeck, 1921)
Triphleba gracilis (Wood, 1907)
Triphleba lugubris (Meigen, 1830)
Triphleba nudipalpis (Becker, 1901)
Triphleba opaca (Meigen, 1830)
Triphleba pachyneurella (Schmitz, 1919)
Triphleba palposa (Zetterstedt, 1848)
Triphleba renidens Schmitz, 1927
Triphleba subcompleta Schmitz, 1927
Triphleba trinervis (Becker, 1901)
Unmatched external taxa
Triphleba affinis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba alpestris ; [CoL ]
Triphleba antricola ; [CoL ]
Triphleba apenninigena ; [CoL ]
Triphleba aprilina ; [CoL ]
Triphleba aptina ; [CoL ]
Triphleba atripalpis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ausoniae ; [CoL ]
Triphleba autumnalis ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Triphleba beatricis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba bifida ; [CoL ]
Triphleba bispinosa ; [CoL ]
Triphleba brevicilia ; [CoL ]
Triphleba brevicostalis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba brevipennis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba brevisetae ; [CoL ]
Triphleba brumalis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba carbonaria ; [CoL ]
Triphleba chandleri ; [CoL ]
Triphleba circumflexa ; [CoL ]
Triphleba collini ; [CoL ]
Triphleba coniformis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba crassinervis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba crassineura ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ctenochaeta ; [CoL ]
Triphleba cumsetae ; [CoL ]
Triphleba darlingtoni ; [CoL ]
Triphleba dentata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba disparinervis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba dudai ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ehmseni ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Triphleba extrema ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ferruginea ; [CoL ]
Triphleba flexipalpis ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Triphleba forfex ; [CoL ]
Triphleba forficata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba fortimanus ; [CoL ]
Triphleba fumipennis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba geniculata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba gilvipes ; [CoL ]
Triphleba gracilipes ; [CoL ]
Triphleba hentrichi ; [CoL ]
Triphleba hoffeinsorum ; [CoL ]
Triphleba hyalinata ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Triphleba hypopygialis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba inaequalis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba intempesta ; [CoL ]
Triphleba labida ; [CoL ]
Triphleba laticosta ; [CoL ]
Triphleba latipalpis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba leptoneura ; [CoL ]
Triphleba longifurcata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba luteifemorata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba lyria ; [CoL ]
Triphleba melaena ; [CoL ]
Triphleba microcephala ; [CoL ]
Triphleba microchaeta ; [CoL ]
Triphleba minuta ; [CoL ]
Triphleba nipponica ; [CoL ]
Triphleba nivalis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba novembrina ; [CoL ]
Triphleba occidentalis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba orophila ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ovipalpis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba pachyneura ; [CoL ]
Triphleba papei ; [CoL ] ; [iNaturalist ]
Triphleba papillata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba parvifurca ; [CoL ]
Triphleba politifrons ; [CoL ]
Triphleba praeterita ; [CoL ]
Triphleba recidopennis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ropalon ; [CoL ]
Triphleba rufithorax ; [CoL ]
Triphleba salmelai ; [CoL ]
Triphleba schistoceros ; [CoL ]
Triphleba schmitzi ; [CoL ]
Triphleba schulmanae ; [CoL ]
Triphleba segrex ; [CoL ]
Triphleba setigera ; [CoL ]
Triphleba simovi ; [CoL ]
Triphleba smithi ; [CoL ]
Triphleba speculiclara ; [CoL ]
Triphleba subfusca ; [CoL ]
Triphleba sulcata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba sunmorkensis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba swainensis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba tenuivena ; [CoL ]
Triphleba territa ; [CoL ]
Triphleba (Tonnoirina) ; [CoL ]
Triphleba (Tonnoirina) fuscithorax ; [CoL ]
Triphleba transparens ; [CoL ]
Triphleba truncata ; [CoL ]
Triphleba tumidula ; [CoL ]
Triphleba varipes ; [CoL ]
Triphleba vitrea ; [CoL ]
Triphleba vitrinervis ; [CoL ]
Triphleba withersi ; [CoL ]
Triphleba ypsilon ; [CoL ]
Triphleba zernyi ; [CoL ]
14.1.2004 (16)
[CoL] Catalogue of Life
Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Döring, M., Ower, G., Hernández Robles, D. R., Plata Corredor, C. A., Stjernegaard Jeppesen, T., Örn, A., Vandepitte, L., Hobern, D., Schalk, P., DeWalt, R. E., Ma, K., Miller, J., Orrell, T., Aalbu, R., Abbott, J., Adlard, R., Aedo, C., et al. (2024). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2024-03-26);
Some related literature:
[FiDip]; Kahanpää, Grichanov, Haarto & Winqvist, 2012
Draft Catalogue of Finnish Flies (Diptera:Brachycera & Cyclorrapha)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.