s50Lperc.zip Roland S-50 Latin Percussion Yamaha Format This is one of Roland's "Sound Library" disks that came with the Roland S-330/S-50/S-550 sampler. I converted them with SoundDesigner via SDS to TX16W format. it is called "Latin Percussion" containing: Agogo1, 2 bongo, lowdr, woodblock, whistle, quijada claves 1, 2 conga 1,2 cuica 1, 2 cuicalo 1, 2 maracas 1, 2 tambourine 1, 2 timpani hi, lo triangle1, 2 waves: AGOGO.W01 AGOGO.W02 BONGO.W03 CABACA.W25 CABACA.W26 CLAV.W04 CLAV.W05 CONG.W07 CONG.W08 CONGA.W06 CUICA.W09 CUICA.W10 CUICAL.W11 CUICAL.W12 LOWDR.W13 MARACAS1.W14 MARACAS2.W15 QIJADA.W16 TAMB.W17 TAMB.W18 TIMB.W19 TIMB.W20 TRIA.W21 TRIA.W22 WBLK.W23 WHSTL.W24 others: ROL-PERC.F01 ROL-PERC.S01 ROL-PERC.U01 ROL-PERC.V01 cheers, muki