WXTX-002 Silver Flute & Piccolo yamaha format When I bought my TX (second hand) it came with 10 disks of setups to be used with MIDI wind controllers (like the Yamaha WX7). They appear to be Yamaha original disks, although they don't say 'Yamaha' on them. The printing on the label is the same as the other Yamaha ones I have. I've played a couple of them with my WX7, and they're not bad. files: FLA5.W10 FLC3.W02 FLC4.W05 FLD5.W08 FLE3.W03 FLE4.W06 FLF5.W09 FLG3.W04 FLG4.W07 PI-A4.W12 PI-D4.W11 PI-F5.W13 SLVFLUTE.F01 SLVFLUTE.S01 SLVFLUTE.U01 SLVFLUTE.V01