Drums and percussion samples in Typhoon format. If you can't find what you're looking for here, the samples.yamaha/DRUMS directory contains much more drum samples. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- :CONTENT RX5 DIR 608 K Drum samples from Yamaha RX5 digital drum machine cr8000d.zip FILE 129 K Roland Compurythm CR8000 drum machine cym_roll.c01 FILE 248 K Rolling cymbal dr55kit.zip FILE 15 K The Boss DR 55 (Dr Rythm) Drum machine emudrums.zip FILE 495 K Unknown mixed EMU drums fairdrum.zip FILE 265 K Standard drum set from a Fairlight IIx kawchip1.zip FILE 230 K From the Kawai R50 drum machine (sound chip 1) kawchip2.zip FILE 686 K From the Kawai R50 drum machine (sound chip 2) kawchip3.zip FILE 260 K From the Kawai R100 drum machine (sound chip 3) kr55kit.zip FILE 95 K From the Korg rythm 55 drum machine tr808.zip FILE 621 K Roland TR808 drums