Rail traffic in New Zealand is mainly handled by Kiwi Rail. Train traffic consists mainly of cargo trains. Some touristic oriented passenger
services do exist, such as the trains named TranzAlpine, Coastal Pacific and Northern Explorer. In addition to Kiwi Rail there are also some other
operators, such as the small operator called The Dunedin Railways, which handles local and touristic traffic around Dunedin on the South Island
of New Zealand. There are also other operators such as the Transdev group, which operates in a number of countries globally.
New Zealand has 4128 km of railroad lines out of which over 2300 km are for cargo trains only. About 600 km are electrified. The track gauge used
is the so called Cape gauge 1067 mm and the electric system used is 25 kV AC. The administration of New Zealand's rail systems has gone back and
forth between a totally nationalised system (Total goverment control 1876-1982), corporatised and private systems and is currently moving again towards
renewed nationalisation.
Here we see Kiwi Rail diesel locomotive DC4058 ready to start pulling the "Northern Explorer" passenger train towards Wellington. This picture is from
2014. The line towards Wellington was electrified, but nevertheless high ranking passenger trains were being pulled by diesels. In 2016
a decision was made to totally get rid of electric traction on main lines, but that decision was reverted in 2018. Now the current plan is to
revamp old electric locomotives and scrap these class DC and DCP diesel machines.
Picture from Hamilton Frankton station 19.4.2014 by Johannes Erra.