The following text explains a way of reading and reflecting on a Bible
passage that passage that we have developed in the Taize Community in
France to respond to the needs of young adults primarily. We have called
them "Johannine hours". The "Johannine hour" is posted at the beginning
of each month and involves a short commentary on a given Bible passage,
followed by some questions for reflection.

The idea of "Johannine hours" was born in Taize as a simple response to
all those who were trying to assimilate the Bible's message in the midst
of their daily life. Because of work or studies, it is often impossible
to spend long hours in silence and reflection, but everyone can take an
hour from time to time to enter a church, sit quietly at home or go out
for a walk in the woods. There, in silence, we can meditate on a passage
of Scripture to listen to the voice of Christ.

Why "Johannine hours"? To try and listen, in the steps of the apostle
John, to the voice of Christ. For John, perhaps more than for the other
Biblical authors, being with Christ does not mean first of all acquiring
knowledge, but recognizing the voice of the one who responds to our
deepest longing (see John 10,3-5).

But how can we read the Bible so as to hear the sound of Christ's voice?
We need silence for this, because amidst the flood of words and noise
that forces itself on us, the voice of Christ is quite soft. We also
need to share, to communicate what we have heard and to listen to what
others have understood. Nobody can, by themselves alone, grasp all that
Christ has to offer.

Another reason for the "Johannine hours" is to foster a sharing.
Concretely, this can happen in several ways. Some friends from the same
parish or city can meet at the end of an afternoon to read aloud the
Bible passage together, then they can spend a while in silence and
conclude with a brief sharing and a prayer.

Others choose to read and reflect on the same Bible passage for an
entire month, and then, when they have become very familiar with it,
they meet for a time of sharing. Even for those who cannot come together
there are means to communicate with others. Perhaps those who read and
think about the "Johannine Hours" on this BBS could share their
reflections and discoveries with others.

In this way a sharing can take place together with others even
over a great distance! Whatever form it takes, the important thing about
the "Johannine hours" is the complementarity between two elements,
silence and sharing. The Word of God both touches the depth of the heart
and gathers together in a fellowship.

During the time of silence, and even more during the group sharing, it
is important to concentrate on what we understand and not waste time
worrying if, in some Biblical expressions, we find it difficult to hear
the voice of Christ. Saint John wrote, "What we have seen and heard, we
proclaim to you...so that your joy may be complete" (1 John 1,3-4). Each
person should say to themselves concerning the sharing that concludes
the "Johannine hours," "What I have understood and heard of Christ, that
is what I want to communicate to others. I don't want to burden them
with my own hesitations but rather tell them what has brought me joy,
what has led me to run the risk of trusting more deeply."

The Word of God has sometimes become an object of disputes. When that
happens, the voice of Christ can no longer be heard. The Bible, instead
of offering nourishment and vitality, instead of being a way of inner
liberation, becomes a burden. Many years ago, a century after the time
of the apostles, arguments and different opinions concerning Bible texts
threatened to disconcert people's humble trust in God. Then Irenaeus of
Lyons who, in Asia Minor, had personally known a witness of the faith
taught by John himself, wrote: "Through the polyphony of texts, a single
harmonious melody rings out, singing of the God who made all things."
May the "Johannine hours" allow us to hear that harmonious melody, which
is nothing other than the voice of Christ who loves us.

from  brother.roy@almac.co.uk