From: Darrell128 <> Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 07:16:00 EDT Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: NR 98030: RCA Rejects Proposed Requirement to Annually Reaffirm Salvation Throug NR #1998-030: Reformed Church in America Rejects Proposal to Require Annual Reaffirmation of Salvation Through Christ Alone By a one vote margin, America's oldest continually-established Protestant denomination has rejected an attempt to require all of its ministers and churches to annually reaffirm "the truth that divine redemption from sin is only by grace through faith in the perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, the only mediator between God and humankind." However, a similar overture is coming to General Synod this year from the Classis of Central California. Amendments to the book of church order of the 311,000-member Reformed Church in America require ratification by two-thirds of the denomination's 46 classes. By a 23-23 margin, the classes failed to ratify the language proposed by General Synod 1996. A clerical error deleting the words "by grace" led General Synod 1997 to submit the proposal for a second vote, resulting in this year's margin of 29-16. Overture author Rev. Patrick Shetler of First Reformed Church in Grant, Michigan, said he was encouraged rather than disappointed. "I look at this as being very positive," said Shetler. "I was pleased to see a significant increase in the number of classes voting for this, it was an increase of probably seven classes." Shetler cited Rev. Richard Rhem of Christ Community Church in Spring Lake and retired campus chaplain Rev. Don Van Hoeven of Kalamazoo as targets of his overture. Rhem was charged with heresy for denying the necessity of Christ for salvation and has since left the RCA; Van Hoeven is appealing his rebuke for heresy by the Classis of Southwest Michigan for writing articles supporting Rhem's theology in four West Michigan newspapers. NR #1998-030: For Immediate Release: Reformed Church in America Rejects Proposal to Require Annual Reaffirmation of Salvation Through Christ Alone By Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service (May 16, 1998) URNS - By a one vote margin, America's oldest continually- established Protestant denomination has rejected an attempt to require all of its ministers and churches to annually reaffirm "the truth that divine redemption from sin is only by grace through faith in the perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, the only mediator between God and humankind." Amendments to the book of church order of the 311,000-member Reformed Church in America require ratification by two-thirds of the denomination's 46 classes. By a 23-23 margin, the classes failed to ratify the language proposed by General Synod 1996. However, a clerical error deleting the words "by grace" led General Synod 1997 to submit the proposal for a second vote, resulting in this year's margin of 29-16. The Classis of Central Plains supported the amendment last year but didn't report due to a classis meeting canceled by weather. Overture author Rev. Patrick Shetler of First Reformed Church in Grant, Michigan, said he was encouraged rather than disappointed. "I look at this as being very positive," said Shetler. "I was pleased to see a significant increase in the number of classes voting for this, it was an increase of probably seven classes." Shetler pointed to a similar overture this year from the Classis of Central California as another reason for optimism. "Apparently the addition of the words 'by grace' did prove to be significant in at least some places, which is what we were alleging last year," said Shetler. "I would tend to think there is some growing momentum, and we could pick up another classis in another year." The California proposal uses nearly identical language but puts it in a different part of the questions asked each year to RCA ministers and churches, and specifies that Scripture's "supreme emphasis" is on salvation through Christ alone. Rev. Timothy Vink, co-author of the new overture, said he hoped the new language would pass. "We don't have a lot of time for disempowerment issues of liberal theology or for politics," said Vink. "Liberal theology undercuts the authority of the Word of God; if we disembowel the truth we have no power left, we're just playing church." The moderator of the RCA's Christian Unity Commission - also a member of the Central California Classis - concurred. "This year, especially in light of the fact that we didn't have sufficient votes from the classes to accept the previous motion, we felt our overture may be significant for the advisory committee that deals with this," said Rev. Timothy Boeve, noting that some RCA opponents of the original language thought the RCA's doctrinal standards already covered the matter and other opponents worried it could lead to a long list of extra-confessional doctrinal points to which all RCA ministers and churches would have to assent. "We thought it was a good compromise," said Boeve. "It took out a lot of the redundancy a lot of people were confused about, we already have in the confessions some very strong statements about the centrality and person of Christ. The second concern is there is no end of the number of constitutional inquiry questions we could ask about who is in and who is out in terms of theological perspectives." "I hope it will be given a fair hearing in the advisory committee, and if it gets to the floor, that it would get a fair hearing there as well," said Boeve. One opponent of Shetler's original language - Dr. Christopher Kaiser of the RCA's Western Theological Seminary in Holland - emphasized that those opposing the amendment didn't all do so for the same reasons. In a letter to the RCA's Holland Classis -the only 'no' vote among the seven West Michigan RCA classes - Kaiser argued that the amendment contradicts classical Reformed theology. Kaiser cited the Westminster Confession's affirmation that God saves some children of believers who die in infancy and others unable to understand the Gospel. "With the implication that salvation is only by faith, it seems to suggest salvation is based on the faith of the believer," said Kaiser. "The historic position is it is grace of God, pure and simple, with or without faith, that leads to salvation," said Kaiser. "The pastor has tremendous responsibility to undergird the grace of God in the face of some tragedy, and offer some hope for the parents who have been faithful Christians. One can hope this child is saved even though the child may never come to the point where he is able to understand the words, much less make a decision for faith in Jesus Christ." Other RCA ministers go farther, said Shetler, citing Rev. Richard Rhem of Christ Community Church in Spring Lake and retired campus chaplain Rev. Don Van Hoeven of Kalamazoo. Rhem was charged with heresy for denying the necessity of Christ for salvation and has since left the RCA; Van Hoeven is appealing his rebuke for heresy by the Classis of Southwest Michigan for writing articles supporting Rhem's theology in four West Michigan newspapers. While Rhem and Van Hoeven have been open about their views, Shetler said his overture hadn't been directed against only two ministers. "That's the thing; nobody has declared themselves other than Rhem and Van Hoeven that they, on the record and in public, disagree with this theological position," said Shetler. "It is kind of surprising there hasn't been a whole lot of official comment one way or another from official authorities, they've pretty much left it in the hands of classis for them to act one way or another, and that's probably the fairest way." Despite his optimism, Shetler said he didn't want to predict too much about the potential effect of the vote on the RCA. "The outcome of votes are always going to be a matter of God's providence, God's timing, and I'm prepared to leave the final outcome of this in God's hand," said Shetler. Kaiser hoped the narrow margin and high profile of the salvation through Christ issue will lead to more theological discussion in the RCA. "I think it will mean there will be further overtures, more carefully worded, which allow the Reformed Church to go over the top of that two-thirds requirement in affirming the basis of our salvation in the atoning death of Christ," said Kaiser. "I'd like to think this is encouraging the members of the Reformed Church to think more deeply about their theology and how to articulate it in the present context where there are so many other religious options available." Cross-References to Related Articles: #1996-013: Special Meeting of RCA's Muskegon Classis Discusses Homosexuality, Scripture, Salvation Apart from Christ #1996-023: Muskegon RCA Classis: No Room for Pastor Questioning Salvation Apart from Christ, Authority of Scripture #1996-086: Muskegon Classis Rebukes Rhem for "Heretical" Views, Restarts Negotiations "to Reach a Mutually Acceptable Separation Agreement" with Christ Community Church #1996-092: Back to the Drawing Board: Muskegon Classis Tables Proposed Settlement with Pastor of RCA's Fourth-Largest Church #1996-094: Second RCA Minister Faces Discipline for Theological Views #1996-103: Classis Muskegon Averts Heresy Trial, Completes Separation Agreement with Richard Rhem, Christ Community Church #1996-110: Appeal Stalls Settlement Agreement on Rev. Richard Rhem; Protests Greet Upcoming Rhem Keynote Speech for RCA Regional Synod of the Mid-Atlantics on "The Church in Conflict... Can Non-Believers be Saved?" #1996-118: Rhem to Reformed Church in America: "The Bible is a Wax Nose" #1997-001: Muskegon Classis Suspends Separation Agreement Until Regional Synod Adjudicates Appeal on "Gross Sexual Misconduct" Allegations Against Richard Rhem #1997-002: Rhem's Attorney Responds: "Classis� Has Engaged in Conspiratorial Actions Which Were Maliciously Calculated to Damage Rev. Richard Rhem and Christ Community Church" #1997-007: Appeal of Charges Against Rhem Sent Back to Committee by RCA's Regional Synod Executive Committee; Van Hoeven Appeal to Proceed with Recommendation of Dismissal #1997-019: Reformed Church in America Classes Poised to Vote on Church Order Change: Should All RCA Ministers and Churches Annually Reaffirm that Salvation is Through Christ Alone? #1997-028: Rhem Case on Hold; Muskegon Classis Affirms Salvation Through Christ Alone #1997-032: South Grand Rapids Classis Overtures Reformed Church in America to Reject "Full Communion" with United Church of Christ Due to UCC Approval of Gay Marriage and Ordination #1997-034: Reformed Church in America Rejects Annual Declaration that Salvation is Through Christ Alone #1997-040: Typo Leads Reformed Church in America to Recommend New Vote on Salvation Apart from Christ #1997-043: RCA Committee Asks Regional Synod of the Great Lakes to Send Rhem "Gross Sexual Misconduct" Case Back to Muskegon Classis for Investigation, Possible Trial #1997-045: Reformed Church in America Regional Synod of the Great Lakes Sends Rhem "Gross Sexual Misconduct" Case Back to Muskegon Classis for Investigation, Possible Trial; Van Hoeven's complaint against "rebuke" for supporting Rhem denied; will appeal to General Synod; Regional Synod reaffirms salvation through Christ alone, goes on record against "full communion" with United Church of Christ due to homosexual issue #1997-046: Rhem's Attorney Responds: "The RCA in Western Michigan [is] Truly a Dysfunctional Family" #1997-058: RCA's Muskegon Classis to Investigate Sexual Misconduct Charges Against Rhem #1997-069: Reformed Church in America General Synod to Debate Mission Statement, Salvation Apart from Christ, Formula of Agreement, Standards for Professional Ministry; Formula of Agreement" may lead to Lutheran-Reformed reconciliation, but opponents warn against closer connection with ordained homosexuals in United Church of Christ #1997-079: Muskegon Classis to Meet June 24 for More Inquiry on "Gross Sexual Misconduct" Charges Against Rev. Richard Rhem; Classis Also Asked by Regional Synod to Consider Charging Rhem's Church with Leaking Documents to News Media #1997-080: Muskegon Classis Seeks to Avoid Media Expos�; Votes to Try Rhem on "Gross Sexual Misconduct" Charges #1997-083: Christ Community Church Sues RCA Classis; Asks Civil Court to Order Classis to Let Church Depart with its Property #1997-086: Reformed Church in America's Muskegon Classis Finds Rev. Richard Rhem Guilty of "Gross Sexual Misconduct" #1997-094: Muskegon Classis Responds to Christ Community Lawsuit #1997-104: RCA's Muskegon Classis Votes to Seize Christ Community's Property Unless Rhem's Church Negotiates with Classis #1997-132: Rhem Fight Ends: Christ Community Church, RCA Muskegon Classis Agree on Settlement of Lawsuit and Property Fights #1998-024: It's Not Over Until It's Over: Timmer Signs $30,000 Settlement with Muskegon Classis Over Rhem Sex Charges Contact List: Rev. E. Wayne Antworth, Director, RCA Stewardship & Communication Services 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115 O: (212) 870-2954 * FAX: (212) 870-2499 Rev. Timothy Boeve, Moderator, Christian Unity Commission (RCA) 181 Chase St., Sonoma, CA 95476 O: (707) 938-8100 * H: (707) 935-0170 Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary, Reformed Church in America 49 Yawpo, Oakland, NJ 07436 O: (212) 870-2845 Dr. Christopher Kaiser, Professor, Western Theological Seminary 101 E. 13th St., Holland, MI 49423 O: (616) 392-8555 Rev. Richard Rhem, Senior Pastor, Christ Community Church 225 East Exchange St., Spring Lake, MI 49456 O: (616) 842-1985 * H: (616) 846-7777 * F: (616) 842-3476 * E-Mail: Rev. Patrick Shetler, Pastor, First Reformed Church 271 E. State Rd., PO Box 365, Grant, MI 49327 O: (616) 834-8668 * H: (616) 834-7246 * E-Mail: Rev. Donald Van Hoeven 1024 Westfall, Kalamazoo, MI 49006 H: (616) 381-8586 Rev. Timothy Vink, Pastor, Tulare Community Church (RCA) 1820 N. Gem St., Tulare, CA 93274 O: (209) 686-8576 * H: (209) 688-0801 * E-Mail: ---------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive98: nr98-030.txt .