                                                      14 Mar 1994


  INET'94, the Annual Conference of the Internet Society

                 in conjunction with

the 5th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC5)

     Prague, Czech Republic, 13-17 June 1994

Jointly organized by the Internet Society (ISOC) and 
Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne (RARE)

OVERVIEW of INET�94 Conference Programme 

Wednesday, June 15
 08:30-10:30 Opening Session
  Welcome Addresses
  Speaker: Vint Cerf, President of the Internet Society.
   Speaker: Kees Neggers, President of RARE.
  Keynote Addresses:
   Mr. George Soros, founder of the Soros Foundations [tentative]
   Prof. PhDr. Petr Pitha, Minister of Education of the Czech Republic. 
   Mr. Michel Carpentier - EC, Director General of DG XIII [tentative]
 11:00-12.30  Parallel Sessions
 14:00-15:30  Plenary: Technical Programs of the IETF and RARE
 16:00-17:30  Parallel Sessions

Thursday, June 16
 09:00-10:30  Parallel Sessions
 11:00-12:30  Parallel Sessions
 14:00-15:30  Parallel Sessions
 16:00-17:30  Plenary Panel: "Industry and the Internet"

Friday, June 17
 09 09:00-10:30  Parallel Sessions
 10 11:00-12:30  Closing Session

Related Meetings
 Technologically Emerging Country Workshop, 5-11 June 94
 Internet Society Board of Trustees, 13-14 June 94
 Internet Society Advisory Council, 14 June 94
 RARE Working Groups, 13-14 June 94

Conference Location
 Palace of Culture
 Trida 5.kvetna
 140 09 PRAGUE 4
 Czech Republic
 tel: +42 26 117 1111


                      SESSION DESCRIPTIONS and OUTLINE

The programme consists of six subject tracks organized in six parallel 
streams of up to six sessions. The technical content and the sequence  of 
sessions is subject to change. 

Chairs: Jill Foster, University of Newcastle, UK,  Joyce Reynolds, ISI, Marina 
del Rey, USA   

S1-1. Building and Supporting Electronic Communities 
Chair:  David Conrad, Asia Pacific Network Information Center, Japan.   
Operational experiences and lessons learned in bringing new communities of 
users to the Internet. 

S1-2. Training for the Network Citizen
Chair: Peter Kemp, University of Glasgow, Scotland.   Facing the challenge of 
training the expanding population  of new network users. 

S1-3. Panel: Power to the User!  Enabling users to help themselves
Chair: Rolf Nordhagen, University of Oslo.   InformationTechnology Services, 
Norway.   To provide support for the increasing numbers of users on the  
network is a formidable task. This session will be run as a panel discussion. 
with expert panelists from around the world sharing their knowledge and 
experience.  Audience participation is highly encouraged. 

S1-4. Electronic Documents 
Chair: Maria Heijne, SURFnet BV, The Netherlands.   Reports on real 
projects concerned with the handling and delivery of electronic materials. 

S1-5. Networked Information: Tools and Access
Chair: David Sitman, EARN, France.   Tools and techniques for the provision 
of information over the network. 

S1-6. Issues in building the Virtual Library
Chair: Michael Breaks, Heriot-Watt University Library, Edinburgh, Scotland.  
The papers will discuss some of the issues that will have  to be addressed if 
the Internet is to fulfill its potential  as a 'Virtual Library' 

Chairs: Erik Huizer, SURFnet, The Netherlands,  Barry Leiner, USRA, USA 

S2-1. MultiMedia A
Chair: John Dyer, Joint Network Team (JANET), UK.   An overview of 
developments in interactive MultiMedia Networking. 

S2-2. MultiMedia B
Chair: Chris Adie, Edinburgh University Computing Service, Scotland.  An 
overview of developments in interactive MultiMedia  Networking and 
MultiMedia Information Services. 

S2-3. Dial-up Applications
Chairs: Hariharasubrahmanian Shrikumar, India, Archie Marshall, Jamaica.  
The State of the Art in Applications specific to usage over low bandwidth 

S2-4. Sample Application: How the Automotive Industry uses the 
Chair: Robert Moskowitz, Chrysler Corporation, USA.  Examples of usage of 
Internet technology in the Industrial  Environment. 

S2-5. Networked Simulation and Virtual Reality
Chair: Mark Pullen, George Mason University, USA.  Networking aspects of 
the new and exciting field of applications around Networked Simulation and 
Virtual Reality.  

S2-6. Directory Services
Chair: Paul-Andre Pays, INRIA, France.   Directory services for the Internet: 
Current issues in research and deployment. 

Chairs: Juergen Harms, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Mike Roberts, 

S3-1. Privacy
Chair: David Farber, University of Pennsylvania, USA.  Recently, privacy in 
computer networks has become a topic  for discussion, especially due to the 
US government's Clipper  and Digital Telephony proposals. This session will 
focus on  the legal and public policy issues in privacy protection. 

S3-2. European CERT Activities
Chair: Hannes Lubich, SWITCH, Switzerland.  The increase in computer and 
network related security breaches  has led to the foundation of the Computer 
Emergency Response Team (CERT) in the USA. Similar efforts are currently 
being made  in Europe, where a European CERT, as well as several national  
CERTs are being set up.  This session will review the current situation,  and 
will assess future steps. 

S3-3. National and regional policies
Chair: Tomaz Kalin, RARE, The Netherlands.   Reports from USA, Europe 
and the Pacific Rim, outlining current government policies on network service 

S3-4. The Economics of Networks and Network Growth
Chair: Robert Cohen, Consultant, USA.  The existing world-wide network 
infrastructure is becoming  increasingly interesting for commercial use. On the 
other hand,  the tremendous growth rate of the Internet requires additional  
funding to maintain the availability and quality of the network  and its services. 

S3-5. International Coordination of Internet Standards. 
Chair: Lyman Chapin, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, USA.  A 
discussion of the cluster of issues around evolution  of OSI and IP protocols 
in the international policy context. 

S3-6  The Internet and the Press
Chair: John Markoff, New York Times, USA. Discussion forum with 
participants from Europe,  USA and the rest of the World. 

Chair Richard Mandelbaum, NYSERNet, USA 

S4-1. Networking assists Societal Stability/Networking 
Chair: Steve Goldstein, National Science Foundation, USA.  Networking can 
either help or hinder societal goals in any  particular culture. What has the 
role of the Internet been  in this regard?  This session will look at some 
examples of cases where the  Internet has either assisted in the reaching of 
such broader  societal goals or has posed new problems. 

S4-2. Internationalization of Network Applications 
Chair: Borka Jerman-Blazic, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Sloveni.  The 
Internet allows global collaboration in may diverse areas  of scholarship and 
commerce. As part of such collaboration  many new tools, especially linguistic 
and directory tools  are necessary.  This session will discuss work has been 
done so far on the  development of such tools. 

S4-3. Regional Developments I - Eastern Europe and CIS
Chair: Frode Greisen, UNI-C Lyngby, Denmark.   An update on recent 
developments in the organization and operation of national and regional 
networks in Eastern Europe and the CIS. 

S4-4. Regional Developments II - Pacific Rim and Latin America
Chair: Carlos Afonso, Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis, 
IBASE, Brazil.   An update on recent developments in the organization and  
operation of national and regional networks in the  Pacific Rim and Latin 

S4-5. Regional Developments III - Africa and the Middle East
Chair: Mondher Mokni, Tunisia. An update on recent developments in the 
organization and  operation of national and regional networks in Africa and 
the Middle East. 

S4-6. National Research and Education Networks, Telephone 
Companies and PTT's.
A Panel discussion focussing on the relationships between Telephone 
Companies and PTT's and national and regional research and education 
networks. What is the current relationship? How is the development of the 
coming global information infrastructure and the continuing deregulation and 
increased competitiveness in the telephone industry going to effect these 

Chairs Elise Gerich, Merit Network Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA,  Peter 
Elford, Cisco Systems, Australia 

S5-1. Routing and Addressing
Chair: Elise Gerich, Merit Network Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.  Network 
operators have stated routing and addressing plans must  be manageable 
and scalable. This session presents some thoughts  on how to address that 

S5-2. Performance Analysis
Chair: Olivier Martin, CERN, Switzerland.   Analysing network performance is 
key in designing networks and  planning for network growth. 

S5-3. Heterogeneous Networks
Chair: Toshiya Asaba, Internet Initiative Japan, Inc., Japan. To provide global 
connectivity to network users, network  providers need to be aware of ways to 
engineer their networks to support multiple network protocols. 

S5-4. Network management
Chair: Peter Elford, Cisco Systems, Australia.  Network management tools 
and mechanisms are the basis for  providing a stable operational service. 

S5-5. Quality Assurance
Chair: Manfred Bogen, GMD, St. Augustin, Germany.  With the proliferation 
of network service providers, assessing the quality of service is becoming an 
issue when deciding among them. 

Chairs: Paul Mockapetris, ISI, Marina del Rey, USA, Juha Heinanen, FUNET, 

S6-1. Mobility
Chair: Charles Perkins, T.J. Watson Research Center IBM, USA.  Support for 
mobile network users will be one of the key requirements for the rest of the 
decade.  This session will discuss various aspects of mobility support  in the 
Internet and in a specific environment. 

S6-2. IPng: State of the art and process
Chair: Allison Mankin, NRL, USA.  The IETF has recently chartered an IP 
next generation area  to select a focus protocol. This session discusses the 
criteria, process and status of this effort. 

S6-3. Future Generations of Internet Technology
Chair: Dave Morton, ECRC, Munich, Germany.  Even as the IPng group 
struggles to identify a new production IP,  research groups continue to work 
on the basic issues that will  contribute to IPng and its successors. 

S6-4. Broadband Technology
Chair: Jaap van Till, Consultancy Group Stratix BV, The Netherlands.  High 
speed networks and their technology create specific  problems for the 
network designer. This session discusses  technology that makes broadband 
more tractable. 

S6-5. Broadband deployment and experiments
Chair: Mark Laubach, HP Labs, USA. Testbeds provide experimental 
evidence regarding the utility  of broadband as a building block for future 
networks.  This session reports on the progress of some well known testbeds. 

All participants and accompanying persons are invited to attend the following 
events. We hope these events will provide an opportunity to renew old 
friendships and to create new ones with colleagues from all over the world.

Palace of Culture, Tuesday, June 14 from 18.30 - 20.30.  Enjoy light 
refreshments while "catching up" with friends and colleagues directly on the 
premises of the Congress Venue. 

Wednesday, June 15 from 20.00 - 23.00.  Obecni dum (Municipal House)  
Come and see the beautifully decorated interiors of the most impressive 
building in Art Nouveau style in Prague. There are six representative halls; 
the biggest one was frequently used by Smetana for concerts.
Palace of Culture, Thursday, June 16 from 18.00 - 19.00. A Farewell Cocktail 
Party will be held on the second floor of the Palace of Culture. The adjoining 
terrace has the most unforgettable view of Prague.

At the Conference there will be a demonstrations area where participants 
may visit a number of stands to see displays and demonstrations of various 
projects and applications of network services.


Family Name: 	
First Name: 	
Prof__ Dr__ Mr__ Ms__
Internet Society Member:


Street Address: 	



Postal Code: 	





Preferred Badge Name: 	

Registered Accompanying Person(s):


Conference registration fee MUST accompany this form and must be 
received before registration or accommodation can be processed. Keep a 
copy of this form for your records.  Print or type information.  Use one form 
per individual registration.

Return Completed form to:
Conference Registration Office
Zikova 4
166 035 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Fax: +42 22 431 0271
Tel:  +42 23 32 2916

Registration Fees:

Before 1 May 94:
Internet Society Member   US$ 425
Non-Member                US$ 475 (includes automatic membership)

After 1 May 94:
Internet Society Member   US$ 475
Non-Member                US$ 525 (includes automatic membership)

On-site (after 6 June 94)
Internet Society Member   US$ 525
Non-Member                US$ 575 (includes automatic membership)

Accompanying Person       US$ 125 (includes Opening Reception, 
                                   Gala Dinner and Cocktail)


Registration:               US$: _________
Hotel Deposit (1 night)     US$: _________
Total:                      US$: _________

All payments must be in United States Dollars. Bank transfer, international 
money orders and international credit cards (VISA, American Express and 
Master Card) are acceptable. Personal checks are not acceptable.

Bank Transfer:	Bank account No. 1412130287/0100, Komercni banka, 
Dejvicka 52, Praha 6, Czech Republic, with your name

____VISA           ____MasterCard            ____American Express

Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Name on Card:

Special Needs:

Hotel Reservations

Hotel reservations can be made by completing this form.
cut-off date: 30 MAY 94

________ Forum Hotel  (US$ 153,-/single; US$ 168,-/double)
________ Panorama Hotel  (US$ 125,-/single; US$ 142,-/double)
________ Union Hotel (US$ 95,-/single; US$ 112,-/double)
________ Patty Hotel (US$ 80,-/single; US$ 93,-/double)
________ ILF Hotel (US$ 50,-/single; US$ 65,-/double)
________ Kupa Hotel (US$ 30,-/single; US$ 40,-/double)

Hotel extras should be paid directly to the hotel reception.

Room Reservation Name	____________________ 

Sharing With:	____________________

Arrival Date:	___________/__________/1994           	
Departure Date:	___________/__________/1994

Please check one of the following:
___ l person      ___ 2 persons, double beds   ___ 2 persons, twin beds
___ Suites (extra cost)

Do you have a special accommodation request (e.g., no-smoking room, 
disability or handicap)?  _____________________________________

Accommodation Deposit:
Your room reservation can be guaranteed by either of the following methods:
1. Complete the Credit Card Authorization section of this form. The
INET'94/JENC5 Conference Registration Center can quarantee your room 
with the hotel by your credit card. This is the easiest way to quarantee your
2. Send one night's hotel fee along with the registration fee, if paying by



INET'94/JENC5 Conference Registration Office          
Zikova 4
166 35 PRAHA 6                           
Czech Republic
Email: rigister@earn.cvut.cz
Tel: +42-2-3322916
Fax: +42-2-24310271

General Inquiries
INET'94/JENC5 Secretariat
c/o RARE Secretariat
Singel 466-468
The Netherlands
Tel:  +31 20 639 1131
Fax: +31 20 639 3289
E-mail: inet-jenc-sec@rare.nl

Accommodations and Tours
Guarant Ltd.                                                
Opletalova 15                                   
110 00 PRAHA 1
Czech Republic
Tel: +42-2-24210650/24210735 
Fax: +42-2-260130



All foreign visitors entering the Czech Republic must possess a passport valid 
for at least the next 6 months. Participants requiring a visa should apply 
immediately to consular offices of the Czech Republic or diplomatic missions 
in their country (in order to avoid delays in travel to the conference).

Internet access will be available at the Conference Location (Palace of 
Culture) beginning on Tuesday, 14 June until Friday, 17 June 1994.

The unit of currency is Czech crown (Kc) which subdivided into 100 hallers 
(h). International credit cards are accepted for payment in most hotels, 
restaurants and shops.  The exchange rate (February 1994): approx. $ 1,- is 
Kc 32.

The transport in Prague is organized by means of buses, trams and Metro 
(subway). One ride-ticket costs Kc 6,- and is valid for all means of transport. 
Individual tickets as well as 'travel passports' are available at all tobacconists' 
shops, newspaper stands or at hotel desks. Prague Metro is quite a new one 
and very efficient. At peak hours there is a train every 1 or 2 minutes, off-peak 
at least every 10 minutes.

Prague has a continental climate. In June the average temperature is about 
20 C ( 68 F ). There might be an occasional shower, therefore it is advisable 
to bring a jacket, a sweater and an umbrella.

220 VAC. European norm, three - prong grounded plugs.

The Palace of Culture is located approximately 25 kilometers west of the 
airport.   Taxis (about  Kc 500,-) are available to take you to the Congress 

is like a history lesson come true. As you walk among the long stone palaces 
or across the 'Charles Bridge', with Smetana's Vltava flowing below and 
pointed towers all around, you will feel as if history had stopped somewhere 
back in the 18th century.  Goethe called Prague the 'prettiest gem in the 
stone crown of the world'. This cultural center of Europe is famous for its 
architectural treasures that have been so well preserved. Its wealth can be 
gathered from the diversity and quantity of the many Romanesque 
monuments and its Gothic town planning. In time new styles developed, like 
Baroque and later on Art Nouveau. The countenance of Prague reflects every 
cultural period and all the different artistic styles. Musical life is a deeply 
rooted tradition in Prague. One only needs to remember the names of the two 
greatest Czech composers, Antonin Dvorak and Bedrich Smetana. Their 
music can still be heard.  It is said that it is an advantage to be a foreigner in 
Prague. The renowned Slavonic hospitality manifests itself in Prague at every 
step. A lot of traditional Czech products are offered, like crystal, porcelain, 
earthenware, but also CDs, and illustrated art books. The national beverages 
like beer and sliwowitz are worth a try and restaurants offer a wide variety of 
food. Prague is ready to welcome its visitors and let you share in the 
experience of 'awakening to a beautiful dream'

ENC5 appointed CSA (Czechoslovak Airlines) as official carrier of the 
conference. CSA has guaranteed to provide the lowest available fare at the 
time your ticket is issued. Please contact CSA representatives in your 
countries together with the confirmation of paid registration fee. An 
Information desk of CSA will be open at the Palace of Culture during the 
Conference period.



The following hotels are offering special INET'94/JENC5 conference rates.
The prices include breakfast and V.A.T. tax.

Forum Hotel (Conference headquarters)
Kongresova 1, Prague 4                  
Tel.: +42-2-6119-1111
Fax.: +42-2-421-669
USD 153,- /single   
USD 168,- /double
Located opposite the Congress venue (approx. 200 meters).

Panorama Hotel 
Milevska 7, Prague 4                    
Tel.: +42-2-6116-1111
Fax.: +42-2-426-263
USD 125,- /single       
USD 142,- /double
Located very close to the Metro, line C, 
two stops from the Congress venue (approx. 10 minutes).

Union Hotel (2 kilometers from Congress Venue)
Ostrcilovo nam. 4, Prague 2             
Tel.: +42-2-6121-4812
Fax.: +42-2-6121-4820
USD  95,- /single       
USD 112,- /double
Located in the neighbourhood of the Congress venue,
within walking distance (approx. 10-15 minutes).

Patty Hotel (1 kilometer from Congress Venue)
Signorova 4, Prague 2                           
Tel.: +42-2-290-052 or 290-053
Fax.: +42-2-292-197
USD 80,- /single        
USD 93,- /double
Located within walking distance (approx. 5 minutes).

ILF Hotel (3 kilometers from Congress Venue)
Budejovicka 15, Prague 4                        
Tel.: +42-2-433-553, 422-555
Fax.: +42-2-423-692
USD 50,- /single        
USD 65,- /double
Located very close to Metro, line C,
three stops from the Congress venue (approx. 10 minutes).

Kupa Hotel (8 kilometers from Congress Venue)
Kupeckeho 842, Prague 4 - Haje          
Tel.: +42-2-791-0321 or 791-0221
Fax.: +42-2-791-0216
USD 30,-/single         
USD 40,-/double
Located on Metro, line C (approx. 15 minutes)

Please mark on the registration form your hotel preference (first and
second choices please) and any special requests.



All participants are encouraged to register before May 1st to obtain the 
reduced registration fee. Please complete the enclosed conference 
registration form and return it, with a check payable in U.S. dollars, by mail to 
the address listed on the form. Registration with credit card payments are 
possible and may be sent by E-mail or Fax to the Conference Registration 
Office. The conference registration form also serves as a reservation for hotel 
accommodation. In order to reserve a hotel room, either complete the credit 
card authorisation section on the conference registration form, or include  1 
night's payment for accomodation along with the conference registration fee, 
payable by company check in US dollars. (Personal checks are not 
acceptable.) Several exciting optional tours have been arranged, as 
described below. A separate form is enclosed and should be mailed, along 
with full payment, directly to the tour company. A Registration and Information 
desk will be open at the Palace of Culture in Prague beginning Tuesday, 
June 14, 1994, from 12.00 hours up until Friday, June 17 12.00 hours. 

A letter confirming conference registration and hotel accommodation will be 
sent to each participant upon receipt of the completed registration form and 
accompanying payment. This letter should be presented to the Registration 
Desk at the Palace of Culture upon arrival.

The registration fees cover attendance to all conference sessions. Also 
included are the Opening Reception, Gala Dinner, Cocktail Party, luncheons, 
coffee breaks, and conference materials including the program, full paper 
proceedings and other conference publications. The fee for an accompanying 
person includes the Opening Reception, Gala Dinner, and Cocktail Party. 
Attendance at the conference sessions, luncheons, and conference materials 
are not included in this fee. 

All payments must be in United States Dollars. Bank transfer, check and 
international credit cards (VISA, American Express and Master Card) are 
acceptable. Bank account  No. 1412130287 / 0100, Komercni banka, 
Dejvicka 52, Praha 6, Czech Republic. Please make sure your name is 
added on the transfer slip. 

In the case of cancellation, WRITTEN (postal, fax, or electronic) notification 
must be sent to the Registration Office and received on or before the dates 
indicated. Refunds will be made after deducting expenses and cancellation 
charges according to the schedule below.

Hotel Cancellations:
30 days prior to arrival without cancellation fee
30-15 days prior to arrival 30% from deposit
15- 7 days prior to arrival 60% from deposit
7 days and less prior to arrival 100%

Cancellation of conference registration:
on or before May 25	$ 50 (administrative fee)
from May 25 to June 10	50% of registration fee
from June 11	no refund

Full payment must be received by 1 May 1994 to confirm your reservation. 
Requests for refunds must be received 10 days prior to the tour. No refunds if 
cancellation received later than 10 days prior to the tour. A minimum of 15 
persons is required for the operation of tours. Full refunds will be issued if
the minimum number of participants is not met.


                           Related Meetings


In conjunction with INET'94/JENC5 Conference, a workshop for networking
training for developing countries will be held prior to the conference
itself. The workshop will take place at the Czech Technical University
during 5 - 11 June 1994.

An intensive program of instruction, with emphasis upon hands-on network
construction, configuration and use, is planned for each of four program
1) Dial-up networking technology
2) TCP/IP networking technology
3) Network navigation and services
4) National network management

For additional information, please contact: 
Jo-Anne Scott (joscott@igc.apc.org).

RARE Working Groups

Prior to the conference, on Monday June 13 and Tuesday June 14, RARE
Working Group meetings will take place. During these meetings the different
Working Groups will introduce their current activities and discuss various
high priority topics. The meetings are open to all those who are

Monday, June 13
- RARE Working Group on Information Services and User Support 
- RARE Working Group on Network Applications Support

Tuesday, June 14
- RARE Working Group on Lower-Layers Technology
- RARE Working Group on Information Services and User Support 

- 17:30-18:30 Internet Society Open Membership Meeting
- 18:30-20:30 Opening Reception



Saturday - Sunday, June 11 - 12, 1994
Pre-congress Tour: West Bohemian Spa Triangle
departure at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 11 from Palace of Culture, arrival at 
7:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 12 to Palace of Culture
.......... single room   USD 252,-
.......... double room   USD 231,-
Tour to the so-called West Bohemian Triangle - Karlovy Vary, Marianske 
Lazne and Frantiskovy Lazne. You will be accommodated in the most famous 
of these spas in Karlovy Vary, founded more than 600 years ago by Charles 
IV, King of Bohemia. The colonnades with mineral water springs are 
incorporated into a beautiful natural background of greenery. Accommodation 
will be arranged at the Pupp Hotel - a hotel located in the spa area and with a 
famous past dating back to the early 18th century. During the walking tour 
you can taste mineral waters and the popular Czech elixir Becher Liqueur. 
You will also visit the ancient royal town Cheb with the unique architectonic 
group of medieval houses called Spalicek.

Saturday - Monday, June 11 - 13,1994
Pre-congress Tour: Vienna - South Moravia - Prague Meeting point 1:00 
p.m., Saturday, June 11 at a hotel in Vienna, Austria, return 7:00 p.m., 
Monday, June 13 to the Palace of Culture, Prague
.......... single room   USD  480,-
.......... double room   USD  440,-
A combined 3-days tour to South Moravia and to the capital of Austria, 
Vienna. You will see the main sights of this beautiful city (Schonbrunn, 
Hofburg, Ringstrasse, Prater and more) and in the evening you can taste 
Austrian wine in a traditional wine restaurant. Accommodation is in a 4 star 
hotel in the centre of the city. Then you will continue to the picturesque region 
of South Moravia in the Czech Republic. This region has always boasted its 
good wine, charming national songs and dulcimer music. You will visit the 
historical towns Telc and Brno. Telc, with its unique medieval houses and a 
beautiful Renaissance chateau, is protected by UNESCO. Brno, the largest 
city in South Moravia, is well-known not only for its historical monuments, but 
also for its international trade fairs. Accommodation is also in a 4 star hotel in 
Brno. The last day after the sightseeing tour of Brno you will enjoy a romantic 
boat trip through the magnificent stalagtite Punkva caves in the Moravian 
Karst near town. A professional Guarant guide will provide entertaining and 
informative narration throughout the tour.

Tuesday, June 14, 1994 and Thursday, June 16 1994
City Tour: Prague Castle and Mala Strana 
(9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), USD 13,- per person
You will see the main attractions of Prague Castle (including St. Vitus 
Cathedral from the 14th century, the Royal Palace, Golden Lane) and the 
beautiful historical district under the Castle called Little Town (Mala Strana).

Tuesday, June 14, 1994 and  Thursday, June 16 1994
Konopiste Chateau (9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), USD 24,- per person A 
magnificent castle situated about 40 km southeast of Prague. The last private 
owner was Archduke Franz Ferdinand d'Este, successor to the Austrian 
throne (assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914). The castle is situated in a lovely 
park and contains extensive collections of historical weapons, hunting 
trophies, china and other artifacts.

Wednesday, June 15, 1994 and Friday, June 17 1994
City Tour: The Old Town and Jewish Prague 
(9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), USD 13,- per person
You will enjoy the Old Town Square with famous astronomical clock, Town 
Hall and the Prague Ghetto with several Synagogues and the Jewish 

Wednesday, June 15, 1994
Karlstejn Castle (9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.), USD 23,- per person Karlstejn Castle 
(35 km to the south-west of Prague) is the most visited castle in the Czech 
Republic. The castle, originally built in the 14th century by Charles IV to 
house the coronation jewels, is situated in a lovely, romantic landscape 
amidst deep forest. The castle tour lets you enjoy the interiors including the 
Royal Palace and the original bedroom of Charles IV. 

Thursday, June 16, 1994
An Evening in Prague's Oldest Brewery "U Fleku" 
(8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.), USD 25,- per person Songs, traditional Czech 
cuisine, and world-famous Czech dark beer in the spirit of Prague during the 
turn of the century.

Thursday, June 16, 1994
An Evening in the wine cellar "U Pastyrky"  (8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.), USD 23,- 
per person Enjoy traditional atmosphere, Gypsy music, the hearty dry 
Moravian red and white wines and a delicious dinner cooked over an open 

Thursday, June 16, 1994
State Opera (7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.), USD 20,- per person

Saturday - Sunday, June 18 - 19, 1994
Post-Congress Tour: Treasure of South Bohemia
Departure 8:30 a.m. on Saturday 18, from Palace of Culture, return 7:00 p.m. 
on Sunday 19, to Palace of Culture
.......... single room USD 205,-
.......... double room USD 184,-
South Bohemia is the region everybody likes to return to. It offers more than 
15.000 works of architecture, including castles, chateaux, monasteries and 
historical towns. The natural riches of South Bohemia are also immeasurable. 
You will enjoy the most impressive and interesting of these monuments, 
Hluboka Castle. It is built in a beautiful Tudor Gothic style and is filled with 
sumptuous tapestries, wood carvings, china, pictures and old weapons. 
Ceske Budejovice is a South Bohemian metropolis and the protected urban 
reservation was founded in the 13th century. Zlata Koruna, a monastery, is 
also from the 13th century. Cesky Krumlov considered to be the best-
preserved Renaissance town in Central Europe, is protected by UNESCO. 
Trebon is a small picturesque town with the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, 
here you can rest for a while on the banks of the loveliest South-Bohemian 
fishpond. You will be accommodated in a 4 star hotel in Ceske Budejovice, 
while in the evening  dinner will be served  in a traditional Czech restaurant. A 
great deal of walking is involved, so please wear comfortable shoes. 

Saturday - Monday, June 18 - 20, 1994
Post-Congress Tour: Prague - North Moravia - Budapest
Departure 8:00 a.m. on Saturday 18, from Palace of Culture,
tour ends at 1:00 p.m. on Monday 20, in Budapest, Hungary
..........  single room	USD 492,-
........... double room	USD 432,-
This Tour will show you the main attractions and natural beauties of Northern 
Moravia. Olomouc with its 200 architectural sights, is second only to Prague 
as a conservation area. At Sternberk Castle you will enjoy the interesting 
clock museum. You will also visit the open-air museum in Roznov pod 
Radhostem, set in delightful mountain scenery. The second day we welcome 
you to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, where you can see all the main 
sights (including Herous Square with its Millenium Monument, Matthias 
Church and the Fishermen's Bastion in the Castle area). You will spend the 
evening in a traditional hungarian wine cellar with folklore show and wine-
tasting. Accommodation is in a 4-star hotel.



Payment Policy: Full payment must be received by 1 May 1994 to confirm
your reservation. Requests for refunds must be received 10 days prior to
the tour. No refunds if cancellation is received later than 10 days prior
to the tour. To cancel, send fax or write c/o the address noted below. A
minimum of 15 persons is required for the operation of tours. Full refunds
will be issued if the minimum number of registrants is not met.

Family Name: 	
First Name: 	
Prof__ Dr__ Mr__ Ms__

Street Address: 	



Postal Code: 	




All payments must be in United States Dollars. Bank transfer, international 
money orders and international credit cards (VISA, American Express and 
Master Card) are acceptable. Personal checks are not acceptable.

Bank Transfer:	Bank account No. 1412130287/0100, Komercni banka, 
Dejvicka 52, Praha 6, Czech Republic, with your name

____VISA           ____MasterCard            ____American Express

Credit Card Number 	
Expiration Date 	
Name on Card 	

Special Needs:
Saturday - Sunday, June 11 - 12, 1994
Pre-congress Tour: West Bohemian Spa Triangle
Departure at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 11 from Palace of Culture,
arrival at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 12 to Palace of Culture
______Tickets at USD 252,- / single room
______Tickets at USD 231,- / double room

Saturday - Monday, June 11 - 13, 1994
Pre-congress Tour: Vienna - South Moravia - Prague
Meeting point at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 11 at hotel in Vienna, Austria
arrival at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 13 to Palace of Culture.
______Tickets at USD 480,- / single room
______Tickets at USD 440,- / double room

Tuesday, June 14, 1994
City Tour: Prague Castle and Mala Strana, 9:00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
_______Tickets at USD 13,- per person

Tuesday, June 14, 1994
Konopiste Chateau, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 24,- per person

Wednesday, June 15, 1994
City Tour: The Old Town and Jewish Ghetto, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 13,- per person

Wednesday, June 15, 1994
Karlstejn Castle, 9:30 a.m. - 1.:30 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 23,- per person

Thursday, June 16, 1994
City Tour: Prague Castle and Mala Strana, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 13,- per person

Thursday, June 16, 1994
Konopiste Chateau, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 24,- per person

Thursday, June 16, 1994
An Evening in Prague's Oldest Brewery 'U Fleku', 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 25,- per person

Thursday, June 16, 1994
An Evening in the wine cellar 'U Pastyrky', 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 23,- per person

Thursday, June 16, 1994
State Opera, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 20,- per person

Friday, June 17, 1994
City Tour: Old Town and Jewish Ghetto, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
______Tickets at USD 13,- per person

Saturday - Sunday, June 18 - 19, 1994
Post-Congress Tour: Treasure of South Bohemia
Departure at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday 18, from Palace of Culture,
arrival at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday 19, to Palace of Culture.
______ Tickets at USD 205,- / single room
______ Tickets at USD 184,- / double room

Saturday - Monday, June 18 - 20, 1994
Post-Congress Tour: Prague - North Moravia - Budapest
Departure at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday 18, from Palace of Culture,
the end of Tour at 1:00 p.m. on Monday 20, in Budapest.
______Tickets at USD 492,- / single room
______Tickets at USD 432,- / double room

Mail to: 
Opletalova 15
Praha l, 110 00
Czech Republic

Tel. +42-2-24210650/24210735
Fax. +42-2-260130

                                               FAQ 94-010 v.1.0