Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #142
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 13 Jul 97       Volume 15 : Issue 142

Today's Topics:

      [*] AkuaSweets 102
      [*] APTAS 2.01c
      [*] Brix 1.0.2
      [*] Burning of Eden, version 2
      [*] Burning Rubber 1.2.3
      [*] CLUT Maker
      [*] FileTyper 5.3
      [*] Flash-Pro 3
      [*] FreeBytes
      [*] FTP Archive Commenter 1.1
      [*] FTP Prelude_1.0v2-fm3
      [*] FTP Prelude_1.0v2Updt
      [*] HQX1.hqx
      [*] Instant Folders 2.0
      [*] Instant Folders 2.0 Italian
      [*] Italian spelling dictionary - foreign languages learning
      [*] Latin Dictionary for ObiWan
      [*] MacTypingTutor
      [*] Make Turkish Fonts
      [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.0 PPC
      [*] Noah! 1.0
      [*] NS-TOWER 2.5 --- Climb up the tower!
      [*] NS-TOWER 2.5J --- Climb up the tower!
      [*] Orkney Runes - two runic typefaces
      [*] Pict2Ascii-1.03-src.sit
      [*] PictureBank Lite 3.0 - FileMaker Pro graphics extender
      [*] PixMaps1.hqx
      [*] Ralph 1.0
      [*] Rock Solid 2.1
      [*] Sentinels of Ceth v1.0
      [*] Sim-Cinema DELUXE 1.0
      [*] speed-demon-122-patch.sit.hqx
      [*] speed-demon-122.sit.hqx - 3D car racing
      [*] Spike 1.25
      [*] Stev Folders Set#2
      [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set#3
      [*] StoryMaker 1.0
      [*] TestPilotTyper
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.3 - dictionary & spellchecker
      [*] VCD Player 1.3.1
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6.5 - foreign language learning
      [*] WolfEdit Demo 2.0.3
      [*] Word Search
      [*] Word Translator - version 2.5
      [*] Yacht-3D 1.1 (PPC)

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Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:26 -0700
Subject: [*] AkuaSweets 102

AKUA Sweets V1.02
(C)1997 AKUA interactive media AG
Released: 04.July, 1997 (The Mars landing just happened!)

Changes to V1.01
++  Resolve... commands did not work with a password since that field is
filled with "ooo"s when typed. We now "type" the field rather than just
setting its text. Also found a problem with ResolveTo()'s late change to
use alias records instead of FSSpecs.

++  New "the kind of entry in ... named ..." command to replace the
Finder's exists() command.

++  AkuaCopy can now detect a click on its progress window and allow it
to be dragged.

the kind of entry in ... named ... [with(out) creation]

v Description
This is a simple function that checks for the existance of a file or
folder within another folder. The optional creation flag allows the
creation of a folder if there is no such object in the folder. We use
this to create parallel folders when converting documents.


Both functions resolve an alias file with the ability to enter the
User/Password in a possible resulting server dialog.

Gregory Lemperle-Kerr
AKUA interactive media AG
Zurich, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/akua-sweet-102-osaxen.hqx; 42K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:59 -0700
Subject: [*] APTAS 2.01c

File name: APTAS 2.01c.sit.hqx

A parent-teacher appointment scheduler.

A colourised Hypercard Stack designed to provide individual appointment
lists for parents wishing to interview teachers. Teacher appointments are
also provided and the program is fully customisable. It is time limited to
30 days.

It requires Hypercard 2.2 or higher and system 6.05 or higher

The archive contaisn 5 files viz APTAS2.01 itself, a readme file and 2
sample text files to allow for testing.

The program limitations are
>Macintosh compatible version only
>needs Palatino and Zapf Dingbats type fonts to be present on the system
>maximum of 45 staff can be entered
>maximum of 155 pupils can be entered

Feature summary
>clickable lists - minimum of typing
>individual parent appointment list
>parents can indicate the earliest time they can attend
>individual staff appointment lists
>staff can indicate their earliest and latest appointment times
>staff and pupil lists can be imported from a wordprocessor
>appointment lists can be browsed and printed
>time interval between teacher interviews can be set to 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30
>time interval between parent interviews can be set to 10, 15, 20 or 30 mins
>printed parent invitation customised to school and evening
>facilty to include your own two line message at the foot of the parent
>a help screen is available

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/aptas-201c-hc.hqx; 116K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Brix 1.0.2

Brix 1.0.2 is the latest incarnation of the old arcade classic "Breakout".
Armed with only a paddle and a ball, you must bash your way through level
after level of coloured bricks. Brix preserves the fun and challenge of the
original ( no shooting at the bricks here, thank you very much! ) but adds
in its own new elements.

New features in 1.0.2 include improved control system.

System requirements:

        - 68040 or higher
        - System 7.0 or higher
        - 256 colour, 640 x 480 screen
        - 2.5 megs free ram

Brix is shareware - $15 Australian or $12 US.

Hugh Wilson
Curried Yak Productions, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/brix-102.hqx; 582K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:43 -0700
From: (Robert Schenk)
Subject: [*] Burning of Eden, version 2

Subject: Burning of Eden, version 2 (Marathon 1 scenario)

The Burning of Eden 2 is an 18 level scenario for Marathon 1 that has had
many hundreds of hours of youthful enthusiasm devoted to it.

BOE-2 is one of the few large scenarios to be formed for the original
Marathon (Marathon 1) engine. The Burning of Eden has everything you might
ask for. Whether you like realism, carnage, or just aesthetics, we have it
for you. Included is original artwork, an elaborate plotline, three-way
fights, puzzles, gloomy basements, and more!

Version 2 should replace the original Burning of Eden in the archives.
Version 2 adds 11 new network levels, adds many enhancements requested by
users such as more ammo, more secrets, etc., and corrects a variety of

(Note: to use this scenario you must have the commercial game Marathon 1
published by Bungie.)

MaEd (Matt & Ed Schenk)
reached at <> or via <>

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/mthn/burning-of-eden-20.hqx; 3413K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Burning Rubber 1.2.3

Burning Rubber 1.2.3

A top-view car arcarde game for the Macintosh, similar to some C64 classics
such as SpyHunter or the original Burning Rubber.

68030 Processor (better: 68040 or PowerPC)
2 MB Free RAM
13" screen or larger (at least 640x480)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/burning-rubber-123.hqx; 852K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:19 -0700
Subject: [*] CLUT Maker

Here is an resource editor 'CLUT Maker'. 'CLUT Maker' is the editor for
an 8 bit 'clut' resource. You can make an Color Look Up Table (CLUT) for
palette animation, etc.

Regards. Junzo Sato email:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/clutmaker.hqx; 649K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:14 -0700
Subject: [*] FileTyper 5.3

FileTyper is a popular and powerful shareware type/creator and file
attribute editor, including batch and filtering capabilities and a very
fast file manipulation engine. It also includes MakeAutoTyper, a utility
that creates the widely-used "AutoTyper" utilities, and FileTyper Menu,
which gives you fast access to FileTyper's functions from a Finder menu
item and command key shortcut.

Version 5.3.1 is a minor bug-fix update that removes the expiration date
inadvertantly left in FileTyper Menu.

More information can be found on the FileTyper home page:

The author, Daniel Azuma, can be contacted at

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-typer-531.hqx; 778K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Flash-Pro 3

Flash-Pro 3:
        a) The ability to create 2 different types of flashcards  (for
computer use)
         b) The ability to run 2 different types of flashcards
          c) Teacher-Student notes
          d) Flashcard Catalog
           e) An Editor Area
          f) Password protection on the editor area. (Password is
          g) and many, many more features.

Flash-Pro 3 was created for teachers that have one classroom computer
and share it between the students and themselves.  Give it a try, only
1MB.  For more help contact EcoProducts Hawaii at:

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/flash-pro-392.hqx; 1388K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:15 -0700
Subject: [*] FreeBytes

Here is a tiny utility 'FreeBytes'. FreeBytes indicates 'free bytes' of
the current volume on which it is running. An user can get the rate of
occupation easily by seeing an oval meter.

Regards. Junzo Sato email:

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/freebytes.hqx; 109K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:12 -0700
Subject: [*] FTP Archive Commenter 1.1

Archive Commenter can be used to quickly add comments to StuffIt(TM)
Archives. It is especially useful for FirstClass(R) BBSs. Archive
Commenter is Shareware, registration is 10 US$ per copy.

Please note that StuffIt(TM) and StuffIt Lite(TM) are trademarks of
Aladdin Systems, Inc. FirstClass(R) is a registered trademark of SoftArc,
Please see ReadMe for details.

Ansgar Esztermann,

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/archive-commenter-11.hqx; 146K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:29 -0700
Subject: [*] FTP Prelude_1.0v2-fm3

PRELUDE 1.0v2 is a FREE Classical Music database system for FileMakerPro 3
from Claris.

PRELUDE can be used for storing information on Artists, Conductors,
Composers, Works by those composers and movements, Recordings and playing
times, Discs and more, with details of over 600 people and almost 3000
pieces already entered.

Using FileMakerPro's relational capabilities to the full, it provides an
elegant and simple 'single click' interface for cross referencing files -
with one click, list all your discs containing Beethoven piano sonatas, or
all your recordings by Furtwangler. If you've got a recording on both CD
and LP - no problem, PRELUDE deals with it.

Requirements:  You must have FileMakerPro 3 installed on your computer to
be able to use PRELUDE. Information regarding FileMakerPro 3 and its
system requirements can be found at the Claris web site

PRELUDE has been created and tested using Claris FileMakerPro 3.0v4. While
it should work with earlier releases of FileMakerPro 3.0, it cannot be
guaranteed. You can update your copy of FleMakerPro 3.0v1, v2 or v3 to v4
free of charge by downloading the updater software from Claris at the URL
given above.

(c) Duncan Thomson  July 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/data/prelude-102-fm-3.hqx; 4109K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:30 -0700
Subject: [*] FTP Prelude_1.0v2Updt

This package updates existing versions of PRELUDE to version 1.0v2
(English). If you are not currently using PRELUDE then this package is of
no use. The full version 1.0v2 is available for free.

Changes from version 1.0v1
1. Improved handling of excerpt times.
2. Improved printing layouts.
3. Many small bug fixes and slight cosmetic alterations.

PRELUDE is a FREE Classical Music database system for FileMakerPro 3 from

Requirements:  You must have FileMakerPro 3 installed on your computer to
be able to use PRELUDE and this updater. Information regarding
FileMakerPro3 and its system requirements can be found at the Claris web
site <>

PRELUDE has been created and tested using Claris FileMakerPro 3.0v4. While
it should work with earlier releases of FileMakerPro 3.0, it cannot be
guaranteed. You can update your copy of FleMakerPro 3.0v1, v2 or v3 to v4
free of charge by downloading the updater software from Claris at the URL
given above.

(c) Duncan Thomson  July 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/data/prelude-102-updt.hqx; 1274K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:22 -0700
Subject: [*] HQX1.hqx

Routines for working encoding or decoding BinHex.

Full C source code, linkable libraries, documentation, and
a fully functional example MPW tool.

Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 by John Montbriand.
All Rights Reserved.
Permission granted for public use.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/hqx1.hqx; 110K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Instant Folders 2.0

Stop wasting time in Open and Save dialogs! Instant Folders is the ultimate
solution to navigate through directories. It lets you reach any directory
on any disk with a single click, directly from "Open..." and "Save..."
dialog boxes. It's as easy as using bookmarks in many other programs.
You'll no longer have to dig through your deeply-hierarchic disks to get
where you want!
Instant Folders now takes full advantage of the Alias Manager.
Instant Folders 2.0 has many new features: for example, it can
automagically reconnect to a server without having to go through the

New Features since version 1.1b
* Complete release: no longer beta!
* Features Alias Manager's powerful resolution algorithms
* Works correctly with network volumes.
* Fixed the nasty bug with ClarisWorks, FileMaker and a lot of other programs.
* Fixed a bug with Acrobat Reader.

System Requirements
Any 68020 or better Mac or PowerMac
System 7
Less than 15k on your HD and in RAM!

For more informations, please read the enclosed Read Me file.


Camillo Lugaresi

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/instant-folders-20.hqx; 28K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Instant Folders 2.0 Italian

Stop wasting time in Open and Save dialogs! Instant Folders is the ultimate
solution to navigate through directories. It lets you reach any directory
on any disk with a single click, directly from "Open..." and "Save..."
dialog boxes. It's as easy as using bookmarks in many other programs.
You'll no longer have to dig through your deeply-hierarchic disks to get
where you want!
Instant Folders now takes full advantage of the Alias Manager.
Instant Folders 2.0 has many new features: for example, it can
automagically reconnect to a server without having to go through the

New Features since version 1.1b
* Complete release: no longer beta!
* Features Alias Manager's powerful resolution algorithms
* Works correctly with network volumes.
* Fixed the nasty bug with ClarisWorks, FileMaker and a lot of other programs.
* Fixed a bug with Acrobat Reader.

System Requirements
Any 68020 or better Mac or PowerMac
System 7
Less than 15k on your HD and in RAM!

For more informations, please read the enclosed Read Me file.


Camillo Lugaresi

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/instant-folders-20-it.hqx; 29K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Italian spelling dictionary - foreign languages learning

'Italian Spelling' is a dictionary for the application 'V&N Lookup'. You
can use it to check spelling of the Italian texts and for an 'in-depth'
search of the Italian Nouns and Verbs databases. For example searching for
the word 'sono' will find the verb 'essere'. To make a full use of the 'V&N
Lookup' program you should download the modules 'Italian Verbs' and
'Italian Nouns'. 'Italian Verbs' contains the complete conjugation of more
than 1000 verbs including almost all irregular verbs. 'Italian Nouns'
contains inflection of more than 2000 nouns including about 500 examples of
the less-common ways of forming the plural. 'V&N Lookup' allows you to use
these modules simultaneously. You can download the application 'V&N Lookup'
and the modules 'Italian Verbs', and 'Italian Nouns' from the Info-Mac
mirror sites.

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/italian-spelling-10.hqx; 1601K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Latin Dictionary for ObiWan

Here is Latin, a Latin-English dictionary in ObiWan format. It is basically
just a reformatting of the setext version released by Florin Neumann (see

ObiWan is a shareware application by Peter N Lewis. Running in just 200K as
a faceless background app, it provides *instant* lookup in dictionaries of
any size, by way of a palette window that can pop up in front of any

To use, obtain ObiWan (see for the latest
version), then drop Latin into ObiWan's Databases folder.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/latin-dictionary.hqx; 569K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:08 -0700
Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor

MacTypingTutor=81  by Wm. Rogers

MacTypingTutor is an inexpensive Macintosh sharware program that teaches
typing skills, in English. This version has improved keyboard shortcuts. It
uses five integrated work areas that together teach correct finger
placement and "touch-typing" memory of the keys on the keyboard.  Practice
materials include: single letters, letter & number sequences, words,
sentences, paragraphs, and free typing. The program offers a spelling
checker, user-defined speed goals, score sheets, time tracking with
rest-signals, and many other helpful features. It comes in a regular
version (enclosed), a junior version, and a special version (Dvorak). It
also now comes in a French version. Other non-English versions under
development. Program comes with curriculum materials in a text file. Users
can use these materials during practice sessions or create their own
practice routines.

W. Rogers

P.O. Box 64
Kew Gardens,  NY  (USA)

W. Rogers
MacEducational Software

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-345.hqx; 160K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Make Turkish Fonts

This documentation explains in detail how to access the Turkish
characters that are contained in all of Apple's Latin TrueType fonts.

Andreas Prilop

[Archived as /info-mac/info/make-turkish-fonts.hqx; 4K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.0 PPC

Mazeworld Abyss is a real-time point-of-view arcade game unlike any
other.  It combines the great design of arcade games of the past with
innovative, experimental game-play of the future.  In addition to its
unique game-play, it features beautiful texture-mapped graphics rendered
at up to 60 frames per second.

Version 1.0 sees numerous changes,  the most important being the addition
of Abyss' sister game, 'Mega Mash'!

In the 'Abyss' scenario,  the player or players try to make it to the
bottom of the Abyss,  a ten level domain full of strange hostile
creatures,  to defeat the evil Death Shades.  Along the way the players
must collect gems,  light lava lamps,  solve puzzles and outrun the
dreaded Eashire Cat.  They'll have to dodge the energy projectiles thrown
at them from all sides by 10 different kinds of creatures,  all of which
behave differently.

The new 'Mega Mash' scenarios are even more interesting.  Mega Mash is a
simulation where two or more opposing groups of creatures try to take
over a maze level.  Creatures attack creatures on opposing teams to try
to 'assimilate' or 'convert' them to their own team.  Mega Mash is fun
for one player, or two players can compete on the same Mac.  It also
makes a fascinating screen display just to watch in demo mode.

Mazeworld Abyss is shareware,  $10.  Once you register,  your maximum
shields in the Abyss scenario are 100% as opposed to 50%,  and you'll be
able to play the Mega Mash scenarios.  You can see Mega Mash in demo mode
before registering,  by choosing "Choose Scenario..." in the File Menu.

For Mazeworld Abyss screenshots and news, visit our web page at

Mazeworld Abyss requires a Power Macintosh with 256-color or better
graphics,  4.5 Megs of free RAM and System 7 or later.  Requires Apple's
ObjectSupportLib library (already installed on most Power Macs).


[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/mazeworld-abyss-10-ppc.hqx; 1306K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:13 -0700
Subject: [*] Noah! 1.0

Noah! 1.0 by Troposphere Software

Hours of Fun for Your Toddler!

Noah! is a game for toddlers. Noah! is full of colorful letters,
pictures, shapes, and sounds. My son Noah has had many hours of fun
playing the game that shares his name, and I hope your child will too!

Features: Stereo Sound Effects Hand-Painted 256 Color Graphics
Reccomended for children ages 6 to 36 months old.

Requires: * Any Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or MacOS Compatible computer
capable of running System 7 (minimum Mac II, 4MB RAM) * Color Quickdraw
capable machine (no Macintosh 128K, 512K, Plus, PowerBook 100, Classic,
or SE) * 700-1000KB of free memory, depending on your system
configuration * 750KB of free disk space for Noah! and it's

Shareware, $15.00 (US)

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/noah-10.hqx; 510K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:53 -0700
Subject: [*] NS-TOWER 2.5 --- Climb up the tower!

NS-TOWER is an action game.  The purpose of this game is to climb up the tower.
Press space bar or mouse button and hold it down to hold the power and releas
it to jump.  The longer you hold the space bar down, the higher you can jump.
There is some floor types (such as "Conveyer Belt").  This version has smooth
scrolling and BGM.
This software is a shareware.  Permission is granted to the InfoMac staff to
include this program on their CD-ROM.  Any othe shareware publisher should
contact us to get our approval.

ver2.5 --- Jump Count option is added

System requirements:
MacOS 7.0 or later / 640x480 pixel screen / 256 colors display / 1.5MB RAM

For more information, please visit our Web page:


Akihiko Akusanagi

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/ns-tower-25.hqx; 799K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:50 -0700
Subject: [*] NS-TOWER 2.5J --- Climb up the tower!

This file is the Japanese version of NS-TOWER.
NS-TOWER is an action game.  The purpose of this game is to climb up the tower.
Press space bar or mouse button and hold it down to hold the power and releas
it to jump.  The longer you hold the space bar down, the higher you can jump.
There is some floor types (such as "Conveyer Belt").  This version has smooth
scrolling and BGM.
This software is a shareware.  Permission is granted to the InfoMac staff to
include this program on their CD-ROM.  Any othe shareware publisher should
contact us to get our approval.

ver2.5J --- Jump Count option is added

System requirements:
MacOS 7.0 or later / 640x480 pixel screen / 256 colors display / 1.5MB RAM

For more information, please visit our Web page:


Akihiko Akusanagi

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/ns-tower-25-jp.hqx; 738K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Orkney Runes - two runic typefaces

The Orkney Runes package contains a pair of complementary runic typefaces
based on the Viking graffiti found in the Neolithic tomb at Maes Howe. The
runes are taller and thinner than most runic fonts, and the character set
is not identical to more conventional futharks.

Orkahaug is a rough textured version of the other typeface, Maeshowe. Both
TrueType and Postscript versions are included.

Freeware. It is okay to include it on the Info-Mac CD.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/orkney.hqx; 173K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Pict2Ascii-1.03-src.sit

   This is the source code for Pict2Ascii, available somewhere else
   in the archive as Pict2Ascii-FAT-1.03.sit.

   The only change since 1.02 is the support for scriptability.

   Pict2Ascii is a freeware than interactively generates texts that
   "look like" the pictures you feed it with, giving you control
   over various settings.

   The source code is heavily based on C++ and PowerPlant (CW10).
   I make it available as an exemple of what a "real" app can look
   like with PowerPlant, while small enough to be mastered easily.

   I don't claim it is well written or particularly clever, but hey,
   it works not too bad !

   This code is free, but not in the public domain. See the loose
   reuse conditions enclosed.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/pict-2-ascii-103-src.hqx; 130K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:27 -0700
Subject: [*] PictureBank Lite 3.0 - FileMaker Pro graphics extender

PictureBank 3.0 is a FileMaker 3.0 companion application that
greatly extends FileMaker's image handling capabilities. It
allows FileMaker Pro users to create and customize their own
image databases, using all the power and flexibility of
FileMaker Pro while providing many useful tools such as:

- Support for many graphics formats (JPEG, GIF, PhotoShop,...);
- Thumbnail of the image whose record is being browsed in FM;
- Display and full-screen display of any image, with pan, scroll
  and zoom;
- Catalog windows with the previews of a given set of records;
- Slide shows with manual or automatic timing;
- Automatic record creation through Finder drag&drop operations;
- Internet images archival with simple Netscape drag&drop
- Internet URL launching via the popular Internet Config
- On-the-fly image format conversion (to PICT) for FileMaker
  print operations;
- Handy single-image commands to open an image with a given
  editor, reveal its icon in the Finder, print it with the
  application that created it, etc...
- Handy multiple-images commands to copy several images to a
  given folder, create aliases to all of them, use them as the
  current FileMaker found set, etc...
- And much more!

System requirements: FileMaker Pro 3.0 or later, System 7.1 or
later, AppleScript and QuickTime 2.5 or later. Supported
graphics formats currently include PICT, JPEG, GIF, SGI, QTIF,
PhotoShop, and MacPaint. PNG is supported if the appropriate
QuickTime Graphics Importer is installed, and more formats
will be added when other importers become available.

The Lite version is limited to 120 images (records) at a time
and is distributed as shareware. A commercial version is also
available and can be purchased directly through Kagi with the
provided Register utility.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/picture-bank-lite-30.hqx; 891K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:25 -0700
Subject: [*] PixMaps1.hqx

PixMap Libraries 1.0

Routines for drawing with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 bit PixMaps.

    - routines for creating PixMap structures in memory.
    - rotate functions for rotating PixMap 90 degrees left and right,
    - flip functions for flipping PixMap data both vertically
    and horizontally,
    - a rotation routine for rotating a PixMap to any particular angle,
    - a routine for duplicating PixMaps,
    - transfer routines for transfering PixMap data to and from the
    PICT format,
    - a complete set of pixel oriented routines for retrieving and
        setting individual pixels in PixMap structures,
    - routines and a macro allowing you to quickly and easily draw
    into PixMaps,
    - routines for copying PixMap images to the current grafport,

C sources included, linkable library files, a source code example,
and documentation.

Copyright (C) 1997 by John Montbriand.  All Rights Reserved.
Permission hereby granted for public use.
Distribute freely in areas where the laws of copyright apply.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/pix-maps-1.hqx; 173K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Ralph 1.0

Ralph 1.0 is my attempt at programming some sort of artificial
intelligence. He might not be the prettiest creature around, but he's
funny. Ralph 1.0 requires a Mac with at least 1050k of RAM free(for B&W),
or 2200k free for colour(recommended).

[Archived as /info-mac/game/ralph-10-hc.hqx; 547K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Rock Solid 2.1

Rock Solid 2.1 - Diamonds. One of the most valuable minerals on earth. As an
executive of the D.E.C (Diamond Excavation Corporation) it's your job to know
everything there is to know about diamonds. With cost overruns reaching record
highs the D.E.C is anxious to cut back its operating budget. You have been
assigned to the diamond excavation division to oversee the mining of 60 new
potential diamond sites. These sites are scattered around the world in some of
the most inhospitable places known to man. From freezing arctic ice caverns to
scorching desert terrain to dirt tunnels deep in the Amazon, it's your job to
ensure these sites are fully mined of their diamonds. For each site you will be
given a limited budget to construct drilling equipment, conveyer belts, power
supplies and support scaffolding. Good Luck. Rock Solid requires a 68020
Macintosh or higher (LCIII or higher recommended), 2 Mb of free RAM, and a
minimum 13 inch 256 colour monitor. System 7 is also required.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/rock-solid-21.hqx; 476K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Sentinels of Ceth v1.0


Sentinels of Ceth is an intensely fast-paced arcade style game.

You are the Sentinel of Ceth. Your enemy, the Doltres race, wants to
plunder the Ceth Temple and you are their only obstacle. Your task is to
prevent the Doltres from stealing the 12 Gems of Ceth, the lifeblood of
the temple.


Adrenaline pumping action at 30 frames per second.
Unlimited levels of play.
8 different Doltres ships.
16-bit rendered graphics with alpha channels.
Intense 16-bit 22kHz stereo sound.
More destruction than you can shake a stick at.


CPU: PowerPC
RAM: 6MB Free
Hard Disk: 6.5MB
Video: 640x480 @ Thousands of Colors (16-bit)
System: MacOS 7.5.3 or later
Other: QuickTime 2.5 or later

For more information, please read the enclosed Read Me file, or visit our
web site at:

Stick Man Games

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/sentinels-of-ceth-10.hqx; 4611K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Sim-Cinema DELUXE 1.0

Sim-Cinema DELUXE is a quality, shareware simulation of the filmmaking
process. In the game, you are a producer who owns a small production
company. You decide all aspects of the movie: name, genre, directors,
cast, crew, etc. You are given a budget from your distributor(e.g.
Universal), and among other things must use it to advertise the film
prior or during its release, if you want to make any money. If your
film's final gross is high enough, you get a spot on the top ten list
among other blockbusters(Jurassic Park, Star Wars, etc.). These are just
a few of the games features.

System Requirements:

PPC or 68k Macintosh
System 7.0.1 or later
Sound Manager 3.0 or later
At least 1 MB of free RAM
A monitor 640x480 or larger, supporting at least 256 colors

For more info on this program please visit my homepage.

Shannon Schroeder, Author
Shareware in the Sky

[Archived as /info-mac/game/sim-cinemadx-10.hqx; 1206K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:54 -0700
Subject: [*] speed-demon-122-patch.sit.hqx

This package will update any previous version of Cerberus Development's
shareware 3D car racing game "Speed Demon" to version 1.2.2.

This release fixes the following issues since 1.2.1:
-The "Time Expired" message will not appear upon completing a level -We had
the car leaning properly the first time.  It's back to normal. -A bad
sample in the finale music has been corrected.

More info and screenshots for Speed Demon are available at

-Frank Kane
Cerberus Development

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/speed-demon-122-patch.hqx; 652K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:56 -0700
Subject: [*] speed-demon-122.sit.hqx - 3D car racing

Cerberus Development announces Speed Demon version 1.2.2, a shareware car
racing sim with carnage for the Power Macintosh.

Speed Demon features a polygon-based texture mapped 3D engine, single
player or network play with up to five players over TCP/IP or Appletalk, a
track mode across the US or a demolition derby mode, and weapons!  Use
whatever means are necessary to complete your track in time or to eliminate
your opponents using machine guns, missile launchers, oil shooters,
phasers, and other surprises.

Speed Demon also features an original stereo musical score, 3D positional
sound effects, and support of the Thrustmaster T2 steering wheel and
pedals, all CH Products and JoyManager devices, and the Thrustmaster FCS
and WCS.

Check out screenshots and get more info from our web page at

A Power Macintosh with 16MB of free RAM is required, and Open Transport 1.1
(included with System 7.5.3 and up) is required for network games.

-Frank Kane
Cerberus Development

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/speed-demon-122.hqx; 7643K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:08 -0700
Subject: [*] Spike 1.25

Spike 1.25 - is a batch movie analyzer that can determine the playability of
QuickTime files from specified target media and specified target platforms.
offers  many of the features of Apple's unsupported MovieAnalyzer, although
is updated for QuickTime 2.5 and beyond. Spike includes a suite of options that
give you complete control over QuickTime data rate spikes. Spike can process
batches of QuickTime files as large as you like. Most QuickTime software reports
an average data rate after compression. Many people use this figure to make the
decision about playability on their target platform. Problems are caused by the
fact that the average data rate does not tell you anything about momentary
data-spikes which may occur in a movie. A movie that reports an average
data rate
of 150k can still have many spikes in excess of 500k. Such spikes will cause
playback from CD-ROM or the web to stutter or glitch.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/spike-125.hqx; 1885K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Stev Folders Set#2

 Steve's NeXT Folders Set #2

 System Requirements: Any Mac
 Size: 401.5KB

 These 145 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders.  Which were
inspired by Michael's NeXT folders.
 I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some
of my own to enhance the look
 of my desk top.

 These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as
long as the readme file is included!

 If you have any questions direct them to my email address:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/steves-next-folders-set-2.hqx; 353K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set#3

 Steve's NeXT Folders Set #3

 System Requirements: Any Mac
 Size: 425.5KB

 These 139 icons are to simulate the look of NeXT folders.  Which were
inspired by Michael's NeXT folders.
 I got tired of looking at the same old folders and decided to make some
of my own to enhance the look
 of my desk top.

 These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as
long as the readme file is included!

 If you have any questions direct them to my email address:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/steves-next-folders-set-3.hqx; 375K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:41 -0700
From: jimburtn@leland.Stanford.EDU
Subject: [*] StoryMaker 1.0

StoryMaker 1.0 is not a game - it is a game creation program, allowing you
to make interactive fiction games complete with sounds, animation, et
cetera.  Includes a color graphics & animation editor, a map editor, and a
very simple programming lanuage (easy to learn).  An interactive fiction
games is a game that lets the user interact with an imaginary world:
manipulating items, exploring rooms, and so on.  If you are familiar with
the old "text adventure" games like Zork and Adventure, you'll recognize
that text adventure is a kind of interactive fiction, but unlike these old
games, StoryMaker games add graphics and sound to the text.  Best of all,
the StoryMaker games you create are stand-alone applications:  they run
even on computers that do not have the StoryMaker program.  Requires
256-color monitor.

James Burton

[Archived as /info-mac/game/story-maker.hqx; 417K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:10 -0700
From: Richard MacLemale <>
Subject: [*] TestPilotTyper

Program:  Test Pilot Typer

Short Description:  Test Pilot Typer is a typing program which puts kids
in the cockpit of an actual NASA test plane.

Long Description:
Test Pilot Typer is a typing tutorial program that helps children learn
to type in a fun and interesting way.  Students type as fast as they can
to keep up with Captain Flywell, who is the top Test Pilot instructor.
Students fly their way through 20 lessons which cover all of the keys.

1.  Can be used by teachers or parents
2.  Can handle up to 100 students, and each student has their own
3.  Remembers when each student took each lesson and how well they did
4.  Time limits are easily set
5.  Features graphics from actual NASA test planes
6.  Prints certificates every 5 levels
7.  Allows teachers or parents to view and/or print summaries of
students progress
8.  High motivation - students love it!

Requirements:  68020 or better, 2.5 meg free ram, 13 inch color monitor.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/test-pilot-typer.hqx; 1174K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:17 -0700
Subject: [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.3 - dictionary & spellchecker

'V&N Lookup' is a simple program to search dictionaries belonging to
Verbs&Nouns and check the spelling. The search is performed on any
number of databases simultaneously. The program can be used in
combination with any text-based application because it searches for any
word that you copy to the clipboard. To learn more about the Verbs&Nouns
databases, download the program 'Verbs & Nouns' which is available from
the same places as this application. The American-English spelling
dictionary is included. The application 'V&N Lookup' is part of my
'Foreign Language Toolkit' project. To try out the program you can
download not-protected databases and play with them. The examples of
them are:
Italian Verbs -
Italian Nouns -
English Dictionary -

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-lookup-104.hqx; 1316K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:07 -0700
From: johnny@HK.Super.NET
Subject: [*] VCD Player 1.3.1

VCD Player 1.3.1
(c) Copyright 1997 Johnny C N Lee, All Rights Reserved.

VCD Player simplifies the process of playing Video CD on your Mac.
Simply launch VCD Player and choose 'Present Movie' and you get full
screen Video CD (MPEG) playback.

Options are handy to change.  They are:-

- Stereo, Left Channel, Right Channel -- for Karaoke or bilingual Video CD

- High Quality

- Clip Edges -- some Video CDs contain noises at screen edges, this
option makes you watch more comfortable.

You can control which track to start watching, just select the track you
want under Tracks menu.

System Requirements

- Power Macintosh

- QuickTime 2.5 or later

- QuickTime MPEG Extension 1.0 or later

What's new in 1.3.1?

- VCD Player can be launched without DisplayLib.

What's new in 1.3.0?

- Movie Control Window -- you can select which point to start playback.

- The position of Control Strip won't be altered after resized playback.

- VCD Player now change the screen to highest possible no. of colors when
'Resize Screen'.

Johnny C N Lee
A Hong Kong Mac OS Developer
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/vcd-player-131.hqx; 319K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6.5 - foreign language learning

Here is the new verision of the 'verbs-and-nouns' application - 1.6.5.

'Verbs & Nouns' is an application for practising inflection, translation
and pronunciation at the level of single words. Features include the
opportunity to do inflection exercises, and translation exercises in
both directions; to record and play sound for single words; and to do
exercises based on sound. The program keeps a record of exercises, and
identifies the words that the student has difficulty with. Along with
the program, you need a module for the target language concerned. The
program can also be used as an authoring tool to write your own modules
of inflected words for any language. A built-in 'inflection-generator'
simplifies the addition of these words. A 'Find' feature allows the
modules to be used as bilingual dictionaries.

Ready-made modules are already available for certain languages:
Italian Verbs [/info-mac/edu/lang/italian-verbs-127.hqx],
Italian Nouns [/info-mac/edu/lang/italian-nouns-11.hqx],
Polish Nouns [/info-mac/edu/lang/polish-nouns-12.hqx],
Russian Verbs and Nouns, Swiss-German Verbs and Nouns,
Modern Greek Verbs [/info-mac/data/modern-greek-verbs-10.hqx].
I've also adapted a huge public domain English-to-English  dictionary
to use with this program

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-165.hqx; 960K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:42 -0700
Subject: [*] WolfEdit Demo 2.0.3

WolfEdit 2 is an application for creating your own scenarios for the
game Wolfenstein 3D. Features and improvements over WolfEdit 1.1/1.1C

* Access to all the walls, objects and enemies in
  the 3rd Encounter and Commercial versions of
  Wolfenstein 3D, including the day/night wall
  and the alternate elevator.

* Ability to replace almost all the artwork in
  the game - walls, objects, enemies, weapons,
  status bar, intermission, etc.

* Control over propagation of sound between rooms.
  Guards in another room can hear you and come chasing...

* Access to all the built-in music, and some
  support for adding your own.

* Plus a few special effects not found in any of the
  original levels!

The Demo version is not crippled! It provides all the functionality
of WolfEdit 1.1C, plus a little more, and allows you to create and
save functioning Wolfenstein scenarios.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/wolf/wolfedit-2.0.3-demo.hqx; 462K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:41:11 -0700
From: Jim Graham <>
Subject: [*] Word Search

"Word Search V2" creates word searches (now there's a surprise!) and has
the following features:-

1) Create square searches from 8 X 8 up to 32 X 32 and in any user
defined shape on a 32 X 32 matrix.
2) Up to 100 words can be inserted into each word search (depending, of
course, on size of the search and the length of the words)
3) Use any font and size (from 9 point up to 30 point) for the words and
the word search in the printed output.
4) Words can be placed in the word search to read in eight possible
directions. The user has full control over which directions are used.
5) The user has full control over
      spacing of the letters of the word search in the printed output.
      spacing between the rows of words in the printed output.
      the title at the top of the printed output page.
      the instruction text on the printed output.
6) Words can be printed in a coded form with a key to allow the user to
decode them.
7) Words can be printed in scrambled form (anagrams).
8) A cheat sheet may be printed showing the position of the words in the
grid and the direction in which they are read.
9) The words and word search may be exported for inserting into a word

System Requirements :- Any AppleMac running under System 7 or greater and
having a minimum display of 640 x 480 pixels

For more information, please read the Read Me file.


Jim Graham

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/word-search-2.hqx; 542K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 17:18:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Word Translator - version 2.5

Word Translator is a Dictionary/Translation tool that works with over 20
languages including French, Spanish, German, Danish, Portuguese and
Russian. It works both as a separate application to look up translations
in foreign languages and with other Macintosh applications.

Improvements in this release include:
 * A new user interface, even faster and easier to use.
 * A NotePad that can be used to store and save text.
 * Full Drag and Drop support.
   Text can be dropped to/from any list/field
 * Resizeable word and translations lists.
 * Screen redrawing has been improved
 * A new toolbar for easy access to commands
I have also changed the pricing structure and dropped the smallest
dictionaries. For more information please visit the new Word Translator
site at:

This package may be included in shareware collections.

Halldor Gislason

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/word-translator-25.hqx; 1390K]


Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 12:40:45 -0700
Subject: [*] Yacht-3D 1.1 (PPC)

Be a part of history!  Download Yacht-3D (Yahtzee) and check out the very
FIRST computer dice game in the known universe to use actual PHYSICS in its
calculations.  Other games just use random number generators.  With Yacht-3D
you can see the dice roll and bounce just as they would on a real table!  Or,
for a unique and safe way to let out your pent up aggressions, switch to
blaster mode and blast away at the dice before the timer runs out.  It's fun!
 It's addicting!  And it's only available on the Macintosh!  (Power Macintosh
required) (PowerPC).  Yahtzee is a registered trademark of the Milton Bradley

Roger Eastman

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/yacht-3d-11-ppc.hqx; 591K]



End of Info-Mac Digest