FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR PAPERS THE 5TH CONFERENCE ON WOMEN WORK AND COMPUTERIZATION "BREAKING OLD BOUNDARIES: BUILDING NEW FORMS" An International Conference under the auspices of the IFIP WG 9.1 (Computers and Work) organized by Staffordshire University, UMIST, WiC and the Open University with support form the University of Manchester. Manchester Conference Centre, UMIST, Manchester, UK July 2 - July 5, 1994 CONFERENCE AIMS AND SCOPE This is the fifth Women, Work and Computerization conference. It will provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and users to present their experiences and research in an area of increasing international interest. In addition, it provides an opportunity for women working in computing to meet and share experiences, as in previous WWC conferences.The unifying theme is "Breaking old boundaries: building new forms". Many of the old divisions that have kept people apart are breaking down. Perhaps we can develop IT to support new and better ways of working. Contributions can deal with, but need not necessarily be limited to, the following topics. International perspectives are particularly welcome. 1. Community, Communications and Information Technology Women's information Networks, computer-mediated communications, multimedia, publishing, gender perspectives on disability and access, IT in the household, stereotyped gender images in mass media and computer games, cross cultural comparisons. 2. IT, Flexibility and Restructuring Careers in IT, management cultures, home infomatics and teleworking, the work process, office systems, women managing IT, gaining recognition for IT skills, roles for trades unions,global division of labour, implementation of new manufacturing technologies. 3. Informations Systems Design and User-centred perspectives Human Computer Interface (HCI), Computer Supported Co-operative work (CSCW), participative approaches to systems design, critiques and new developments in software engineering, gender and expert systems. 4. Education,Training and Learning Training for IT careers, women and girls gaining IT skills and why women don't choose IT, strategies in education (all levels from nursery to university), computers and symbolism in early childhood, computer games, informal learning, IT based educational tools (eg. games, networks and virtual reality). 5. Feminist Theoretical Perspectives on Power, Knowledge and Technology Artificial Intelligence (AI), feminist epistemologies, virtual reality, ubiquitous computing, power in organizations, utopias, technology assessment, policy issues. Contributions from both men and women are invited. Papers should address some aspect of the broad theme women - work - computerization. The conference aims to encourage both empirical and theoretical research. Papers should be no more than 6,000 words long and will be judged on quality and relevance to the conference themes. These will be refereed by members of the international programme committee. All papers will appear in the conference proceedings. In addition a selection of these papers will appear in the conference book to be published by North-Holland after the conference. International Programme Committee Theme Co-ordinators Alison Adam (UK) (Joint Chair) Jenny Owen (UK) (Joint Chair) Gillian Lovegrove (UK) Sheila Williams (UK) Judy Emms (UK) Anne Akeroyd (UK) Frances Grundy (UK) Eileen Green (UK) Andrew Clement (CDN) Lynne Gornall (UK) Flis Henwood (UK) Juliet Webster (UK) International referees Pennie Ottley (UK) Gro Bjerknes (N) Ellen Neighbour (UK) Susanne Bodker (DN) Richard Giordano (UK) Kea Tijdens(NL) Linda Macaulay (UK) Mike Hales (UK) (plus other members from Scandinavia, North America, Australia and Europe). Organizing Committee Chair Sue Williams, School of Computing, Staffordshire University, The Octagon, Beaconside, Stafford ST18 0AD, UK. Tel. +44 (0)785 275449 or +44 (0)785 52331: Fax. +44 (0)785 55334: e-mail Conference Organizers Staffordshire University, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Women into Computing (WiC), the Open University (OU) with support from the University of Manchester. Programme Committee Joint Chairs Jenny Owen, CROMTEC, School of Management, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. Tel. +44 (0)61 200 3401 Alison Adam, Department of Computation, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. Tel. +44 (0)61 200 3330, Fax +44 (0)61 200 3324, e-mail (to whom letters of intent and full papers should be sent) Conference Programme The conference will begin on the morning of Saturday July 2nd and finish after lunch on Tuesday July 5th, 1994. There will be a mixture of plenary sessions including presentations from invited keynote speakers, selected refereed papers by conference participants and workshop/panel/poster sessions, videos, demonstrations of computer programs etc. The conference is supported by WiC (Women into Computing), a UK "grass-roots" organization which aims to encourage more girls and women into computing. As WiC do not plan to hold a separate conference in 1994, Sunday 2nd July will be a day where we hope to encourage a wider representation of teachers, students and computer users in a day of special events with a less formal format (hereafter called the "WiC day"). The remaining three days of the conference will be in a conventional format, focusing on refereed papers. Participants will receive copies of the conference proceedings at the conference. The official language of the conference will be English and all papers must be written in English. The conference will be held in Manchester, famed for the industrial revolution, political radicalism, the birthplace of the electronic computer, its football and cricket teams, the UK Olympic bid for 2000, the largest higher education campus in Western Europe, the formation of the Women's Social and Political Union in the home of the Pankhursts, beautiful countryside within easy reach and the rich diversity of its cultural life. Manchester is easily accessible by road, rail and air. The Manchester Conference Centre is only a few miles from Manchester International Airport. Conference Timetable Letter of intent (abstract) October 1st, 1993 Submission of full paper January 15th, 1994 Acceptance Notification March 15, 1994 Final Version (Camera Ready Copy) May 1, 1994 If you would like to make a contribution to the conference, please fill in and mail the contribution sheet attached below. This will help us guage the level of interest in (1) the topics proposed for refereed papers for the conference, (2) other contributions such as workshops, panel sessions or posters (3) workshops or other contributions to the WiC day. Feedback will be given on these proposals. These should be in the form of a "letter of intent" or abstract of up to one page in length which should indicate any preference as to which part of the conference the contribution is intended. The conference fee will be approximately #230 for registration before April 30th 1994 and #300 after this date and includes the Conference dinner and proceedings. Registration for the WiC day will be around #30 (concessions available). There is a variety of accommodation ranging from student rooms to hotel standard bedrooms. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please tick the box which corresponds to the contribution you plan to make, enter the title of the contribution and enclose one page of details , add your name and FULL address, and return by October 1st, 1993 to:- Alison Adam, IFIP WWC5, Dept. of Computation, UMIST, P.O Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. (EMAIL SUBMISSIONS WELCOME) I am interested in presenting a paper and I enclose a one page abstract/letter of intent [ ] Title of paper ......................................................................... Theme (no. 1 to 5) ........................................................................ I am interested in organizing or contributing to a workshop or other type of session and enclose up to one page of details [ ] Title of Proposed Workshop/Alternative Session................................ I am interested in contributing to the WiC day and enclose details of my intended contribution. [ ] I do not wish to contribute a paper but may be interested in attending the conference. Please add my name to the mailing list for the full conference [ ] or for the WiC day only [ ] NAME: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: EMAIL: