First Announcement and Call for Papers 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on SYSTEM MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION July 10-14, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic The conference will be organized by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, one of the leading institutions in the field of information theory, automatic control and computer science. Among co-sponsors will act also the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, the new representative of the Czech Republic in the International Federation for Information Processing. Topics of the Conference include but are not limited to OPTIMIZATION THEORY - duality and optimality, stability and sensitivity, robustness, system analysis, decomposition, identification, multicriterial optimization OPTIMAL CONTROL - linear and nonlinear systems, game theory, decision making, control and estimation, distributed parameter systems, inverse problems, singularly perturbed systems, algebraic methods in optimal control MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING - theory and algorithms, linear and nonlinear programming, global optimization, nonsmooth optimization, numerical optimization and optimization packages, symbolic and automatic differentiation in optimization, interior point methods, parallel computing, computational geometry, large-scale mathematical programming DISCRETE SYSTEMS - combinatorial optimization, theory and algorithms, integer programming; discrete event systems, reliability and structural optimization, Petri nets, knowledge-based systems, decision support systems, intelligent systems, planning and scheduling STOCHASTIC Optimization - stochastic programming, stochastic control theory, stochastic modelling, fuzzy systems, fuzzy control, neural networks APPLIED MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION - biological and medical systems, distribution and logistic systems, flexible production systems, structural systems, optimization-based computer-aided modelling and design, applications in engineering (electrical, mechanical, civil), energy, communications, finance, economics, ecology, environment etc. The interested researchers are invited and encouraged to submit an extended abstract (2-4 pages) dealing with conference topics to the Conference Secretariat by OCTOBER 15, 1994. Authors will be notified about the acceptance by JANUARY 31, 1995. The official language of the Conference is English. Conference fee is expected not to exceed 500 CHF. Further information about the Conference can be obtained from the 17th IFIP TC7 Conference Secretariat Attn. Dr. J. Dolezal Institute of Information Theory and Automation Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic P.O.B. 18 Pod vodarenskou vezi 4 CZ-18208 Prague, Czech Republic Phone: +42 2 6641-4554 Telex: 122018 atom c Fax: +42 2 6641-4903 E-mail: