CALL FOR PAPERS 4th International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons - ICCHP 94 ORGANIZED BY: Austrian Computer Society and Institut f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik - Vienna University of Technology SUPPORTED BY: IFIP TC 9/WG 9.2, CEPIS, British Computer Society (BCS), Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI), Schweizer Informatiker Gesellschaft (SI) and TermNet TIME: 14 - 16 September 1994, PLACE: Vienna, Austria AIMS: The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conferences on Computers for Handicapped Persons, held in Vienna in 1989 and 1992 and in Zrich 1990, were dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the state of the art of computers and their applications for handicapped persons. The aim of this 4th ICCHP is to update the information about R&D in the area of computer and microelectronic applications and to offer prognosis for future trends. CONTENT: The main contributions will be descriptions of new micro-electronic systems for disabled persons together with reports on ongoing research programs and practical applications. Experts in this field of research from many countries will present their findings and participate in the discussions. TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (but are not restricted to): -State of the art of computer use for handicapped and elderly persons -Technical support in primary and higher education -Future outlook for computer applications in rehabilitation and integration -Hardware and software for handicapped and elderly persons -Microelectronic aids in rehabilitation -Preparation, input and presentation of data, text and graphics -Telecommunications and telenetworks for handicapped and elderly persons -Impact of computer technology on the vocational situation of handicapped persons -Supporting families with handicapped and/or elderly family members PROGRAM COMMITTEE: W. L. Zagler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria (chair) G. Busby, GEC Computer Services, UK (co-chair) R. Wagner, University of Linz, Austria (co-chair) A. Arato, Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungary P. L. Blenkhorn, University of Manchester, United Kingdom F. Destombes, IBM France, Paris, France J. Ekberg, National Agency for Welfare and Health, Finland P. L. Emiliani, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy H. Funakubo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan Ch. Galinski, Infoterm, Vienna, Austria R. Gunzenhaeuser, University of Stuttgart, Germany J. Halousek, Techn. University of Prague, Czech Republic K. M. Helle, Work Research Institute, Norway V. Henn, Universitaetsklinik Zurich, Switzerland J. Klaus, University of Karlsruhe, Germany J.- I. Lindstrom, Telia AB, Sundbyberg, Sweden M. Martin, The Mike Martin Consultancy, United Kingdom J. Muehlbacher, University of Linz, Austria H. J. Murphy, California State University Northridge, USA A. Schneider, Swiss Fed. of the Blind & Visually Impaired, CH M. Soede, Inst. for Rehabilitation Research, The Netherlands A. Spaepen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium H. Thoma, Inst. f. Biomedical Tech. - AKH, Vienna, Austria A Min Tjoa, University of Vienna, Austria T. Vaspori, Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungary ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: W. Grafendorfer (chair), W. Kremser, F. P. Seiler, I. Sudra c/o Austrian Computer Society Wollzeile 1-3/ A-1010 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/1/512 02 35, Fax: +43/1/512 02 35 9 e-mail: CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: English PRECONFERENCE PROGRAM: A number of introductory seminars covering the conference topics is planned for Tuesday, 13 September. Details will follow after we have received your preregistration. EXHIBITION: A product and project exhibition will be held on 13 -16 September. For further information and prices ask the chairman of the organizing committee. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: Please indicate your interest in participating or in submitting a paper/poster/introductory seminar by returning the completed preregistration form as soon as possible to the Austrian Computer Society. FURTHER INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: W. L. Zagler, Institut. f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, TU Wien, A-1040 Wien, Gusshausstr. 27/359/B, Phone: +43/1/504 1830 -11, Fax: +43/1/504 1830 -12, e-mail: DEADLINES: Paper/Poster Preregistration: 4 March 1994 Draft version of papers: 15 April 1994 Notification of acceptance: 30 May 1994 Camera-ready copy: 24 June 1994 Details will follow after we have received your preregistration. CONFERENCE FEE: Fee (before 1 August 1994) after 1 August 1994 Members of OCG,GI,NJSZT,SI and institutional members of OCG (AS 3.300,--) AS 3.800,-- Non-members (AS 4.000,--) AS 4.500,-- Student fee (AS 1.000,--) AS 1.200,-- Special rates for speakers on request. Price does not include introductory seminars. PREREGISTRATION FORM (Please complete and send back per regular mail, e-mail or fax to the Austrian Computer Society, Wollzeile 1-3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43/1/512 02 35, Fax: +43/1/512 02 35 9 e-mail: I am interested in the conference as: Please indicate by inserting (x) ( ) Participant ( ) Speaker (please reply as soon as possible) ( ) Congress ( ) Tutorials ( ) Workshops Preliminary title: Subject/keywords: ( )Exhibitor: ( ) commercial ( ) scientific ( ) poster Family Name: First Name(s): Acad. Title: ( ) male ( ) female Institution: Address: Postal Code: City: Country: Telephone: Fax: e-mail: