patch-2.1.132 linux/net/irda/irqueue.c
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- Date:
Thu Dec 17 09:01:03 1998
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- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.131/linux/net/irda/irqueue.c linux/net/irda/irqueue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+ *
+ * Filename: irqueue.c
+ * Version: 0.3
+ * Description: General queue implementation
+ * Status: Experimental.
+ * Author: Dag Brattli <>
+ * Created at: Tue Jun 9 13:29:31 1998
+ * Modified at: Mon Dec 14 20:11:07 1998
+ * Modified by: Dag Brattli <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998, Aage Kvalnes <>
+ * Copyright (C) 1998, Dag Brattli,
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is taken from the Vortex Operating System written by Aage
+ * Kvalnes. Aage has agreed that this code can use the GPL licence,
+ * although he does not use that licence in his own code.
+ *
+ * This copyright does however _not_ include the ELF hash() function
+ * which I currently don't know which licence or copyright it
+ * has. Please inform me if you know.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Neither Dag Brattli nor University of Troms� admit liability nor
+ * provide warranty for any of this software. This material is
+ * provided "AS-IS" and at no charge.
+ *
+ ********************************************************************/
+#include <net/irda/irda.h>
+#include <net/irda/irqueue.h>
+#include <net/irda/irmod.h>
+static QUEUE *dequeue_general( QUEUE **queue, QUEUE* element);
+static __u32 hash( char* name);
+ * Function hashbin_create ( type, name )
+ *
+ * Create hashbin!
+ *
+ */
+hashbin_t *hashbin_new( int type)
+ hashbin_t* hashbin;
+ DEBUG( 4, "hashbin_create()\n");
+ /*
+ * Allocate new hashbin
+ */
+ hashbin = kmalloc( sizeof(hashbin_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ /*
+ * Initialize structure
+ */
+ memset( hashbin, 0, sizeof(hashbin_t));
+ hashbin->hb_type = type;
+ hashbin->magic = HB_MAGIC;
+ return hashbin;
+ * Function hashbin_clear (hashbin, free_func)
+ *
+ * Remove all entries from the hashbin, see also the comments in
+ * hashbin_delete() below
+ */
+int hashbin_clear( hashbin_t* hashbin, FREE_FUNC free_func)
+ QUEUE* queue;
+ int i;
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return -1;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return -1;);
+ /*
+ * Free the entries in the hashbin
+ */
+ for ( i = 0; i < HASHBIN_SIZE; i ++ ) {
+ queue = dequeue_first( (QUEUE**) &hashbin->hb_queue[ i]);
+ while( queue ) {
+ if ( free_func)
+ (*free_func)( queue );
+ queue = dequeue_first(
+ (QUEUE**) &hashbin->hb_queue[ i]);
+ }
+ }
+ hashbin->hb_size = 0;
+ return 0;
+ * Function hashbin_delete (hashbin, free_func)
+ *
+ * Destroy hashbin, the free_func can be a user supplied special routine
+ * for deallocating this structure if it's complex. If not the user can
+ * just supply kfree, which should take care of the job.
+ */
+int hashbin_delete( hashbin_t* hashbin, FREE_FUNC free_func)
+ int i;
+ QUEUE* queue;
+ DEBUG( 4, "hashbin_destroy()\n");
+ /*
+ * Free the entries in the hashbin, TODO: use hashbin_clear when
+ * it has been shown to work
+ */
+ for ( i = 0; i < HASHBIN_SIZE; i ++ ) {
+ queue = dequeue_first( (QUEUE**) &hashbin->hb_queue[ i ] );
+ while( queue ) {
+ if ( free_func)
+ (*free_func)( queue );
+ queue = dequeue_first(
+ (QUEUE**) &hashbin->hb_queue[ i ]);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Free the hashbin structure
+ */
+ hashbin->magic = ~HB_MAGIC;
+ kfree( hashbin );
+ return 0;
+ * Function hashbin_lock (hashbin, hashv, name)
+ *
+ * Lock the hashbin
+ *
+ */
+void hashbin_lock( hashbin_t* hashbin, __u32 hashv, char* name,
+ unsigned long flags)
+ int bin;
+ DEBUG( 0, "hashbin_lock\n");
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return;);
+ /*
+ * Locate hashbin
+ */
+ if ( name )
+ hashv = hash( name );
+ bin = GET_HASHBIN( hashv);
+ /* Synchronize */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL ) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin], flags);
+ } else {
+ save_flags( flags);
+ cli();
+ }
+ * Function hashbin_unlock (hashbin, hashv, name)
+ *
+ * Unlock the hashbin
+ *
+ */
+void hashbin_unlock( hashbin_t* hashbin, __u32 hashv, char* name,
+ unsigned long flags)
+ int bin;
+ DEBUG( 0, "hashbin_unlock()\n");
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return;);
+ /*
+ * Locate hashbin
+ */
+ if ( name )
+ hashv = hash( name );
+ bin = GET_HASHBIN( hashv );
+ /* Release lock */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL) {
+ spin_unlock_irq( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin]);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL) {
+ restore_flags( flags);
+ }
+ * Function hashbin_insert (hashbin, entry, name)
+ *
+ * Insert an entry into the hashbin
+ *
+ */
+void hashbin_insert( hashbin_t* hashbin, QUEUE* entry, __u32 hashv,
+ char* name)
+ unsigned long flags = 0;
+ int bin;
+ DEBUG( 4, "hashbin_insert()\n");
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return;);
+ /*
+ * Locate hashbin
+ */
+ if ( name )
+ hashv = hash( name );
+ bin = GET_HASHBIN( hashv );
+ /* Synchronize */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL ) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin ], flags);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL ) {
+ save_flags(flags);
+ cli();
+ } /* Default is no-lock */
+ /*
+ * Store name and key
+ */
+ entry->q_hash = hashv;
+ if ( name )
+ strncpy( entry->q_name, name, 32);
+ /*
+ * Insert new entry first
+ * TODO: Perhaps allow sorted lists?
+ * -> Merge sort if a sorted list should be created
+ */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_SORTED) {
+ } else {
+ enqueue_first( (QUEUE**) &hashbin->hb_queue[ bin ],
+ entry);
+ }
+ hashbin->hb_size++;
+ /* Release lock */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL) {
+ spin_unlock_irq( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin]);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL) {
+ restore_flags( flags);
+ }
+ * Function hashbin_find (hashbin, hashv, name)
+ *
+ * Find item with the given hashv or name
+ *
+ */
+void* hashbin_find( hashbin_t* hashbin, __u32 hashv, char* name )
+ int bin, found = FALSE;
+ unsigned long flags = 0;
+ QUEUE* entry;
+ DEBUG( 4, "hashbin_find()\n");
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return NULL;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return NULL;);
+ /*
+ * Locate hashbin
+ */
+ if ( name )
+ hashv = hash( name );
+ bin = GET_HASHBIN( hashv );
+ /* Synchronize */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL ) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin ], flags);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL ) {
+ save_flags(flags);
+ cli();
+ } /* Default is no-lock */
+ /*
+ * Search for entry
+ */
+ entry = hashbin->hb_queue[ bin];
+ if ( entry ) {
+ do {
+ /*
+ * Check for key
+ */
+ if ( entry->q_hash == hashv ) {
+ /*
+ * Name compare too?
+ */
+ if ( name ) {
+ if ( strcmp( entry->q_name, name ) == 0 ) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ entry = entry->q_next;
+ } while ( entry != hashbin->hb_queue[ bin ] );
+ }
+ /* Release lock */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL) {
+ spin_unlock_irq( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin]);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL) {
+ restore_flags( flags);
+ }
+ if ( found )
+ return entry;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+void *hashbin_remove_first( hashbin_t *hashbin)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ QUEUE *entry = NULL;
+ save_flags(flags);
+ cli();
+ entry = hashbin_get_first( hashbin);
+ if ( entry != NULL)
+ hashbin_remove( hashbin, entry->q_hash, NULL);
+ restore_flags( flags);
+ return entry;
+ * Function hashbin_remove (hashbin, name)
+ *
+ * Remove entry with the given name
+ *
+ */
+void* hashbin_remove( hashbin_t* hashbin, __u32 hashv, char* name)
+ int bin, found = FALSE;
+ unsigned long flags = 0;
+ QUEUE* entry;
+ DEBUG( 4, "hashbin_remove()\n");
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return NULL;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return NULL;);
+ /*
+ * Locate hashbin
+ */
+ if ( name )
+ hashv = hash( name );
+ bin = GET_HASHBIN( hashv );
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL ) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin ], flags);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL ) {
+ save_flags(flags);
+ cli();
+ } /* Default is no-lock */
+ /*
+ * Search for entry
+ */
+ entry = hashbin->hb_queue[ bin ];
+ if ( entry ) {
+ do {
+ /*
+ * Check for key
+ */
+ if ( entry->q_hash == hashv ) {
+ /*
+ * Name compare too?
+ */
+ if ( name ) {
+ if ( strcmp( entry->q_name, name) == 0)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ entry = entry->q_next;
+ } while ( entry != hashbin->hb_queue[ bin ] );
+ }
+ /*
+ * If entry was found, dequeue it
+ */
+ if ( found ) {
+ dequeue_general( (QUEUE**) &hashbin->hb_queue[ bin ],
+ (QUEUE*) entry );
+ hashbin->hb_size--;
+ /*
+ * Check if this item is the currently selected item, and in
+ * that case we must reset hb_current
+ */
+ if ( entry == hashbin->hb_current)
+ hashbin->hb_current = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Release lock */
+ if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_GLOBAL) {
+ spin_unlock_irq( &hashbin->hb_mutex[ bin]);
+ } else if ( hashbin->hb_type & HB_LOCAL) {
+ restore_flags( flags);
+ }
+ /* Return */
+ if ( found )
+ return entry;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * Function hashbin_get_first (hashbin)
+ *
+ * Get a pointer to first element in hashbin, this function must be
+ * called before any calls to hashbin_get_next()!
+ *
+ */
+QUEUE *hashbin_get_first( hashbin_t* hashbin)
+ QUEUE *entry;
+ int i;
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return NULL;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return NULL;);
+ if ( hashbin == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ for ( i = 0; i < HASHBIN_SIZE; i ++ ) {
+ entry = hashbin->hb_queue[ i];
+ if ( entry) {
+ hashbin->hb_current = entry;
+ return entry;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Did not find any item in hashbin
+ */
+ return NULL;
+ * Function hashbin_get_next (hashbin)
+ *
+ * Get next item in hashbin. A series of hashbin_get_next() calls must
+ * be started by a call to hashbin_get_first(). The function returns
+ * NULL when all items have been traversed
+ *
+ */
+QUEUE *hashbin_get_next( hashbin_t *hashbin)
+ QUEUE* entry;
+ int bin;
+ int i;
+ ASSERT( hashbin != NULL, return NULL;);
+ ASSERT( hashbin->magic == HB_MAGIC, return NULL;);
+ if ( hashbin->hb_current == NULL) {
+ ASSERT( hashbin->hb_current != NULL, return NULL;);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ entry = hashbin->hb_current->q_next;
+ bin = GET_HASHBIN( entry->q_hash);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that we are not back at the beginning of the queue
+ * again
+ */
+ if ( entry != hashbin->hb_queue[ bin ]) {
+ hashbin->hb_current = entry;
+ return entry;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check that this is not the last queue in hashbin
+ */
+ if ( bin >= HASHBIN_SIZE)
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * Move to next queue in hashbin
+ */
+ bin++;
+ for ( i = bin; i < HASHBIN_SIZE; i++ ) {
+ entry = hashbin->hb_queue[ i];
+ if ( entry) {
+ hashbin->hb_current = entry;
+ return entry;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Function enqueue_last (queue, proc)
+ *
+ * Insert item into end of queue.
+ *
+ */
+static void __enqueue_last( QUEUE **queue, QUEUE* element)
+ DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n");
+ /*
+ * Check if queue is empty.
+ */
+ if ( *queue == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue is empty. Insert one element into the queue.
+ */
+ element->q_next = element->q_prev = *queue = element;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Queue is not empty. Insert element into end of queue.
+ */
+ element->q_prev = (*queue)->q_prev;
+ element->q_prev->q_next = element;
+ (*queue)->q_prev = element;
+ element->q_next = *queue;
+ }
+inline void enqueue_last( QUEUE **queue, QUEUE* element)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ save_flags(flags);
+ cli();
+ __enqueue_last( queue, element);
+ restore_flags(flags);
+ * Function enqueue_first (queue, proc)
+ *
+ * Insert item first in queue.
+ *
+ */
+void enqueue_first(QUEUE **queue, QUEUE* element)
+ DEBUG( 4, "enqueue_first()\n");
+ /*
+ * Check if queue is empty.
+ */
+ if ( *queue == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue is empty. Insert one element into the queue.
+ */
+ element->q_next = element->q_prev = *queue = element;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Queue is not empty. Insert element into front of queue.
+ */
+ element->q_next = (*queue);
+ (*queue)->q_prev->q_next = element;
+ element->q_prev = (*queue)->q_prev;
+ (*queue)->q_prev = element;
+ (*queue) = element;
+ }
+ * Function enqueue_queue (queue, list)
+ *
+ * Insert a queue (list) into the start of the first queue
+ *
+ */
+void enqueue_queue( QUEUE** queue, QUEUE** list )
+ QUEUE* tmp;
+ /*
+ * Check if queue is empty
+ */
+ if ( *queue ) {
+ (*list)->q_prev->q_next = (*queue);
+ (*queue)->q_prev->q_next = (*list);
+ tmp = (*list)->q_prev;
+ (*list)->q_prev = (*queue)->q_prev;
+ (*queue)->q_prev = tmp;
+ } else {
+ *queue = (*list);
+ }
+ (*list) = NULL;
+ * Function enqueue_second (queue, proc)
+ *
+ * Insert item behind head of queue.
+ *
+ */
+#if 0
+static void enqueue_second(QUEUE **queue, QUEUE* element)
+ DEBUG( 0, "enqueue_second()\n");
+ /*
+ * Check if queue is empty.
+ */
+ if ( *queue == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue is empty. Insert one element into the queue.
+ */
+ element->q_next = element->q_prev = *queue = element;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Queue is not empty. Insert element into ..
+ */
+ element->q_prev = (*queue);
+ (*queue)->q_next->q_prev = element;
+ element->q_next = (*queue)->q_next;
+ (*queue)->q_next = element;
+ }
+ * Function dequeue (queue)
+ *
+ * Remove first entry in queue
+ *
+ */
+QUEUE *dequeue_first(QUEUE **queue)
+ QUEUE *ret;
+ DEBUG( 4, "dequeue_first()\n");
+ /*
+ * Set return value
+ */
+ ret = *queue;
+ if ( *queue == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue was empty.
+ */
+ } else if ( (*queue)->q_next == *queue ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue only contained a single element. It will now be
+ * empty.
+ */
+ *queue = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Queue contained several element. Remove the first one.
+ */
+ (*queue)->q_prev->q_next = (*queue)->q_next;
+ (*queue)->q_next->q_prev = (*queue)->q_prev;
+ *queue = (*queue)->q_next;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Return the removed entry (or NULL of queue was empty).
+ */
+ return ret;
+ * Function dequeue_general (queue, element)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+static QUEUE *dequeue_general(QUEUE **queue, QUEUE* element)
+ QUEUE *ret;
+ DEBUG( 4, "dequeue_general()\n");
+ /*
+ * Set return value
+ */
+ ret = *queue;
+ if ( *queue == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue was empty.
+ */
+ } if ( (*queue)->q_next == *queue ) {
+ /*
+ * Queue only contained a single element. It will now be
+ * empty.
+ */
+ *queue = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Remove specific element.
+ */
+ element->q_prev->q_next = element->q_next;
+ element->q_next->q_prev = element->q_prev;
+ if ( (*queue) == element)
+ (*queue) = element->q_next;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Return the removed entry (or NULL of queue was empty).
+ */
+ return ret;
+ * Function hash (name)
+ *
+ * This function hash the input string 'name' using the ELF hash
+ * function for strings.
+ */
+static __u32 hash( char* name)
+ __u32 h = 0;
+ __u32 g;
+ while(*name) {
+ h = (h<<4) + *name++;
+ if ((g = (h & 0xf0000000)))
+ h ^=g>>24;
+ h &=~g;
+ }
+ return h;
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,