patch-2.1.132 linux/drivers/net/irda/irtty.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.131/linux/drivers/net/irda/irtty.c linux/drivers/net/irda/irtty.c
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+ *                
+ * Filename:      irtty.c
+ * Version:       1.0
+ * Description:   IrDA line discipline implementation
+ * Status:        Experimental.
+ * Author:        Dag Brattli <>
+ * Created at:    Tue Dec  9 21:18:38 1997
+ * Modified at:   Mon Dec 14 20:09:42 1998
+ * Modified by:   Dag Brattli <>
+ * Sources:       slip.c by Laurence Culhane,   <>
+ *                          Fred N. van Kempen, <>
+ * 
+ *     Copyright (c) 1998 Dag Brattli, All Rights Reserved.
+ *      
+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+ *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+ *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+ *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *  
+ *     Neither Dag Brattli nor University of Troms� admit liability nor
+ *     provide warranty for any of this software. This material is 
+ *     provided "AS-IS" and at no charge.
+ *     
+ ********************************************************************/    
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <net/irda/irda.h>
+#include <net/irda/irmod.h>
+#include <net/irda/irtty.h>
+#include <net/irda/wrapper.h>
+#include <net/irda/irlap.h>
+#include <net/irda/timer.h>
+#include <net/irda/irda_device.h>
+#include <linux/kmod.h>
+static hashbin_t *irtty = NULL;
+static hashbin_t *dongles = NULL;
+static struct tty_ldisc irda_ldisc;
+static int irtty_hard_xmit( struct sk_buff *skb, struct device *dev);
+static void irtty_wait_until_sent( struct irda_device *driver);
+static int irtty_is_receiving( struct irda_device *idev);
+static int irtty_net_init( struct device *dev);
+static int irtty_net_open(struct device *dev);
+static int irtty_net_close(struct device *dev);
+static int  irtty_open( struct tty_struct *tty);
+static void irtty_close( struct tty_struct *tty);
+static int  irtty_ioctl( struct tty_struct *, void *, int, void *);
+static int  irtty_receive_room( struct tty_struct *tty);
+static void irtty_change_speed( struct irda_device *dev, int baud);
+static void irtty_write_wakeup( struct tty_struct *tty);
+static void irtty_receive_buf( struct tty_struct *, const unsigned char *, 
+			       char *, int);
+char *driver_name = "irtty";
+__initfunc(int irtty_init(void))
+	int status;
+	irtty = hashbin_new( HB_LOCAL);
+	if ( irtty == NULL) {
+		printk( KERN_WARNING "IrDA: Can't allocate irtty hashbin!\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	dongles = hashbin_new( HB_LOCAL);
+	if ( dongles == NULL) {
+		printk( KERN_WARNING 
+			"IrDA: Can't allocate dongles hashbin!\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* Fill in our line protocol discipline, and register it */
+	memset( &irda_ldisc, 0, sizeof( irda_ldisc));
+	irda_ldisc.magic = TTY_LDISC_MAGIC;
+  = "irda";
+	irda_ldisc.flags = 0;
+  = irtty_open;
+	irda_ldisc.close = irtty_close;
+  = NULL;
+	irda_ldisc.write = NULL;
+	irda_ldisc.ioctl = (int (*)(struct tty_struct *, struct file *,
+				    unsigned int, unsigned long)) irtty_ioctl;
+ 	irda_ldisc.poll  = NULL;
+	irda_ldisc.receive_buf  = irtty_receive_buf;
+	irda_ldisc.receive_room = irtty_receive_room;
+	irda_ldisc.write_wakeup = irtty_write_wakeup;
+	if (( status = tty_register_ldisc( N_IRDA, &irda_ldisc)) != 0)  {
+		printk( KERN_ERR 
+			"IrDA: can't register line discipline (err = %d)\n", 
+			status);
+	}
+	return status;
+ *  Function irtty_cleanup ( )
+ *
+ *    Called when the irda module is removed. Here we remove all instances
+ *    of the driver, and the master array.
+ */
+#ifdef MODULE
+static void irtty_cleanup(void) 
+	int ret;
+	/*
+	 *  Unregister tty line-discipline
+	 */
+	if (( ret = tty_register_ldisc( N_IRDA, NULL))) {
+		printk( KERN_ERR 
+			"IrTTY: can't unregister line discipline (err = %d)\n",
+ 			ret);
+	}
+	/*
+	 *  The TTY should care of deallocating the instances by using the
+	 *  callback to irtty_close(), therefore we do give any deallocation
+	 *  function to hashbin_destroy().
+	 */
+	hashbin_delete( irtty, NULL);
+	hashbin_delete( dongles, NULL);
+#endif /* MODULE */
+ *  Function irtty_open(tty)
+ *
+ *    This function is called by the TTY module when the IrDA line
+ *    discipline is called for.  Because we are sure the tty line exists,
+ *    we only have to link it to a free IrDA channel.  
+ */
+static int irtty_open( struct tty_struct *tty) 
+	struct irtty_cb *self;
+	char name[16];
+	ASSERT( tty != NULL, return -EEXIST;);
+	/* First make sure we're not already connected. */
+	self = (struct irtty_cb *) tty->disc_data;
+	if ( self != NULL && self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC)
+		return -EEXIST;
+	/*
+	 *  Allocate new instance of the driver
+	 */
+	self = kmalloc( sizeof(struct irtty_cb), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if ( self == NULL) {
+		printk( KERN_ERR "IrDA: Can't allocate memory for "
+			"IrDA control block!\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset( self, 0, sizeof(struct irtty_cb));
+	self->tty = tty;
+	tty->disc_data = self;
+	/* Give self a name */
+	sprintf( name, "%s%d", tty->,
+		 MINOR(tty->device) - tty->driver.minor_start +
+		 tty->driver.name_base);
+	/* hashbin_insert( irtty, (QUEUE*) self, 0, self->name); */
+	hashbin_insert( irtty, (QUEUE*) self, (int) self, NULL);
+	if (tty->driver.flush_buffer) {
+		tty->driver.flush_buffer(tty);
+	}
+	if (tty->ldisc.flush_buffer) {
+		tty->ldisc.flush_buffer(tty);
+	}
+	self->magic = IRTTY_MAGIC;
+	/*
+	 *  Initialize driver
+	 */
+	/* self->idev.flags |= SIR_MODE | IO_PIO; */
+	self->idev.rx_buff.state = OUTSIDE_FRAME;
+	/* 
+	 *  Initialize QoS capabilities, we fill in all the stuff that
+	 *  we support. Be careful not to place any restrictions on values
+	 *  that are not device dependent (such as link disconnect time) so
+	 *  this parameter can be set by IrLAP (or the user) instead. DB
+	 */
+	irda_init_max_qos_capabilies( &self->idev.qos);
+	/* The only value we must override it the baudrate */
+	self->idev.qos.baud_rate.bits = IR_9600|IR_19200|IR_38400|IR_57600|
+		IR_115200;
+	irda_qos_bits_to_value( &self->idev.qos);
+	/* Specify which buffer allocation policy we need */
+	self->idev.rx_buff.flags = GFP_KERNEL;
+	self->idev.tx_buff.flags = GFP_KERNEL;
+	/* Specify how much memory we want */
+	self->idev.rx_buff.truesize = 4000; 
+	self->idev.tx_buff.truesize = 4000;
+	/* Initialize callbacks */
+	self->idev.change_speed    = irtty_change_speed;
+ 	self->idev.is_receiving    = irtty_is_receiving;
+	/* self->idev.is_tbusy        = irtty_is_tbusy; */
+	self->idev.wait_until_sent = irtty_wait_until_sent;
+	/* Override the network functions we need to use */
+	self->idev.netdev.init            = irtty_net_init;
+	self->idev.netdev.hard_start_xmit = irtty_hard_xmit;
+	self->            = irtty_net_open;
+	self->idev.netdev.stop            = irtty_net_close;
+	/* Open the IrDA device */
+	irda_device_open( &self->idev, name, self);
+	return 0;
+ *  Function irtty_close ( tty)
+ *
+ *    Close down a IrDA channel. This means flushing out any pending queues,
+ *    and then restoring the TTY line discipline to what it was before it got
+ *    hooked to IrDA (which usually is TTY again).  
+ */
+static void irtty_close( struct tty_struct *tty) 
+	struct irtty_cb *self = (struct irtty_cb *) tty->disc_data;
+	/* First make sure we're connected. */
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return;);
+	/* We are not using any dongle anymore! */
+	if ( self->dongle_q)
+		self->dongle_q->dongle->close( &self->idev);
+	/* Remove driver */
+	irda_device_close( &self->idev);
+	/* Stop tty */
+	tty->flags &= ~(1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP);
+	tty->disc_data = 0;
+	self->tty = NULL;
+	self->magic = 0;
+	/* hashbin_remove( irtty, 0, self->name); */
+	self = hashbin_remove( irtty, (int) self, NULL);
+	if ( self != NULL)
+		kfree( self);
+	DEBUG( 4, "IrTTY: close() -->\n");
+ *  Function irtty_change_speed ( self, baud)
+ *
+ *    Change the speed of the serial port. The driver layer must check that
+ *    all transmission has finished using the irtty_wait_until_sent() 
+ *    function.
+ */
+static void irtty_change_speed( struct irda_device *idev, int baud) 
+        struct termios old_termios;
+	struct irtty_cb *self;
+	int cflag;
+	ASSERT( idev != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( idev->magic == IRDA_DEVICE_MAGIC, return;);
+	self = (struct irtty_cb *) idev->priv;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return;);
+	old_termios = *(self->tty->termios);
+	cflag = self->tty->termios->c_cflag;
+	cflag &= ~CBAUD;
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), Setting speed to %d\n", baud);
+	switch( baud) {
+	case 1200:
+		cflag |= B1200;
+		break;
+	case 2400:
+		cflag |= B2400;
+		break;
+	case 4800:
+		cflag |= B4800;
+		break;
+	case 19200:
+		cflag |= B19200;
+		break;
+	case 38400:
+		cflag |= B38400;
+		break;
+	case 57600:
+		cflag |= B57600;
+		break;
+	case 115200:
+		cflag |= B115200;
+		break;
+	case 9600:
+	default:
+		cflag |= B9600;
+		break;
+	}	
+	self->tty->termios->c_cflag = cflag;
+	self->tty->driver.set_termios( self->tty, &old_termios);
+ * Function irtty_init_dongle (self, type)
+ *
+ *    Initialize attached dongle. Warning, must be called with a process
+ *    context!
+ */
+static void irtty_init_dongle( struct irtty_cb *self, int type)
+	struct dongle_q *node;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return;);
+	/* Try to load the module needed */
+	switch( type) {
+	case ESI_DONGLE:
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), ESI dongle!\n");
+		request_module( "esi");
+		break;
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), Tekram dongle!\n");
+		request_module( "tekram");
+		break;
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), ACTiSYS dongle!\n");
+		request_module( "actisys");
+		break;
+	default:
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), Unknown dongle type!\n");
+		return;
+		break;
+	}
+#endif /* CONFIG_KMOD */
+	node = hashbin_find( dongles, type, NULL);
+	if ( !node) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ 
+		       "(), Unable to find requested dongle\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	self->dongle_q = node;
+	/* Use this change speed function instead of the default */
+	self->idev.change_speed = node->dongle->change_speed;
+	/*
+	 * Now initialize the dongle!
+	 */
+	node->dongle->open( &self->idev, type);
+	node->dongle->qos_init( &self->idev, &self->idev.qos);
+	/* Reset dongle */
+	node->dongle->reset( &self->idev, 0);
+	/* Set to default baudrate */
+	node->dongle->change_speed( &self->idev, 9600);
+ * Function irtty_ioctl (tty, file, cmd, arg)
+ *
+ *     The Swiss army knife of system calls :-)
+ *
+ */
+static int irtty_ioctl( struct tty_struct *tty, void *file, int cmd, 
+			void *arg) 
+	struct irtty_cb *self;
+	int err = 0;
+	int size = _IOC_SIZE(cmd);
+	self = (struct irtty_cb *) tty->disc_data;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return -ENODEV;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return -EBADR;);
+	if ( _IOC_DIR(cmd) & _IOC_READ)
+		err = verify_area( VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, size);
+	else if ( _IOC_DIR(cmd) & _IOC_WRITE)
+		err = verify_area( VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg, size);
+	if ( err)
+		return err;
+	switch(cmd) {
+	case TCGETS:
+	case TCGETA:
+		return n_tty_ioctl( tty, (struct file *) file, cmd, 
+				    (unsigned long) arg);
+		break;
+		/* Initialize dongle */
+		irtty_init_dongle( self, (int) arg);
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *  Function irtty_receive_buf( tty, cp, count)
+ *
+ *    Handle the 'receiver data ready' interrupt.  This function is called
+ *    by the 'tty_io' module in the kernel when a block of IrDA data has
+ *    been received, which can now be decapsulated and delivered for
+ *    further processing 
+ */
+static void irtty_receive_buf( struct tty_struct *tty, const unsigned 
+			       char *cp, char *fp, int count) 
+	struct irtty_cb *self = (struct irtty_cb *) tty->disc_data;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return;);
+	/* Read the characters out of the buffer */
+ 	while (count--) {
+		/* 
+		 *  Characters received with a parity error, etc?
+		 */
+ 		if (fp && *fp++) { 
+			DEBUG( 0, "Framing or parity error!\n");
+			irda_device_set_media_busy( &self->idev, TRUE);
+			/* sl->rx_errors++; */
+ 			cp++;
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+		/*
+		 *  Unwrap and destuff one byte
+		 */
+		async_unwrap_char( &self->idev, *cp++);
+		/* self->rx_over_errors++; */
+	}
+ * Function irtty_hard_xmit (skb, dev)
+ *
+ *    Transmit skb
+ *
+ */
+static int irtty_hard_xmit( struct sk_buff *skb, struct device *dev)
+	struct irtty_cb *self;
+	struct irda_device *idev;
+	int actual = 0;
+	ASSERT( dev != NULL, return 0;);
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return 0;);
+	if ( dev->tbusy) {
+		DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), tbusy==TRUE\n");
+		return -EBUSY;
+	}
+	idev = (struct irda_device *) dev->priv;
+	ASSERT( idev != NULL, return 0;);
+	ASSERT( idev->magic == IRDA_DEVICE_MAGIC, return -1;);
+	self = (struct irtty_cb *) idev->priv;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return 0;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return 0;);
+	/* Lock transmit buffer */
+	if ( irda_lock( (void *) &dev->tbusy) == FALSE)
+		return 0;
+        /*  
+	 *  Transfer skb to tx_buff while wrapping, stuffing and making CRC 
+	 */
+        idev->tx_buff.len = async_wrap_skb( skb, idev->, 
+					    idev->tx_buff.truesize); 
+	self->tty->flags |= (1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP);
+	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
+	if ( self->tty->driver.write)
+		actual = self->tty->driver.write( self->tty, 0, 
+						  idev->, 
+						  idev->tx_buff.len);
+	idev->tx_buff.offset = actual;
+	idev->tx_buff.head = idev-> + actual;
+#if 0
+	/* 
+	 *  Did we transmit the whole frame? Commented out for now since
+	 *  I must check if this optimalization really works. DB.
+	 */
+ 	if (( idev->tx.count - idev->tx.ptr) <= 0) {
+ 		DEBUG( 4, "irtty_xmit_buf: finished with frame!\n");
+ 		self->tty->flags &= ~(1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP);
+ 		irda_unlock( &self->tbusy);
+ 	}
+	dev_kfree_skb( skb);
+	return 0;
+ * Function irtty_receive_room (tty)
+ *
+ *    Used by the TTY to find out how much data we can receive at a time
+ * 
+static int irtty_receive_room( struct tty_struct *tty) 
+	return 65536;  /* We can handle an infinite amount of data. :-) */
+ * Function irtty_write_wakeup (tty)
+ *
+ *    Called by the driver when there's room for more data.  If we have
+ *    more packets to send, we send them here.
+ *
+ */
+static void irtty_write_wakeup( struct tty_struct *tty) 
+	int actual = 0, count;
+	struct irtty_cb *self = (struct irtty_cb *) tty->disc_data;
+	struct irda_device *idev;
+	/* 
+	 *  First make sure we're connected. 
+	 */
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return;);
+	idev = &self->idev;
+	/*
+	 *  Finished with frame?
+	 */
+	if ( idev->tx_buff.offset == idev->tx_buff.len)  {
+		/* 
+		 *  Now serial buffer is almost free & we can start 
+		 *  transmission of another packet 
+		 */
+		DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), finished with frame!\n");
+		tty->flags &= ~(1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP);
+		idev->netdev.tbusy = 0; /* Unlock */
+		idev->stats.tx_packets++;
+		/* Tell network layer that we want more frames */
+		mark_bh( NET_BH);
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 *  Write data left in transmit buffer
+	 */
+	count = idev->tx_buff.len - idev->tx_buff.offset;
+	actual = tty->driver.write( tty, 0, idev->tx_buff.head, count);
+	idev->tx_buff.offset += actual;
+	idev->tx_buff.head += actual;
+	DEBUG( 4, "actual=%d, sent %d\n", actual, count);
+ * Function irtty_is_receiving (idev)
+ *
+ *    Return TRUE is we are currently receiving a frame
+ *
+ */
+static int irtty_is_receiving( struct irda_device *idev)
+	return ( idev->rx_buff.state != OUTSIDE_FRAME);
+ * Function irtty_change_speed_ready (idev)
+ *
+ *    Are we completely finished with transmitting frames so its possible
+ *    to change the speed of the serial port. Warning this function must
+ *    be called with a process context!
+ */
+static void irtty_wait_until_sent( struct irda_device *idev)
+	struct irtty_cb *self = (struct irtty_cb *) idev->priv;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == IRTTY_MAGIC, return;);
+	DEBUG( 4, "Chars in buffer %d\n", 
+	       self->tty->driver.chars_in_buffer( self->tty));
+	tty_wait_until_sent( self->tty, 0);
+int irtty_register_dongle( struct dongle *dongle)
+	struct dongle_q *new;
+	/* Check if this compressor has been registred before */
+	if ( hashbin_find ( dongles, dongle->type, NULL)) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), Dongle already registered\n");
+                return 0;
+        }
+	/* Make new IrDA dongle */
+        new = (struct dongle_q *) kmalloc (sizeof (struct dongle_q), 
+					      GFP_KERNEL);
+        if (new == NULL) {
+                return 1;
+        }
+	memset( new, 0, sizeof( struct dongle_q));
+        new->dongle = dongle;
+	/* Insert IrDA compressor into hashbin */
+	hashbin_insert( dongles, (QUEUE *) new, dongle->type, NULL);
+        return 0;
+void irtty_unregister_dongle( struct dongle *dongle)
+	struct dongle_q *node;
+	node = hashbin_remove( dongles, dongle->type, NULL);
+	if ( !node) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), dongle not found!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	kfree( node);
+static int irtty_net_init( struct device *dev)
+	/* Set up to be a normal IrDA network device driver */
+	irda_device_setup( dev);
+	/* Insert overrides below this line! */
+	return 0;
+static int irtty_net_open( struct device *dev)
+	ASSERT( dev != NULL, return -1;);
+	/* Ready to play! */
+	dev->tbusy = 0;
+	dev->interrupt = 0;
+	dev->start = 1;
+	return 0;
+static int irtty_net_close(struct device *dev)
+	ASSERT( dev != NULL, return -1;);
+	/* Stop device */
+	dev->tbusy = 1;
+	dev->start = 0;
+	return 0;
+#ifdef MODULE
+ * Function init_module (void)
+ *
+ *    Initialize IrTTY module
+ *
+ */
+int init_module(void)
+	irtty_init();
+	return(0);
+ * Function cleanup_module (void)
+ *
+ *    Cleanup IrTTY module
+ *
+ */
+void cleanup_module(void)
+	irtty_cleanup();
+#endif /* MODULE */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,