patch-2.3.17 linux/drivers/pcmcia/cardbus.c
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- Date:
Tue Sep 7 11:13:24 1999
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- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.16/linux/drivers/pcmcia/cardbus.c linux/drivers/pcmcia/cardbus.c
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ Cardbus device configuration
+ cardbus.c 1.57 1999/09/07 15:19:32
+ The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+ License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ the License at
+ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+ IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+ implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ rights and limitations under the License.
+ The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
+ <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
+ are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
+ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
+ terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
+ case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
+ above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
+ only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
+ your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
+ by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
+ the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
+ file under either the MPL or the GPL.
+ These routines handle allocating resources for Cardbus cards, as
+ well as setting up and shutting down Cardbus sockets. They are
+ called from cs.c in response to Request/ReleaseConfiguration and
+ Request/ReleaseIO calls.
+#define __NO_VERSION__
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#define PCMCIA_DEBUG 1
+static int pc_debug = PCMCIA_DEBUG;
+#include <pcmcia/version.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
+#include <pcmcia/ss.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cs.h>
+#include <pcmcia/bulkmem.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cistpl.h>
+#include "cs_internal.h"
+#include "rsrc_mgr.h"
+#define FIND_FIRST_BIT(n) ((n) - ((n) & ((n)-1)))
+#define pci_readb pcibios_read_config_byte
+#define pci_writeb pcibios_write_config_byte
+#define pci_readw pcibios_read_config_word
+#define pci_writew pcibios_write_config_word
+#define pci_readl pcibios_read_config_dword
+#define pci_writel pcibios_write_config_dword
+#define CB_BAR(n) (PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0+(4*(n)))
+#define CB_ROM_BASE 0x0030
+/* Offsets in the Expansion ROM Image Header */
+#define ROM_SIGNATURE 0x0000 /* 2 bytes */
+#define ROM_DATA_PTR 0x0018 /* 2 bytes */
+/* Offsets in the CardBus PC Card Data Structure */
+#define PCDATA_SIGNATURE 0x0000 /* 4 bytes */
+#define PCDATA_VPD_PTR 0x0008 /* 2 bytes */
+#define PCDATA_LENGTH 0x000a /* 2 bytes */
+#define PCDATA_REVISION 0x000c
+#define PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ 0x0010 /* 2 bytes */
+#define PCDATA_ROM_LEVEL 0x0012 /* 2 bytes */
+#define PCDATA_CODE_TYPE 0x0014
+#define PCDATA_INDICATOR 0x0015
+typedef struct cb_config_t {
+ u_int size[7];
+ struct pci_dev dev;
+} cb_config_t;
+#define BASE(dev,n) ((dev).resource[n].start)
+#define ROM(dev) ((dev).resource[6].start)
+/* There are three classes of bridge maps: IO ports,
+ non-prefetchable memory, and prefetchable memory */
+typedef enum { B_IO, B_M1, B_M2 } bridge_type;
+ Expansion ROM's have a special layout, and pointers specify an
+ image number and an offset within that image. check_rom()
+ verifies that the expansion ROM exists and has the standard
+ layout. xlate_rom_addr() converts an image/offset address to an
+ absolute offset from the ROM's base address.
+static int check_rom(u_char *b, u_long len)
+ u_int img = 0, ofs = 0, sz;
+ u_short data;
+ DEBUG(0, "ROM image dump:\n");
+ while ((readb(b) == 0x55) && (readb(b+1) == 0xaa)) {
+ data = readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR) +
+ (readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR+1) << 8);
+ sz = 512 * (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ) +
+ (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ+1) << 8));
+ DEBUG(0, " image %d: 0x%06x-0x%06x, signature %c%c%c%c\n",
+ img, ofs, ofs+sz-1,
+ readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE),
+ readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE+1),
+ readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE+2),
+ readb(b+data+PCDATA_SIGNATURE+3));
+ ofs += sz; img++;
+ if ((readb(b+data+PCDATA_INDICATOR) & 0x80) ||
+ (sz == 0) || (ofs >= len)) break;
+ b += sz;
+ }
+ return img;
+static u_int xlate_rom_addr(u_char *b, u_int addr)
+ u_int img = 0, ofs = 0, sz;
+ u_short data;
+ while ((readb(b) == 0x55) && (readb(b+1) == 0xaa)) {
+ if (img == (addr >> 28))
+ return (addr & 0x0fffffff) + ofs;
+ data = readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR) + (readb(b+ROM_DATA_PTR+1) << 8);
+ sz = 512 * (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ) +
+ (readb(b+data+PCDATA_IMAGE_SZ+1) << 8));
+ if ((sz == 0) || (readb(b+data+PCDATA_INDICATOR) & 0x80))
+ break;
+ b += sz; ofs += sz; img++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ These are similar to setup_cis_mem and release_cis_mem for 16-bit
+ cards. The "result" that is used externally is the cb_cis_virt
+ pointer in the socket_info_t structure.
+int cb_setup_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s, int space)
+ cb_bridge_map *m = &s->cb_cis_map;
+ u_long base = 0;
+ u_int sz, br;
+ if (space == s->cb_cis_space)
+ return CS_SUCCESS;
+ else if (s->cb_cis_space != 0)
+ cb_release_cis_mem(s);
+ DEBUG(1, "cs: cb_setup_cis_mem(space %d)\n", space);
+ /* If socket is configured, then use existing memory mapping */
+ if (s->lock_count) {
+ s->cb_cis_virt =
+ ioremap(BASE(s->cb_config[0].dev, space-1),
+ s->cb_config[0].size[space-1] & ~3);
+ s->cb_cis_space = space;
+ return CS_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ /* Not configured? Then set up temporary map */
+ br = (space == 7) ? CB_ROM_BASE : CB_BAR(space-1);
+ pci_writel(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, 0xffffffff);
+ pci_readl(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, &sz);
+ sz = FIND_FIRST_BIT(sz);
+ if (sz < PAGE_SIZE) sz = PAGE_SIZE;
+ if (find_mem_region(&base, sz, "cb_enabler", sz, 0) != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %dK memory for"
+ " CardBus socket %d\n", sz/1024, s->sock);
+ }
+ s->cb_cis_space = space;
+ s->cb_cis_virt = ioremap(base, sz);
+ DEBUG(1, " phys 0x%08lx-0x%08lx, virt 0x%08lx\n",
+ base, base+sz-1, (u_long)s->cb_cis_virt);
+ pci_writel(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, base | 1);
+ pci_writeb(s->cap.cardbus, 0, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY);
+ m->map = 0; m->flags = MAP_ACTIVE;
+ m->start = base; m->stop = base+sz-1;
+ s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, m);
+ if ((space == 7) && (check_rom(s->cb_cis_virt, sz) == 0)) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: no valid ROM images found!\n");
+ }
+ return CS_SUCCESS;
+void cb_release_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s)
+ cb_bridge_map *m = &s->cb_cis_map;
+ u_int br;
+ if (s->cb_cis_virt) {
+ DEBUG(1, "cs: cb_release_cis_mem()\n");
+ iounmap(s->cb_cis_virt);
+ s->cb_cis_virt = NULL;
+ s->cb_cis_space = 0;
+ }
+ if (m->start) {
+ /* This is overkill: we probably only need to release the
+ memory region, but the rest should be safe */
+ br = (s->cb_cis_space == 7) ?
+ CB_ROM_BASE : CB_BAR(s->cb_cis_space-1);
+ m->map = 0; m->flags = 0;
+ s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, m);
+ pci_writeb(s->cap.cardbus, 0, PCI_COMMAND, 0);
+ pci_writel(s->cap.cardbus, 0, br, 0);
+ release_mem_region(m->start, m->stop - m->start + 1);
+ m->start = 0;
+ }
+ This is used by the CIS processing code to read CIS information
+ from a CardBus device.
+void read_cb_mem(socket_info_t *s, u_char fn, int space,
+ u_int addr, u_int len, void *ptr)
+ DEBUG(3, "cs: read_cb_mem(%d, %#x, %u)\n", space, addr, len);
+ if (space == 0) {
+ if (addr+len > 0x100) goto fail;
+ for (; len; addr++, ptr++, len--)
+ pci_readb(s->cap.cardbus, fn, addr, (u_char *)ptr);
+ } else {
+ if (cb_setup_cis_mem(s, space) != 0) goto fail;
+ if (space == 7) {
+ addr = xlate_rom_addr(s->cb_cis_virt, addr);
+ if (addr == 0) goto fail;
+ }
+ if (addr+len > s->cb_cis_map.stop - s->cb_cis_map.start)
+ goto fail;
+ if (s->cb_cis_virt != NULL)
+ for (; len; addr++, ptr++, len--)
+ *(u_char *)ptr = readb(s->cb_cis_virt+addr);
+ }
+ return;
+ fail:
+ memset(ptr, 0xff, len);
+ return;
+ cb_alloc() and cb_free() allocate and free the kernel data
+ structures for a Cardbus device, and handle the lowest level PCI
+ device setup issues.
+int cb_alloc(socket_info_t *s)
+ struct pci_dev tmp;
+ u_short vend, v, dev;
+ u_char i, hdr, fn, bus = s->cap.cardbus;
+ cb_config_t *c;
+ tmp.bus = s->cap.cb_bus; tmp.devfn = 0;
+ = pci_devices; pci_devices = &tmp;
+ pci_readw(bus, 0, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &vend);
+ pci_readw(bus, 0, PCI_DEVICE_ID, &dev);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "cs: cb_alloc(bus %d): vendor 0x%04x, "
+ "device 0x%04x\n", bus, vend, dev);
+ pci_readb(bus, 0, PCI_HEADER_TYPE, &hdr);
+ if (hdr & 0x80) {
+ /* Count functions */
+ for (fn = 0; fn < 8; fn++) {
+ tmp.devfn = fn;
+ pci_readw(bus, fn, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &v);
+ if (v != vend) break;
+ }
+ } else fn = 1;
+ s->functions = fn;
+ c = kmalloc(fn * sizeof(struct cb_config_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (!c) return CS_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
+ memset(c, 0, fn * sizeof(struct cb_config_t));
+ s->cb_config = c;
+ pci_devices =;
+ for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) {
+ c[i].dev.bus = s->cap.cb_bus;
+ c[i].dev.devfn = i;
+ if (i < fn-1) {
+ c[i].dev.sibling = c[i] = &c[i+1].dev;
+ }
+ }
+ s->cap.cb_bus->devices = &c[0].dev;
+ /* Link into PCI device chain */
+ c[s->functions-1] = pci_devices;
+ pci_devices = &c[0].dev;
+ for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) {
+ c[i].dev.vendor = vend;
+ pci_readw(bus, i, PCI_DEVICE_ID, &c[i].dev.device);
+ pci_readl(bus, i, PCI_CLASS_REVISION, &c[i].dev.class);
+ c[i].dev.class >>= 8;
+ c[i].dev.hdr_type = hdr;
+ pci_proc_attach_device(&c[i].dev);
+ }
+ return CS_SUCCESS;
+void cb_free(socket_info_t *s)
+ struct pci_dev **p, *q;
+ cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config;
+ if (c) {
+ /* Unlink from PCI device chain */
+ for (p = &pci_devices; *p; p = &((*p)->next))
+ if (*p == &c[0].dev) break;
+ for (q = *p; q; q = q->next) {
+ if (q->bus != (*p)->bus) break;
+ pci_proc_detach_device(q);
+ }
+ if (*p) *p = q;
+ s->cap.cb_bus->devices = NULL;
+ }
+ printk(KERN_INFO "cs: cb_free(bus %d)\n", s->cap.cardbus);
+ if (s->cb_config) {
+ kfree(s->cb_config);
+ s->cb_config = NULL;
+ }
+ cb_config() has the job of allocating all system resources that
+ a Cardbus card requires. Rather than using the CIS (which seems
+ to not always be present), it treats the card as an ordinary PCI
+ device, and probes the base address registers to determine each
+ function's IO and memory space needs.
+ It is called from the RequestIO card service.
+int cb_config(socket_info_t *s)
+ cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config;
+ u_char fn = s->functions;
+ u_char i, j, bus = s->cap.cardbus, *name;
+ u_int sz, align, m, mask[3], num[3], base[3];
+ int irq, try, ret;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "cs: cb_config(bus %d)\n", s->cap.cardbus);
+ /* Determine IO and memory space needs */
+ num[B_IO] = num[B_M1] = num[B_M2] = 0;
+ mask[B_IO] = mask[B_M1] = mask[B_M2] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ pci_writel(bus, i, CB_BAR(j), 0xffffffff);
+ pci_readl(bus, i, CB_BAR(j), &sz);
+ if (sz == 0) continue;
+ m = B_IO;
+ } else {
+ }
+ sz = FIND_FIRST_BIT(sz);
+ c[i].size[j] = sz | m;
+ if (m && (sz < PAGE_SIZE)) sz = PAGE_SIZE;
+ num[m] += sz; mask[m] |= sz;
+ }
+ pci_writel(bus, i, CB_ROM_BASE, 0xffffffff);
+ pci_readl(bus, i, CB_ROM_BASE, &sz);
+ if (sz != 0) {
+ sz = FIND_FIRST_BIT(sz & ~0x00000001);
+ c[i].size[6] = sz | B_M1;
+ if (sz < PAGE_SIZE) sz = PAGE_SIZE;
+ num[B_M1] += sz; mask[B_M1] |= sz;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate system resources */
+ name = "cb_enabler";
+ s->io[0].NumPorts = num[B_IO];
+ s->io[0].BasePort = 0;
+ if (num[B_IO]) {
+ if (find_io_region(&s->io[0].BasePort, num[B_IO], name) != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %d IO ports for"
+ " CardBus socket %d\n", num[B_IO], s->sock);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ base[B_IO] = s->io[0].BasePort + num[B_IO];
+ }
+ s->win[0].size = num[B_M1];
+ s->win[0].base = 0;
+ if (num[B_M1]) {
+ if (find_mem_region(&s->win[0].base, num[B_M1],
+ name, num[B_M1], 0) != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %dK memory for"
+ " CardBus socket %d\n", num[B_M1]/1024, s->sock);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ base[B_M1] = s->win[0].base + num[B_M1];
+ }
+ s->win[1].size = num[B_M2];
+ s->win[1].base = 0;
+ if (num[B_M2]) {
+ if (find_mem_region(&s->win[1].base, num[B_M2],
+ name, num[B_M2], 0) != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate %dK memory for"
+ " CardBus socket %d\n", num[B_M2]/1024, s->sock);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ base[B_M2] = s->win[1].base + num[B_M2];
+ }
+ /* Set up base address registers */
+ while (mask[B_IO] | mask[B_M1] | mask[B_M2]) {
+ num[B_IO] = FIND_FIRST_BIT(mask[B_IO]); mask[B_IO] -= num[B_IO];
+ num[B_M1] = FIND_FIRST_BIT(mask[B_M1]); mask[B_M1] -= num[B_M1];
+ num[B_M2] = FIND_FIRST_BIT(mask[B_M2]); mask[B_M2] -= num[B_M2];
+ for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
+ sz = c[i].size[j];
+ m = sz & 3; sz &= ~3;
+ align = (m && (sz < PAGE_SIZE)) ? PAGE_SIZE : sz;
+ if (sz && (align == num[m])) {
+ base[m] -= align;
+ if (j < 6)
+ printk(KERN_INFO " fn %d bar %d: ", i, j+1);
+ else
+ printk(KERN_INFO " fn %d rom: ", i);
+ printk("%s 0x%x-0x%x\n", (m) ? "mem" : "io",
+ base[m], base[m]+sz-1);
+ BASE(c[i].dev, j) = base[m];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate interrupt if needed */
+ s->irq.AssignedIRQ = irq = 0; ret = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) {
+ pci_readb(bus, i, PCI_INTERRUPT_PIN, &j);
+ if (j == 0) continue;
+ if (irq == 0) {
+ if (s->cap.irq_mask & (1 << s->cap.pci_irq)) {
+ irq = s->cap.pci_irq;
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef CONFIG_ISA
+ else
+ for (try = 0; try < 2; try++) {
+ for (irq = 0; irq < 32; irq++)
+ if ((s->cap.irq_mask >> irq) & 1) {
+ ret = try_irq(IRQ_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE, irq, try);
+ if (ret == 0) break;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) break;
+ }
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_NOTICE "cs: could not allocate interrupt"
+ " for CardBus socket %d\n", s->sock);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ s->irq.AssignedIRQ = irq;
+ }
+ }
+ c[0].dev.irq = irq;
+ return CS_SUCCESS;
+ cb_release(s);
+ cb_release() releases all the system resources (IO and memory
+ space, and interrupt) committed for a Cardbus card by a prior call
+ to cb_config().
+ It is called from the ReleaseIO() service.
+void cb_release(socket_info_t *s)
+ cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config;
+ DEBUG(0, "cs: cb_release(bus %d)\n", s->cap.cardbus);
+ if (s->win[0].size > 0)
+ release_mem_region(s->win[0].base, s->win[0].size);
+ if (s->win[1].size > 0)
+ release_mem_region(s->win[1].base, s->win[1].size);
+ if (s->io[0].NumPorts > 0)
+ release_region(s->io[0].BasePort, s->io[0].NumPorts);
+ s->io[0].NumPorts = 0;
+#ifdef CONFIG_ISA
+ if ((c[0].dev.irq != 0) && (c[0].dev.irq != s->cap.pci_irq))
+ undo_irq(IRQ_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE, c[0].dev.irq);
+ cb_enable() has the job of configuring a socket for a Cardbus
+ card, and initializing the card's PCI configuration registers.
+ It first sets up the Cardbus bridge windows, for IO and memory
+ accesses. Then, it initializes each card function's base address
+ registers, interrupt line register, and command register.
+ It is called as part of the RequestConfiguration card service.
+ It should be called after a previous call to cb_config() (via the
+ RequestIO service).
+void cb_enable(socket_info_t *s)
+ u_char i, j, bus = s->cap.cardbus;
+ cb_config_t *c = s->cb_config;
+ DEBUG(0, "cs: cb_enable(bus %d)\n", bus);
+ /* Configure bridge */
+ if (s->cb_cis_map.start)
+ cb_release_cis_mem(s);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ cb_bridge_map m;
+ switch (i) {
+ case B_IO:
+ = 0; m.flags = MAP_IOSPACE | MAP_ACTIVE;
+ m.start = s->io[0].BasePort;
+ m.stop = m.start + s->io[0].NumPorts - 1;
+ break;
+ case B_M1:
+ = 0; m.flags = MAP_ACTIVE;
+ m.start = s->win[0].base;
+ m.stop = m.start + s->win[0].size - 1;
+ break;
+ case B_M2:
+ = 1; m.flags = MAP_PREFETCH | MAP_ACTIVE;
+ m.start = s->win[1].base;
+ m.stop = m.start + s->win[1].size - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m.start == 0) continue;
+ DEBUG(0, " bridge %s map %d (flags 0x%x): 0x%x-0x%x\n",
+ (m.flags & MAP_IOSPACE) ? "io" : "mem",
+, m.flags, m.start, m.stop);
+ s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, &m);
+ }
+ /* Set up base address registers */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->functions; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ if (BASE(c[i].dev, j) != 0)
+ pci_writel(bus, i, CB_BAR(j), BASE(c[i].dev, j));
+ }
+ if (ROM(c[i].dev) != 0)
+ pci_writel(bus, i, CB_ROM_BASE, ROM(c[i].dev) | 1);
+ }
+ /* Set up PCI interrupt and command registers */
+ for (i = 0; i < s->functions; i++) {
+ pci_writeb(bus, i, PCI_COMMAND, PCI_COMMAND_MASTER |
+ pci_writeb(bus, i, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 8);
+ }
+ if (s->irq.AssignedIRQ) {
+ for (i = 0; i < s->functions; i++)
+ pci_writeb(bus, i, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE,
+ s->irq.AssignedIRQ);
+ s->socket.io_irq = s->irq.AssignedIRQ;
+ s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetSocket, &s->socket);
+ }
+ cb_disable() unconfigures a Cardbus card previously set up by
+ cb_enable().
+ It is called from the ReleaseConfiguration service.
+void cb_disable(socket_info_t *s)
+ u_char i;
+ cb_bridge_map m = { 0, 0, 0, 0xffff };
+ DEBUG(0, "cs: cb_disable(bus %d)\n", s->cap.cardbus);
+ /* Turn off bridge windows */
+ if (s->cb_cis_map.start)
+ cb_release_cis_mem(s);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case B_IO: = 0; m.flags = MAP_IOSPACE; break;
+ case B_M1: = m.flags = 0; break;
+ case B_M2: = 1; m.flags = 0; break;
+ }
+ s->ss_entry(s->sock, SS_SetBridge, &m);
+ }
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: