patch-2.1.32 linux/drivers/scsi/AM53C974.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.31/linux/drivers/scsi/AM53C974.h linux/drivers/scsi/AM53C974.h
@@ -27,222 +27,6 @@
 #ifndef AM53C974_H
 #define AM53C974_H
-#include <scsi/scsicam.h>
-* Default setting of the controller's SCSI id. Edit and uncomment this only if your    *
-* BIOS does not correctly initialize the controller's SCSI id.                         *
-* If you don't get a warning during boot, it is correctly initialized.                 *
-/* #define AM53C974_SCSI_ID 7 */
-* Default settings for sync. negotiation enable, transfer rate and sync. offset.       *
-* These settings can be replaced by LILO overrides (append) with the following syntax:          *
-* AM53C974=host-scsi-id, target-scsi-id, max-rate, max-offset                          *
-* Sync. negotiation is disabled by default and will be enabled for those targets which *
-* are specified in the LILO override                                                   *
-#define DEFAULT_RATE			 5 /* MHz, min: 3; max: 10 */
-#define DEFAULT_SYNC_OFFSET		 0 /* bytes, min: 0; max: 15; use 0 for async. mode */
-* If defined, don't allow targets to disconnect during commands.  This will reduce     *
-* performance, but may be worthwhile if you suspect the driver of corrupting data when *
-* a disconnect happens.                                                                *
-/* --------------------- don't edit below here  --------------------- */
-#define SEPARATOR_LINE  \
-/* debug control */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_MSG */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_KEYWAIT */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_INIT */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_QUEUE */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_INFO */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_LINKED */
-/* #define VERBOSE_AM53C974_DEBUG */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEBUG_INTR */
-/* #define AM53C974_DEB_RESEL */
-#define AM53C974_DEBUG_ABORT
-/* #define AM53C974_OPTION_DEBUG_PROBE_ONLY */
-/* special options/constants */
-#define DEF_CLK                 40   /* chip clock freq. in MHz */
-#define MIN_PERIOD               4   /* for negotiation: min. number of clocks per cycle */
-#define MAX_PERIOD              13   /* for negotiation: max. number of clocks per cycle */
-#define MAX_OFFSET              15   /* for negotiation: max. offset (0=async) */
-#define DEF_SCSI_TIMEOUT        245  /* STIMREG value, 40 Mhz */
-#define DEF_STP                 8    /* STPREG value assuming 5.0 MB/sec, FASTCLK, FASTSCSI */
-#define DEF_SOF_RAD             0    /* REQ/ACK deassertion delay */
-#define DEF_SOF_RAA             0    /* REQ/ACK assertion delay */
-#define DEF_ETM                 0    /* CNTLREG1, ext. timing mode */
-#define DEF_PERE                1    /* CNTLREG1, parity error reporting */
-#define DEF_CLKF                0    /* CLKFREG,  0=40 Mhz */
-#define DEF_ENF                 1    /* CNTLREG2, enable features */
-#define DEF_ADIDCHK             0    /* CNTLREG3, additional ID check */
-#define DEF_FASTSCSI            1    /* CNTLREG3, fast SCSI */
-#define DEF_FASTCLK             1    /* CNTLREG3, fast clocking, 5 MB/sec at 40MHz chip clk */
-#define DEF_GLITCH              1    /* CNTLREG4, glitch eater, 0=12ns, 1=35ns, 2=25ns, 3=off */
-#define DEF_PWD                 0    /* CNTLREG4, reduced power feature */
-#define DEF_RAE                 0    /* CNTLREG4, RAE active negation on REQ, ACK only */
-#define DEF_RADE                1    /* 1CNTLREG4, active negation on REQ, ACK and data */
-/*** PCI block ***/
-/* standard registers are defined in <linux/pci.h> */
-#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD	0x1022
-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_SCSI  0x2020
-#define PCI_BASE_MASK           0xFFFFFFE0
-#define PCI_COMMAND_PERREN      0x40
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_0	0x40	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_1	0x42	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_2	0x44	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_3	0x46	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_4	0x48	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_5	0x4A	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_6	0x4C	/* 16 bits */
-#define PCI_SCRATCH_REG_7	0x4E	/* 16 bits */
-/*** SCSI block ***/
-#define CTCLREG		    	0x00	/* r	current transf. count, low byte    */
-#define CTCMREG		   	0x04	/* r 	current transf. count, middle byte */
-#define CTCHREG		    	0x38	/* r	current transf. count, high byte   */
-#define STCLREG		    	0x00	/* w	start transf. count, low byte      */
-#define STCMREG		    	0x04	/* w	start transf. count, middle byte   */
-#define STCHREG		    	0x38	/* w 	start transf. count, high byte     */
-#define FFREG		    	0x08	/* rw	SCSI FIFO reg.			   */
-#define STIMREG		    	0x14	/* w	SCSI timeout reg.		   */
-#define SDIDREG		    	0x10	/* w	SCSI destination ID reg.	   */
-#define SDIREG_MASK		0x07	/* mask					   */
-#define STPREG		    	0x18	/* w	synchronous transf. period reg.	   */
-#define STPREG_STP		0x1F	/* synchr. transfer period		   */
-#define CLKFREG		    	0x24	/* w	clock factor reg.		   */
-#define CLKFREG_MASK		0x07	/* mask					   */
-#define CMDREG		    	0x0C	/* rw	SCSI command reg.		   */
-#define CMDREG_DMA         	0x80    /* set DMA mode (set together with opcodes below) */
-#define CMDREG_IT          	0x10    /* information transfer 		   */
-#define CMDREG_ICCS		0x11	/* initiator command complete steps 	   */
-#define CMDREG_MA		0x12	/* message accepted 			   */
-#define CMDREG_TPB		0x98	/* transfer pad bytes, DMA mode only 	   */
-#define CMDREG_SATN		0x1A	/* set ATN 				   */
-#define CMDREG_RATN		0x1B	/* reset ATN 				   */
-#define CMDREG_SOAS		0x41	/* select without ATN steps 		   */
-#define CMDREG_SAS		0x42	/* select with ATN steps (1 msg byte)	   */
-#define CMDREG_SASS		0x43	/* select with ATN and stop steps 	   */
-#define CMDREG_ESR		0x44	/* enable selection/reselection 	   */
-#define CMDREG_DSR		0x45	/* disable selection/reselection 	   */
-#define CMDREG_SA3S		0x46	/* select with ATN 3 steps  (3 msg bytes)  */
-#define CMDREG_NOP		0x00	/* no operation 			   */
-#define CMDREG_CFIFO		0x01	/* clear FIFO 				   */
-#define CMDREG_RDEV		0x02	/* reset device 			   */
-#define CMDREG_RBUS		0x03	/* reset SCSI bus 			   */
-#define STATREG		    	0x10	/* r 	SCSI status reg.		   */
-#define STATREG_INT		0x80	/* SCSI interrupt condition detected	   */
-#define STATREG_IOE		0x40	/* SCSI illegal operation error detected   */
-#define STATREG_PE		0x20	/* SCSI parity error detected		   */
-#define STATREG_CTZ		0x10	/* CTC reg decremented to zero		   */
-#define STATREG_MSG		0x04	/* SCSI MSG phase (latched?)		   */
-#define STATREG_CD		0x02	/* SCSI C/D phase (latched?)		   */
-#define STATREG_IO		0x01	/* SCSI I/O phase (latched?)		   */
-#define STATREG_PHASE           0x07    /* SCSI phase mask 			   */
-#define INSTREG		    	0x14	/* r	interrupt status reg.		   */
-#define INSTREG_SRST		0x80	/* SCSI reset detected			   */
-#define INSTREG_ICMD		0x40	/* SCSI invalid command detected	   */
-#define INSTREG_DIS		0x20	/* target disconnected or sel/resel timeout*/
-#define INSTREG_SR		0x10	/* device on bus has service request       */
-#define INSTREG_SO		0x08	/* successful operation			   */
-#define INSTREG_RESEL		0x04	/* device reselected as initiator	   */
-#define ISREG		    	0x18	/* r	internal state reg.		   */
-#define ISREG_SOF		0x08	/* synchronous offset flag (act. low)	   */
-#define ISREG_IS		0x07	/* status of intermediate op.		   */
-#define ISREG_OK_NO_STOP        0x04    /* selection successful                    */
-#define ISREG_OK_STOP           0x01    /* selection successful                    */
-#define CFIREG		    	0x1C	/* r	current FIFO/internal state reg.   */
-#define CFIREG_IS		0xE0	/* status of intermediate op.		   */
-#define CFIREG_CF		0x1F	/* number of bytes in SCSI FIFO		   */
-#define SOFREG		    	0x1C	/* w	synchr. offset reg.		   */
-#define SOFREG_RAD		0xC0	/* REQ/ACK deassertion delay (sync.)	   */
-#define SOFREG_RAA		0x30	/* REQ/ACK assertion delay (sync.)	   */
-#define SOFREG_SO		0x0F	/* synch. offset (sync.)		   */
-#define CNTLREG1	    	0x20	/* rw	control register one		   */
-#define CNTLREG1_ETM		0x80	/* set extended timing mode		   */
-#define CNTLREG1_DISR		0x40	/* disable interrupt on SCSI reset	   */
-#define CNTLREG1_PERE		0x10	/* enable parity error reporting	   */
-#define CNTLREG1_SID		0x07	/* host adapter SCSI ID			   */
-#define CNTLREG2	    	0x2C	/* rw	control register two		   */
-#define CNTLREG2_ENF		0x40	/* enable features			   */
-#define CNTLREG3	    	0x30	/* rw	control register three		   */
-#define CNTLREG3_ADIDCHK	0x80	/* additional ID check			   */
-#define CNTLREG3_FASTSCSI	0x10	/* fast SCSI				   */
-#define CNTLREG3_FASTCLK	0x08	/* fast SCSI clocking			   */
-#define CNTLREG4	    	0x34	/* rw	control register four		   */
-#define CNTLREG4_GLITCH		0xC0	/* glitch eater				   */
-#define CNTLREG4_PWD		0x20	/* reduced power feature		   */
-#define CNTLREG4_RAE		0x08	/* write only, active negot. ctrl.	   */
-#define CNTLREG4_RADE		0x04	/* active negot. ctrl.			   */
-#define CNTLREG4_RES		0x10	/* reserved bit, must be 1		   */
-/*** DMA block ***/
-#define DMACMD		    	0x40	/* rw	command				   */
-#define DMACMD_DIR		0x80	/* transfer direction (1=read from device) */
-#define DMACMD_INTE_D		0x40	/* DMA transfer interrupt enable 	   */
-#define DMACMD_INTE_P		0x20	/* page transfer interrupt enable 	   */
-#define DMACMD_MDL		0x10	/* map to memory descriptor list 	   */
-#define DMACMD_DIAG		0x04	/* diagnostics, set to 0		   */
-#define DMACMD_IDLE 		0x00	/* idle cmd			 	   */
-#define DMACMD_BLAST		0x01	/* flush FIFO to memory		 	   */
-#define DMACMD_ABORT		0x02	/* terminate DMA		 	   */
-#define DMACMD_START		0x03	/* start DMA			 	   */
-#define DMASTATUS	      	0x54	/* r	status register			   */
-#define DMASTATUS_BCMPLT	0x20	/* BLAST complete			   */
-#define DMASTATUS_SCSIINT	0x10	/* SCSI interrupt pending		   */
-#define DMASTATUS_DONE		0x08	/* DMA transfer terminated		   */
-#define DMASTATUS_ABORT		0x04	/* DMA transfer aborted			   */
-#define DMASTATUS_ERROR		0x02	/* DMA transfer error			   */
-#define DMASTATUS_PWDN		0x02	/* power down indicator			   */
-#define DMASTC		    	0x44	/* rw	starting transfer count		   */
-#define DMASPA		    	0x48	/* rw	starting physical address	   */
-#define DMAWBC		    	0x4C	/* r	working byte counter		   */
-#define DMAWAC		    	0x50	/* r	working address counter		   */
-#define DMASMDLA	    	0x58	/* rw	starting MDL address		   */
-#define DMAWMAC		    	0x5C	/* r	working MDL counter		   */
-/*** SCSI phases ***/
-#define PHASE_MSGIN             0x07
-#define PHASE_MSGOUT            0x06
-#define PHASE_RES_1             0x05
-#define PHASE_RES_0             0x04
-#define PHASE_STATIN            0x03
-#define PHASE_CMDOUT            0x02
-#define PHASE_DATAIN            0x01
-#define PHASE_DATAOUT           0x00
 struct AM53C974_hostdata {
     volatile unsigned       in_reset:1;          /* flag, says bus reset pending */
     volatile unsigned       aborted:1;           /* flag, says aborted */
@@ -301,122 +85,5 @@
 int AM53C974_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *cmd);
 int AM53C974_reset (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd);
-#define AM53C974_local_declare()	unsigned long io_port
-#define AM53C974_setio(instance)	io_port = instance->io_port
-#define AM53C974_read_8(addr)           inb(io_port + (addr))
-#define AM53C974_write_8(addr,x)        outb((x), io_port + (addr))
-#define AM53C974_read_16(addr)          inw(io_port + (addr))
-#define AM53C974_write_16(addr,x)       outw((x), io_port + (addr))
-#define AM53C974_read_32(addr)          inl(io_port + (addr))
-#define AM53C974_write_32(addr,x)       outl((x), io_port + (addr))
-#define AM53C974_poll_int()             { do { statreg = AM53C974_read_8(STATREG); } \
-                                             while (!(statreg & STATREG_INT)) ; \
-                                          AM53C974_read_8(INSTREG) ; } /* clear int */
-#define AM53C974_cfifo()		(AM53C974_read_8(CFIREG) & CFIREG_CF)
-/* These are "special" values for the tag parameter passed to AM53C974_select. */
-#define TAG_NEXT	-1 	/* Use next free tag */
-#define TAG_NONE	-2	/* Establish I_T_L nexus instead of I_T_L_Q
-				 * even on SCSI-II devices */
-/************ LILO overrides *************/
-typedef struct _override_t {
-    int host_scsi_id;			/* SCSI id of the bus controller */
-    int target_scsi_id;                 /* SCSI id of target */
-    int max_rate;			/* max. transfer rate */
-    int max_offset;	                /* max. sync. offset, 0 = asynchronous */
-    } override_t;
-/************ PCI stuff *************/
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_OPEN()                    outb(0xF1, 0xCF8); outb(0, 0xCFA)
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_CLOSE()                   outb(0, 0xCF8)
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_READ_BYTE(instance,a)     ( inb((a) + (instance)->io_port) )
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_READ_WORD(instance,a)     ( inw((a) + (instance)->io_port) )
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_READ_DWORD(instance,a)    ( inl((a) + (instance)->io_port) )
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_WRITE_BYTE(instance,x,a)  ( outb((x), (a) + (instance)->io_port) )
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_WRITE_WORD(instance,x,a)  ( outw((x), (a) + (instance)->io_port) )
-#define AM53C974_PCIREG_WRITE_DWORD(instance,x,a) ( outl((x), (a) + (instance)->io_port) )
-typedef struct _pci_config_t {
-    /* start of official PCI config space header */
-    union {
-        unsigned int device_vendor;
-	struct {
-	  unsigned short vendor;
-	  unsigned short device;
- 	  } dv;
-        } dv_id;
-#define _device_vendor dv_id.device_vendor
-#define _vendor dv_id.dv.vendor
-#define _device dv_id.dv.device
-    union {
-        unsigned int status_command;
-	struct {
-	  unsigned short command;
-	  unsigned short status;
-	  } sc;
-        } stat_cmd;
-#define _status_command stat_cmd.status_command
-#define _command
-#define _status
-    union {
-        unsigned int class_revision;
-	struct {
-	    unsigned char rev_id;
-	    unsigned char prog_if;
-	    unsigned char sub_class;
-	    unsigned char base_class;
-	} cr;
-    } class_rev;
-#define _class_revision class_rev.class_revision
-#define _rev_id
-#define _prog_if
-#define _sub_class
-#define _base_class
-    union {
-        unsigned int bist_header_latency_cache;
-	struct {
-	    unsigned char cache_line_size;
-	    unsigned char latency_timer;
-	    unsigned char header_type;
-	    unsigned char bist;
-	} bhlc;
-    } bhlc;
-#define _bist_header_latency_cache bhlc.bist_header_latency_cache
-#define _cache_line_size bhlc.bhlc.cache_line_size
-#define _latency_timer   bhlc.bhlc.latency_timer
-#define _header_type     bhlc.bhlc.header_type
-#define _bist            bhlc.bhlc.bist
-    unsigned int _base0;
-    unsigned int _base1;
-    unsigned int _base2;
-    unsigned int _base3;
-    unsigned int _base4;
-    unsigned int _base5;
-    unsigned int rsvd1;
-    unsigned int rsvd2;
-    unsigned int _baserom;
-    unsigned int rsvd3;
-    unsigned int rsvd4;
-    union {
-        unsigned int max_min_ipin_iline;
-	struct {
-	    unsigned char int_line;
-	    unsigned char int_pin;
-	    unsigned char min_gnt;
-	    unsigned char max_lat;
-	} mmii;
-    } mmii;
-#define _max_min_ipin_iline mmii.max_min_ipin_iline
-#define _int_line mmii.mmii.int_line
-#define _int_pin  mmii.mmii.int_pin
-#define _min_gnt  mmii.mmii.min_gnt
-#define _max_lat  mmii.mmii.max_lat
-    /* end of official PCI config space header */
-    unsigned short _ioaddr; /* config type 1 - private I/O addr    */
-    unsigned int _pcibus;  /* config type 2 - private bus id      */
-    unsigned int _cardnum; /* config type 2 - private card number */
-} pci_config_t;
 #endif /* AM53C974_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,