patch-2.1.132 linux/include/net/irda/irlmp.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.131/linux/include/net/irda/irlmp.h linux/include/net/irda/irlmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ *                
+ * Filename:      irlmp.h
+ * Version:       0.3
+ * Description:   IrDA Link Management Protocol (LMP) layer
+ * Status:        Experimental.
+ * Author:        Dag Brattli <>
+ * Created at:    Sun Aug 17 20:54:32 1997
+ * Modified at:   Mon Dec  7 21:11:32 1998
+ * Modified by:   Dag Brattli <>
+ * 
+ *     Copyright (c) 1998 Dag Brattli <>, All Rights Reserved.
+ *     
+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+ *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+ *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+ *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *     Neither Dag Brattli nor University of Troms� admit liability nor
+ *     provide warranty for any of this software. This material is 
+ *     provided "AS-IS" and at no charge.
+ *
+ ********************************************************************/
+#ifndef IRLMP_H
+#define IRLMP_H
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include "irmod.h"
+#include "qos.h"
+#include "irlap.h"
+#include "irlmp_event.h"
+#include "irqueue.h"
+/* LSAP-SEL's */
+#define LSAP_MASK     0x7f
+#define LSAP_IAS      0x00
+#define LSAP_ANY      0xff
+/* Predefined LSAPs used by the various servers */
+#define TSAP_IRLAN    0x05
+#define LSAP_IRLPT    0x06
+#define TSAP_IROBEX   0x07
+#define TSAP_IRCOMM   0x08
+#define LMP_HEADER          2    /* Dest LSAP + Source LSAP */
+/* Hint bit positions for first hint byte */
+#define HINT_PNP         0x01
+#define HINT_PDA         0x02
+#define HINT_COMPUTER    0x04
+#define HINT_PRINTER     0x08
+#define HINT_MODEM       0x10
+#define HINT_FAX         0x20
+#define HINT_LAN         0x40
+#define HINT_EXTENSION   0x80
+/* Hint bit positions for second hint byte (first extension byte) */
+#define HINT_TELEPHONY   0x01
+#define HINT_FILE_SERVER 0x02
+#define HINT_COMM        0x04
+#define HINT_MESSAGE     0x08
+#define HINT_HTTP        0x10
+#define HINT_OBEX        0x20
+typedef enum {
+	S_PNP,
+	S_PDA,
+	S_FAX,
+	S_LAN,
+#define S_END 0xff
+#define CLIENT 1
+#define SERVER 2
+struct irlmp_registration {
+	QUEUE queue; /* Must be first */
+	int service; /* LAN, OBEX, COMM etc. */
+	int type;    /* Client or server or both */
+	DISCOVERY_CALLBACK discovery_callback;
+struct lap_cb; /* Forward decl. */
+ *  Information about each logical LSAP connection
+ */
+struct lsap_cb {
+	QUEUE queue;      /* Must be first */
+	int   magic;
+	int   connected;
+	int   persistent;
+	struct irda_statistics stats;
+	__u8  slsap_sel;   /* Source (this) LSAP address */
+	__u8  dlsap_sel;   /* Destination LSAP address (if connected) */
+	struct sk_buff *tmp_skb; /* Store skb here while connecting */
+	struct timer_list watchdog_timer;
+	IRLMP_STATE     lsap_state;  /* Connection state */
+	struct notify_t notify;      /* Indication/Confirm entry points */
+	struct qos_info qos;         /* QoS for this connection */
+	struct lap_cb *lap; /* Pointer to LAP connection structure */
+ *  Information about each registred IrLAP layer
+ */
+struct lap_cb {
+	QUEUE queue;      /* Must be first */
+	int magic;
+	int reason;    /* LAP disconnect reason */
+	IRLMP_STATE lap_state;
+	struct irlap_cb *irlap; /* Instance of IrLAP layer */
+	hashbin_t *lsaps;         /* LSAP associated with this link */
+	__u8  caddr;            /* Connection address */
+ 	__u32 saddr;  /* Source device address */
+ 	__u32 daddr;  /* Destination device address */
+	hashbin_t *cachelog;    /* Discovered devices for this link */
+	struct qos_info *qos;  /* LAP QoS for this session */
+ *  Used for caching the last slsap->dlsap->handle mapping
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	int valid;
+	__u8 slsap_sel;
+	__u8 dlsap_sel;
+	struct lsap_cb *lsap;
+ *  Main structure for IrLMP
+ */
+struct irlmp_cb {
+	int magic;
+	__u8 conflict_flag;
+	/* int discovery; */
+	DISCOVERY  discovery_rsp; /* Discovery response to use by IrLAP */
+	DISCOVERY  discovery_cmd; /* Discovery command to use by IrLAP */
+	int free_lsap_sel;
+	CACHE_ENTRY cache;  /* Caching last slsap->dlsap->handle mapping */
+	struct timer_list discovery_timer;
+ 	hashbin_t *links;         /* IrLAP connection table */
+	hashbin_t *unconnected_lsaps;
+ 	hashbin_t *registry;
+	__u8 hint[2]; /* Hint bits */
+/* Prototype declarations */
+int  irlmp_init(void);
+void irlmp_cleanup(void);
+struct lsap_cb *irlmp_open_lsap( __u8 slsap, struct notify_t *notify);
+void irlmp_close_lsap( struct lsap_cb *self);
+void irlmp_register_layer( int service, int type, int do_discovery, 
+void irlmp_unregister_layer( int service, int type);
+void irlmp_register_irlap( struct irlap_cb *self, __u32 saddr, 
+			   struct notify_t *);
+void irlmp_unregister_irlap( __u32 saddr);
+void irlmp_connect_request( struct lsap_cb *, __u8 dlsap_sel, __u32 daddr, 
+			    struct qos_info *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_connect_indication( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb);
+void irlmp_connect_response( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_connect_confirm( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_disconnect_indication( struct lsap_cb *self, LM_REASON reason, 
+				  struct sk_buff *userdata);
+void irlmp_disconnect_request( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *userdata);
+void irlmp_discovery_confirm( struct lap_cb *, hashbin_t *discovery_log);
+void irlmp_discovery_indication( struct lap_cb *, DISCOVERY *discovery);
+void irlmp_discovery_request( int nslots);
+DISCOVERY *irlmp_get_discovery_response(void);
+void irlmp_data_request( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_udata_request( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_data_indication( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_udata_indication( struct lsap_cb *, struct sk_buff *);
+void irlmp_status_request(void);
+void irlmp_status_indication( LINK_STATUS link, LOCK_STATUS lock);
+int  irlmp_slsap_inuse( __u8 slsap);
+__u8 irlmp_find_free_slsap(void);
+LM_REASON irlmp_convert_lap_reason( LAP_REASON);
+extern struct irlmp_cb *irlmp;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,