United Reformed News Service
(formerly Reformed Believers' Press Service)

Table of Contents:

The United Reformed News Service is operated by the Christian Observer, a Southern Presbyterian periodical, established in 1813. The news service carries news from the conservative wing of the Christian Reformed denomination and independent congregations in the Alliance of Reformed Churches, but also carries material on other denominations such as the Presbyterian Church in America, Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Christian Presbyterian Church, Reformed Church in America, Protestant Reformed Churches, Netherlands Reformed Congregations, and the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.

Since its acquisition and name change in May of 1995, this news service will likely shift its focus to include more extensive coverage of denominations outside the Dutch Reformed tradition. A second goal is to expand coverage of the smaller Dutch Reformed denominations such as the Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches, Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations, Free Reformed Churches, Protestant Reformed Churches, Netherlands Reformed Congregations, and Canadian Reformed Churches. News tips, comments, and suggestions should be sent to the URNS Press Officer, Darrell Todd Maurina, at [Darrell128@AOL.com].

Darrell Todd Maurina: Press Officer,
United Reformed News Service

An Invitation:

Did you know that you can subscribe to the URNS Press Releases by U.S. Mail or FAX. Here is an information sheet containing more information.

Archived Press Releases:

Other On-line Reformed Connections:

PLEASE NOTE: Inclusion of a resource in this directory does not necessarily indicate agreement either with the stated purpose of the resource or with the views expressed on the resource, beyond the general statement that it provides information on topics related to Reformed Christianity.

  • The Christian Observer
  • Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy (CAPO)
  • The Chalcedon Foundation
  • Goshen Internet Christian Resource Directory
  • Grace Reformed Church (Clarkston, WA)
  • Inheritance Publications
  • Reformation Ink
  • Reformed Free Publishing Association
  • Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando, FL)
  • Southern California Center for Christian Studies and Covenant Tape Ministry
  • Still Waters Revival Books
  • Vanderheide Publishing Company
  • Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore

  • United Reformed News Service


    WWW: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/reformed/reformed-home.html
    FTP: ftp://iclnet93.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/reformed/

    All files that are made available in this archive are Copyright © 1994-1999 United Reformed News Service (formerly Reformed Believer's Press Service ). All rights reserved.

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    Revised 1999:Nov.17, ICLnet .
    Document prepared by permission.
    All rights reserved