From: Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 08:07:29 -0400 Subject: SPECIAL MEDIA ALERT re. CRC and Homosexuality Issue MEDIA ALERT: Will Classis Grand Rapids East Become a "Safe Place" for Christian Reformed Gays? GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (October 17, 1995) URNS - This Thursday evening, Classis Grand Rapids East will convene for a special session at 7 pm at Madison Square CRC to debate the hotly-contested issue of how to minister to persons who are homosexual, including those involved in homosexual activity. According to the majority report, "Ministries with persons who are homosexual should not be contingent upon declaring homosexual activity as sin or distinctive evidence of the fall. To do so is to give an incomplete moral testimony to the issues of homosexuality with the potential harm in practice of closing ministry with many persons who are homosexual." "Instead," argues the committee majority, "these ministries should work with everyone in Christian community to discern what it means to live lives faithful to Jesus Christ." The majority report is signed by Calvin College professors Dr. Hessel Bouma III and Dr. David Holquist, Grand Rapids Area Center for Ecumenism staff member Betty Zylstra, and Gladys Verhulst. A two-member minority, Calvin Seminary professor Dr. Melvin Hugen and Calvin College professor Dr. James Bradley, argue in contrast that "at all times the church must call all her members to a life of obedience to God's provision of marriage as the proper relationship for the expression of genital sexuality." In prior debates at classis, Hugen has made it clear that the term "marriage" refers only to heterosexual rather than homosexual marriage. While similar debates are underway in Classis Toronto and Classis Alberta North, Classis Grand Rapids East's actions have received particularly close media attention because its churches include many members of the Christian Reformed denominational leadership. Classis Grand Rapids East ignited a firestorm of protest when it voted "in principle" to adopt a resolution that "classis permit its individual churches the freedom to decide whether or not the word 'male' in article 3a of the church order is operative in their particular settings." An earlier decision by Eastern Avenue CRC to elect women elders despite Synod 1992's decision not to ratify women in office also received widespread media attention and led to numerous calls for discipline of the church. Eastern Avenue CRC has taken a leading role in the issue of homosexuality, just as it earlier took a leading role on the women in office issue. Its membership includes Rev. Jim Lucas, a celibate gay minister who serves as chaplain for the Grand Rapids chapter of "As We Are," an organization founded in Toronto over a decade ago to oppose the CRC's criticism of its mother church, the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, for endorsing gay marriages. Eastern Avenue CRC submitted a request to Thursday's meeting which: ...requests the assistance of Classis Grand Rapids East in ensuring that Classis' deliberations on the classical report on homosexuality provide clear direction as to the appropriateness of calling a pastor as chaplain to a ministry which: a) provides spiritual support and encouragement to people who are homosexual and to people with family members who are homosexual; and b) neither holds nor espouses any particular position on homosexual ethics. Not everyone at Eastern Avenue CRC agrees with the majority report of the classical committee. Dr. Melvin Hugen, one of two signatories of the minority report, is a member and former pastor of Eastern Avenue and was one of the members of the committee appointed by Synod 1973 which produced a report calling for a compassionate response to homosexuals but declaring that "homosexualism - as explicit homosexual practice - must be condemned as incompatible with obedience to the will of God as revealed in Holy Scripture." The report also noted that "homosexuality (male and female) is a condition of disordered sexuality which reflects the brokenness of our sinful world and for which the homosexual may himself bear only a minimal responsibility" and urged that "homosexuals, especially in their earlier years, should be encouraged to seek such help as may effect their sexual reorientation and the church should do everything in its power to help the homosexual overcome his disorder." However, for homosexuals who remain celibate, "the church should therefore so include him in its fellowship that he is not tempted by rejection and loneliness to seek companionship in a 'gay world' whose godless lifestyle is alien to a Christian." Three of Classis Grand Rapids East's fifteen churches have sent critical responses for consideration at the classis meeting. Referring to the 1973 synodical report, Boston Square CRC wrote that "the Committee Report plainly challenges the Synod Report when it hints that 'committed, monogamous relationships' between homosexual persons may be a 'legitimate option'" and states that "we recommend rejection of the Committee Report in its current form." Neland Avenue CRC and Seymour CRC submitted different responses but share a concern that the committee exceeded its mandate and that its report will further divide the Christian Reformed denomination. Reporters seeking quotes from those opposed to the classis report will likely find Seymour CRC pastor Rev. Gerald Zandstra, who led the opposition to the July 1994 classis decision on women in office and whose church is strongly opposed to gay marriages, to be the most helpful source of background information and quotes. It may also be helpful to contact Dr. William Vanden Bosch, pastor of Oakdale Park CRC, which previously submitted an overture opposing gay marriages. Rev. Rolf Bouma, pastor of Eastern Avenue CRC, Dr. Hessel Bouma III, chairman of the committee and signatory of the majority report, and Rev. Jim Lucas, chaplain of AWARE, will be the most easily accessible persons on the other side of the issue. Copies of the text of the report recommendations are attached to this news release. [E-Mail recipients will receive these upon request.] The text of the entire 11-page report and seven pages of responses to the report is available upon request, as is the three-page set of recommendations by Synod 1973. The much longer study committee report to Synod 1973 is available upon separate request. Madison Square Christian Reformed Church is located at 1441 Madison Avenue. Persons wishing more complete directions may wish to contact its pastors, Rev. Dante Venegas, Rev. David Beelen, or Rev. Gregory Cumberland. The church telephone number is (616) 245-7791. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1993-023: General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in America Calls Christian Reformed Church to "Repent of Its Sins"; Women in office, homosexuality, theistic evolution, deposition of conservative pastors cited as "departure from the Scriptures in its doctrine and practice" #1993-031: More Churches Split Following Christian Reformed Synodical Vote Allowing Women Elders and Pastors; Alberta Seceders Protest Homosexuality Report by Classis Alberta North #1994-038: Classis Grand Rapids East Votes "In Principle" to Permit Churches to Disobey CRC Synod's Ban on Women Elders #1994-048: Jim Lucas Hired as Chaplain of "As We Are" Gay Ministry; Ministerial Credentials Extended to Permit Call to Position; Classis Grand Rapids East of the Christian Reformed Denomination Expects Homosexuality Study Committee to Report to January Classis Meeting #1994-049: Top Denominational Officials Issue Advisory on "Ecclesiastical Disobedience" by Christian Reformed Employees #1994-050: Classis Grand Rapids East "Refines" July Decision to Disobey Christian Reformed Synodical Ban on Women Elders #1995-043: Committee Divides on Whether Gay Ministries Must Declare Homosexual Activity is Sin; Classis Grand Rapids East Refers Both Reformed to Churches for Study #1995-0xx: Classis Wisconsin Overtures Christian Reformed Synod to Declare that Members who "Deny the Biblical Condemnation of All Homosexual Behavior" are Subject to Discipline Contact List: Dr. Hessel Bouma III, Professor of Biology, Calvin College Science Building 233, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 * O: (616) 957-6401 Rev. Rolf Bouma, Pastor, Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church 900 Benjamin SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * H: (616) 637-5180 * O: (616) 637-6575 Dr. Mel Hugen, Professor of Pastoral Care, Calvin Theological Seminary 2211 Ridgewood SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 * O: (616) 957-6025 * H: (616) 942-0001 * FAX: (616) 957-8621 Rev. Carl Kammeraad, Pastor, Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church 1600 Seminole Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * O: (616) 452-0501 * H: (616) 243-5100 Rev. Jim Lucas, Chaplain, As We ARE 1017 Fairmount SE, Apt. 1, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * H: (616) 456-6174 Note to Editors: This information is provided should you wish to contact Rev. Lucas for an interview. We request that it not be published to protect his privacy. Rev. Al Luke, Pastor, Boston Square Christian Reformed Church 1875 Kalamazoo SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 * H: (616) 241-4281 * O: (616) 241-1245 Rev. William Vanden Bosch, Pastor, Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church 1000 Hancock SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 * O: (616) 241-5798 * H: (616) 245-5514 Rev. Gerald Zandstra, Pastor, Seymour Christian Reformed Church 1901 Pokogon Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 * O: (616) 245-8726 ----------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: alert01.txt .