Internet-Draft cats-req-service-segmentation March 2025
Tran & Kim Expires 4 September 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
N. Tran
Soongsil University
Y. Kim
Soongsil University

Additional CATS requirements consideration for Service Segmentation-related use cases


This document discusses possible additional CATS requirements when considering service segmentation in related CATS use cases such as AR-VR and Distributed AI Training

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 September 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Service segmentation is a service deployment option that splits the service into smaller subtasks which can be executed in parallel or in sequence before the subtasks execution results are aggregated to serve the service request [draft-li-cats-task-segmentation-framework]. It is an interesting service deployment option that is widely considered to improve the performance of several services such as AR-VR or Distributed AI Training which are also key CATS use cases [draft-ietf-cats-usecases-requirements]. For example, according to [Ericssion-holographic-5g], an AR holographic communication service can be implemented as a pipeline of pre-processing, encoding/decoding and rendering subtasks. These subtasks can have multiple instances running over several edge computing sites. Meanwhile, federated learning model training service can be implemented in a hierarchical manner according to [hierfedml-ieee-parallel-distributed-system]. In this case, the federated learning global model aggregator service combines the local model training results from multiple worker model aggregators and computing devices. Different worker model aggregator and device combinations can affect the global model training performance. Hence, a desirable CATS system should consider these different subtask combinations in its design.

This document discusses the differences of applying CATS in this service segmenatation scenario compared with the normal CATS scenario where a service instance is not segmented. Based on the differences, possible additional CATS requirement are proposed and analyzed via examples of AR-VR and Distributed AI Training CATS use cases.

2. Terminology used in this draft

This document re-uses the CATS component terminologies which has been defined in [draft-ietf-cats-framework].

3. Differences compared with normal CATS scenario

Compared with the normal CATS scenario where a service instance is only a single entity, applying CATS in this service segmentation scenario introduces some key differences which might affect the CATS system design. The differences that need to be considered are as follows:

4. Possbile Additional CATS Requirements

To handle the differences mentioned above, this document proposes the following additional CATS Requirements:

5. Example 1: AR-VR Hologram Sequence Subtask Segmentation

                      Request AR hologram
                          | Client |
                      |    Service*** | ***R3: Map request
                      |    Request    |        to decode + render
                      |  Segmentation |        subtasks
                      |    Component  |
 **R2: Route request to       |            *R1: Different subtask combination
       the determined         |                 CATS cost (Decode + Render)
       subtask sequence       |                 - Decode Site 1/3/4 &
                        +-----|-----+------+    - Render Site 1/2/3
+-----------------------|   CATS**  |C-PS* |---------------------+
|       Underlay**      | Forwarder |------+          +-------+  |
|    Infrastructure     +-----|-----+                 |C-NMA* |  |
|                             |                       +-------+  |
|       +---------------+-----+---------+---------------+        |
|      3ms             4ms             3ms             2ms       |
|    nw delay        nw delay        nw delay        nw delay    |
|       |               |               |               |        |
|       |               |               |               |        |
|       |      2ms      |      2ms      |      3ms      |        |
|       |   nw delay    |    nw delay   |    nw delay   |        |
|       | /-----------\ | /-----------\ | /-----------\ |        |
  |   CATS**  |   |  CATS**   |   |   CATS**  |   |   CATS**  |
  | Forwarder |   | Forwarder |   | Forwarder |   | Forwarder |
  +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+
        |               |               |               |
  +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+
  |+---------+|   |+---------+|   |+---------+|   |+---------+|
  ||  Decode ||   || Render  ||   || Decode  ||   ||  Decode ||
  |+---------+|   |+---------+|   |+---------+|   |+---------+|   +---+---+
  | 3ms delay |   | 3ms delay |   | 5ms delay |   | 8ms delay |   |C-SMA* |
  |           |   |           |   |           |   |           |   +---+---+
  |+---------+|   |           |   |+---------+|   |           |       |
  || Render  ||   |           |   || Render  ||   |           |       |
  |+---------+|   |           |   |+---------+|   |           |       |
  | 9ms delay |   |           |   | 7ms delay |   |           |       |
  +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+   +-----|-----+       |
     Service         Service         Service        Service
      Site 1          Site 2          Site3          Site 4
Figure 1: Example of additional CATS requirement in an AR use case example

Figure Figure 1 discusses the additional CATS requirements in an AR hologram service use case referenced from [Ericssion-holographic-5g]. This example service is responsible for returning a processed 3D hologram upon receiving a request from an AR client (e.g. AR glass). The original full service is not available in the network. Instead, this service is segmented into 2 subtasks: decoding and rendering. These subtasks have multiple instances running in different service sites. The current computing resource status of each service site and the current number of requests served by each service instance cause different decoding and rendering computing delay as shown in the figure. Besides, the network delay between the AR client and different service sites are also different.

Considering applying CATS in this example scenario, the additional CATS requirements can be explained as follows:

R1: CATS metric/CATS metric aggregation should consider subtask instance's computing and network resource condition and distinguish capabilities of different candidate combination of subtasks to serve a CATS service request.

R2: A CATS system should provide mechanism to notice/guide/request the computing entities that host the services and service subtasks to implement the determined optimal sub-tasks combination.

R3: A CATS system should provide mechanism to map the service request to corresponding segmented subtasks if the original service is not existed, only subtask instance endpoints are available.

6. Example 2: Federated Learning model training Parallel Subtask Segmentation

                       Request FL model
                          | Client |
                              |        **R2: Different subtask combination
**R1: Ask Global Aggregator   |        CATS cost (Global + Worker + Device)
to use the determined         |              - Worker 1/2/1+2/3+4/3+4+5...
combination             +-----|-----+------+ - Device 1/2/1+2+3/4+5+...
+-----------------------|    CATS   |C-PS**|---------------------+
|                       | Forwarder |------+          +-------+  |
|      Underlay         +-----|-----+                 |C-NMA**|  |
|   Infrastructure            |                       +-------+  |
|              +--------------+-----------------+                |
|             3ms                              4ms               |
|           nw delay                         nw delay            |
|              |                                |                |
         |    CATS   |                    |    CATS   |
         | Forwarder |                    | Forwarder |
         +-----|-----+                    +-----|-----+
         +-----|-----+                    +-----|-----+
         |   Global  |     +-------+      |   Global  |
         | Aggregator|     |C-SMA**|      | Aggregator|
         | Instance 1|     +-------+      | Instance 2|
         +-|------|--+                    +-/----|----\
           |      |                        /     |     \
Different network delay between different Worker and Global Aggregators
          /        \                      /      |             \
+--------/-+  +-----\----+     +---------/+  +---|------+  +----\-----+
|  Worker  |  |  Worker  |     |  Worker  |  |  Worker  |  |  Worker  |
|Aggregator|  |Aggregator|     |Aggregator|  |Aggregator|  |Aggregator|
|Instance 1|  |Instance 2|     |Instance 3|  |Instance 4|  |Instance 5|
|          |  |          |     |          |  |          |  |          |
|now serve:|  |now serve:|     |now serve:|  |now serve:|  |now serve:|
|-3 models |  |-2 models |     |-3 models |  |-1 model  |  |-2 models |
|-5 devices|  |-7 devices|     |-4 devices|  |-6 devices|  |-8 devices|
+-----|----+  +----|-----+     +----|-----+  +----|-----+  +----|-----+
      |            |                |             |             |
Different network delay between different devices and Worker Aggregators
      |            |                |             |             |
|                        Local Training Devices                       |
|              (Device 1, Device 2, ......., Device N)                |
|                 (Different computing capabilties)                   |

Figure 2: Example of additional CATS requirement in a Hierarchical Federated Learning use case example

Figure Figure 2 discusses the additional CATS requirements in an Federated Learning Model Training service use case referenced from [hierfedml-ieee-parallel-distributed-system]. This example service is responsible for returning a trained federated learning model upon receiving a request from a client. The federated learning service is implemented in a hierarchical manner. The service endpoint for receiving client request is a Global federated learning Aggregator which can have multiple service instances. Upon receiving a trained model request, one or multiple Worker Aggregators and Local Training Devices are assigned to locally train the model for the Global Aggregator. The number of Training Devices assigned for each Worker Aggregator is also varied. Each Worker Aggregator aggregates the local model parameters for its assigned devices and the Global Aggregator aggregates the parameters from the Workers to create the global model for replying the client request.

Considering applying CATS in this example scenario, the additional CATS requirements can be explained as follows:

R1: CATS metric/CATS metric aggregation should consider subtask instance's computing and network resource condition and distinguish capabilities of different candidate combination of subtasks to serve a CATS service request.

R2: A CATS system should provide mechanism to notice/guide/request the computing entities that host the services and service subtasks to implement the determined optimal sub-tasks combination.

R3: A CATS system should provide mechanism to map the service request to corresponding segmented subtasks if the original service is not existed, only subtask instance endpoints are available.

7. Normative References

Li, C., et al., "A Framework for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS)", draft-ietf-cats-framework, .
Yao, K., et al., "Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) Problem Statement, Use Cases, and Requirements", draft-ietf-cats-usecases-requirements, .
Ed, F. Clad., et al., "Service Programming with Segment Routing", draft-ietf-spring-sr-service-programming, .
Li, C., et al., "Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS) Using Segment Routing", draft-lbdd-cats-dp-sr, .
Li, C., et al., "A Task Segmentation Framework for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering", draft-li-cats-task-segmentation-framework, .
Xu, Z., Zhao, D., Liang, W., Rana, O., Zhou, P., and M. Li, "HierFedML: Aggregator Placement and UE Assignment for Hierarchical Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing", , <>.

Authors' Addresses

Minh-Ngoc Tran
Soongsil University
369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
Republic of Korea
Younghan Kim
Soongsil University
369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
Republic of Korea