SELL <item> <qty> <price> [have-left] time: 0 days priority: 1

Sell quantity of the given item for max-price each.

If quantity is zero, any pending sell order for the indicated item will be canceled.

Only one pending sell order may be active for each item at a time. If two sell orders are issued for the same item, and the first has not yet completed, the second sell order will replace the first.

Buys and sells are only matched in cities, where markets may be found to execute trades. However, buy and sell may be issued anywhere.

If the a match is found with a buyer, the trade will be executed immediately. Otherwise, the trade will be saved until a match with a buyer may be found.


> sell 79 3 5
Try to sell three iron [79] for 5 gold each.

If there is a buyer of iron in the city, buying for 5 gold or more, the trade will be executed:

1: Sold three iron [79] for 5 gold.

Otherwise, the sell will be placed on the character's pending trades list:

Pending trades:

trade    price    qty   item
-----    -----    ---   ----
 sell        5      3   iron [79]

At the end of the turn, the sell order will appear in the city's market report:

Market report:

trade    who    price    qty   item
-----    ---    -----    ---   ----
 sell   2019        5      3   iron [79]

A trade will match between a buyer and a seller if the buyer's price is greater than or equal to the seller's price. The actual price that the trade will be made at is the seller's price.

Have-left is an amount of the item that character will keep and not sell. For instance, if the unit issued `sell 79 10 15 5', this would mean "Sell ten iron for 15 gold each, but keep 5 iron for myself." If there character only have ten iron, this order would put five up them up for sale.