QUEST time: 7 days priority: 3
When used in an appropriate sublocation, will search for groups of beasts or monsters to do battle with. Often monsters will be found guarding some treasure, which the noble will obtain if victorious in combat.

There is a 50% chance that QUEST will succeed and discover a group of monsters or beasts. Once QUEST has been successful in a particular sublocation, it will not yield further results there during the following 4-12 turns.

If QUEST discovers a group of monsters or beasts, the questing noble will immediately initiate an attack. Note that the questing noble and his stack may be killed or taken prisoner if they are overpowered in combat by the monsters.

QUEST may not be used in safe havens, or initiated by a character who is not a stack leader.

The type and number of monsters discovered depends in some part on the kind of sublocation which is quested in. The following table describes which sort of adversaries will be found in the various locations. The choice between the adversaries discovered via QUEST is random. The table indicates how many of the given foes can be expected to appear.

where           what                  combat         how many
-----           ----                  -------        --------
islands         pirate [24]           (5,5,0)        5-30
                cyclops [291]         (25,75,0)      1-5

caves           rat [279]             (3,3,0)        10-50
                wolf [289]            (5,5,0)        3-10
                ratspider [81]        (5,5,0)        5-20
                gorgon [288]          (10,20,0)      3-5
                orc [287]             (20,15,0)      5-20

ruins           bandit [283]          (3,3,0)        2-10
                cyclops [291]         (25,75,0)      2-5
                minotaur [272]        (30,5,0)       3-10
                centaur [271]         (30,30,0)      3-10
                giant lizard [282]    (45,45,0)      1-3

battlefields    skeleton [33]         (6,6,0)        10-100
                spirit [26]           (50,50,0)      5-50
                giant [292]           (75,25,0)      3-10
                nazgul [55]           (80,80,0)      5-20

graveyards      undead [31]           (10,10,0)      10-100
                harpie [285]          (80,120,0)     3-10
                giant spider [278]    (150,100,0)    3-10
                giant bird [281]      (200,150,0)    1-3

                lion [280]            (100,100,0)    3-8
                chimera [284]         (130,130,0)    2-10
                dragon [286]          (500,500,250)  1

faery hills     faery [293]           (9,9,9)        5-20
                elf [25]              (50,50,100)    5-20

pits & bogs     rat [279]             (3,3,0)        5-25
                gorgon [288]          (10,20,0)      3-7
                cyclops [291]         (25,75,0)      2-3
                minotaur [272]        (30,5,0)       1-5

sand pits       giant lizard [282]    (45,45,0)      15-30

circles of
stone           skeleton [33]         (6,6,0)        3-15
                gorgon [288]          (10,20,0)      3-15
                orc [287]             (20,15,0)      3-15
                cyclops [291]         (25,75,0)      3-15
                minotaur [272]        (30,5,0)       3-15
                centaur [271]         (30,30,0)      3-15
                spirit [26]           (50,50,0)      3-15
                giant [292]           (75,25,0)      3-15
                nazgul [55]           (80,80,0)      3-15
                harpie [285]          (80,120,0)     3-15
                chimera [284]         (130,130,0)    3-15

tunnel chamber, rat [279]             (3,3,0)        10-50
levels 1-6      ratspider [81]        (5,5,0)        5-20
                gorgon [288]          (10,20,0)      3-6
                orc [287]             (20,15,0)      5-20

tunnel chamber, cyclops [291]         (25,75,0)      5-10
levels 5-6      minotaur [272]        (30,5,0)       5-15
                giant lizard [282]    (45,45,0)      5-15
                giant spider [278]    (150,100,0)    5-15