Teleport items [922]
Usage:  USE 922 <to-who> <item> [qty] [have-left]

Required aura:   three points + one per 50 weight
Time to cast:    three days

Teleport quantity of an item in inventory to another character.
Specifying zero for quantity will cause the unit to teleport all
of its inventory of the item.  An amount specified by have-left
will be retained.

For example, if Feasel has 100 gold [1]:

        USE 922 5499 1 50          #  Send 50 gold to [5499]
        USE 922 5499 1 0           #  Send all 100 gold to [5499]
        USE 922 5499 1 100         #  Send all 100 gold to [5499]
        USE 922 5499 1 100 25      #  Send 75 gold to [5499]
        USE 922 5499 1 0 25        #  Send 75 gold to [5499]

Three points of aura are required to teleport items, plus one extra
point of aura for each 50 units of weight to be sent.

Use of 922 is subject to the same permission checks as GIVE.