Runes of Evil [902]
Usage:  USE 902 <spell>

Required aura:  two points
Required item:  blank scroll [84]
Time to cast:   seven or more days

The most basic and powerful of the magical languages, Runes of Evil
may represent vast power.  Descended from neither man or spirit,
they represent the fundamental Commands which shape the world and
its events.  They may represent concepts which men are incapable of
speaking, or even thinking.

Transcribe the given spell onto a blank scroll.  The blank scroll will
be consumed, and a new unique scroll will be produced.  The scroll will
permit one character to learn the spell from the scroll.


    USE 902 nnnn       # make a one-time study scroll for spell nnnn

Only Necromancy [900] spells may be scribed with this skill.

The spell must be known by the character in order to be written.
The character will still know the spell after it has been scribed.

This spell requires as much time to cast as the skill takes to learn.
It takes two weeks to write a spell which requires two weeks of study
to learn.