Forge palantir [894]
Usage:  USE 894

Required aura:   eight
Required items:  one mithril [82]
                 one gate crystal [83]
Time to cast:    ten days

A palantir, or stone of far-seeing, is a crystal orb used to
view images from a great distance.  Once created, the palantir
may be used to view a distant location:

	use <palantir> <location>

For example, if a USE 894 creates Palantir [6289], then one may
view City of Drassa [cx61] with the palantir by issuing the order:

	use 6289 cx61

Use of the palantir takes seven days.  Any character may use the
palantir; no magical abilities are required.  However, a palantir
may only be used once each turn.