Farcasting [849]
Usage:  USE 849 <location>

Required aura:  distance in provinces to <location>
Required item:
Time to cast:   seven days

If successful, the location check for the next spell cast
attempted will be made from the given location instead of
the location the mage is in.

The amount of aura consumed is equal to the distance in
provinces from the mage's location to the target location.
For instance, to project a cast into an adjoining province
requires two aura.  To project a cast between any of the
sublocations within a province requires one aura.

The projected cast state will persist until the mage's next use
of magic.  The mage may move before casting the next spell;
movement will not alter the target location for spell projection.

Unless the mage is projecting to the same location he is in,
a magical shroud over the target location will cause this
spell to fail.

Farcasts may not be initiated between Hades, Faery and the real