Find market for tradegood [733]
Usage:  USE 733 <tradegood>
Time:   14 days

Use of 733 will attempt to find a buyer for a rare
tradegood in the local city market.  The trader must
possess at least one of the tradegood that a buyer
is being sought for.

Markets to purchase rare tradegoods must be at least
8 provinces away from the market selling the rare
tradegood.  A city will purchase at most two rare
tradegoods.  For a given tradegood, there is a 50%
chance that a city will purchase it.

If successful, the city market will begin buying the
rare tradegood.  A trader can hope to earn 2000-3000
gold in profit if a full quantity of the tradegood
is transported between the originating and consuming
cities and sold.

When the tradegood ceases to be sold in the originating
city, the purchasing city will also remove the item from
its purchase list, thus making room for another tradegood
to be bought.

733 must be used in a city in part of the regular world
(not Hades, Faery, the Cloudlands, or Subworld.)