Harvest mallorn wood [705]
Usage:    MALLORN [number] [days]
Time:     as given or necessary

Mallorn groves produce two units of mallorn wood [70] which may be
harvested each month.

Because of the careful selection required, and the small quantity of
mallorn which becomes ready to cut each month, a noble works at this
task alone.  No workers are needed for mallorn wood cutting.

Each day spent using MALLORN gives a 20% chance of obtaining one
unit of mallorn wood [70].


    mallorn         # obtain as much mallorn wood as possible
    mallorn 2       # stop after getting 2 mallorn wood
    mallorn 0 5     # cut mallorn wood for five days
    mallorn 2 5     # stop after five days, or 2 mallorn wood, whichever
                    # comes first

In all cases, mallorn cutting will cease as soon as the groves's supply
for the month has been exhausted.

MALLORN is an alias for COLLECT 70.