Summon wild men [658]
Usage:  USE 658
        MAKE 98 1
Time:   one day

Wild men, or savages, inhabit remote parts of the world.  Savages
communicate by beating their drums to indicate calls-to-arms,
battle challenges, or victory celebrations.

Use of 658 will attempt to summon wild men with drumbeats, and
persuade them to stack with the noble.  Savages will remain with
the noble for 3 months, during which time they will participate
in any battles the noble fights.

To summon wild men, the noble must first use the MAKE 98 1 order
to produce a drum [98].  A drum requires 1 mallorn wood [70] to
produce.  MAKE 98 1 requires knowledge of 658.

The drum may be used to summon wild men with the USE 658 order.
The noble should be in a remote province, preferably surrounded by
areas uninhabited by other characters.  The noble should allow time
for the savage men to hear and follow the drumbeats.  Any wild men
summoned to the province will stack with the noble.

For example:

	make 98 1	# make a drum
	use 658	# use the drum to summon the savages
	wait time 15	# give savages time to arrive and
			# stack with us

The number of savage units in the world is limited.  If all of the
available savages have already been summoned, none will come when
the drum is used.