Beastmastery [650]
Beastmastery spans the capture, training and breeding of
all manner of animals, both wild and domestic.  Common
Beastmastery skills are used to capture and train horses
for travel or combat.  Higher level skills within this
category concern the care and use of stranger beasts.

The following skills may be studied directly once Beastmastery is known:

   num    skill                              time to learn
   ---    -----                              -------------
   651    Bird spy                           three weeks
   652    Capture beasts in battle           four weeks
   653    Use beasts in battle               four weeks
   654    Breed beasts                       four weeks
   655    Catch wild horses                  two weeks
   656    Train wild horse to riding horse   two weeks

Further skills may be found through research.

   657    Train wild horse to warmount       three weeks
   658    Summon wild men                    three weeks
   659    Persuade wild men to remain        three weeks
   661    Breed hound                        three weeks