Stealth [630]
Stealth includes the arts of theft, spying, assassination,
kidnapping, and other covert activities.  Most stealth
skills will not make use of soldiers or other followers,
instead relying on the sneakiness of a lone character.

The following skills may be studied directly once Stealth is known:

   num    skill                              time to learn
   ---    -----                              -------------
   631    Petty thievery                     two weeks
   632    Determine inventory of character   two weeks
   633    Determine skills of character      two weeks
   634    Determine character's lord         two weeks
   635    Conceal faction                    four weeks

Further skills may be found through research.

   636    Learn of richest nearby noble      two weeks
   637    Torture prisoner                   three weeks
   639    Sneak into structure               three weeks
   641    Conceal self                       four weeks