# $Id$
# Author: Stephen Roznowski (sjr@zombie.ncsc.mil)
# This configuration file is for an IDE only A4000/A1200

include "std.amiga"

# Add support for about 8 users. This variable is used to size
# various kernel structures.
maxusers	8

# Set the timezone that the kernel will use. (Required)
options		TIMEZONE=300
options		DST=1

# processors this kernel should support
options		"M68040"	# support for 040
options		"M68030"	# support for 030
options		"M68020"	# support for 020/851
options		FPSP		# MC68040 floating point support
options		FPCOPROC	# Support for MC6888[12] (Required)

options		SWAPPAGER	# Pager of processes (Required)
options		VNODEPAGER	# Mmap() vnodes (Required)
options		DEVPAGER	# Mmap() devices (Required)

# Networking options
options	INET			# IP networking support (Required)

# File system related options
options	QUOTA		# Disk quotas for local disks
options	NFSSERVER	# Network File System server side code
options	NFSCLIENT	# Network File System client side code

# File systems
options	FFS		# Berkeley fast file system
options	MFS		# Memory based filesystem
options	PROCFS		# Process filesystem
options	KERNFS		# Kernel parameter filesystem (Recommended)
options	FDESC		# /dev/fd filesystem
options	NULLFS		# Loopback filesystem
options	FIFO		# FIFO operations on vnodes (Recommended)
options	ADOSFS		# AmigaDOS file system
options	"CD9660"	# ISO 9660 file system, with Rock Ridge

# Compatability options for various existing systems
options		"COMPAT_09"	# compatability with NetBSD 0.9 release
options		"COMPAT_43"	# 4.3 BSD compatible system calls
options		COMPAT_SUNOS	# Support to run Sun (m68k) executables
options		"TCP_COMPAT_42"	# Use 4.2 BSD style TCP
options		COMPAT_NOMID	# allow nonvalid machine id executables

# Support for System V IPC facilities.
options		SYSVSHM		# System V-like shared memory
options		SYSVMSG		# System V-like messages
options		SYSVSEM		# System V-like semaphores

# Support for various kernel options
options		GENERIC		# Mini-root boot support
options		LKM		# Loadable kernel modules
options		KTRACE		# Add kernel tracing system call
options		DIAGNOSTIC	# Add additional error checking code
options		"NKMEMCLUSTERS=256"	# Size of kernel malloc area

# Amiga specific options
options		RETINACONSOLE	# enable code to allow retina to be console
options		GRF_ECS		# Enhanced Chip Set
options		GRF_NTSC	# NTSC
options		GRF_PAL		# PAL
options		"GRF_A2024"	# Support for the A2024
options		GRF_AGA		# AGA Chip Set

grfcc0		at mainbus0		# custom chips
grfrt0		at ztwobus0		# retina II
grfrh0		at zthreebus0		# retina III

grf0		at grfcc0
grf1		at grfrt0
grf2		at grfrh0

ite0		at grf0			# terminal emulators for grf's
ite1		at grf1			# terminal emulators for grf's
ite2		at grf2			# terminal emulators for grf's

le0		at ztwobus0		# Lance ethernet.
ed0		at ztwobus0		# dp8390 ethernet

# scsi stuff, all possible
idesc0		at mainbus0		# A4000(A1200?) IDE

scsibus9	at idesc0

# each hard drive from low target to high
# will configure to the next available sd unit number
sd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi disks

st*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi tapes
cd*	at scsibus? target ? lun ?	# scsi cd's

pseudo-device	loop			# network loopback
pseudo-device	ppp			# point-to-point protocol
pseudo-device	pty 16			# pseudo terminals
pseudo-device	sl			# slip
pseudo-device	view 10			# views

config	netbsd swap on generic