patch-2.3.9 linux/include/asm-mips/io.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.8/linux/include/asm-mips/io.h linux/include/asm-mips/io.h
@@ -140,18 +140,21 @@
  * XXX We need system specific versions of these to handle EISA address bits
  * 24-31 on SNI.
+ * XXX more SNI hacks.
-#define readb(addr) (*(volatile unsigned char *) (isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(addr)))
-#define readw(addr) (*(volatile unsigned short *) (isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(addr)))
-#define readl(addr) (*(volatile unsigned int *) (isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(addr)))
-#define writeb(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned char *) (isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(addr)) = (b))
-#define writew(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned short *) (isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(addr)) = (b))
-#define writel(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned int *) (isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(addr)) = (b))
-#define memset_io(a,b,c)	memset((void *)(isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)a),(b),(c))
-#define memcpy_fromio(a,b,c)	memcpy((a),(void *)(isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(b)),(c))
-#define memcpy_toio(a,b,c)	memcpy((void *)(isa_slot_offset + (unsigned long)(a)),(b),(c))
+#define readb(addr) (*(volatile unsigned char *) (0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(addr)))
+#define readw(addr) (*(volatile unsigned short *) (0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(addr)))
+#define readl(addr) (*(volatile unsigned int *) (0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(addr)))
+#define writeb(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned char *) (0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(addr)) = (b))
+#define writew(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned short *) (0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(addr)) = (b))
+#define writel(b,addr) (*(volatile unsigned int *) (0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(addr)) = (b))
+#define memset_io(a,b,c)	memset((void *)(0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)a),(b),(c))
+#define memcpy_fromio(a,b,c)	memcpy((a),(void *)(0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(b)),(c))
+#define memcpy_toio(a,b,c)	memcpy((void *)(0xa0000000 + (unsigned long)(a)),(b),(c))
+/* END SNI HACKS ... */
  * We don't have csum_partial_copy_fromio() yet, so we cheat here and
@@ -374,23 +377,24 @@
  * The caches on some architectures aren't dma-coherent and have need to
- * handle this in software.  There are two types of operations that
+ * handle this in software.  There are three types of operations that
  * can be applied to dma buffers.
  *  - dma_cache_wback_inv(start, size) makes caches and coherent by
  *    writing the content of the caches back to memory, if necessary.
  *    The function also invalidates the affected part of the caches as
  *    necessary before DMA transfers from outside to memory.
+ *  - dma_cache_wback(start, size) makes caches and coherent by
+ *    writing the content of the caches back to memory, if necessary.
+ *    The function also invalidates the affected part of the caches as
+ *    necessary before DMA transfers from outside to memory.
  *  - dma_cache_inv(start, size) invalidates the affected parts of the
  *    caches.  Dirty lines of the caches may be written back or simply
  *    be discarded.  This operation is necessary before dma operations
  *    to the memory.
 extern void (*dma_cache_wback_inv)(unsigned long start, unsigned long size);
+extern void (*dma_cache_wback)(unsigned long start, unsigned long size);
 extern void (*dma_cache_inv)(unsigned long start, unsigned long size);
-/* Nothing to do */
-#define dma_cache_wback(_start,_size)		do { } while (0)
 #endif /* __ASM_MIPS_IO_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: