patch-2.3.9 linux/arch/mips/baget/balo_supp.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.8/linux/arch/mips/baget/balo_supp.S linux/arch/mips/baget/balo_supp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/* $Id$
+ * balo_supp.S: BAget Loader supplement
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Gleb Raiko & Vladimir Roganov
+ */
+#include <asm/asm.h>
+#include <asm/regdef.h>
+#include <asm/stackframe.h>
+#include <asm/mipsregs.h>
+#include <asm/addrspace.h>
+	.text
+	.set    mips1
+	/* General exception vector. */
+NESTED(except_vec3_generic, 0, sp)
+	.set    noat
+	la	k0, except_vec3_generic_code
+	jr	k0
+NESTED(except_vec3_generic_code, 0, sp)
+	mfc0	k1, CP0_CAUSE
+	la	k0, int_cause
+	sw      k1, (k0)
+        mfc0    k1, CP0_EPC
+        la      k0, epc
+        sw      k1, (k0)
+        mfc0    k1, CP0_BADVADDR
+        la      k0, badvaddr
+        sw      k1, (k0)
+	la	k0, int_handler 
+        .set    noreorder
+	jal	k0
+        .set    reorder
+	move	a0, sp
+        .align  5
+NESTED(flush_cache_low, PT_SIZE, sp)
+        .set    at
+        .set    macro
+        .set    noreorder
+        move    t1, a0  # ISIZE
+        move    t2, a1  # DSIZE
+        mfc0    t3, CP0_STATUS       # Save the status register.
+        mtc0    zero, CP0_STATUS     # Disable interrupts.
+        la      v0, 1f
+        or      v0, KSEG1            # Run uncached.
+        j       v0
+        nop
+ * Flush the instruction cache.
+ */
+        li      v0, ST0_DE | ST0_CE
+        mtc0    v0, CP0_STATUS       # Isolate and swap caches.
+        li      t0, KSEG1
+        subu    t0, t0, t1
+        li      t1, KSEG1
+        la      v0, 1f                          # Run cached
+        j       v0
+        nop
+        addu    t0, t0, 64
+        sb      zero, -64(t0)
+        sb      zero, -60(t0)
+        sb      zero, -56(t0)
+        sb      zero, -52(t0)
+        sb      zero, -48(t0)
+        sb      zero, -44(t0)
+        sb      zero, -40(t0)
+        sb      zero, -36(t0)
+        sb      zero, -32(t0)
+        sb      zero, -28(t0)
+        sb      zero, -24(t0)
+        sb      zero, -20(t0)
+        sb      zero, -16(t0)
+        sb      zero, -12(t0)
+        sb      zero, -8(t0)
+        bne     t0, t1, 1b
+        sb      zero, -4(t0)
+        la      v0, 1f
+        or      v0, KSEG1
+        j       v0                              # Run uncached
+        nop
+ * Flush the data cache.
+ */
+        li      v0, ST0_DE
+        mtc0    v0, CP0_STATUS       # Isolate and swap back caches
+        li      t0, KSEG1
+        subu    t0, t0, t2
+        la      v0, 1f
+        j       v0                              # Back to cached mode
+        nop
+        addu    t0, t0, 64
+        sb      zero, -64(t0)
+        sb      zero, -60(t0)
+        sb      zero, -56(t0)
+        sb      zero, -52(t0)
+        sb      zero, -48(t0)
+        sb      zero, -44(t0)
+        sb      zero, -40(t0)
+        sb      zero, -36(t0)
+        sb      zero, -32(t0)
+        sb      zero, -28(t0)
+        sb      zero, -24(t0)
+        sb      zero, -20(t0)
+        sb      zero, -16(t0)
+        sb      zero, -12(t0)
+        sb      zero, -8(t0)
+        bne     t0, t1, 1b
+        sb      zero, -4(t0)
+        nop                                     # Insure isolated stores
+        nop                                     #   out of pipe.
+        nop
+        nop
+        mtc0    t3, CP0_STATUS                 # Restore status reg.
+        nop                                    # Insure cache unisolated.
+        nop
+        nop
+        nop
+        j       ra
+        nop
+/* To satisfy macros only */
+	PTR	0x80001000

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: