patch-2.3.47 linux/net/bridge/br_tree.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.46/linux/net/bridge/br_tree.c linux/net/bridge/br_tree.c
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
- *	This code is derived from the avl functions in mmap.c
- */
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/malloc.h>
-#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-#include <net/br.h>
-#define _DEBUG_AVL
- * Use an AVL (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) tree to speed up this search
- * from O(n) to O(log n), where n is the number of ULAs.
- * Written by Bruno Haible <>.
- * Taken from mmap.c, extensively modified by John Hayes 
- * <>
- * 98-02 Modified by Jean-Rene Peulve
- *		update port number when topology change
- *		return oldfdb when updating, for broadcast storm checking
- *		call addr_cmp once per node
- */
-static struct fdb fdb_head;
-static struct fdb *fhp = &fdb_head;
-static struct fdb **fhpp = &fhp;
-static int fdb_inited = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG_AVL
-static void printk_avl (struct fdb * tree);
-static int addr_cmp(unsigned char *a1, unsigned char *a2);
- * fdb_head is the AVL tree corresponding to fdb
- * or, more exactly, its root.
- * A fdb has the following fields:
- *   fdb_avl_left     left son of a tree node
- *   fdb_avl_right    right son of a tree node
- *   fdb_avl_height   1+max(heightof(left),heightof(right))
- * The empty tree is represented as NULL.
- */
-#ifndef avl_br_empty
-#define avl_br_empty	(struct fdb *) NULL
-/* Since the trees are balanced, their height will never be large. */
-#define avl_maxheight	127
-#define heightof(tree)	((tree) == avl_br_empty ? 0 : (tree)->fdb_avl_height)
- * Consistency and balancing rules:
- * 1. tree->fdb_avl_height == 1+max(heightof(tree->fdb_avl_left),heightof(tree->fdb_avl_right))
- * 2. abs( heightof(tree->fdb_avl_left) - heightof(tree->fdb_avl_right) ) <= 1
- * 3. foreach node in tree->fdb_avl_left: node->fdb_avl_key <= tree->fdb_avl_key,
- *    foreach node in tree->fdb_avl_right: node->fdb_avl_key >= tree->fdb_avl_key.
- */
-static int fdb_init(void)
-	fdb_head.fdb_avl_height = 0;
-	fdb_head.fdb_avl_left = (struct fdb *)0;
-	fdb_head.fdb_avl_right = (struct fdb *)0;
-	fdb_inited = 1;
-	return(0);
-struct fdb *br_avl_find_addr(unsigned char addr[6])
-	struct fdb * result = NULL;
-	struct fdb * tree;
-	if (!fdb_inited)
-		fdb_init();
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-	printk("searching for ula %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
-		addr[0],
-		addr[1],
-		addr[2],
-		addr[3],
-		addr[4],
-		addr[5]);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-	for (tree = fhp ; ; ) {
-		if (tree == avl_br_empty) {
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-			printk("search failed, returning node 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)result);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-			return result;
-		}
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-		printk("node 0x%x: checking ula %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
-			(unsigned int)tree,
-			tree->ula[0],
-			tree->ula[1],
-			tree->ula[2],
-			tree->ula[3],
-			tree->ula[4],
-			tree->ula[5]);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-		if (addr_cmp(addr, tree->ula) == 0) {
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-			printk("found node 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)tree);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-			return tree;
-		}
-		if (addr_cmp(addr, tree->ula) < 0) {
-			tree = tree->fdb_avl_left;
-		} else {
-			tree = tree->fdb_avl_right;
-		}
-	}
- * Rebalance a tree.
- * After inserting or deleting a node of a tree we have a sequence of subtrees
- * nodes[0]..nodes[k-1] such that
- * nodes[0] is the root and nodes[i+1] = nodes[i]->{fdb_avl_left|fdb_avl_right}.
- */
-static void br_avl_rebalance (struct fdb *** nodeplaces_ptr, int count)
-	if (!fdb_inited)
-		fdb_init();
-	for ( ; count > 0 ; count--) {
-		struct fdb ** nodeplace = *--nodeplaces_ptr;
-		struct fdb * node = *nodeplace;
-		struct fdb * nodeleft = node->fdb_avl_left;
-		struct fdb * noderight = node->fdb_avl_right;
-		int heightleft = heightof(nodeleft);
-		int heightright = heightof(noderight);
-		if (heightright + 1 < heightleft) {
-			/*                                                      */
-			/*                            *                         */
-			/*                          /   \                       */
-			/*                       n+2      n                     */
-			/*                                                      */
-			struct fdb * nodeleftleft = nodeleft->fdb_avl_left;
-			struct fdb * nodeleftright = nodeleft->fdb_avl_right;
-			int heightleftright = heightof(nodeleftright);
-			if (heightof(nodeleftleft) >= heightleftright) {
-				/*                                                        */
-				/*                *                    n+2|n+3            */
-				/*              /   \                  /    \             */
-				/*           n+2      n      -->      /   n+1|n+2         */
-				/*           / \                      |    /    \         */
-				/*         n+1 n|n+1                 n+1  n|n+1  n        */
-				/*                                                        */
-				node->fdb_avl_left = nodeleftright; 
-				nodeleft->fdb_avl_right = node;
-				nodeleft->fdb_avl_height = 1 + (node->fdb_avl_height = 1 + heightleftright);
-				*nodeplace = nodeleft;
-			} else {
-				/*                                                        */
-				/*                *                     n+2               */
-				/*              /   \                 /     \             */
-				/*           n+2      n      -->    n+1     n+1           */
-				/*           / \                    / \     / \           */
-				/*          n  n+1                 n   L   R   n          */
-				/*             / \                                        */
-				/*            L   R                                       */
-				/*                                                        */
-				nodeleft->fdb_avl_right = nodeleftright->fdb_avl_left;
-				node->fdb_avl_left = nodeleftright->fdb_avl_right;
-				nodeleftright->fdb_avl_left = nodeleft;
-				nodeleftright->fdb_avl_right = node;
-				nodeleft->fdb_avl_height = node->fdb_avl_height = heightleftright;
-				nodeleftright->fdb_avl_height = heightleft;
-				*nodeplace = nodeleftright;
-			}
-		} else if (heightleft + 1 < heightright) {
-			/* similar to the above, just interchange 'left' <--> 'right' */
-			struct fdb * noderightright = noderight->fdb_avl_right;
-			struct fdb * noderightleft = noderight->fdb_avl_left;
-			int heightrightleft = heightof(noderightleft);
-			if (heightof(noderightright) >= heightrightleft) {
-				node->fdb_avl_right = noderightleft; 
-				noderight->fdb_avl_left = node;
-				noderight->fdb_avl_height = 1 + (node->fdb_avl_height = 1 + heightrightleft);
-				*nodeplace = noderight;
-			} else {
-				noderight->fdb_avl_left = noderightleft->fdb_avl_right;
-				node->fdb_avl_right = noderightleft->fdb_avl_left;
-				noderightleft->fdb_avl_right = noderight;
-				noderightleft->fdb_avl_left = node;
-				noderight->fdb_avl_height = node->fdb_avl_height = heightrightleft;
-				noderightleft->fdb_avl_height = heightright;
-				*nodeplace = noderightleft;
-			}
-		} else {
-			int height = (heightleft<heightright ? heightright : heightleft) + 1;
-			if (height == node->fdb_avl_height)
-				break;
-			node->fdb_avl_height = height;
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG_AVL
-	printk_avl(&fdb_head);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-/* Insert a node into a tree.
- * Performance improvement:
- *	 call addr_cmp() only once per node and use result in a switch.
- * Return old node address if we knew that MAC address already
- * Return NULL if we insert the new node
- */
-struct fdb *br_avl_insert (struct fdb * new_node)
-	struct fdb ** nodeplace = fhpp;
-	struct fdb ** stack[avl_maxheight];
-	int stack_count = 0;
-	struct fdb *** stack_ptr = &stack[0]; /* = &stack[stackcount] */
-	if (!fdb_inited)
-		fdb_init();
-	for (;;) {
-		struct fdb *node;
-		node = *nodeplace;
-		if (node == avl_br_empty)
-			break;
-		*stack_ptr++ = nodeplace; stack_count++;
-		switch(addr_cmp(new_node->ula, node->ula)) {
-		case 0: /* update */
-                   if (node->port == new_node->port) {
-			node->flags = new_node->flags;
-			node->timer = new_node->timer;	
-		   } else if (!(node->flags & FDB_ENT_VALID) &&
-				node->port) {
-			/* update fdb but never for local interfaces */
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-			printk("node 0x%x:port changed old=%d new=%d\n",
-				(unsigned int)node, node->port,new_node->port);
-			/* JRP: update port as well if the topology change !
-			 * Don't do this while entry is still valid otherwise
-			 * a broadcast that we flooded and is reentered by another
-			 * port would mess up the good port number.
-			 * The fdb list per port needs to be updated as well.
-			 */
-			requeue_fdb(node, new_node->port);
-			node->flags = new_node->flags;
-			node->timer = new_node->timer;	
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-			printk_avl(&fdb_head);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-		   }
-		   return node;		/* pass old fdb to caller */
-		case 1: /* new_node->ula > node->ula */
-		   nodeplace = &node->fdb_avl_right;
-		   break;
-		default: /* -1 => new_node->ula < node->ula */
-		   nodeplace = &node->fdb_avl_left;
-		}
-	}
-#if (DEBUG_AVL)
-	printk("node 0x%x: adding ula %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
-		(unsigned int)new_node,
-		new_node->ula[0],
-		new_node->ula[1],
-		new_node->ula[2],
-		new_node->ula[3],
-		new_node->ula[4],
-		new_node->ula[5]);
-#endif /* (DEBUG_AVL) */
-	new_node->fdb_avl_left = avl_br_empty;
-	new_node->fdb_avl_right = avl_br_empty;
-	new_node->fdb_avl_height = 1;
-	*nodeplace = new_node;
-	br_avl_rebalance(stack_ptr,stack_count);
-#ifdef DEBUG_AVL
-	printk_avl(&fdb_head);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-	return NULL;		/* this is a new node */
-/* Removes a node out of a tree. */
-static int br_avl_remove (struct fdb * node_to_delete)
-	struct fdb ** nodeplace = fhpp;
-	struct fdb ** stack[avl_maxheight];
-	int stack_count = 0;
-	struct fdb *** stack_ptr = &stack[0]; /* = &stack[stackcount] */
-	struct fdb ** nodeplace_to_delete;
-	if (!fdb_inited)
-		fdb_init();
-	for (;;) {
-		struct fdb * node = *nodeplace;
-		if (node == avl_br_empty) {
-			/* what? node_to_delete not found in tree? */
-			printk(KERN_ERR "br: avl_remove: node to delete not found in tree\n");
-			return(-1);
-		}
-		*stack_ptr++ = nodeplace; stack_count++;
-		if (addr_cmp(node_to_delete->ula, node->ula) == 0)
-				break;
-		if (addr_cmp(node_to_delete->ula, node->ula) < 0)
-			nodeplace = &node->fdb_avl_left;
-		else
-			nodeplace = &node->fdb_avl_right;
-	}
-	nodeplace_to_delete = nodeplace;
-	/* Have to remove node_to_delete = *nodeplace_to_delete. */
-	if (node_to_delete->fdb_avl_left == avl_br_empty) {
-		*nodeplace_to_delete = node_to_delete->fdb_avl_right;
-		stack_ptr--; stack_count--;
-	} else {
-		struct fdb *** stack_ptr_to_delete = stack_ptr;
-		struct fdb ** nodeplace = &node_to_delete->fdb_avl_left;
-		struct fdb * node;
-		for (;;) {
-			node = *nodeplace;
-			if (node->fdb_avl_right == avl_br_empty)
-				break;
-			*stack_ptr++ = nodeplace; stack_count++;
-			nodeplace = &node->fdb_avl_right;
-		}
-		*nodeplace = node->fdb_avl_left;
-		/* node replaces node_to_delete */
-		node->fdb_avl_left = node_to_delete->fdb_avl_left;
-		node->fdb_avl_right = node_to_delete->fdb_avl_right;
-		node->fdb_avl_height = node_to_delete->fdb_avl_height;
-		*nodeplace_to_delete = node; /* replace node_to_delete */
-		*stack_ptr_to_delete = &node->fdb_avl_left; /* replace &node_to_delete->fdb_avl_left */
-	}
-	br_avl_rebalance(stack_ptr,stack_count);
-	return(0);
-#ifdef DEBUG_AVL
-/* print a tree */
-static void printk_avl (struct fdb * tree)
-	if (tree != avl_br_empty) {
-		printk("(");
-		printk("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x(%d)",
-			tree->ula[0],
-			tree->ula[1],
-			tree->ula[2],
-			tree->ula[3],
-			tree->ula[4],
-			tree->ula[5],
-			tree->port);
-		if (tree->fdb_avl_left != avl_br_empty) {
-			printk_avl(tree->fdb_avl_left);
-			printk("<");
-		}
-		if (tree->fdb_avl_right != avl_br_empty) {
-			printk(">");
-			printk_avl(tree->fdb_avl_right);
-		}
-		printk(")\n");
-	}
-static char *avl_check_point = "somewhere";
-/* check a tree's consistency and balancing */
-static void avl_checkheights (struct fdb * tree)
-	int h, hl, hr;
-	if (tree == avl_br_empty)
-		return;
-	avl_checkheights(tree->fdb_avl_left);
-	avl_checkheights(tree->fdb_avl_right);
-	h = tree->fdb_avl_height;
-	hl = heightof(tree->fdb_avl_left);
-	hr = heightof(tree->fdb_avl_right);
-	if ((h == hl+1) && (hr <= hl) && (hl <= hr+1))
-		return;
-	if ((h == hr+1) && (hl <= hr) && (hr <= hl+1))
-		return;
-	printk("%s: avl_checkheights: heights inconsistent\n",avl_check_point);
-/* check that all values stored in a tree are < key */
-static void avl_checkleft (struct fdb * tree, fdb_avl_key_t key)
-	if (tree == avl_br_empty)
-		return;
-	avl_checkleft(tree->fdb_avl_left,key);
-	avl_checkleft(tree->fdb_avl_right,key);
-	if (tree->fdb_avl_key < key)
-		return;
-	printk("%s: avl_checkleft: left key %lu >= top key %lu\n",avl_check_point,tree->fdb_avl_key,key);
-/* check that all values stored in a tree are > key */
-static void avl_checkright (struct fdb * tree, fdb_avl_key_t key)
-	if (tree == avl_br_empty)
-		return;
-	avl_checkright(tree->fdb_avl_left,key);
-	avl_checkright(tree->fdb_avl_right,key);
-	if (tree->fdb_avl_key > key)
-		return;
-	printk("%s: avl_checkright: right key %lu <= top key %lu\n",avl_check_point,tree->fdb_avl_key,key);
-/* check that all values are properly increasing */
-static void avl_checkorder (struct fdb * tree)
-	if (tree == avl_br_empty)
-		return;
-	avl_checkorder(tree->fdb_avl_left);
-	avl_checkorder(tree->fdb_avl_right);
-	avl_checkleft(tree->fdb_avl_left,tree->fdb_avl_key);
-	avl_checkright(tree->fdb_avl_right,tree->fdb_avl_key);
-#endif /* DEBUG_AVL */
-static int addr_cmp(unsigned char a1[], unsigned char a2[])
-	int i;
-	for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
-		if (a1[i] > a2[i]) return(1);
-		if (a1[i] < a2[i]) return(-1);
-	}
-	return(0);
-/* Vova Oksman: function for copy tree to the buffer */
-void sprintf_avl (char **pbuffer, struct fdb * tree, off_t *pos,
-					int* len, off_t offset, int length)
-	int size;
-	if( 0 == *pos){
-		if(avl_br_empty == tree)
-		/* begin from the root */
-			tree = fhp;
-		*pos = *len;
-	}
-	if (*pos >= offset+length)
-		return;
-	if (tree != avl_br_empty) {
-		/* don't write the local device */
-		if(tree->port != 0){
-			size = sprintf(*pbuffer,
-				   "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x     %s       %d         %ld\n",
-				   tree->ula[0],tree->ula[1],tree->ula[2],
-				   tree->ula[3],tree->ula[4],tree->ula[5], 
-				   port_info[tree->port].dev->name, tree->flags,CURRENT_TIME-tree->timer);
-			(*pos)+=size;
-			(*len)+=size;
-			(*pbuffer)+=size;
-		}
-		if (*pos <= offset)
-			*len=0;
-		if (tree->fdb_avl_left != avl_br_empty) {
-			sprintf_avl (pbuffer,tree->fdb_avl_left,pos,len,offset,length);
-		}
-		if (tree->fdb_avl_right != avl_br_empty) {
-			sprintf_avl (pbuffer,tree->fdb_avl_right,pos,len,offset,length);
-		}
-	}
-	return;
- * Delete all nodes learnt by the port
- */
-void br_avl_delete_by_port(int port)
-        struct fdb *fdb, *next;
-	if (!fdb_inited)
-		fdb_init();
-        for(fdb = port_info[port].fdb; fdb != NULL; fdb = next) {
-                next = fdb->fdb_next;
-                br_avl_remove(fdb);
-        }
-        port_info[port].fdb = NULL;
-        /* remove the local mac too */
-/*        next = br_avl_find_addr(port_info[port].dev->dev_addr); */
-        next = br_avl_find_addr(port_info[port].ifmac.BRIDGE_ID_ULA);
-        if (next != NULL)
-                br_avl_remove(next);
-        return;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: