patch-2.3.4 linux/Documentation/isdn/README

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.3/linux/Documentation/isdn/README linux/Documentation/isdn/README
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
    This mailinglist is bidirectionally gated to the newsgroup
   There is also a well maintained FAQ (both english and german) available
   at in /pub/isdn4linux/FAQ/
   This FAQ is also available at
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
   In the following Text, the terms MSN and EAZ are used.
   MSN is the abbreviation for (M)ultiple(S)ubscriber(N)umber, and applies
-  to Euro(EDSS1)-type lines. Usually it is simply the phone-number.
+  to Euro(EDSS1)-type lines. Usually it is simply the phone number.
   EAZ is the abbreviation of (E)ndgeraete(A)uswahl(Z)iffer and
   applies to German 1TR6-type lines. This is a one-digit string,
-  simply appended to the base phone-number
+  simply appended to the base phone number
   The internal handling is nearly identical, so replace the appropriate
   term to that one, which applies to your local ISDN-environment.
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@
   A low-level-driver can register itself through an interface (which is
   defined in isdnif.h) and gets assigned a slot.
   The following char-devices are made available for each channel:
   A raw-control-device with the following functions:
      write: raw D-channel-messages (format: depends on driver).
      read:  raw D-channel-messages (format: depends on driver).
      ioctl: depends on driver, i.e. for the ICN-driver, the base-address of
             the ports and the shared memory on the card can be set and read
-            also the boot-code and the protocol software can be loaded into 
+            also the boot-code and the protocol software can be loaded into
             the card.
    O N L Y !!!  for debugging (no locking against other devices):
@@ -74,38 +74,38 @@
    128 tty-devices (64 cuix and 64 ttyIx) with integrated modem-emulator:
    The functionality is almost the same as that of a serial device
-   (the line-discs are handled by the kernel), which lets you run 
-   SLIP, CSLIP and asynchronous PPP through the devices. We have tested 
+   (the line-discs are handled by the kernel), which lets you run
+   SLIP, CSLIP and asynchronous PPP through the devices. We have tested
    Seyon, minicom, CSLIP (uri-dip) PPP and mgetty (compiled with NO_FAX),
    The modem-emulation supports the following:
            1.3.1 Commands:
-               ATA	Answer incoming call.
-	       ATD<No.> Dial, the number may contain:
+               ATA      Answer incoming call.
+               ATD<No.> Dial, the number may contain:
                         [0-9] and [,#.*WPT-S]
                         the latter are ignored until 'S'.
-                        The 'S' must precede the number, if 
+                        The 'S' must precede the number, if
                         the line is a SPV (German 1TR6).
-               ATE0	Echo off.
-	       ATE1     Echo on (default).
+               ATE0     Echo off.
+               ATE1     Echo on (default).
                ATH      Hang-up.
-	       ATH1     Off hook (ignored).
+               ATH1     Off hook (ignored).
                ATH0     Hang-up.
-	       ATI      Return "ISDN for Linux...".
+               ATI      Return "ISDN for Linux...".
                ATI0        "
                ATI1        "
-	       ATI2     Report of last connection.
+               ATI2     Report of last connection.
                ATO      On line (data mode).
                ATQ0     Enable result codes (default).
                ATQ1     Disable result codes (default).
-               ATSx=y	Set register x to y.
-	       ATSx?    Show contents of register x.
+               ATSx=y   Set register x to y.
+               ATSx?    Show contents of register x.
                ATV0     Numeric responses.
                ATV1     English responses (default).
-	       ATZ      Load registers and EAZ/MSN from Profile.
-	       AT&Bx    Set Send-Packet-size to x (max. 4000)
+               ATZ      Load registers and EAZ/MSN from Profile.
+               AT&Bx    Set Send-Packet-size to x (max. 4000)
                         The real packet-size may be limited by the
                         low-level-driver used. e.g. the HiSax-Module-
                         limit is 2000. You will get NO Error-Message,
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@
                         driver may not be selected (see "Automatic
                         Assignment") however the size of outgoing packets
                         will be limited correctly.
-	       AT&D0    Ignore DTR
-	       AT&D2    DTR-low-edge: Hang up and return to 
+               AT&D0    Ignore DTR
+               AT&D2    DTR-low-edge: Hang up and return to
                         command mode (default).
                AT&D3    Same as AT&D2 but also resets all registers.
-	       AT&Ex    Set the EAZ/MSN for this channel to x.
-	       AT&F     Reset all registers and profile to "factory-defaults"
-	       AT&Rx    Select V.110 bitrate adaption.
+               AT&Ex    Set the EAZ/MSN for this channel to x.
+               AT&F     Reset all registers and profile to "factory-defaults"
+               AT&Rx    Select V.110 bitrate adaption.
                         This command enables V.110 protocol with 9600 baud
                         (x=9600), 19200 baud (x=19200) or 38400 baud
                         (x=38400). A value of x=0 disables V.110 switching
@@ -142,24 +142,24 @@
                             The value 198 is choosen arbitrarily. Users
                             _MUST_ negotiate this value before establishing
                             a connection.
-	       AT&Sx    Set window-size (x = 1..8) (not yet implemented)
-	       AT&V     Show all settings.
+               AT&Sx    Set window-size (x = 1..8) (not yet implemented)
+               AT&V     Show all settings.
                AT&W0    Write registers and EAZ/MSN to profile. See also
                         iprofd (5.c in this README).
-               AT&X0	BTX-mode and T.70-mode off (default)
-	       AT&X1    BTX-mode on. (S13.1=1, S13.5=0 S14=0, S16=7, S18=7, S19=0)
-	       AT&X2    T.70-mode on. (S13.1=1, S13.5=1, S14=0, S16=7, S18=7, S19=0)
+               AT&X0    BTX-mode and T.70-mode off (default)
+               AT&X1    BTX-mode on. (S13.1=1, S13.5=0 S14=0, S16=7, S18=7, S19=0)
+               AT&X2    T.70-mode on. (S13.1=1, S13.5=1, S14=0, S16=7, S18=7, S19=0)
            For voice-mode commands refer to
-	   1.3.2 Escape sequence:
+           1.3.2 Escape sequence:
                During a connection, the emulation reacts just like
                a normal modem to the escape sequence <DELAY>+++<DELAY>.
-	       (The escape character - default '+' - can be set in the
+               (The escape character - default '+' - can be set in the
                register 2).
-               The DELAY must at least be 1.5 seconds long and delay 
+               The DELAY must at least be 1.5 seconds long and delay
                between the escape characters must not exceed 0.5 seconds.
            1.3.3 Registers:
               Nr.  Default  Description
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
               4    10       Line feed character (ASCII).
               5    8        Backspace character (ASCII).
               6    3        Delay in seconds before dialing.
-              7    60       Wait for carrier (ignored).
+              7    60       Wait for carrier.
               8    2        Pause time for comma (ignored)
               9    6        Carrier detect time (ignored)
              10    7        Carrier loss to disconnect time (ignored).
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@
                                       1 = T.70 protocol (Only for BTX!) on
                             Bit 2:    0 = Don't hangup on DTR low.
                                       1 = Hangup on DTR low.
-			    Bit 3:    0 = Standard response messages
-				      1 = Extended response messages
+                            Bit 3:    0 = Standard response messages
+                                      1 = Extended response messages
                             Bit 4:    0 = CALLER NUMBER before every RING.
                                       1 = CALLER NUMBER after first RING.
                             Bit 5:    0 = T.70 extended protocol off
@@ -215,18 +215,19 @@
                                           an incoming call happened (RING) and
                                           the remote party hung up before any
                                           local ATA was given.
-	     14   0         Layer-2 protocol:
-				      0 = X75/LAPB with I-frames
-				      1 = X75/LAPB with UI-frames
+             14   0         Layer-2 protocol:
+                                      0 = X75/LAPB with I-frames
+                                      1 = X75/LAPB with UI-frames
                                       2 = X75/LAPB with BUI-frames
                                       3 = HDLC
                                       4 = Transparent (audio)
                                       7 = V.110, 9600 baud
                                       8 = V.110, 19200 baud
                                       9 = V.110, 38400 baud
+                                     10 = Analog Modem (only if hardware supports this)
              15   0         Layer-3 protocol: (at the moment always 0)
                                       0 = transparent
-	     16   250       Send-Packet-size/16
+             16   250       Send-Packet-size/16
              17   8         Window-size (not yet implemented)
              18   4         Bit coded register, Service-Octet-1 to accept,
                             or to be used on dialout:
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
   All inactive physical lines are listening to all EAZs for incoming
   calls and are NOT assigned to a specific tty or network interface.
-  When an incoming call is detected, the driver looks first for a network 
+  When an incoming call is detected, the driver looks first for a network
   interface and then for an opened tty which:
   1. is configured for the same EAZ.
@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@
   3. (only for network interfaces if the security flag is set)
      contains the caller number in its access list.
   4. Either the channel is not bound exclusively to another Net-interface, or
-     it is bound AND the other checks apply to exactly this Interface.
+     it is bound AND the other checks apply to exactly this interface.
      (For usage of the bind-features, refer to the isdnctrl-man-page)
   Only when a matching interface or tty is found is the call accepted
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@
   Always use the latest module utilities. The current version is
   named in Documentation/Changes. Some old versions of insmod
   are not capable of setting the driver-Ids correctly.
 3. Lowlevel-driver configuration.
    Configuration depends on how the drivers are built. See the
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@
 4. Device-inodes
    The major and minor numbers and their names are described in
-   Documentation/devices.txt. The major-numbers are:
+   Documentation/devices.txt. The major numbers are:
      43 for the ISDN-tty's.
      44 for the ISDN-callout-tty's.
@@ -350,45 +351,64 @@
    g) Set the timeout for hang-up:
        isdnctrl huptimeout isdn0 <timeout_in_seconds>
-   h) additionally you may activate charge-hang-up (= Hang up before 
+   h) additionally you may activate charge-hang-up (= Hang up before
       next charge-info, this only works, if your isdn-provider transmits
       the charge-info during and after the connection):
        isdnctrl chargehup isdn0 on
-   i) Setup the interface with ifconfig as usual, and set a route to it.
+   i) Set the dial mode of the interface:
+       isdnctrl dialmode isdn0 auto
+      "off" means that you (or the system) cannot make any connection
+        (neither incoming or outgoing connections are possible). Use
+        this if you want to be sure that no connections will be made.
+      "auto" means that the interface is in auto-dial mode, and will
+        attempt to make a connection whenever a network data packet needs
+        the interface's link. Note that this can cause unexpected dialouts,
+        and lead to a high phone bill! Some daemons or other pc's that use
+        this interface can cause this.
+        Incoming connections are also possible.
+      "manual" is a dial mode created to prevent the unexpected dialouts.
+        In this mode, the interface will never make any connections on its
+        own. You must explicitly initiate a connection with "isdnctrl dial
+        isdn0". However, after an idle time of no traffic as configured for
+	the huptimeout value with isdnctrl, the connection _will_ be ended.
+	If you don't want any automatic hangup, set the huptimeout value to 0.
+        "manual" is the default.
-   j) (optional) If you run X11 and have Tcl/Tk-wish Version 4.0, you can use
+   j) Setup the interface with ifconfig as usual, and set a route to it.
+   k) (optional) If you run X11 and have Tcl/Tk-wish version 4.0, you can use
      the script tools/tcltk/isdnmon. You can add actions for line-status
      changes. See the comments at the beginning of the script for how to
      do that. There are other tty-based tools in the tools-subdirectory
      contributed by Michael Knigge (imon), Volker Götz (imontty) and
      Andreas Kool (isdnmon).
-   k) For initial testing, you can set the verbose-level to 2 (default: 0).
+   l) For initial testing, you can set the verbose-level to 2 (default: 0).
       Then all incoming calls are logged, even if they are not addressed
       to one of the configured net-interfaces:
       isdnctrl verbose 2
-  Now you are ready! A ping to the set address should now result in a
-  dial-out (look at syslog kernel-messages).
-  The phone-numbers and EAZs can be assigned at any time with isdnctrl.
+  Now you are ready! A ping to the set address should now result in an
+  automatic dial-out (look at syslog kernel-messages).
+  The phone numbers and EAZs can be assigned at any time with isdnctrl.
   You can add as many interfaces as you like with addif following the
-  directions above. Of course, there may be some limitations. But we have 
-  tested as many as 20 interfaces without any problem. However, if you 
-  don't give an interface name to addif, the  kernel will assign a name 
+  directions above. Of course, there may be some limitations. But we have
+  tested as many as 20 interfaces without any problem. However, if you
+  don't give an interface name to addif, the  kernel will assign a name
   which starts with "eth". The number of "eth"-interfaces is limited by
   the kernel.
 5. Additional options for isdnctrl:
-   "isdnctrl secure <InterfaceName> on" 
+   "isdnctrl secure <InterfaceName> on"
    Only incoming calls, for which the caller-id is listed in the access
    list of the interface are accepted. You can add caller-id's With the
    command "isdnctrl addphone <InterfaceName> in <caller-id>"
    Euro-ISDN does not transmit the leading '0' of the caller-id for an
    incoming call, therefore you should configure it accordingly.
    If the real number for the dialout e.g. is "09311234567" the number
-   to configure here is "9311234567". The pattern-match function 
+   to configure here is "9311234567". The pattern-match function
    works similar to the shell mechanism.
      ?     one arbitrary digit
@@ -398,23 +418,23 @@
            a '^' as the first character in a list inverts the list
-   "isdnctrl secure <InterfaceName> off" 
+   "isdnctrl secure <InterfaceName> off"
    Switch off secure operation (default).
-   "isdnctrl ihup <InterfaceName> [on|off]" 
+   "isdnctrl ihup <InterfaceName> [on|off]"
    Switch the hang-up-timer for incoming calls on or off.
-   "isdnctrl eaz <InterfaceName>" 
+   "isdnctrl eaz <InterfaceName>"
    Returns the EAZ of an interface.
-   "isdnctrl delphone <InterfaceName> in|out <number>" 
+   "isdnctrl delphone <InterfaceName> in|out <number>"
    Deletes a number from one of the access-lists of the interface.
-   "isdnctrl delif <InterfaceName>" 
+   "isdnctrl delif <InterfaceName>"
    Removes the interface (and possible slaves) from the kernel.
    (You have to unregister it with "ifconfig <InterfaceName> down" before).
-   "isdnctrl callback <InterfaceName> [on|off]" 
+   "isdnctrl callback <InterfaceName> [on|off]"
    Switches an interface to callback-mode. In this mode, an incoming call
    will be rejected and after this the remote-station will be called. If
    you test this feature by using ping, some routers will re-dial very
@@ -435,14 +455,14 @@
    only while an interface is down.
    At the moment the following values are supported:
    rawip    (Default) Selects raw-IP-encapsulation. This means, MAC-headers
-            are stripped off.  
+            are stripped off.
    ip       IP with type-field. Same as IP but the type-field of the MAC-header
             is preserved.
    x25iface X.25 interface encapsulation (first byte semantics as defined in
-	    ../networking/x25-iface.txt). Use this for running the linux
-	    X.25 network protocol stack (AF_X25 sockets) on top of isdn.
+            ../networking/x25-iface.txt). Use this for running the linux
+            X.25 network protocol stack (AF_X25 sockets) on top of isdn.
    cisco-h  A special-mode for communicating with a Cisco, which is configured
             to do "hdlc"
    ethernet No stripping. Packets are sent with full MAC-header.
@@ -454,7 +474,7 @@
    NOTE:    x25iface encapsulation is currently experimental. Please
-	    read README.x25 for further details    
+            read README.x25 for further details
    Watching packets, using standard-tcpdump will fail for all encapsulations
@@ -462,16 +482,16 @@
    without MAC-header. A patch for tcpdump is included in the utility-package
    mentioned above.
-   "isdnctrl l2_prot <InterfaceName> <L2-ProtocolName>" 
-   Selects a layer-2-protocol. 
+   "isdnctrl l2_prot <InterfaceName> <L2-ProtocolName>"
+   Selects a layer-2-protocol.
    (With the ICN-driver and the HiSax-driver, "x75i" and "hdlc" is available.
    With other drivers, "x75ui", "x75bui", "x25dte", "x25dce" may be
    possible too. See README.x25 for x25 related l2 protocols.)
-   isdnctrl l3_prot <InterfaceName> <L3-ProtocolName> 
+   isdnctrl l3_prot <InterfaceName> <L3-ProtocolName>
    The same for layer-3. (At the moment only "trans" is allowed)
-   "isdnctrl list <InterfaceName>" 
+   "isdnctrl list <InterfaceName>"
    Shows all parameters of an interface and the charge-info.
    Try "all" as the interface name.
@@ -479,13 +499,13 @@
    Forces hangup of an interface.
    "isdnctrl bind <InterfaceName> <DriverId>,<ChannelNumber> [exclusive]"
-   If you are using more than one ISDN-Card, it is sometimes necessary to
-   dial out using a specific Card or even preserve a specific Channel for
-   Dialout of a specific net-interface. This can be done with the above
+   If you are using more than one ISDN card, it is sometimes necessary to
+   dial out using a specific card or even preserve a specific channel for
+   dialout of a specific net-interface. This can be done with the above
    command. Replace <DriverId> by whatever you assigned while loading the
-   module. The <ChannelNumber> is counting from zero. The upper Limit
-   depends on the card used. At the Moment no card supports more than
-   2 Channels, so the upper limit is one.
+   module. The <ChannelNumber> is counted from zero. The upper limit
+   depends on the card used. At the moment no card supports more than
+   2 channels, so the upper limit is one.
    "isdnctrl unbind <InterfaceName>"
    unbinds a previously bound interface.
@@ -494,10 +514,10 @@
    If switched on, isdn4linux replies a REJECT to incoming calls, it
    cannot match to any configured interface.
    If switched off, nothing happens in this case.
-   You normally should NOT enable this feature, if the ISDN-adaptor is not
-   the only device, connected to the S0-bus. Otherwise it could happen, that
+   You normally should NOT enable this feature, if the ISDN adapter is not
+   the only device connected to the S0-bus. Otherwise it could happen that
    isdn4linux rejects an incoming call, which belongs to another device on
-   the bus. 
+   the bus.
    "isdnctrl addslave <InterfaceName> <SlaveName>
    Creates a slave interface for channel-bundling. Slave interfaces are
@@ -539,9 +559,9 @@
    isdnctrl eaz isdn1 4      # listen on 12345674(1tr6) only.
    isdnctrl eaz isdn2 987654 # listen on 987654(euro) only.
    Same scheme is used with AT&E...  at the tty's.
 6. If you want to write a new low-level-driver, you are welcome.
    The interface to the link-level-module is described in the file INTERFACE.
    If the interface should be expanded for any reason, don't do it

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: