patch-2.3.27 linux/fs/proc/scsi.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.26/linux/fs/proc/scsi.c linux/fs/proc/scsi.c
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- *  linux/fs/proc/scsi.c  
- *  (c) 1995 Michael Neuffer
- *
- *  The original version was derived from linux/fs/proc/net.c,
- *  which is Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds. 
- *  Much has been rewritten, but some of the code still remains.
- *
- *  /proc/scsi directory handling functions
- *
- *  last change: 95/07/04    
- *
- *  Initial version: March '95
- *  95/05/15 Added subdirectories for each driver and show every
- *	     registered HBA as a single file. 
- *  95/05/30 Added rudimentary write support for parameter passing
- *  95/07/04 Fixed bugs in directory handling
- *  95/09/13 Update to support the new proc-dir tree
- *
- *  TODO: Improve support to write to the driver files
- *	  Add some more comments
- */
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-#include <linux/stat.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-/* forward references */
-static ssize_t proc_readscsi(struct file * file, char * buf,
-                             size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
-static ssize_t proc_writescsi(struct file * file, const char * buf,
-                              size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
-static long long proc_scsilseek(struct file *, long long, int);
-extern void build_proc_dir_hba_entries(uint);
-/* the *_get_info() functions are in the respective scsi driver code */
-int (* dispatch_scsi_info_ptr) (int ino, char *buffer, char **start,
-				off_t offset, int length, int inout) = 0;
-static struct file_operations proc_scsi_operations = {
-    proc_scsilseek,	/* lseek   */
-    proc_readscsi,	/* read	   */
-    proc_writescsi,	/* write   */
-    proc_readdir,	/* readdir */
-    NULL,		/* poll    */
-    NULL,		/* ioctl   */
-    NULL,		/* mmap	   */
-    NULL,		/* no special open code	   */
-    NULL,		/* flush */
-    NULL,		/* no special release code */
-    NULL		/* can't fsync */
- * proc directories can do almost nothing..
- */
-struct inode_operations proc_scsi_inode_operations = {
-&proc_scsi_operations,  /* default scsi directory file-ops */
-	NULL,			/* create */
-	proc_lookup,		/* lookup */
-	NULL,	    		/* link */
-	NULL,	    		/* unlink */
-	NULL,	    		/* symlink */
-	NULL,	    		/* mkdir */
-	NULL,	    		/* rmdir */
-	NULL,	    		/* mknod */
-	NULL,	    		/* rename */
-	NULL,	    		/* readlink */
-	NULL,	    		/* follow_link */
-	NULL,			/* get_block */
-	NULL,			/* readpage */
-	NULL,			/* writepage */
-	NULL,			/* flushpage */
-	NULL,			/* truncate */
-	NULL,			/* permission */
-	NULL,			/* smap */
-	NULL			/* revalidate */
-int get_not_present_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length)
-    int len, pos, begin;
-    begin = 0;
-    pos = len = sprintf(buffer, 
-			"No low-level scsi modules are currently present\n");
-    if(pos < offset) {
-	len = 0;
-	begin = pos;
-    }
-    *start = buffer + (offset - begin);	  /* Start of wanted data */
-    len -= (offset - begin);
-    if(len > length)
-	len = length;
-    return(len);
-#define PROC_BLOCK_SIZE (3*1024)     /* 4K page size, but our output routines 
-				      * use some slack for overruns 
-				      */
-static ssize_t proc_readscsi(struct file * file, char * buf,
-                             size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
-    struct inode * inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode; 
-    ssize_t length;
-    ssize_t bytes = count;
-    ssize_t copied = 0;
-    ssize_t thistime;
-    char * page;
-    char * start;
-    if (!(page = (char *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)))
-	return(-ENOMEM);
-    while (bytes > 0) {	
-	thistime = bytes;
-	if(bytes > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE)
-	    thistime = PROC_BLOCK_SIZE;
-	if(dispatch_scsi_info_ptr)
-	    length = dispatch_scsi_info_ptr(inode->i_ino, page, &start, 
-					    *ppos, thistime, 0);
-	else
-	    length = get_not_present_info(page, &start, *ppos, thistime);
-	if(length < 0) {
-	    free_page((ulong) page);
-	    return(length);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  We have been given a non page aligned block of
-	 *  the data we asked for + a bit. We have been given
-	 *  the start pointer and we know the length.. 
-	 */
-	if (length <= 0)
-	    break;
-	/*
-	 *  Copy the bytes
-	 */
-	copy_to_user(buf + copied, start, length);
-	*ppos += length;	/* Move down the file */
-	bytes -= length;
-	copied += length;
-	if(length < thistime)
-	    break;  /* End of file */
-    }
-    free_page((ulong) page);
-    return(copied);
-static ssize_t proc_writescsi(struct file * file, const char * buf,
-                              size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
-    struct inode * inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-    ssize_t ret = 0;
-    char * page;
-    if(count > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE) {
-	return(-EOVERFLOW);
-    }
-    if(dispatch_scsi_info_ptr != NULL) {
-        if (!(page = (char *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)))
-            return(-ENOMEM);
-	copy_from_user(page, buf, count);
-	ret = dispatch_scsi_info_ptr(inode->i_ino, page, 0, 0, count, 1);
-    } else 
-	return(-ENOPKG);	  /* Nothing here */
-    free_page((ulong) page);
-    return(ret);
-static long long proc_scsilseek(struct file * file, long long offset, int orig)
-    switch (orig) {
-    case 0:
-	file->f_pos = offset;
-	return(file->f_pos);
-    case 1:
-	file->f_pos += offset;
-	return(file->f_pos);
-    case 2:
-	return(-EINVAL);
-    default:
-	return(-EINVAL);
-    }
- * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
- * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
- * adjust the settings for this buffer only.  This must remain at the end
- * of the file.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -4
- * c-argdecl-indent: 4
- * c-label-offset: -4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * tab-width: 8
- * End:
- */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: