patch-2.2.18 linux/drivers/usb/ohci-hcd.h

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.17/drivers/usb/ohci-hcd.h linux/drivers/usb/ohci-hcd.h
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
- /*
- * OHCI HCD (Host Controller Driver) for USB.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999 Roman Weissgaerber <>
- *
- * The OHCI HCD layer is a simple but nearly complete implementation of what the
- * USB people would call a HCD  for the OHCI. 
- * (ISO comming soon, Bulk disabled, INT u. CTRL transfers enabled)
- * The layer on top of it, is for interfacing to the alternate-usb device-drivers.
- * 
- * [ This is based on Linus' UHCI code and gregs OHCI fragments (0.03c source tree). ]
- * [ Open Host Controller Interface driver for USB. ]
- * [ (C) Copyright 1999 Linus Torvalds (uhci.c) ]
- * [ (C) Copyright 1999 Gregory P. Smith <> ]
- * [ $Log: ohci.c,v $ ]
- * [ Revision 1.1  1999/04/05 08:32:30  greg ]
- * 
- * 
- * v2.1 1999/05/09 ep_addr correction, code clean up
- * v2.0 1999/05/04 
- * v1.0 1999/04/27
- * ohci-hcd.h
- */
-#include <linux/config.h>
-#define VROOTHUB  
-/* enables virtual root hub 
- * (root hub will be managed by the hub controller 
- *  hub.c of the alternate usb driver)
- *  last time I did more testing without virtual root hub 
- *  -> the virtual root hub could be more unstable now */
-#ifdef OHCI_DBG
-#define OHCI_DEBUG(X) X
-#define OHCI_DEBUG(X)
-/* for readl writel functions */
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-/* for ED and TD structures */
-typedef void * __OHCI_BAG;
-typedef int (*f_handler )(void * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr, int cmd_len, void *cmd, void *data, int data_len, int status, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1);
-struct ep_address {
-  __u8 ep;  /* bit 7: IN/-OUT, 6,5: type 10..CTRL 00..ISO  11..BULK 10..INT, 3..0: ep nr */ 
-  __u8 fa;    /* function address */
-  __u8 hc;
-  __u8 host;
-union ep_addr_ {
-  unsigned int iep;
-  struct ep_address bep;
- * ED and TD descriptors has to be 16-byte aligned
- */
-struct ohci_hw_ed {
-  __u32 info;       
-  __u32 tail_td;	/* TD Queue tail pointer */
-  __u32 head_td;	/* TD Queue head pointer */
-  __u32 next_ed;	/* Next ED */
-} __attribute((aligned(16)));
-struct usb_ohci_ed {
-  struct ohci_hw_ed hw;
-  /*  struct ohci * ohci; */
-  f_handler handler;
-  union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *ed_list;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *ed_prev;
-} __attribute((aligned(32)));
- /* OHCI Hardware fields */
-struct ohci_hw_td {     
-  __u32 info;
-  __u32 cur_buf;		/* Current Buffer Pointer */
-  __u32 next_td;		/* Next TD Pointer */
-  __u32 buf_end;		/* Memory Buffer End Pointer */
-} __attribute((aligned(16)));
-/* TD info field */
-#define TD_CC       0xf0000000
-#define TD_CC_GET(td_p) ((td_p >>28) & 0x04)
-#define TD_EC       0x0C000000
-#define TD_T        0x03000000
-#define TD_T_DATA0  0x02000000
-#define TD_T_DATA1  0x03000000
-#define TD_T_TOGGLE 0x00000000
-#define TD_R        0x00040000
-#define TD_DI       0x00E00000
-#define TD_DI_SET(X) (((X) & 0x07)<< 21)
-#define TD_DP       0x00180000
-#define TD_DP_SETUP 0x00000000
-#define TD_DP_IN    0x00100000
-#define TD_DP_OUT   0x00080000
-/* CC Codes */
-#define TD_CC_NOERROR      0x00
-#define TD_CC_CRC          0x01
-#define TD_CC_BITSTUFFING  0x02
-#define TD_CC_DATATOGGLEM  0x03
-#define TD_CC_STALL        0x04
-#define TD_DEVNOTRESP      0x05
-#define TD_PIDCHECKFAIL    0x06
-#define TD_UNEXPECTEDPID   0x07
-#define TD_DATAOVERRUN     0x08
-#define TD_DATAUNDERRUN    0x09
-#define TD_BUFFEROVERRUN   0x0C
-#define TD_NOTACCESSED     0x0F
-struct usb_ohci_td {
-  struct ohci_hw_td hw;
-  void *  buffer_start;
-  f_handler handler; 
-  struct usb_ohci_td *prev_td;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *ep;
-  struct usb_ohci_td *next_dl_td;
-  __OHCI_BAG lw0;
-  __OHCI_BAG lw1;
-} __attribute((aligned(32)));
-/* TD types */
-#define BULK		0x03
-#define INT			0x01
-#define CTRL		0x02
-#define ISO			0x00
-/* TD types with direction */
-#define BULK_IN		0x07
-#define BULK_OUT	0x03
-#define INT_IN		0x05
-#define INT_OUT		0x01
-#define CTRL_IN		0x06
-#define CTRL_OUT	0x02
-#define ISO_IN		0x04
-#define ISO_OUT		0x00
-struct ohci_rep_td {
-  int cmd_len;
-  void * cmd;
-  void * data;
-  int data_len;
-  f_handler handler;
-  struct ohci_rep_td *next_td;
-  int ep_addr;
-  __OHCI_BAG lw0;
-  __OHCI_BAG lw1;
-  __u32 status;
-} __attribute((aligned(32))); 
-#define OHCI_ED_SKIP	(1 << 14)
-#define OHCI_ED_MPS	(0x7ff << 16)
-#define OHCI_ED_F_NORM	(0)
-#define OHCI_ED_F_ISOC	(1 << 15)
-#define OHCI_ED_S_LOW	(1 << 13)
-#define OHCI_ED_S_HIGH	(0)
-#define OHCI_ED_D	(3 << 11)
-#define OHCI_ED_D_IN	(2 << 11)
-#define OHCI_ED_D_OUT	(1 << 11)
-#define OHCI_ED_EN	(0xf << 7)
-#define OHCI_ED_FA	(0x7f)
- * The HCCA (Host Controller Communications Area) is a 256 byte
- * structure defined in the OHCI spec. that the host controller is
- * told the base address of.  It must be 256-byte aligned.
- */
-#define NUM_INTS 32	/* part of the OHCI standard */
-struct ohci_hcca {
-    __u32	int_table[NUM_INTS];	/* Interrupt ED table */
-	__u16	frame_no;		/* current frame number */
-	__u16	pad1;			/* set to 0 on each frame_no change */
-	__u32	done_head;		/* info returned for an interrupt */
-	u8		reserved_for_hc[116];
-} __attribute((aligned(256)));
-#define ED_INT_1	1
-#define ED_INT_2	2
-#define ED_INT_4	4
-#define ED_INT_8	8
-#define ED_INT_16	16
-#define ED_INT_32	32
-#define ED_CONTROL	64
-#define ED_BULK		65
-#define ED_ISO		0	/* same as 1ms interrupt queue */
- * This is the maximum number of root hub ports.  I don't think we'll
- * ever see more than two as that's the space available on an ATX
- * motherboard's case, but it could happen.  The OHCI spec allows for
- * up to 15... (which is insane!)
- * 
- * Although I suppose several "ports" could be connected directly to
- * internal laptop devices such as a keyboard, mouse, camera and
- * serial/parallel ports.  hmm...  That'd be neat.
- */
-#define MAX_ROOT_PORTS	15	/* maximum OHCI root hub ports */
- * This is the structure of the OHCI controller's memory mapped I/O
- * region.  This is Memory Mapped I/O.  You must use the readl() and
- * writel() macros defined in asm/io.h to access these!!
- */
-struct ohci_regs {
-	/* control and status registers */
-	__u32	revision;
-	__u32	control;
-	__u32	cmdstatus;
-	__u32	intrstatus;
-	__u32	intrenable;
-	__u32	intrdisable;
-	/* memory pointers */
-	__u32	hcca;
-	__u32	ed_periodcurrent;
-	__u32	ed_controlhead;
-	__u32	ed_controlcurrent;
-	__u32	ed_bulkhead;
-	__u32	ed_bulkcurrent;
-	__u32	donehead;
-	/* frame counters */
-	__u32	fminterval;
-	__u32	fmremaining;
-	__u32	fmnumber;
-	__u32	periodicstart;
-	__u32	lsthresh;
-	/* Root hub ports */
-	struct	ohci_roothub_regs {
-		__u32	a;
-		__u32	b;
-		__u32	status;
-		__u32	portstatus[MAX_ROOT_PORTS];
-	} roothub;
-} __attribute((aligned(32)));
- * Read a MMIO register and re-write it after ANDing with (m)
- */
-#define writel_mask(m, a) writel( (readl((__u32)(a))) & (__u32)(m), (__u32)(a) )
- * Read a MMIO register and re-write it after ORing with (b)
- */
-#define writel_set(b, a) writel( (readl((__u32)(a))) | (__u32)(b), (__u32)(a) )
- * cmdstatus register */
-#define OHCI_CLF  0x02
-#define OHCI_BLF  0x04
- * Interrupt register masks
- */
-#define OHCI_INTR_SO	(1)
-#define OHCI_INTR_WDH	(1 << 1)
-#define OHCI_INTR_SF	(1 << 2)
-#define OHCI_INTR_RD	(1 << 3)
-#define OHCI_INTR_UE	(1 << 4)
-#define OHCI_INTR_FNO	(1 << 5)
-#define OHCI_INTR_RHSC	(1 << 6)
-#define OHCI_INTR_OC	(1 << 30)
-#define OHCI_INTR_MIE	(1 << 31)
- * Control register masks
- */
-#define OHCI_USB_OPER		(2 << 6)
-#define OHCI_USB_SUSPEND	(3 << 6)
- * This is the full ohci controller description
- *
- * Note how the "proper" USB information is just
- * a subset of what the full implementation needs. (Linus)
- */
-struct ohci {
-    	int irq;
-	    struct ohci_regs *regs;					/* OHCI controller's memory */	
-	    struct ohci_hc_area *hc_area;			/* hcca, int ed-tree, ohci itself .. */                
-        int root_hub_funct_addr;                /* Address of Root Hub endpoint */       
-        int ohci_int_load[32];                       /* load of the 32 Interrupt Chains (for load ballancing)*/     
-        struct usb_ohci_ed * ed_rm_list;        /* list of all endpoints to be removed */
-        struct usb_ohci_ed * ed_bulktail;       /* last endpoint of bulk list */
-        struct usb_ohci_ed * ed_controltail;    /* last endpoint of control list */
-        struct usb_ohci_ed * ed_isotail;        /* last endpoint of iso list */
-        struct ohci_device * root_hub;
-        struct usb_ohci_ed ed_rh_ep0;
-        struct usb_ohci_ed ed_rh_epi;
-        struct ohci_rep_td *td_rh_epi;
-        int intrstatus;
-        struct usb_ohci_ed *ed_func_ep0[128];   /* "hash"-table for ep to ed mapping */
-        struct ohci_rep_td *repl_queue;			/* for internal requests */
-        int rh_int_interval;
-        int rh_int_timer;   
-        struct usb_bus *bus;
- *  Warning: This constant must not be so large as to cause the
- *  ohci_device structure to exceed one 4096 byte page.  Or "weird
- *  things will happen" as the alloc_ohci() function assumes that
- *  its less than one page at the moment.  (FIXME)
- */
-#define NUM_TDS	4		/* num of preallocated transfer descriptors */
-#define NUM_EDS 80		/* num of preallocated endpoint descriptors */
-struct ohci_hc_area {
-	struct ohci_hcca 	hcca;		/* OHCI mem. mapped IO area 256 Bytes*/
-	struct ohci_hw_ed		ed[NUM_EDS];	/* Endpoint Descriptors 80 * 16  : 1280 Bytes */
-	struct ohci_hw_td		td[NUM_TDS];	/* Transfer Descriptors 2 * 32   : 64 Bytes */
-        struct ohci             ohci;
-struct ohci_device {
-	struct usb_device	*usb;
-	struct ohci			*ohci;
-	unsigned long		data[16];
-#define ohci_to_usb(uhci)	((ohci)->usb)
-#define usb_to_ohci(usb)	((struct ohci_device *)(usb)->hcpriv)
-/* Debugging code */
-/*void show_ed(struct ohci_ed *ed);
-void show_td(struct ohci_td *td);
-void show_status(struct ohci *ohci); */
-/* hcd */
-int ohci_trans_req(struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr, int cmd_len, void  *cmd, void * data, int data_len, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1); 
-struct usb_ohci_ed *usb_ohci_add_ep(struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr, int interval, int load, f_handler handler, int ep_size, int speed);
-int usb_ohci_rm_function(struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr); 
-int usb_ohci_rm_ep(struct ohci * ohci, struct  usb_ohci_ed *ed);
-struct usb_ohci_ed * ohci_find_ep(struct ohci *ohci, unsigned int ep_addr_in);
-/* roothub */
-int ohci_del_rh_int_timer(struct ohci * ohci);
-int	ohci_init_rh_int_timer(struct ohci * ohci, int interval);  	
-int root_hub_int_req(struct ohci * ohci, int cmd_len, void * ctrl, void *  data, int data_len, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1, f_handler handler);
-int root_hub_send_irq(struct ohci * ohci, void * data, int data_len );
-int root_hub_control_msg(struct ohci *ohci, int cmd_len, void *rh_cmd, void *rh_data, int len, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1, f_handler handler);
-int queue_reply(struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr, int cmd_len,void * cmd, void * data,int  len, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1, f_handler handler);
-int send_replies(struct ohci * ohci);
-/* Root-Hub Register info */
-#define RH_PS_CCS            0x00000001   
-#define RH_PS_PES            0x00000002   
-#define RH_PS_PSS            0x00000004   
-#define RH_PS_POCI           0x00000008   
-#define RH_PS_PRS            0x00000010  
-#define RH_PS_PPS            0x00000100   
-#define RH_PS_LSDA           0x00000200    
-#define RH_PS_CSC            0x00010000 
-#define RH_PS_PESC           0x00020000   
-#define RH_PS_PSSC           0x00040000    
-#define RH_PS_OCIC           0x00080000    
-#define RH_PS_PRSC           0x00100000   
-#ifdef OHCI_DBG
-#define OHCI_FREE(x) kfree(x); printk("OHCI FREE: %d\n", -- __ohci_free_cnt)
-#define OHCI_ALLOC(x,size) (x) = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); printk("OHCI ALLO: %d\n", ++ __ohci_free_cnt)
-#define USB_FREE(x) kfree(x); printk("USB FREE: %d\n", -- __ohci_free1_cnt)
-#define USB_ALLOC(x,size) (x) = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); printk("USB ALLO: %d\n", ++ __ohci_free1_cnt)
-static int __ohci_free_cnt = 0;
-static int __ohci_free1_cnt = 0;
-#define OHCI_FREE(x) kfree(x) 
-#define OHCI_ALLOC(x,size) (x) = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL) 
-#define USB_FREE(x) kfree(x) 
-#define USB_ALLOC(x,size) (x) = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL) 

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: