patch-2.2.18 linux/drivers/usb/ohci-hcd.c

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.17/drivers/usb/ohci-hcd.c linux/drivers/usb/ohci-hcd.c
@@ -1,1489 +0,0 @@
- * OHCI HCD (Host Controller Driver) for USB.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 1999 Roman Weissgaerber <>
- *
- * The OHCI HCD layer is a simple but nearly complete implementation of what the
- * USB people would call a HCD  for the OHCI. 
- * (ISO comming soon, Bulk disabled, INT u. CTRL transfers enabled)
- * The layer on top of it, is for interfacing to the alternate-usb device-drivers.
- * 
- * [ This is based on Linus' UHCI code and gregs OHCI fragments (0.03c source tree). ]
- * [ Open Host Controller Interface driver for USB. ]
- * [ (C) Copyright 1999 Linus Torvalds (uhci.c) ]
- * [ (C) Copyright 1999 Gregory P. Smith <> ]
- * [ $Log: ohci.c,v $ ]
- * [ Revision 1.1  1999/04/05 08:32:30  greg ]
- * 
- * 
- * v2.1 1999/05/09 ep_addr correction, code clean up
- * v2.0 1999/05/04 
- * virtual root hub is now an option, 
- * memory allocation based on kmalloc and kfree now, Bus error handling, 
- * INT and CTRL transfers enabled, Bulk included but disabled, ISO needs completion
- * 
- * from Linus Torvalds (uhci.c) (APM not tested; hub, usb_device, bus and related stuff)
- * from Greg Smith (ohci.c) (reset controller handling, hub)
- * 
- * v1.0 1999/04/27 initial release
- * ohci-hcd.c
- */
-/* #define OHCI_DBG  */  /* printk some debug information */
-#include <linux/config.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/ioport.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/malloc.h>
-#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/timer.h>
-#include <asm/spinlock.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/system.h>
-#include "usb.h"
-#include "ohci-hcd.h"
-#include "inits.h" 
-#ifdef CONFIG_APM
-#include <linux/apm_bios.h>
-static int handle_apm_event(apm_event_t event);
-static int apm_resume = 0;
-static struct wait_queue *control_wakeup;         
-static struct wait_queue *root_hub = NULL;
-static __u8 cc_to_status[16] = { /* mapping of the OHCI CC to the UHCI status codes; first guess */
-/* Activ, Stalled, Data Buffer Err, Babble Detected : NAK recvd, CRC/Timeout, Bitstuff, reservd */
-/* No  Error  */		0x00,
-/* CRC Error  */		0x04,
-/* Bit Stuff  */		0x02,
-/* Data Togg  */ 		0x40,
-/* Stall      */		0x40,
-/* DevNotResp */		0x04,
-/* PIDCheck   */		0x04,
-/* UnExpPID   */		0x40,
-/* DataOver   */		0x20,
-/* DataUnder  */ 		0x20,
-/* reservd    */		0x40,
-/* reservd    */		0x40,
-/* BufferOver */		0x20,
-/* BuffUnder  */		0x20,
-/* Not Access */		0x80,
-/* Not Access */		0x80
- };
- **** Interface functions
- ***********************************************/
-static int sohci_int_handler(void * ohci_in, unsigned int ep_addr, int ctrl_len, void * ctrl, void * data, int data_len, int status, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1)
-	struct ohci * ohci = ohci_in; 
-	usb_device_irq handler=(void *) lw0;
-	void *dev_id = (void *) lw1;
-	int ret;
-	OHCI_DEBUG({ int i; printk("USB HC IRQ <<<: %x: data(%d):", ep_addr, data_len);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( for(i=0; i < data_len; i++ ) printk(" %02x", ((__u8 *) data)[i]);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( printk(" ret_status: %x\n", status); })
- 	ret = handler(cc_to_status[status & 0xf], data, dev_id);
-	if(ret == 0) return 0; /* 0 .. do not requeue  */
-	if(status > 0) return -1; /* error occured do not requeue ? */
-	ohci_trans_req(ohci, ep_addr, 0, NULL, data, 8, (__OHCI_BAG) handler, (__OHCI_BAG) dev_id); /* requeue int request */
-	return 0;
-static int sohci_ctrl_handler(void * ohci_in, unsigned int ep_addr, int ctrl_len, void * ctrl, void * data, int data_len, int status, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw)
-	*(int * )lw0 = status;
-	wake_up(&control_wakeup);
-	OHCI_DEBUG( { int i; printk("USB HC CTRL<<<: %x: ctrl(%d):", ep_addr, ctrl_len);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( for(i=0; i < 8; i++ ) printk(" %02x", ((__u8 *) ctrl)[i]);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( printk(" data(%d):", data_len);) 
-	OHCI_DEBUG( for(i=0; i < data_len; i++ ) printk(" %02x", ((__u8 *) data)[i]);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( printk(" ret_status: %x\n", status); })
-    return 0;                       
-static int sohci_request_irq(struct usb_device *usb_dev, unsigned int pipe, usb_device_irq handler, int period, void *dev_id)
-	struct ohci * ohci = usb_dev->bus->hcpriv;
-	union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-	ep_addr.iep = 0;
-	ep_addr.bep.ep = ((pipe >> 15) & 0x0f) 		/* endpoint address */
-				| (pipe  & 0x80)  	 			/* direction */
-				| (1 << 5);						/* type = int*/
-	ep_addr.bep.fa = ((pipe >> 8) & 0x7f);			/* device address */
-	OHCI_DEBUG( printk("USB HC IRQ >>>: %x: every %d ms\n", ep_addr.iep, period);) 
-	usb_ohci_add_ep(ohci, ep_addr.iep, period, 1, sohci_int_handler, 1 << ((pipe & 0x03) + 3) , (pipe >> 26) & 0x01);
-   	ohci_trans_req(ohci, ep_addr.iep, 0, NULL, ((struct ohci_device *) usb_dev->hcpriv)->data, 8, (__OHCI_BAG) handler, (__OHCI_BAG) dev_id);
-	return 0;
-static int sohci_control_msg(struct usb_device *usb_dev, unsigned int pipe, void *cmd, void *data, int len)
-	struct wait_queue wait = { current, NULL }; 
-	struct ohci * ohci = usb_dev->bus->hcpriv;
-	int status;
-	union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-    ep_addr.iep = 0;
-	ep_addr.bep.ep = ((pipe >> 15) & 0x0f) 		/* endpoint address */		
-				| (pipe  & 0x80)  				/* direction */
-				|  (1 << 6);					/* type = ctrl*/
-	ep_addr.bep.fa	= ((pipe >> 8) & 0x7f);				/* device address */
-	status = 0xf; /* CC not Accessed */
-	OHCI_DEBUG( { int i; printk("USB HC CTRL>>>: %x: ctrl(%d):", ep_addr.iep, 8);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( for(i=0; i < 8; i++ ) printk(" %02x", ((__u8 *) cmd)[i]);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( printk(" data(%d):", len);) 
-	OHCI_DEBUG( for(i=0; i < len; i++ ) printk(" %02x", ((__u8 *) data)[i]);)
-	OHCI_DEBUG( printk("\n"); })
-	usb_ohci_add_ep(ohci, ep_addr.iep, 0, 1, sohci_ctrl_handler, 1 << ((pipe & 0x03) + 3) , (pipe >> 26) & 0x01);
-	current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
-    add_wait_queue(&control_wakeup, &wait);   
-	ohci_trans_req(ohci, ep_addr.iep, 8, cmd, data, len, (__OHCI_BAG) &status, 0);
-	schedule_timeout(HZ/10);
-    remove_wait_queue(&control_wakeup, &wait); 
-    OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC status::: %x\n", cc_to_status[status & 0x0f]);)
-	return cc_to_status[status & 0x0f];
-static int sohci_usb_deallocate(struct usb_device *usb_dev) {
-    struct ohci_device *dev = usb_to_ohci(usb_dev); 
-	union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-	ep_addr.iep = 0;
-	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC dealloc %x\n", usb_dev->devnum);)
-	/* wait_ms(20); */
-	if(usb_dev->devnum >=0) {
-		ep_addr.bep.fa = usb_dev->devnum;
-    	usb_ohci_rm_function(((struct ohci_device *)usb_dev->hcpriv)->ohci, ep_addr.iep);
-	}
-    USB_FREE(dev);
-	USB_FREE(usb_dev);
-	return 0;
-static struct usb_device *sohci_usb_allocate(struct usb_device *parent) {
-	struct usb_device *usb_dev;
-	struct ohci_device *dev;
-	USB_ALLOC(usb_dev, sizeof(*usb_dev));
-	if (!usb_dev)
-		return NULL;
-	memset(usb_dev, 0, sizeof(*usb_dev));
-	USB_ALLOC(dev, sizeof(*dev));
-	if (!dev) {
-		USB_FREE(usb_dev);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	/* Initialize "dev" */
-	memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev));
-	usb_dev->hcpriv = dev;
-	dev->usb = usb_dev;
-	usb_dev->parent = parent;
-	if (parent) {
-		usb_dev->bus = parent->bus;
-		dev->ohci = usb_to_ohci(parent)->ohci;
-	}
-	return usb_dev;
-struct usb_operations sohci_device_operations = {
-	sohci_usb_allocate,
-	sohci_usb_deallocate,
-	sohci_control_msg,
-	sohci_request_irq,
- *** ED handling functions
- ************************************/
- * search for the right place to insert an interrupt ed into the int tree 
- * do some load ballancing
- * */
-static int usb_ohci_int_ballance(struct ohci * ohci, int interval, int load) {
-  int i,j;
-  j = 0;   /* search for the least loaded interrupt endpoint branch of all 32 branches */
-  for(i=0; i< 32; i++) if(ohci->ohci_int_load[j] > ohci->ohci_int_load[i]) j=i; 
-  if(interval < 1) interval = 1;
-  if(interval > 32) interval = 32;
-  for(i= 0; ((interval >> i) > 1 ); interval &= (0xfffe << i++ )); /* interval = 2^int(ld(interval)) */
-  for(i=j%interval; i< 32; i+=interval) ohci->ohci_int_load[i] += load;
-  j = interval + (j % interval); 
-  OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC new int ed on pos : %x \n",j);)
-  return j;
-/* get the ed from the endpoint / device adress */
-struct usb_ohci_ed * ohci_find_ep(struct ohci *ohci, unsigned int ep_addr_in) {
-union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-struct usb_ohci_ed *tmp;
-unsigned int mask;
-mask = 0;
-ep_addr.iep = ep_addr_in;
-#ifdef VROOTHUB
- if(ep_addr.bep.fa == ohci->root_hub_funct_addr) {
- 	if((ep_addr.bep.ep & 0x0f) == 0)
- 		return &ohci->ed_rh_ep0; /* root hub ep0 */
- 	else
- 		return &ohci->ed_rh_epi; /* root hub int ep */
- }
- tmp = ohci->ed_func_ep0[ep_addr.bep.fa];
- mask = ((((ep_addr.bep.ep >> 5) & 0x03)==2)?0x7f:0xff); 
- ep_addr.bep.ep &= mask; /* mask out direction of ctrl ep */
-  while (tmp != NULL) {
-    if (tmp->ep_addr.iep == ep_addr.iep) 
-      return tmp;
-    tmp = tmp->ed_list;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-spinlock_t usb_ed_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-/* add a new endpoint ep_addr */
-struct usb_ohci_ed *usb_ohci_add_ep(struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr_in, int interval, int load, f_handler handler, int ep_size, int speed) {
-  struct usb_ohci_ed * ed; 
-  struct usb_ohci_td * td;
-  union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-  int int_junk;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *tmp;
-  ep_addr.iep = ep_addr_in ;
-  ep_addr.bep.ep &= ((((ep_addr.bep.ep >> 5) & 0x03)==2)?0x7f:0xff); /* mask out direction of ctrl ep */
-  spin_lock(&usb_ed_lock);
-  tmp =  ohci_find_ep(ohci, ep_addr.iep);
-  if (tmp != NULL) { 
-#ifdef VROOTHUB
-  	if(ep_addr.bep.fa == ohci->root_hub_funct_addr) {
- 		if((ep_addr.bep.ep & 0x0f) != 0) { /* root hub int ep */
-			ohci->ed_rh_epi.handler = handler;
- 			ohci_init_rh_int_timer(ohci, interval);
- 		}
- 		else { /* root hub ep0 */
- 			 ohci->ed_rh_ep0.handler = handler;
- 		}			 	
- 	}
- 	else 
- 		{
- 		tmp-> = ep_addr.bep.fa | ((ep_addr.bep.ep & 0xf) <<7)
-    	| (((ep_addr.bep.ep & 0x60) == 0)? 0x8000 : 0)
-    	| (speed << 13)
-    	| ep_size <<16;
-  		tmp->handler = handler; 
-  	}
- 	spin_unlock(&usb_ed_lock);
-    return tmp;    /* ed  already in use */
-  }
-  OHCI_ALLOC(td, sizeof(td)); /* dummy td; end of td list for ed */
-  OHCI_ALLOC(ed, sizeof(ed));
-  td->prev_td = NULL;
-  ed->hw.tail_td = virt_to_bus(&td->hw);
-  ed->hw.head_td = ed->hw.tail_td;
-  ed-> = ep_addr.bep.fa | ((ep_addr.bep.ep & 0xf) <<7)
-  /*  | ((ep_addr.bep.port & 0x80)? 0x1000 : 0x0800 ) */
-    | (((ep_addr.bep.ep & 0x60) == 0)? 0x8000 : 0)
-    | (speed << 13)
-    | ep_size <<16;
-  ed->handler = handler;
-  switch((ep_addr.bep.ep >> 5) & 0x03) {
-  case CTRL:
-    ed->hw.next_ed = 0;
-    if(ohci->ed_controltail == NULL) {
-      writel(virt_to_bus(&ed->hw), &ohci->regs->ed_controlhead);
-    }
-    else {
-      ohci->ed_controltail->hw.next_ed = virt_to_bus(&ed->hw);
-    }
-    ed->ed_prev = ohci->ed_controltail;
-    ohci->ed_controltail = ed;	  
-    break;
-  case BULK:  
-    ed->hw.next_ed = 0;
-    if(ohci->ed_bulktail == NULL) {
-      writel(virt_to_bus(&ed->hw), &ohci->regs->ed_bulkhead);
-    }
-    else {
-      ohci->ed_bulktail->hw.next_ed = virt_to_bus(&ed->hw);
-    }
-    ed->ed_prev = ohci->ed_bulktail;
-    ohci->ed_bulktail = ed;	  
-    break;
-  case INT:
-    int_junk = usb_ohci_int_ballance(ohci, interval, load);
-    ed->hw.next_ed = ohci->hc_area->ed[int_junk].next_ed; 
-    ohci->hc_area->ed[int_junk].next_ed = virt_to_bus(&ed->hw);
-    ed->ed_prev = (struct usb_ohci_ed *) &ohci->hc_area->ed[int_junk];
-    break;
-  case ISO:
-    ed->hw.next_ed = 0;
-    ohci->ed_isotail->hw.next_ed = virt_to_bus(&ed->hw);
-    ed->ed_prev = ohci->ed_isotail;
-    ohci->ed_isotail = ed;	  
-    break;
-  }
-  ed->ep_addr  = ep_addr;
-  /* Add it to the "hash"-table of known endpoint descriptors */      
-  ed->ed_list = ohci->ed_func_ep0[ed->ep_addr.bep.fa];
-  ohci->ed_func_ep0[ed->ep_addr.bep.fa] = ed; 
-  spin_unlock(&usb_ed_lock);
-  OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC new ed %x: %x :", ep_addr.iep, (unsigned int ) ed); )
-  OHCI_DEBUG({ int i; for( i= 0; i<8 ;i++) printk(" %4x", ((unsigned int *) ed)[i]) ; printk("\n"); }; )
-  return 0;
- * Request the removal of an endpoint
- * 
- * put the ep on the rm_list and request a stop of the bulk or ctrl list 
- * real removal is done at the next start of frame hardware interrupt 
- */
-int usb_ohci_rm_ep(struct ohci * ohci, struct  usb_ohci_ed *ed)
-  unsigned int flags;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *tmp;
-  OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC remove ed %x: %x :\n", ed->ep_addr.iep, (unsigned int ) ed); )
-  spin_lock_irqsave(&usb_ed_lock, flags);
-  tmp = ohci->ed_func_ep0[ed->ep_addr.bep.fa];
-  if (tmp == NULL) {
-  	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&usb_ed_lock, flags);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if(tmp == ed) {
-     ohci->ed_func_ep0[ed->ep_addr.bep.fa] = ed->ed_list;
-  }
-  else {
-    while (tmp->ed_list != ed) {
-      if (tmp->ed_list == NULL) {
-        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&usb_ed_lock, flags);
-		return 0;
-	  }
-      tmp = tmp->ed_list;
-    }
-    tmp->ed_list = ed->ed_list;
-  }
-  ed->ed_list = ohci->ed_rm_list;
-  ohci->ed_rm_list = ed;
-  ed->  |=  OHCI_ED_SKIP;
-  switch((ed->ep_addr.bep.ep >> 5) & 0x03) {
-  	case CTRL:
-    	writel_mask(~(0x01<<4), &ohci->regs->control); /* stop CTRL list */
-    	break;
-  	case BULK:
-    	writel_mask(~(0x01<<5), &ohci->regs->control); /* stop BULK list */
-    	break;
-  }
-  writel( OHCI_INTR_SF, &ohci->regs->intrenable); /* enable sof interrupt */
-  spin_unlock_irqrestore(&usb_ed_lock, flags);
-  return 1;
-/* we have requested to stop the bulk or CTRL list,
- * now we can remove the eds on the rm_list */
-static int ohci_rm_eds(struct ohci * ohci) {
-  unsigned int flags;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *ed;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *ed_tmp;
-  struct usb_ohci_td *td;
-  __u32 td_hw_tmp;
-  __u32 td_hw;
-  spin_lock_irqsave(&usb_ed_lock, flags);
-  ed = ohci->ed_rm_list;
-  while (ed != NULL) {
-    switch((ed->ep_addr.bep.ep >> 5) & 0x03) {
-    case CTRL: 
-      if(ed->ed_prev == NULL) {
-		writel(ed->hw.next_ed, &ohci->regs->ed_controlhead);
-      }
-      else {
-		ed->ed_prev->hw.next_ed = ed->hw.next_ed;
-      }
-      if(ohci->ed_controltail == ed) {
-		ohci->ed_controltail = ed->ed_prev;
-      }
-      break;
-    case BULK: 
-      if(ed->ed_prev == NULL) {
-		writel(ed->hw.next_ed, &ohci->regs->ed_bulkhead);
-      }
-      else {
-		ed->ed_prev->hw.next_ed = ed->hw.next_ed;
-      }
-      if(ohci->ed_bulktail == ed) {
-		ohci->ed_bulktail = ed->ed_prev;
-      }
-      break;
-    case INT: 
-      	ed->ed_prev->hw.next_ed = ed->hw.next_ed;
-      break;
-    case ISO:
-      ed->ed_prev->hw.next_ed = ed->hw.next_ed;
-      if(ohci->ed_isotail == ed) {
-		ohci->ed_isotail = ed->ed_prev;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    if(ed->hw.next_ed != 0) ((struct usb_ohci_ed *) bus_to_virt(ed->hw.next_ed))->ed_prev = ed->ed_prev;
-/* tds directly connected to ed */
-	td_hw = ed->hw.head_td & 0xfffffff0;
-    while(td_hw != 0) {
-    	td = bus_to_virt(td_hw);
-    	td_hw_tmp = td_hw;
-    	td_hw = td->hw.next_td;
-    	OHCI_FREE(td); /* free pending tds */ 
-    	if(td_hw_tmp == ed->hw.tail_td) break;
-    }
-    /* mark TDs on the hc done list (if there are any) */      
-	td_hw = readl(&ohci->regs->donehead) & 0xfffffff0;
-    while(td_hw != 0) {
-    	td = bus_to_virt(td_hw);
-    	td_hw = td->hw.next_td;
-    	if(td->ep == ed) td->ep = 0;
-   	}
-    /* mark TDs on the hcca done list (if there are any) */      
-	td_hw = ohci->hc_area->hcca.done_head & 0xfffffff0 ;
-    while(td_hw != 0) { 
-    	td = bus_to_virt(td_hw); 
-    	td_hw = td->hw.next_td;
-    	if(td->ep == ed) td->ep = 0;
-   	}
-    ed_tmp = ed;
-    ed = ed->ed_list;
-    OHCI_FREE(ed_tmp);  /* free ed */ 
-  }
-  writel(0, &ohci->regs->ed_controlcurrent); /* reset CTRL list */
-  writel(0, &ohci->regs->ed_bulkcurrent);    /* reset BULK list */
-  writel_set((0x01<<4), &ohci->regs->control);   /* start CTRL u. (BULK list) */ 
-  spin_unlock_irqrestore(&usb_ed_lock, flags);
-  ohci->ed_rm_list = NULL;
-  OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC after rm ed control: %4x  intrstat: %4x intrenable: %4x\n", readl(&ohci->regs->control),readl(&ohci->regs->intrstatus),readl(&ohci->regs->intrenable));)
-  return 0;
-/* remove all endpoints of a function (device) */
-int usb_ohci_rm_function( struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr_in)
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *ed;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *tmp;
-  union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-  ep_addr.iep = ep_addr_in;
-  for(ed = ohci->ed_func_ep0[ep_addr.bep.fa]; ed != NULL;) {
-	tmp = ed;
-    ed = ed->ed_list;
-    usb_ohci_rm_ep(ohci, tmp);
-  }
-  return 1;
- *** TD handling functions
- ************************************/
-    td_pt = (TD_PT); \
-    td_pt1 = (struct usb_ohci_td *) bus_to_virt(usb_ep->hw.tail_td); \
-    td_pt1->ep = usb_ep; \
-    td_pt1->handler = (HANDLER); \
-    td_pt1->buffer_start = (DATA); \
-    td_pt1->lw0 = (LW0); \
-    td_pt1->lw1 = (LW1); \
-    td_pt1-> = (INFO); \
-    td_pt1->hw.cur_buf = virt_to_bus(DATA); \
-    td_pt1->hw.buf_end = td_pt1->hw.cur_buf + (LEN) - 1; \
-    td_pt1->hw.next_td = virt_to_bus(td_pt); \
-    usb_ep->hw.tail_td = virt_to_bus(td_pt); \
-    td_pt->prev_td = td_pt1; \
-    td_pt->hw.next_td = 0
-spinlock_t usb_req_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-int ohci_trans_req(struct ohci * ohci, unsigned int ep_addr, int ctrl_len, void  *ctrl, void * data, int data_len, __OHCI_BAG lw0, __OHCI_BAG lw1) {
-  int ed_type;
-  unsigned int flags;
-  struct usb_ohci_td *td_pt;
-  struct usb_ohci_td *td_pt1;
-  struct usb_ohci_td *td_pt_a1, *td_pt_a2, *td_pt_a3;
-  struct usb_ohci_ed *usb_ep;
-  f_handler handler;
- td_pt_a1 =NULL;
- td_pt_a2 =NULL;
- td_pt_a3 =NULL;
-  usb_ep = ohci_find_ep(ohci, ep_addr);
-  if(usb_ep == NULL ) return -1; /* not known ep */
-  handler = usb_ep->handler;
-#ifdef VROOTHUB 
-  if(usb_ep == &ohci->ed_rh_ep0) { /* root hub ep 0 control endpoint */  
-    root_hub_control_msg(ohci, 8, ctrl, data, data_len, lw0, lw1, handler);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if(usb_ep == &ohci->ed_rh_epi) { /* root hub interrupt endpoint */
-    root_hub_int_req(ohci, 8, ctrl, data, data_len, lw0, lw1, handler);  
-	return 0;
-  }
-  /*  struct usb_ohci_ed * usb_ep = usb_ohci_add_ep(pipe, ohci, interval, 1); */
-   ed_type = ((((union ep_addr_)ep_addr).bep.ep >> 5) & 0x07);
-  switch(ed_type) {
-  case BULK_IN:
-  case BULK_OUT:   
-  case INT_IN:
-  case INT_OUT:    
-    OHCI_ALLOC(td_pt_a1, sizeof(td_pt_a1));
-    break;
-  case CTRL_IN:
-  case CTRL_OUT:
-    OHCI_ALLOC(td_pt_a1, sizeof(td_pt_a1));
-    OHCI_ALLOC(td_pt_a3, sizeof(td_pt_a3));  
-    if(data_len > 0) {
-      OHCI_ALLOC(td_pt_a2, sizeof(td_pt_a2));
-    }
-    break;
-  case ISO_IN:
-  case ISO_OUT:
-  }
-  spin_lock_irqsave(&usb_req_lock, flags);
-  switch(ed_type) {
-  case BULK_IN:
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a1, handler, TD_CC | TD_R | TD_DP_IN | TD_T_TOGGLE, data, data_len, lw0, lw1 );
-    writel( OHCI_BLF, &ohci->regs->cmdstatus); /* start bulk list */
-    break;
-  case BULK_OUT: 
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a1, handler, TD_CC | TD_DP_OUT | TD_T_TOGGLE, data, data_len, lw0, lw1 );
-    writel( OHCI_BLF, &ohci->regs->cmdstatus); /* start bulk list */
-    break;
-  case INT_IN: 
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a1, handler, TD_CC | TD_R | TD_DP_IN | TD_T_TOGGLE, data, data_len, lw0, lw1 );  
-    break;
-  case INT_OUT: 
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a1, handler, TD_CC | TD_DP_OUT | TD_T_TOGGLE, data, data_len, lw0, lw1 );
-    break;
-  case CTRL_IN: 
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a1, NULL, TD_CC | TD_DP_SETUP | TD_T_DATA0, ctrl, ctrl_len, 0, 0 );  
-    if(data_len > 0) { 
-      FILL_TD( td_pt_a2, NULL, TD_CC | TD_R |  TD_DP_IN | TD_T_DATA1, data, data_len, 0, 0 );  
-    } 
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a3, handler, TD_CC | TD_DP_OUT | TD_T_DATA1, NULL, 0, lw0, lw1 );
-    writel( OHCI_CLF, &ohci->regs->cmdstatus); /* start Control list */
-    break;
-  case CTRL_OUT:     
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a1, NULL, TD_CC | TD_DP_SETUP | TD_T_DATA0, ctrl, ctrl_len, 0, 0 );  
-    if(data_len > 0) { 
-      FILL_TD( td_pt_a2, NULL, TD_CC | TD_R | TD_DP_OUT | TD_T_DATA1, data, data_len, 0, 0 );  
-    } 
-    FILL_TD( td_pt_a3, handler, TD_CC | TD_DP_IN | TD_T_DATA1, NULL, 0, lw0, lw1 );
-    writel( OHCI_CLF, &ohci->regs->cmdstatus); /* start Control list */
-    break;
-  case ISO_IN:
-  case ISO_OUT:
-    break;
-  }
- td_pt1 = (struct usb_ohci_td *) bus_to_virt(usb_ep->hw.tail_td); 
-  if(td_pt_a3 != NULL) td_pt_a3->prev_td = NULL;
-  	else if (td_pt_a2 != NULL) td_pt_a2->prev_td = NULL;
-  	  	else if (td_pt_a1 != NULL) td_pt_a1->prev_td = NULL;
-  spin_unlock_irqrestore(&usb_req_lock, flags);
-  return 0;
- *** Done List handling functions
- ************************************/
-/* replies to the request have to be on a FIFO basis so
- * we reverse the reversed done-list */
-static struct usb_ohci_td * ohci_reverse_done_list(struct ohci * ohci) {
-  __u32 td_list_hc;
-  struct usb_ohci_td      * td_list = NULL;
-  struct usb_ohci_td      * td_rev = NULL;
-	td_list_hc = ohci->hc_area->hcca.done_head & 0xfffffff0;
-    ohci->hc_area->hcca.done_head = 0;
- 	while(td_list_hc) {
-		td_list = (struct  usb_ohci_td *) bus_to_virt(td_list_hc);
-		td_list->next_dl_td = td_rev;
-		td_rev = td_list;
-		td_list_hc = td_list->hw.next_td & 0xfffffff0;
-	}
- return td_list;
-/* all done requests are replied here */
-static int usb_ohci_done_list(struct ohci *  ohci) {
-  struct usb_ohci_td      * td = NULL;
-  struct usb_ohci_td      * td_list; 
-  struct usb_ohci_td      * td_list_next = NULL;
-  struct usb_ohci_td      * td_err = NULL;
-	__u32 td_hw;
-  td_list = ohci_reverse_done_list(ohci);
-  while(td_list) {
-   	td_list_next = td_list->next_dl_td;
-    td = td_list;
-    if(td->ep == NULL) { /* removed ep */
-   		OHCI_FREE(td_list);
-   		break;
-   	}
-   	/* the HC halts an ED if an error occurs; put all pendings TDs of an halted ED on the
-   	 * done list; they are marked with an 0xf CC_error code 
-   	 */
- 	if(TD_CC_GET(td_list-> != TD_CC_NOERROR) { /* on error move all pending tds of an ed into the done list */
- 		printk("******* USB BUS error %x @ep %x\n", TD_CC_GET(td_list->, td_list->ep->ep_addr.iep);
-    td_err= td_list;
-	td_hw = td_list->ep->hw.head_td & 0xfffffff0;
-    while(td_hw != 0) { 
-    	if(td_hw == td_list->ep->hw.tail_td) break;
-    	td = bus_to_virt(td_hw);
-    	td_err->next_dl_td = td;
-    	td_err= td;
-    	td_hw = td->hw.next_td;
-    }
-    td_list->ep->hw.head_td = td_list->ep->hw.tail_td;
-    td->next_dl_td = td_list_next;
-    td_list_next = td_list->next_dl_td;
-    }
-  /*  send the reply  */
- 	if(td_list->handler != NULL)  {
-    	if(td_list->prev_td == NULL) {
-			td_list->handler((void *) ohci,
-						td_list->ep->ep_addr.iep,
-						0, 
-						NULL, 
-						td_list->buffer_start, 
-						td_list->hw.buf_end-virt_to_bus(td_list->buffer_start)+1, 
-						TD_CC_GET(td_list->,
-						td_list->lw0,
-						td_list->lw1);
-			OHCI_FREE(td_list);			
-   	  	}
-      	else {
-      		if(td_list->prev_td->prev_td == NULL) { /* cntrl 2 Transactions dataless */
-	  		td_list->handler((void *) ohci,
-	  		            td_list->ep->ep_addr.iep,
-	  					td_list->prev_td->hw.buf_end-virt_to_bus(td_list->prev_td->buffer_start)+1,
-	  					td_list->prev_td->buffer_start, 
-	  					NULL,
-	  					0, 
-	  					(TD_CC_GET(td_list->prev_td-> > 0) ? TD_CC_GET(td_list->prev_td-> : TD_CC_GET(td_list->,
-						td_list->lw0,
-						td_list->lw1);
-			OHCI_FREE(td_list->prev_td);
-			OHCI_FREE(td_list);
-			}
-			else { /* cntrl 3 Transactions */
-	  			td_list->handler((void *) ohci,
-	  					td_list->ep->ep_addr.iep, 
-	  					td_list->prev_td->prev_td->hw.buf_end-virt_to_bus(td_list->prev_td->prev_td->buffer_start)+1, 
-	  					td_list->prev_td->prev_td->buffer_start, 
-	  					td_list->prev_td->buffer_start, 
-	  					td_list->prev_td->hw.buf_end-virt_to_bus(td_list->prev_td->buffer_start)+1, 
-	  					(TD_CC_GET(td_list->prev_td->prev_td-> > 0) ? TD_CC_GET(td_list->prev_td->prev_td->
-	  						: (TD_CC_GET(td_list->prev_td-> > 0) ? TD_CC_GET(td_list->prev_td-> : TD_CC_GET(td_list->,
-						td_list->lw0,
-						td_list->lw1); 
-				OHCI_FREE(td_list->prev_td->prev_td);			
-				OHCI_FREE(td_list->prev_td);
-				OHCI_FREE(td_list);
-			}
-      	} 
-    }
-    td_list = td_list_next;
-  }  
-  return 0; 
- *** HC functions
- ************************************/
-void reset_hc(struct ohci *ohci) {
-	int retries = 5;
-	int timeout = 30;
-	int fminterval;
-	if(readl(&ohci->regs->control) & 0x100) { /* SMM owns the HC */
-		writel(0x08,  &ohci->regs->cmdstatus); /* request ownership */
-		printk("USB HC TakeOver from SMM\n");
-		do {
-			wait_ms(100);
-			if(--retries) { 
-				printk("USB HC TakeOver timed out!\n");
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		while(readl(&ohci->regs->control) & 0x100); 
-	}	
-	writel((1<<31), &ohci->regs->intrdisable); /* Disable HC interrupts */
-	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC reset_hc: %x ; retries: %d\n", readl(&ohci->regs->control), 5-retries);)
-	fminterval = readl(&ohci->regs->fminterval) & 0x3fff;
-	writel(1,  &ohci->regs->cmdstatus);	   /* HC Reset */
-	while ((readl(&ohci->regs->cmdstatus) & 0x01) != 0) { /* 10us Reset */
-		if (--timeout == 0) {
-			printk("USB HC reset timed out!\n");
-			return;
-		}	
-		udelay(1);
-	}
-	/* set the timing */
-	fminterval |= (((fminterval -210) * 6)/7)<<16; 
-	writel(fminterval, &ohci->regs->fminterval);
-	writel(((fminterval&0x3fff)*9)/10, &ohci->regs->periodicstart);
- * Reset and start an OHCI controller
- */
-void start_hc(struct ohci *ohci)
-   /*  int fminterval; */
-    unsigned int mask;
-  /*  fminterval = readl(&ohci->regs->fminterval) & 0x3fff;
-	reset_hc(ohci); */
-	writel(virt_to_bus(&ohci->hc_area->hcca), &ohci->regs->hcca); /* a reset clears this */
-	/* Choose the interrupts we care about now, others later on demand */
-	writel((0x00), &ohci->regs->control); /* USB Reset BUS */
-	wait_ms(10);
-	writel((0x97), &ohci->regs->control); /* USB Operational  */
- 	writel( 0x10000, &ohci->regs->roothub.status); /* root hub power on */
-	wait_ms(50); 
-	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC rstart_hc_operational: %x\n", readl(&ohci->regs->control)); )
- 	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC roothubstata: %x \n", readl( &(ohci->regs->roothub.a) )); )
- 	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC roothubstatb: %x \n", readl( &(ohci->regs->roothub.b) )); )
- 	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC roothubstatu: %x \n", readl( &(ohci->regs->roothub.status) )); )
- 	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC roothubstat1: %x \n", readl( &(ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[0]) )); )
-   	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC roothubstat2: %x \n", readl( &(ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[1]) )); )
-	/* control_wakeup = NULL; */
-	writel(mask, &ohci->regs->intrenable);
-	writel(mask, &ohci->regs->intrstatus);
-#ifdef VROOTHUB
-	{
-	struct usb_device * usb_dev;
-	struct ohci_device *dev;
-	usb_dev = sohci_usb_allocate(ohci->root_hub->usb);
-	dev = usb_dev->hcpriv; 
-	dev->ohci = ohci; 
-	usb_connect(usb_dev);
-	ohci->root_hub->usb->children[0] = usb_dev;
-	usb_new_device(usb_dev);
-	}
-static void ohci_interrupt(int irq, void *__ohci, struct pt_regs *r)
-  struct ohci *ohci = __ohci;
-  struct ohci_regs *regs = ohci->regs;
-  int ints; 
- if((ohci->hc_area->hcca.done_head != 0) && !(ohci->hc_area->hcca.done_head & 0x01)) {
-    ints =  OHCI_INTR_WDH;
-  }
-  else { 
-    if((ints = (readl(&regs->intrstatus) & readl(&regs->intrenable))) == 0)
-      return;
-   } 
-  ohci->intrstatus |= ints;
-  OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC interrupt: %x (%x) \n", ints, readl(&ohci->regs->intrstatus));)
-  /* ints &= ~(OHCI_INTR_WDH);  WH Bit will be set by done list subroutine */
- /*  if(ints & OHCI_INTR_FNO) {
-   	writel(OHCI_INTR_FNO,  &regs->intrstatus);
-   	if (waitqueue_active(&ohci_tasks)) wake_up(&ohci_tasks);
-  } */
-  if(ints & OHCI_INTR_WDH) {
-   	writel(OHCI_INTR_WDH,  &regs->intrdisable);	
-   	ohci->intrstatus &= (~OHCI_INTR_WDH);
-	usb_ohci_done_list(ohci); /* prepare out channel list */
-	writel(OHCI_INTR_WDH, &ohci->regs->intrstatus);
-	writel(OHCI_INTR_WDH, &ohci->regs->intrenable);
-  }
-  if(ints & OHCI_INTR_SF) {
-  	writel(OHCI_INTR_SF,  &regs->intrdisable);	
-  	writel(OHCI_INTR_SF, &ohci->regs->intrstatus);
-	ohci->intrstatus &= (~OHCI_INTR_SF);
-  	if(ohci->ed_rm_list != NULL) {
-			ohci_rm_eds(ohci);
- 	 }
-  }
-#ifndef VROOTHUB 
-  if(ints & OHCI_INTR_RHSC) {  
-  	writel(OHCI_INTR_RHSC, &regs->intrdisable);
-  	writel(OHCI_INTR_RHSC, &ohci->regs->intrstatus);
-	wake_up(&root_hub);
-  }
- #endif
-  writel(OHCI_INTR_MIE, &regs->intrenable);
-#ifndef VROOTHUB
- * This gets called if the connect status on the root
- * hub (and the root hub only) changes.
- */
-static void ohci_connect_change(struct ohci *ohci, unsigned int port_nr)
-	struct usb_device *usb_dev;
-    struct ohci_device *dev;
-	OHCI_DEBUG(printk("uhci_connect_change: called for %d stat %x\n", port_nr,readl(&ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]) );)
-	/*
-	 * Even if the status says we're connected,
-	 * the fact that the status bits changed may
-	 * that we got disconnected and then reconnected.
-	 *
-	 * So start off by getting rid of any old devices..
-	 */
-	usb_disconnect(&ohci->root_hub->usb->children[port_nr]);
-	 if(!(readl(&ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]) & RH_PS_CCS)) {
-	 	writel(RH_PS_CCS, &ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]);
-		return; /* nothing connected */
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Ok, we got a new connection. Allocate a device to it,
-	 * and find out what it wants to do..
-	 */
-	usb_dev = sohci_usb_allocate(ohci->root_hub->usb);
-	dev = usb_dev->hcpriv; 
-	dev->ohci = ohci; 
-	usb_connect(dev->usb);
-	ohci->root_hub->usb->children[port_nr] = usb_dev;
-	wait_ms(200); /* wait for powerup */
-    /* reset port/device */
- 	writel(RH_PS_PRS, &ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]); /* reset port */
- 	while(!(readl( &ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]) & RH_PS_PRSC)) wait_ms(10); /* reset active ? */
- 	writel(RH_PS_PES, &ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]); /* enable port */
- 	wait_ms(10);
-	/* Get speed information */
-	usb_dev->slow = (readl( &ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]) & RH_PS_LSDA) ? 1 : 0;
-	/*
-	 * Ok, all the stuff specific to the root hub has been done.
-	 * The rest is generic for any new USB attach, regardless of
-	 * hub type.
-	 */
-	usb_new_device(usb_dev);
- * Allocate the resources required for running an OHCI controller.
- * Host controller interrupts must not be running while calling this
- * function.
- *
- * The mem_base parameter must be the usable -virtual- address of the
- * host controller's memory mapped I/O registers.
- *
- * This is where OHCI triumphs over UHCI, because good is dumb.
- * Note how much simpler this function is than in uhci.c.
- *
- * OHCI hardware takes care of most of the scheduling of different
- * transfer types with the correct prioritization for us.
- */
-static struct ohci *alloc_ohci(void* mem_base)
-	int i,j;
-	struct ohci *ohci;
-	struct ohci_hc_area *hc_area;
-	struct usb_bus *bus;
-	struct ohci_device *dev;
-	struct usb_device *usb;
-	/*
-	 * Here we allocate some dummy  EDs as well as the
-	 * OHCI host controller communications area.  The HCCA is just
-	 * a nice pool of memory with pointers to endpoint descriptors
-	 * for the different interrupts.
-	 *
-	 * The first page of memory  contains the HCCA and ohci structure
-	 */
-	hc_area = (struct  ohci_hc_area *) __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, 1);
-	if (!hc_area)
-		return NULL;
-	memset(hc_area, 0, sizeof(*hc_area));
-    ohci = &hc_area->ohci;
-	ohci->irq = -1;
-	ohci->regs = mem_base;
-	ohci->hc_area = hc_area;
-	/* Tell the controller where the HCCA is */
-	writel(virt_to_bus(&hc_area->hcca), &ohci->regs->hcca);
-	/*
-	 * Initialize the ED polling "tree",  full tree;
-         * dummy eds ed[i] (hc should skip them) 
-         * i == 0 is the end of the iso list;
-		 * 1 is the   1ms node, 
-         * 2,3        2ms nodes,
-         * 4,5,6,7    4ms nodes,
-         * 8  ... 15  8ms nodes,
-         * 16 ... 31  16ms nodes,
-         * 32 ... 63  32ms nodes
-         * Sequenzes:
-		 * 32-16- 8-4-2-1-0
-         * 33-17- 9-5-3-1-0
-         * 34-18-10-6-2-1-0
-         * 35-19-11-7-3-1-0
-         * 36-20-12-4-2-1-0
-         * 37-21-13-5-3-1-0
-         * 38-22-14-6-2-1-0
-         * 39-23-15-7-3-1-0
-         * 40-24- 8-4-2-1-0
-         * 41-25- 9-5-3-1-0
-         * 42-26-10-6-2-1-0
-         *     :      :
-         * 63-31-15-7-3-1-0
-	 */
-        hc_area->ed[ED_ISO].info |=  OHCI_ED_SKIP; /* place holder, so skip it */
-        hc_area->ed[ED_ISO].next_ed =  0x0000;       /* end of iso list */
-        hc_area->ed[1].next_ed = virt_to_bus(&(hc_area->ed[ED_ISO]));
-        hc_area->ed[1].info |=  OHCI_ED_SKIP; /* place holder, skip it */
-        j=1;
-        for (i = 2; i < (NUM_INTS * 2); i++) {
-          	if (i >= NUM_INTS) 
-	   		 	hc_area->hcca.int_table[i - NUM_INTS] = virt_to_bus(&(hc_area->ed[i]));
-          	if( i == j*4) j *= 2;
-	    	hc_area->ed[i].next_ed = virt_to_bus(&(hc_area->ed[j+ i%j]));
-            hc_area->ed[i].info |=  OHCI_ED_SKIP; /* place holder, skip it */
-        }
-	/*
-	 * for load ballancing of the interrupt branches 
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; i < NUM_INTS; i++) ohci->ohci_int_load[i] = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Store the end of control and bulk list eds. So, we know where we can add
-	 * elements to these lists.
-	 */
-	ohci->ed_isotail     = (struct usb_ohci_ed *) &(hc_area->ed[ED_ISO]);
-        ohci->ed_controltail = NULL;
-        ohci->ed_bulktail    = NULL;
-	/*
-	 * Tell the controller where the control and bulk lists are
-	 * The lists are empty now.
-	 */	
-	writel(0, &ohci->regs->ed_controlhead);
-	writel(0, &ohci->regs->ed_bulkhead);
-	USB_ALLOC(bus, sizeof(*bus));
-	if (!bus)
-		return NULL;
-	memset(bus, 0, sizeof(*bus));
-	ohci->bus = bus;
-	bus->hcpriv = (void *) ohci;
-	bus->op = &sohci_device_operations;
-	usb = sohci_usb_allocate(NULL);
-	if (!usb)
-		return NULL;
-	dev = ohci->root_hub = usb_to_ohci(usb);
-	usb->bus = bus;
-	/* bus->root_hub = ohci_to_usb(ohci->root_hub); */
-	dev->ohci = ohci;
-	/* Initialize the root hub */
-	usb->maxchild = readl(&ohci->regs->roothub.a) & 0xff;
-	usb_init_root_hub(usb);
-	return ohci;
- * De-allocate all resources..
- */
-static void release_ohci(struct ohci *ohci)
-	int i;
-	union ep_addr_ ep_addr;
-	ep_addr.iep = 0;
-    OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC release ohci \n");)
-	if (ohci->irq >= 0) {
-		free_irq(ohci->irq, ohci);
-		ohci->irq = -1;
-	}
-    /* stop hc */
-	writel(OHCI_USB_SUSPEND, &ohci->regs->control);
-	/* deallocate all EDs and TDs */
-	for(i=0; i < 128; i ++) {
-		ep_addr.bep.fa = i;
-		usb_ohci_rm_function(ohci, ep_addr.iep);
-	}
-	ohci_rm_eds(ohci); /* remove eds */
-    /* disconnect all devices */    
-	if(ohci->root_hub)
-		for(i = 0; i < ohci->root_hub->usb->maxchild; i++)
-			  usb_disconnect(ohci->root_hub->usb->children + i);
-    USB_FREE(ohci->root_hub->usb);
-    USB_FREE(ohci->root_hub);
-    USB_FREE(ohci->bus);
-	/* unmap the IO address space */
-	iounmap(ohci->regs);
-	free_pages((unsigned int) ohci->hc_area, 1);
-void cleanup_drivers(void);
-static int ohci_roothub_thread(void * __ohci)
-        struct ohci *ohci = (struct ohci *)__ohci;
-        lock_kernel(); 
-        /*
-         * This thread doesn't need any user-level access,
-         * so get rid of all our resources..
-         */
-        printk("ohci_roothub_thread at %p\n", &ohci_roothub_thread);
-        exit_mm(current);
-        exit_files(current);
-        exit_fs(current);
-        strcpy(current->comm, "root-hub");
-		start_hc(ohci);
-		writel( 0x10000, &ohci->regs->roothub.status);
-		wait_ms(50); /* root hub power on */
-         do {
-#ifdef CONFIG_APM
-		if (apm_resume) {
-			apm_resume = 0;
-			start_hc(ohci);
-			continue;
-		}
-         OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB RH tasks: int: %x\n", ohci->intrstatus); )
-#ifndef VROOTHUB
-		/*	if (ohci->intrstatus & OHCI_INTR_RHSC)  */
-			{
-				int port_nr;
-	     		for(port_nr=0; port_nr< ohci->root_hub->usb->maxchild; port_nr++)
-	     			if(readl(&ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]) & (RH_PS_CSC | RH_PS_PRSC)) {		
-	     		 		ohci_connect_change(ohci, port_nr);
-	     		 		writel(0xffff0000, &ohci->regs->roothub.portstatus[port_nr]);
-	     		 	}
-	     		 ohci->intrstatus &= ~(OHCI_INTR_RHSC);
-	     		 writel(OHCI_INTR_RHSC, &ohci->regs->intrenable);
-	    	}
-         interruptible_sleep_on(&root_hub);
-      	} while (!signal_pending(current)); 
-#ifdef VROOTHUB
-		ohci_del_rh_int_timer(ohci);
-		cleanup_drivers();
-      /*  reset_hc(ohci); */
-        release_ohci(ohci);
-	    printk("ohci_control_thread exiting\n");
-        return 0;
- * Increment the module usage count, start the control thread and
- * return success.
- */
-static int found_ohci(int irq, void* mem_base)
-	int retval;
-	struct ohci *ohci;
-    OHCI_DEBUG(printk("USB HC found  ohci: irq= %d membase= %x \n", irq, (int)mem_base);)
-	/* Allocate the running OHCI structures */
-	ohci = alloc_ohci(mem_base);
-	if (!ohci) {
-	  return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	reset_hc(ohci);
-	retval = -EBUSY;
-	if (request_irq(irq, ohci_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, "ohci-usb", ohci) == 0) {
-		int pid;
-		ohci->irq = irq;
-		pid = kernel_thread(ohci_roothub_thread, ohci, CLONE_FS | CLONE_FILES | CLONE_SIGHAND);
-		if (pid >= 0) 
-		 	return 0;
-		retval = pid;
-	}
-	release_ohci(ohci);
-	return retval;
-static int start_ohci(struct pci_dev *dev)
-	unsigned int mem_base = dev->base_address[0];
-	/* If its OHCI, its memory */
-	if (mem_base & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO)
-		return -ENODEV;
-	/* Get the memory address and map it for IO */
-	/* 
-	 * FIXME ioremap_nocache isn't implemented on all CPUs (such
-	 * as the Alpha) [?]  What should I use instead...
-	 *
-	 * The iounmap() is done on in release_ohci.
-	 */
-	mem_base = (unsigned int) ioremap_nocache(mem_base, 4096);
-	if (!mem_base) {
-		printk("Error mapping OHCI memory\n");
-		return -EFAULT;
-	}
-	return found_ohci(dev->irq, (void *) mem_base);
-#ifdef CONFIG_APM
-static int handle_apm_event(apm_event_t event)
-	static int down = 0;
-	switch (event) {
-		if (down) {
-			printk(KERN_DEBUG "ohci: received extra suspend event\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		down = 1;
-		break;
-		if (!down) {
-			printk(KERN_DEBUG "ohci: received bogus resume event\n");
-			break;
-		}
-		down = 0;
-		if (waitqueue_active(&root_hub)) {
-			apm_resume = 1;
-			wake_up(&root_hub);
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
- int usb_mouse_init(void); 
-#ifdef MODULE
-void cleanup_module(void)
-#ifdef CONFIG_APM
-	apm_unregister_callback(&handle_apm_event);
-#define ohci_hcd_init init_module
-int ohci_hcd_init(void)
-  int retval;
-  struct pci_dev *dev = NULL;
-  retval = -ENODEV;
-  dev = NULL;
-  while((dev = pci_find_class(PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_USB_OHCI, dev))) { /* OHCI */
-    retval = start_ohci(dev);
-    if (retval < 0) break;
-		usb_mouse_init();
-#ifdef CONFIG_USB_KBD		
-		usb_kbd_init();
-		hub_init();
-		usb_audio_init();
-#ifdef CONFIG_APM
-		apm_register_callback(&handle_apm_event);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  return retval;
-void cleanup_drivers(void)
-	 hub_cleanup(); 
-	 usb_mouse_cleanup();

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: