patch-2.2.18 linux/drivers/s390/net/iucv.h

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.17/drivers/s390/net/iucv.h linux/drivers/s390/net/iucv.h
@@ -1,146 +1,353 @@
- *  drivers/s390/net/iucv.h
- *    Network driver for VM using iucv
+ *  drivers/s390/net/netiucv.h
+ *    IUCV base support.
  *  S390 version
- *    Copyright (C) 1999 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation
- *    Author(s): Stefan Hegewald <>
- *               Hartmut Penner <> 
+ *    Copyright (C) 2000 IBM Corporation
+ *    Author(s): Xenia Tkatschow (
+ *
+ *
+ * Functionality:
+ * To explore any of the IUCV functions, one must first register
+ * their program using iucv_register(). Once your program has
+ * successfully completed a register, it can use the other functions.
+ * For furthur reference on all IUCV functionality, refer to the
+ * CP Programming Services book, also available on the web
+ * thru
 #ifndef _IUCV_H
 #define _IUCV_H
+#define uchar  unsigned char
+#define ushort unsigned short
+#define ulong  unsigned long
+#define iucv_handle_t void *
+#define  source_class   0x01
+#define  target_class   0x01
+#define  local_conn     0x01
+#define  specify_pathid 0x02
+#define  specify_msgid  0x04
+#define  reply_array    0x08
+#define  one_way_msg    0x10
+#define  prior_msg      0x20
+#define  array          0x40
+#define  quiesce_msg    0x40
+#define  parm_data      0x80
+#define  IPRMDATA	 0x80
+#define  IPBUFLST	 0x40
+#define  IPPRTY	 0x20
+#define  IPNORPY	 0x10
+#define  IPANSLST	 0x08
+#define  IPFGMID	 0x04
+#define  IPFGPID	 0x02
+#define  IPFGMCL	 0x01
+/* Mapping of external interrupt buffers                   */
+/* Names: iucv_ConnectionPending    ->  connection pending */
+/*        iucv_ConnectionComplete   ->  connection complete */
+/*        iucv_ConnectionSevered    ->  connection severed */
+/*        iucv_ConnectionQuiesced   ->  connection quiesced */
+/*        iucv_ConnectionResumed    ->  connection resumed */
+/*        iucv_MessagePending       ->  message pending    */
+/*        iucv_MessageComplete      ->  message complete   */
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar ipflags1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ushort ipmsglim;
+	ushort res1;
+	uchar ipvmid[8];
+	uchar ipuser[16];
+	ulong res3;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res4[3];
+} iucv_ConnectionPending;
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar ipflags1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ushort ipmsglim;
+	ushort res1;
+	uchar res2[8];
+	uchar ipuser[16];
+	ulong res3;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res4[3];
+} iucv_ConnectionComplete;
-#define UCHAR  unsigned char
-#define USHORT unsigned short
-#define ULONG  unsigned long
-#define DEFAULT_FN_LENGTH   27
-#define TRANSFERLENGTH      10
-/* function ID's */
-#define REPLY           3
-#define SEND            4
-#define RECEIVE         5
-#define ACCEPT          10
-#define CONNECT         11
-#define DECLARE_BUFFER  12
-#define SEVER           15
-#define SETMASK         16
-#define SETCMASK        17
-#define PURGE           9999
-/* structures */
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT res0;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  ULONG  res1;
-  ULONG  res2;
-  ULONG  ipbfadr1;
-  ULONG  res[6];
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  USHORT ipmsglim;
-  USHORT res1;
-  UCHAR  ipvmid[8];
-  UCHAR  ipuser[16];
-  UCHAR  iptarget[8];
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  USHORT ipmsglim;
-  USHORT res1;
-  UCHAR  res2[8];
-  UCHAR  ipuser[16];
-  UCHAR  res3[8];
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  ULONG  ipmsgid;
-  ULONG  iptrgcls;
-  ULONG  ipbfadr1;
-  ULONG  ipbfln1f;
-  ULONG  ipsrccls;
-  ULONG  ipmsgtag;
-  ULONG  ipbfadr2;
-  ULONG  ipbfln2f;
-  ULONG  res;
-} SEND_T;
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  ULONG  ipmsgid;
-  ULONG  iptrgcls;
-  ULONG  iprmmsg1;
-  ULONG  iprmmsg2;
-  ULONG  res1[2];
-  ULONG  ipbfadr2;
-  ULONG  ipbfln2f;
-  ULONG  res2;
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  ULONG  ipmsgid;
-  ULONG  iptrgcls;
-  ULONG  ipbfadr1;
-  ULONG  ipbfln1f;
-  ULONG  res1[3];
-  ULONG  ipbfln2f;
-  ULONG  res2;
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  ULONG  res1[3];
-  UCHAR  ipuser[16];
-  ULONG  res2[2];
-typedef struct {
-  UCHAR  ipmask;
-  UCHAR  res1[2];
-  UCHAR  iprcode;
-  ULONG  res2[9];
-} MASK_T;
-typedef struct {
-  USHORT ippathid;
-  UCHAR  ipflags1;
-  UCHAR  iptype;
-  ULONG  ipmsgid;
-  ULONG  ipaudit;
-  ULONG  iprmmsg1;
-  ULONG  iprmmsg2;
-  ULONG  ipsrccls;
-  ULONG  ipmsgtag;
-  ULONG  ipbfadr2;
-  ULONG  ipbfln2f;
-  UCHAR  ippollfg;
-  UCHAR  res2[3];
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar res1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ulong res2;
+	uchar res3[8];
+	uchar ipuser[16];
+	ulong res4;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res5[3];
+} iucv_ConnectionSevered;
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar res1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ulong res2;
+	uchar res3[8];
+	uchar ipuser[16];
+	ulong res4;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res5[3];
+} iucv_ConnectionQuiesced;
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar res1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ulong res2;
+	uchar res3[8];
+	uchar ipuser[16];
+	ulong res4;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res5[3];
+} iucv_ConnectionResumed;
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar ipflags1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ulong ipmsgid;
+	ulong iptrgcls;
+	ulong iprmmsg1;
+	union u1 {
+		ulong ipbfln1f;
+		ulong iprmmsg2;
+	} ln1msg2;
+	ulong res1[3];
+	ulong ipbfln2f;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res2[3];
+} iucv_MessagePending;
+typedef struct {
+	ushort ippathid;
+	uchar ipflags1;
+	uchar iptype;
+	ulong ipmsgid;
+	ulong ipaudit;
+	ulong iprmmsg1;
+	ulong iprmmsg2;
+	ulong ipsrccls;
+	ulong ipmsgtag;
+	ulong res;
+	ulong ipbfln2f;
+	uchar ippollfg;
+	uchar res2[3];
+} iucv_MessageComplete;
+/*iucv_interrupt_ops_t: List of functions for interrupt    */
+/* handling.                                               */
+typedef struct {
+	void (*ConnectionPending) (iucv_ConnectionPending * eib,
+				   ulong pgm_data);
+	void (*ConnectionComplete) (iucv_ConnectionComplete * eib,
+				    ulong pgm_data);
+	void (*ConnectionSevered) (iucv_ConnectionSevered * eib,
+				   ulong pgm_data);
+	void (*ConnectionQuiesced) (iucv_ConnectionQuiesced * eib,
+				    ulong pgm_data);
+	void (*ConnectionResumed) (iucv_ConnectionResumed * eib,
+				   ulong pgm_data);
+	void (*MessagePending) (iucv_MessagePending * eib,
+				ulong pgm_data);
+	void (*MessageComplete) (iucv_MessageComplete * eib,
+				 ulong pgm_data);
+} iucv_interrupt_ops_t;
+/*iucv_array_t : Defines buffer array                      */
+typedef struct {
+	void *address;
+	int length;
+} iucv_array_t __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
+iucv_handle_t iucv_register_program (uchar pgmname[16],
+				     uchar userid[8],
+				     uchar pgmmask[24],
+				     iucv_interrupt_ops_t * ops,
+				     ulong pgm_data);
+int iucv_unregister (iucv_handle_t handle);
+int iucv_purge (ulong msgid,
+		ushort pathid,
+		ulong srccls,
+		uchar audit[4]);
+void iucv_query (ulong * bufsize,
+		 ulong * conmax);
+int iucv_quiesce (ushort pathid,
+		  uchar user_data[16]);
+int iucv_resume (ushort pathid,
+		 uchar user_data[16]);
+int iucv_reject (ushort pathid,
+		 ulong msgid,
+		 ulong trgcls);
+int iucv_setmask (uchar non_priority_interrupts,
+		  uchar priority_interrupts,
+		  uchar non_priority_completion_interrupts,
+		  uchar priority_completion_interrupts);
+int iucv_connect (ushort * pathid,
+		  ushort msglim,
+		  uchar user_data[16],
+		  uchar userid[8],
+		  uchar system_name[8],
+		  uchar priority_requested,
+		  uchar prmdata,
+		  uchar quiesce,
+		  uchar control,
+		  uchar local,
+		  uchar * priority_permitted,
+		  iucv_handle_t handle,
+		  ulong pgm_data);
+int iucv_accept (ushort pathid,
+		 ushort msglim,
+		 uchar user_data[16],
+		 uchar priority_requested,
+		 uchar prmdata,
+		 uchar quiesce,
+		 uchar control,
+		 uchar * priority_permitted,
+		 iucv_handle_t handle,
+		 ulong pgm_data);
+int iucv_sever (ushort pathid,
+		uchar user_data[16]);
+int iucv_receive (ushort pathid,
+		  ulong * msgid,
+		  ulong * trgcls,
+		  void *buffer, ulong buflen,
+		  uchar * reply_required,
+		  uchar * priority_msg,
+		  ulong * adds_curr_buffer,
+		  ulong * adds_curr_length);
+int iucv_receive_simple (ushort pathid,
+			 ulong msgid,
+			 ulong trgcls,
+			 void *buffer, ulong buflen);
+int iucv_receive_array (ushort pathid,
+			ulong * msgid,
+			ulong * trgcls,
+			iucv_array_t * buffer,
+			ulong * buflen,
+			uchar * reply_required,
+			uchar * priority_msg,
+			ulong * adds_curr_buffer,
+			ulong * adds_curr_length);
+int iucv_send (ushort pathid,
+	       ulong * msgid,
+	       ulong trgcls,
+	       ulong srccls,
+	       ulong msgtag,
+	       uchar priority_msg,
+	       void *buffer,
+	       ulong buflen);
+int iucv_send_array (ushort pathid,
+		     ulong * msgid,
+		     ulong trgcls,
+		     ulong srccls,
+		     ulong msgtag,
+		     uchar priority_msg,
+		     iucv_array_t * buffer,
+		     ulong buflen);
+int iucv_send_prmmsg (ushort pathid,
+		      ulong * msgid,
+		      ulong trgcls,
+		      ulong srccls,
+		      ulong msgtag,
+		      uchar priority_msg,
+		      uchar prmmsg[8]);
+int iucv_send2way (ushort pathid,
+		   ulong * msgid,
+		   ulong trgcls,
+		   ulong srccls,
+		   ulong msgtag,
+		   uchar priority_msg,
+		   void *buffer,
+		   ulong buflen,
+		   void *ansbuf,
+		   ulong anslen);
+int iucv_send2way_array (ushort pathid,
+			 ulong * msgid,
+			 ulong trgcls,
+			 ulong srccls,
+			 ulong msgtag,
+			 uchar priority_msg,
+			 iucv_array_t * buffer,
+			 ulong buflen,
+			 iucv_array_t * ansbuf,
+			 ulong anslen);
+int iucv_send2way_prmmsg (ushort pathid,
+			  ulong * msgid,
+			  ulong trgcls,
+			  ulong srccls,
+			  ulong msgtag,
+			  uchar priority_msg,
+			  uchar prmmsg[8],
+			  void *ansbuf,
+			  ulong anslen);
+int iucv_send2way_prmmsg_array (ushort pathid,
+				ulong * msgid,
+				ulong trgcls, ulong srccls,
+				ulong msgtag,
+				uchar priority_msg,
+				uchar prmmsg[8],
+				iucv_array_t * ansbuf,
+				ulong anslen);
+int iucv_reply (ushort pathid,
+		ulong msgid,
+		ulong trgcls,
+		uchar priority_msg,
+		void *buf,
+		ulong buflen);
+int iucv_reply_array (ushort pathid,
+		      ulong msgid,
+		      ulong trgcls,
+		      uchar priority_msg,
+		      iucv_array_t * buffer,
+		      ulong buflen);
+int iucv_reply_prmmsg (ushort pathid,
+		       ulong msgid,
+		       ulong trgcls,
+		       uchar priority_msg,
+		       uchar prmmsg[8]);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: