patch-2.2.18 linux/arch/m68k/mac/via6522.c

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.17/arch/m68k/mac/via6522.c linux/arch/m68k/mac/via6522.c
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
- *	6522 Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA)
- *
- *	There are two of these on the Mac II. Some IRQ's are vectored
- *	via them as are assorted bits and bobs - eg rtc, adb.
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <asm/adb.h> 
-#include <asm/bootinfo.h> 
-#include <asm/macintosh.h> 
-#include <asm/macints.h> 
-#include "via6522.h"
-#include <asm/mac_psc.h>
-volatile unsigned char *via1=(unsigned char *)VIABASE;
-volatile unsigned char *via2=(unsigned char *)VIABASE2;
-volatile unsigned char *psc=(unsigned char *)PSCBASE;
-volatile long *via_memory_bogon=(long *)&via_memory_bogon;
-unsigned char via1_clock, via1_datab;
-static int rbv=0;
-static int oss=0;
-extern void adb_interrupt(int slot, void *via, struct pt_regs *regs);
- * hardware reset vector
- */
-static void (*rom_reset)(void);
- * Timer defs.
- */
-#define MAC_CLOCK_TICK		(783300/HZ)	/* ticks per HZ */
-void via_configure_base(void)
-	switch(macintosh_config->via_type)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *      CI, SI, VX, LC 
-		 */
-		case MAC_VIA_IIci:
-			via1=(void *)0x50F00000;
-			via2=(void *)0x50F26000;
-			rbv=1;
-			if (macintosh_config->ident == MAC_MODEL_IIFX) {
-				via2=(void *)0x50F1A000;
-				oss=1;
-			}
-			break;
-		/*
-		 *      Quadra and early MacIIs agree on the VIA locations
-		 */
-		case MAC_VIA_II:
-			via1=(void *)0x50F00000;
-			via2=(void *)0x50F02000;
-			break;
-		default:
-	}
-void via_init_clock(void (*func)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *))
-	unsigned char c;
-	via1_clock=via_read(via1, vACR);
-	via1_datab=via_read(via1, vBufB);
-	/*
-	 * Tell what MacOS left us with
-	 */
-	printk("via_init: boot via1 acr=%X pcr=%X buf_a=%X dir_a=%X buf_b=%X dir_b=%X \n",
-		(int)via1_clock, (int)via_read(via1, vPCR), 
-		(int)via_read(via1, vBufA), (int)via_read(via1, vDirA),
-		(int)via_read(via1, vBufB), (int)via_read(via1, vDirB));
-	if (rbv == 0)
-		printk("via_init: boot via2 acr=%X pcr=%X buf_a=%X dir_a=%X buf_b=%X dir_b=%X \n",
-			(int)via_read(via2, vACR), (int)via_read(via2, vPCR), 
-			(int)via_read(via2, vBufA), (int)via_read(via2, vDirA),
-			(int)via_read(via2, vBufB), (int)via_read(via2, vDirB));
-	/*
-	 *	Shut it down
-	 */
-	via_write(via1,vIER, 0x7F);	 
-	/*
-	 *	Kill the timers
-	 */
-	via_write(via1,vT1LL,0);
-	via_write(via1,vT1LH,0);
-	via_write(via1,vT1CL,0);
-	via_write(via1,vT1CH,0);
-	via_write(via1,vT2CL,0);
-	via_write(via1,vT2CH,0);
-	/*
-	 *	Now do via2
-	 */
-	if(rbv==0) 
-	{
-		via_write(via2,vT1LL,0);
-		via_write(via2,vT1LH,0);
-		via_write(via2,vT1CL,0);
-		via_write(via2,vT1CH,0);
-		via_write(via2,vT2CL,0);
-		via_write(via2,vT2CH,0);
-		via_write(via2,vIER, 0x7F);	 
-	}
-	else if (oss==0)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *	Init the RBV chip a bit
-		 */
-		via_write(via2, rIER,0x7F);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	Disable the timer latches
-	 */
-	c=via_read(via1,vACR);
-	via_write(via1,vACR,c&0x3F);
-	if(rbv==0) 
-	{
-		c=via_read(via2,vACR);
-		via_write(via2,vACR,c&0x3F);
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	Now start the clock - we want 100Hz
-	 */
-	via_write(via1,vACR,via_read(via1,vACR)|0x40);
-	via_write(via1,vT1LL, MAC_CLOCK_LOW);
-	via_write(via1,vT1LH, MAC_CLOCK_HIGH);
-	via_write(via1,vT1CL, MAC_CLOCK_LOW);
-	via_write(via1,vT1CH, MAC_CLOCK_HIGH);
-	/*
-	 *	And enable its interrupt
-	 */
-	request_irq(IRQ_MAC_TIMER_1, func, IRQ_FLG_LOCK, "timer", func);
-	/* 
-	 * SE/30: disable video int. 
-	 * XXX: testing for SE/30 VBL
-	 */
-	if (macintosh_config->ident == MAC_MODEL_SE30) {
-		c = via_read(via1, vBufB);
-		via_write(via1, vBufB, c|(0x40));
-		c = via_read(via1, vDirB);
-		via_write(via1, vDirB, c|(0x40));
-	} 
-#if 0 /* gone to mac_init_IRQ */
-	/*
-	 * Set vPCR for SCSI interrupts.
-	 *
-	 * That is: CA1 negative edge int., CA2 indep., positive edge int.;
-	 *	    CB1 negative edge int., CB2 indep., positive edge int..
-	 */
-        via_write(via2,vPCR, 0x66);
- * TBI: get time offset between scheduling timer ticks
- */
-#define TICK_SIZE 10000
-/* This is always executed with interrupts disabled.  */
-unsigned long mac_gettimeoffset (void)
-	unsigned long ticks, offset = 0;
-	/* read VIA1 timer 2 current value */
-	ticks = via_read(via1, vT1CL) + (via_read(via1, vT1CH)<<8);
-	/* The probability of underflow is less than 2% */
-	if (ticks > MAC_CLOCK_TICK - MAC_CLOCK_TICK / 50)
-		/* Check for pending timer interrupt in VIA1 IFR */
-		if (via_read(via1, vIFR) & 0x40)
-			offset = TICK_SIZE;
-	ticks = MAC_CLOCK_TICK - ticks;
-	ticks = ticks * 10000L / MAC_CLOCK_TICK;
-	return ticks + offset;
- *	PSC (AV Macs; level 3-6): initialize interrupt enable registers
- */
-void psc_init(void)
-	via_write(psc, pIER3, 0x01);
-	via_write(psc, pIER4, 0x09);
-	via_write(psc, pIER4, 0x86);
-	via_write(psc, pIER5, 0x03);
-	via_write(psc, pIER6, 0x07);
- *	The power switch - yes it's software!
- */
-void mac_poweroff(void)
-	/*
-	 * MAC_ADB_IISI may need to be moved up here if it doesn't actually
-	 * work using the ADB packet method.  --David Kilzer
-	 */
-	if (macintosh_config->adb_type == MAC_ADB_II)
-	{
-		if(rbv)	{
-			via_write(via2, rBufB, via_read(via2, rBufB)&~0x04);
-		} else {
-			/* Direction of vDirB is output */
-			via_write(via2,vDirB,via_read(via2,vDirB)|0x04);
-			/* Send a value of 0 on that line */
-			via_write(via2,vBufB,via_read(via2,vBufB)&~0x04);
-			/* Otherwise it prints "It is now.." then shuts off */
-			mdelay(1000);
-		}
-		/* We should never make it this far... */
-		printk ("It is now safe to switch off your machine.\n");
-		/* XXX - delay do we need to spin here ? */
-		while(1);	/* Just in case .. */
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Initially discovered this technique in the Mach kernel of MkLinux in
-	 * osfmk/src/mach_kernel/ppc/POWERMAC/cuda_power.c.  Found equivalent LinuxPPC
-	 * code in arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c, which also has a PMU technique for PowerBooks!
-	 * --David Kilzer
-	 */
-	else if (macintosh_config->adb_type == MAC_ADB_IISI
-	      || macintosh_config->adb_type == MAC_ADB_CUDA)
-	{
-		struct adb_request req;
-		/*
-		 * Print our "safe" message before we send the request
-		 * just in case the request never returns.
-		 */
-		printk ("It is now safe to switch off your machine.\n");
-		adb_request (&req, NULL, 2, CUDA_PACKET, CUDA_POWERDOWN);
-		printk ("ADB powerdown request sent.\n");
-		for (;;)
-		{
-			adb_poll();
-		}
-	}
- * Not all Macs support software power down; for the rest, just 
- * try the ROM reset vector ...
- */
-void mac_reset(void)
-	/*
-	 * MAC_ADB_IISI may need to be moved up here if it doesn't actually
-	 * work using the ADB packet method.  --David Kilzer
-	 */
-	if (macintosh_config->adb_type == MAC_ADB_II)
-	{
-		unsigned long flags;
-		unsigned long *reset_hook;
-		/* need ROMBASE in booter */
-		/* indeed, plus need to MAP THE ROM !! */
-		if (mac_bi_data.rombase == 0)
-			mac_bi_data.rombase = 0x40800000;
-		/* works on some */
-		rom_reset = (void *) (mac_bi_data.rombase + 0xa);
-#if 0
-		/* testing, doesn't work on SE/30 either */
-		reset_hook = (unsigned long *) (mac_bi_data.rombase + 0x4);
-		printk("ROM reset hook: %p\n", *reset_hook);
-		rom_reset = *reset_hook;
-		if (macintosh_config->ident == MAC_MODEL_SE30) {
-			/*
-			 * MSch: Machines known to crash on ROM reset ...
-			 */
-			printk("System halted.\n");
-			while(1);
-		} else {
-			save_flags(flags);
-			cli();
-			rom_reset();
-			restore_flags(flags);
-		}
-		/* We never make it this far... it usually panics above. */
-		printk ("Restart failed.  Please restart manually.\n");
-		/* XXX - delay do we need to spin here ? */
-		while(1);	/* Just in case .. */
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Initially discovered this technique in the Mach kernel of MkLinux in
-	 * osfmk/src/mach_kernel/ppc/POWERMAC/cuda_power.c.  Found equivalent LinuxPPC
-	 * code in arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c, which also has a PMU technique!
-	 * --David Kilzer
-	 * 
-	 * I suspect the MAC_ADB_CUDA code might work with other ADB types of machines
-	 * but have no way to test this myself.  --DDK
-	 */
-	else if (macintosh_config->adb_type == MAC_ADB_IISI
-	      || macintosh_config->adb_type == MAC_ADB_CUDA)
-	{
-		struct adb_request req;
-		adb_request (&req, NULL, 2, CUDA_PACKET, CUDA_RESET_SYSTEM);
-		printk ("Restart failed.  Please restart manually.\n");
-		for (;;)
-		{
-			adb_poll();
-		}
-	}
- *	Set up the keyboard
- */
-void via_setup_keyboard(void)
-#if 0 /* moved to adb */
-	via1_func_tab.vector[2]=adb_interrupt;
-	request_irq(IRQ_MAC_ADB, adb_interrupt, IRQ_FLG_LOCK, "adb interrupt",
-		    adb_interrupt);
- *	Floppy hook
- */
-void via1_set_head(int head)
-	if(head==0)
-		via_write(via1, vBufA, via_read(via1, vBufA)&~0x20);
-	else
-		via_write(via1, vBufA, via_read(via1, vBufA)|0x20);
-void nubus_init_via(void)
-	if (rbv) {
-		if (oss==0) {
-			via_write(via2, rBufB, via_read(via2, rBufB)|0x02);
-			via_write(via2, rIER, 0x82);	/* Interrupts on */
-		}
-	} else {
-		/* Assert the nubus active */
-		via_write(via2, vDirB, via_read(via2, vDirB)|0x02);
-		via_write(via2, vBufB, via_read(via2, vBufB)|0x02);
-		/* Make the nubus interrupt source register all output (disable) */
-		/* via_write(via2, vDirA, 0xFF); */
-		via_write(via2, vIER, 0x82);	/* Interrupts on */
-	}
-	printk("nubus_init_via: via1 acr=%X datab=%X pcr=%X\n",
-		(int)via_read(via1, vACR), (int)via_read(via1, vBufB), 
-		(int)via_read(via1, vPCR));
-	if (rbv==0)
-		printk("nubus_init_via: via2 acr=%X datab=%X pcr=%X\n",
-			(int)via_read(via2, vACR), (int)via_read(via2, vBufB), 
-			(int)via_read(via2, vPCR));

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: