patch-2.2.16 linux/scripts/

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diff -urN v2.2.15/linux/scripts/ linux/scripts/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 proc vfix { var } {
 	global $var
 	if [ catch {eval concat $$var} ] {
-		set $var 0
+		set $var 4
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 # Create a "reference" object to steal colors from.
@@ -67,9 +68,11 @@
 proc menu_option { w menu_num text } {
 	global menus_per_column
-	if { $menu_num <= $menus_per_column } then {
+	global processed_top_level
+	set processed_top_level [expr $processed_top_level + 1]
+	if { $processed_top_level <= $menus_per_column } then {
 	    set myframe left
-	} elseif { $menu_num <= [expr 2 * $menus_per_column] } then {
+	} elseif { $processed_top_level <= [expr 2 * $menus_per_column] } then {
 	    set myframe middle
 	} else {
 	    set myframe right
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@
 	close $file1
-	update_mainmenu .rdupd
+	update_mainmenu
 proc write_comment { file1 file2 text } {
     	puts $file1 ""
@@ -223,17 +226,51 @@
 	puts $file2 " */"
-proc write_tristate { file1 file2 varname variable dep } {
-	if { $variable == 0 } \
-		then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"} \
-	elseif { $variable == 2 || ($dep == 2 && $variable == 1) } \
+proc effective_dep { deplist } {
+	set depend 1
+	foreach i $deplist {
+		if {$i == 0} then {set depend 0}
+		if {$i == 2 && $depend == 1} then {set depend 2}
+	}
+	if {$depend == 2 && $CONFIG_MODULES == 0} then {set depend 0}
+	return $depend
+proc sync_tristate { var dep } {
+	if {$dep == 0 && ($var == 1 || $var == 2)} then {
+		set var 0
+	} elseif {$dep == 2 && $var == 1} then {
+		set var 2
+	} elseif {$var == 2 && $CONFIG_MODULES == 0} then {
+		if {$dep == 1} then {set var 1} else {set var 0}
+	}
+	return $var
+proc sync_bool { var dep modset } {
+	set var [sync_tristate $var $dep]
+	if {$dep == 2 && $var == 2} then {
+		set var $modset
+	}
+	return $var
+proc write_tristate { file1 file2 varname variable deplist modset } {
+	set variable [sync_tristate $variable [effective_dep $deplist]]
+	if { $variable == 2 } \
+		then { set variable $modset }
+	if { $variable == 1 } \
+		then { puts $file1 "$varname=y"; \
+		       puts $file2 "#define $varname 1" } \
+	elseif { $variable == 2 } \
 		then { puts $file1 "$varname=m"; \
 		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"; \
 		       puts $file2 "#define ${varname}_MODULE 1" } \
-	elseif { $variable == 1 && $dep != 2 } \
-		then { puts $file1 "$varname=y"; \
-		       puts $file2 "#define $varname 1" } \
+	elseif { $variable == 0 } \
+		then { puts $file1 "# $varname is not set"; \
+		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"} \
 	else { \
 	    puts stdout "ERROR - Attempting to write value for unconfigured variable ($varname)." \
@@ -245,7 +282,7 @@
 		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"} \
 	else {
 		puts $file1 "$varname=$variable"; \
-		puts $file2 "#define $varname $variable"; \
+		puts $file2 "#define $varname ($variable)"; \
@@ -255,7 +292,8 @@
 		       puts $file2 "#undef  $varname"} \
 	else {
 		puts $file1 "$varname=$variable"; \
-		puts $file2 "#define $varname 0x$variable"; \
+		puts -nonewline $file2 "#define $varname 0x"; \
+		puts $file2 [exec echo $variable | sed s/^0\[xX\]//]; \
@@ -274,7 +312,7 @@
 	$w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
 				-activeback [cget $w.x$line.l -bg]
 	button $w.x$ -text "Help" -relief raised \
-		-command "dohelp .dohelp $helpidx"
+		-command "dohelp .dohelp $helpidx .menu$mnum"
 	pack $w.x$ -side right -fill y
 	pack $w.x$line.l -side right -fill both -expand on
@@ -282,28 +320,28 @@
 proc toggle_switch2 {w mnum line text variable} {
 	frame $w.x$line -relief sunken
 	radiobutton $w.x$line.y -text "y" -variable $variable -value 1 \
-		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
+		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
 	radiobutton $w.x$line.m -text "-"  -variable $variable -value 2 \
-		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
+		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
 	radiobutton $w.x$line.n -text "n"  -variable $variable -value 0 \
-		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
+		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
 	option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
 	pack $w.x$line.n $w.x$line.m $w.x$line.y -side right -fill y
 proc toggle_switch3 {w mnum line text variable} {
 	frame $w.x$line -relief sunken
 	radiobutton $w.x$line.y -text "y" -variable $variable -value 1 \
-		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
+		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
 	radiobutton $w.x$line.m -text "m"  -variable $variable -value 2 \
-		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
+		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
 	radiobutton $w.x$line.n -text "n"  -variable $variable -value 0 \
-		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_menu$mnum .menu$mnum"
+		-relief groove -width 2 -command "update_active"
 	option_name $w $mnum $line $text $variable
 	if {($CONFIG_MODULES == 0)} then {
 		$w.x$line.m configure -state disabled
@@ -322,10 +360,14 @@
 	pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
-proc dep_tristate {w mnum line text variable depend } {
+proc dep_tristate {w mnum line text variable } {
 	tristate $w $mnum $line $text $variable
+proc dep_bool {w mnum line text variable } {
+	bool $w $mnum $line $text $variable
 proc int { w mnum line text variable } {
 	frame $w.x$line
 	entry $w.x$line.x -width 18 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \
@@ -358,11 +400,48 @@
 	pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
-proc comment {w line text } {
-#nothing done for comments now.
+proc menusplit {w m n} {
+	if { $n > 2 } then {
+		update idletasks
+		set menuoptsize [expr [$m yposition 2] - [$m yposition 1]]   
+		set maxsize [winfo screenheight $w]
+		set splitpoint [expr $maxsize * 4 / 5 / $menuoptsize - 1]
+		for {set i [expr $splitpoint + 1]} {$i <= $n} {incr i $splitpoint} {
+			$m entryconfigure $i -columnbreak 1
+		}
+	}
+proc menutitle {text menu w} {
+	wm title $w "$text"
+proc submenu { w mnum line text subnum } {
+	frame $w.x$line
+	button $w.x$line.l -text "" -width 15 -relief groove
+	$w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
+		-activeback [cget $w.x$line.l -bg] -state disabled
+	button $w.x$line.m -text "$text" -relief raised -anchor w \
+		-command "catch {destroy .menu$subnum}; menu$subnum .menu$subnum \"$text\""
+	pack $w.x$line.l -side left -fill both
+	pack $w.x$line.m -anchor w -side right -fill both -expand on
+	pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
+proc comment {w mnum line text } {
+	frame $w.x$line
+	button $w.x$line.l -text "" -width 15 -relief groove
+	$w.x$line.l configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.l -fg] \
+		-activeback [cget $w.x$line.l -bg] -state disabled
+	button $w.x$line.m -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w
+	$w.x$line.m configure -activefore [cget $w.x$line.m -fg] \
+		-activeback [cget $w.x$line.m -bg]
+	pack $w.x$line.l -side left -fill both
+	pack $w.x$line.m -anchor w -side right -fill both -expand on
+	pack $w.x$line -anchor w -fill both -expand on
-proc dohelp {w var }  {
+proc dohelp {w var parent}  {
 	catch {destroy $w}
 	toplevel $w -class Dialog
@@ -388,45 +467,73 @@
 			" Documentation/]
 		set found [expr [string length "$message"] > 0]
 	frame $w.f1
+	pack $w.f1 -fill both -expand on
+	# Do the OK button
+	#
+	set oldFocus [focus]
+	frame $w.f2
+	button $w.f2.ok -text "OK" \
+		-width 10 -command "destroy $w; catch {focus $oldFocus}"
+	pack $w.f2.ok -side bottom -pady 6 -anchor n
+	pack $w.f2 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor s
+	scrollbar $w.f1.vscroll -command "$w.f1.canvas yview"
+	pack $w.f1.vscroll -side right -fill y
+	canvas $w.f1.canvas -relief flat -borderwidth 0 \
+		-yscrollcommand "$w.f1.vscroll set"
+	frame $w.f1.f
+	pack $w.f1.canvas -side right -fill y -expand on
 	if { $found == 0 } then {
 		if { $filefound == 0 } then {
-		message $w.f1.m -width 750 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
+		message $w.f1.f.m -width 750 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
 			"No help available - unable to open file Documentation/  This file should have come with your kernel."
 		} else {
-		message $w.f1.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
+		message $w.f1.f.m -width 400 -aspect 300 -relief flat -text \
 			"No help available for $var"
 		label $ -bitmap error
 		wm title $w "RTFM"
 	} else {
-		text $w.f1.m -width 73 -relief flat -wrap word
-		$w.f1.m insert 0.0 $message
-		$w.f1.m conf -state disabled  -height [$w.f1.m index end]
+		text $w.f1.f.m -width 73 -relief flat -wrap word
+		$w.f1.f.m insert 0.0 $message
+		$w.f1.f.m conf -state disabled -height [$w.f1.f.m index end]
 		label $ -bitmap info
 		wm title $w "Configuration help" 
-	pack $ $w.f1.m -side left -padx 10
-	pack $w.f1 -side top
-	set oldFocus [focus]
-	# Do the OK button
-	#
-	frame $w.f2
-	button $w.f2.ok -text "OK" \
-		-width 10 -command "destroy $w; focus $oldFocus"
-	pack $w.f2.ok -side bottom -pady 6 -anchor n
-	pack $w.f2 -side bottom -padx 10 -anchor s
+	pack $w.f1.f.m -side left
+	pack $ $w.f1.f -side left -padx 10
-	# Finish off the window
-	#
 	focus $w
-	global winx; global winy
-	set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
+	set winx [expr [winfo x $parent]+20]
+	set winy [expr [winfo y $parent]+20]
 	wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
+	set sizok [expr [winfo reqheight $w.f2.ok] + 12]
+	set maxy [expr [winfo screenheight .] * 3 / 4]
+	set canvtotal [winfo reqheight $w.f1.f.m]
+	if [expr $sizok + $canvtotal < $maxy] {
+		set sizy $canvtotal
+	} else {
+		set sizy [expr $maxy - $sizok]
+	}
+	$w.f1.canvas configure -height $sizy -width [winfo reqwidth $w.f1.f.m] \
+		-scrollregion "0 0 [winfo reqwidth $w.f1.f.m] \
+			[winfo reqheight $w.f1.f.m]"
+	$w.f1.canvas create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.f1.f
+	update idletasks
+	set maxy [winfo screenheight .]
+	if [expr $sizok + $canvtotal < $maxy] {
+		set sizy [expr $sizok + $canvtotal]
+	} else {
+		set sizy $maxy
+	}
+	wm maxsize $w [winfo width $w] $sizy
 proc wrapup {w }  {
@@ -458,6 +565,55 @@
+proc unregister_active {num} {
+	global active_menus
+	set index [lsearch -exact $active_menus $num]
+	if {$index != -1} then {set active_menus [lreplace $active_menus $index $index]}
+proc update_active {} {
+	global active_menus total_menus
+	set max 0
+	if {[llength $active_menus] > 0} then {
+		set max [lindex $active_menus end]
+		update_define [toplevel_menu [lindex $active_menus 0]] $max 0
+	}
+	foreach i $active_menus {
+		if {[winfo exists .menu$i] == 0} then {
+			unregister_active $i
+		} else {
+			update_menu$i
+		}
+	}
+	update_define [expr $max + 1] $total_menus 1
+	update_mainmenu
+proc configure_entry {w option items} {
+	foreach i $items {
+		$w.$i configure -state $option
+	}
+proc validate_int {name val default} {
+	if {([exec echo $val | sed s/^-//g | tr -d \[:digit:\] ] != "")} then {
+		global $name; set $name $default
+	}
+proc validate_hex {name val default} {
+	if {([exec echo $val | tr -d \[:xdigit:\] ] != "")} then {
+		global $name; set $name $default
+	}
+proc update_define {first last allow_update} {
+	for {set i $first} {$i <= $last} {incr i} {
+		update_define_menu$i
+		if {$allow_update == 1} then update
+	}
 # Next set up the particulars for the top level menu, and define a few
 # buttons which we will stick down at the bottom.
@@ -468,3 +624,5 @@
 frame .f0.middle
 frame .f0.right
+set active_menus [list]
+set processed_top_level 0

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: