patch-2.1.112 linux/fs/ufs/ufs_namei.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.111/linux/fs/ufs/ufs_namei.c linux/fs/ufs/ufs_namei.c
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- *  linux/fs/ufs/ufs_namei.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1996
- * Adrian Rodriguez (
- * Laboratory for Computer Science Research Computing Facility
- * Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
- *
- * Clean swab support by Francois-Rene Rideau <> 19970406
- * Ported to 2.1.62 by Francois-Rene Rideau <> 19971109
- *
- * 4.4BSD (FreeBSD) support added on February 1st 1998 by
- * Niels Kristian Bech Jensen <> partially based
- * on code by Martin von Loewis <>.
- */
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <linux/ufs_fs.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include "ufs_swab.h"
- * NOTE1: unlike strncmp, ufs_match returns 1 for success, 0 for failure
- * (stolen from ext2fs.)
- * NOTE2: flags *is* used, though this is hidden by macros like NAMLEN.
- */
-static int ufs_match (int len, const char * const name, struct ufs_direct * d, __u32 flags)
-	if (!d || len > UFS_MAXNAMLEN) /* XXX - name space */
-		return 0;
-	/*
-	 * "" means "." ---> so paths like "/usr/lib//libc.a" work
-	 */
-	if (!len && (NAMLEN(d) == 1) && (d->d_name[0] == '.') &&
-  	   (d->d_name[1] == '\0'))
-  		return 1;
-	if (len != NAMLEN(d))
-		return 0;
-	return !memcmp(name, d->d_name, len);
-int ufs_lookup (struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
-  /* XXX - this is all fucked up! */
-	unsigned long int lfragno, fragno;
-	struct buffer_head * bh;
-	struct ufs_direct * d;
-	struct super_block * sb = dir->i_sb;
-	const char *name = dentry->;
-	int len = dentry->d_name.len;
-	__u32 flags;
-        struct inode *inode;
-	/* XXX - isn't that already done by the upper layer? */
-        if (!dir || !S_ISDIR(dir->i_mode))
-		return -EBADF;
-	flags = sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags;
-	if (flags & UFS_DEBUG)
-		printk("Passed name: %s\nPassed length: %d\n", name, len);
-	/* debugging hacks:
-	 * Touching /xyzzy in a filesystem toggles debugging messages.
-	 */
-	if ((len == 5) && !(memcmp(name, "xyzzy", len)) &&
-	    (dir->i_ino == UFS_ROOTINO)) {
-	        sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags ^= UFS_DEBUG;
-	        printk("UFS debugging %s\n",
-	               (sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags & UFS_DEBUG) ?
-	               "on": "off");
-		goto not_found;
-	        /*return(-ENOENT);*/
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Touching /xyzzy.i in a filesystem toggles debugging for ufs_inode.c
-	 */
-	if ((len == 7) && !(memcmp(name, "xyzzy.i", len)) &&
-	    (dir->i_ino == UFS_ROOTINO)) {
-	        sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags ^= UFS_DEBUG_INODE;
-	        printk("UFS inode debugging %s\n",
-	               (sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags & UFS_DEBUG_INODE) ?
-	               "on": "off");
-		goto not_found;
-	        /*return(-ENOENT);*/
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Touching /xyzzy.n in a filesystem toggles debugging for ufs_namei.c
-	 */
-	if ((len == 7) && !(memcmp(name, "xyzzy.n", len)) &&
-	    (dir->i_ino == UFS_ROOTINO)) {
-	        sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags ^= UFS_DEBUG_NAMEI;
-	        printk("UFS namei debugging %s\n",
-	               (sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags & UFS_DEBUG_NAMEI) ?
-	               "on": "off");
-		goto not_found;
-	        /*return(-ENOENT);*/
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Touching /xyzzy.l in a filesystem toggles debugging for ufs_symlink.c
-	 */
-	if ((len == 7) && !(memcmp(name, "xyzzy.l", len)) &&
-	    (dir->i_ino == UFS_ROOTINO)) {
-	        sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags ^= UFS_DEBUG_LINKS;
-	        printk("UFS symlink debugging %s\n",
-	               (sb->u.ufs_sb.s_flags & UFS_DEBUG_LINKS) ?
-	               "on": "off");
-		goto not_found;
-	        /*return(-ENOENT);*/
-	}
-	/* Now for the real thing */
- 	if (flags & (UFS_DEBUG|UFS_DEBUG_NAMEI)) {
-	        printk("ufs_lookup: called for ino %lu  name %s\n",
-	               dir->i_ino, name);
-	}
- 	for (lfragno = 0; lfragno < dir->i_blocks; lfragno++) {
-	        fragno = ufs_bmap(dir, lfragno);
- 		/* ufs_bmap() reads the block (frag) size in s_blocksize */
-	        /* XXX - ufs_bmap() call needs error checking */
- 	        if (flags & UFS_DEBUG) {
-	                printk("ufs_lookup: ino %lu lfragno %lu  fragno %lu\n",
-	                       dir->i_ino, lfragno, fragno);
-	        }
-	        if (fragno == 0) {
-	                /* XXX - bug bug bug */
-			goto not_found;
-			/*return(-ENOENT);*/
-	        }
-	        bh = bread(dir->i_dev, fragno, sb->s_blocksize);
-	        if (bh == NULL) {
-	                printk("ufs_lookup: bread failed: "
-                               "ino %lu, lfragno %lu",
-	                       dir->i_ino, lfragno);
-	                return(-EIO);
-	        }
-	        d = (struct ufs_direct *)(bh->b_data);
-	        while (((char *)d - bh->b_data + SWAB16(d->d_reclen)) <=
-	               sb->s_blocksize) {
-	                /* XXX - skip block if d_reclen or d_namlen is 0 */
-	                if ((d->d_reclen == 0) || (NAMLEN(d) == 0)) {
-			/* no need to SWAB16(): test against 0 */
-	                        if (flags & UFS_DEBUG) {
-	                                printk("ufs_lookup: skipped space in directory, ino %lu\n",
-	                                       dir->i_ino);
-	                        }
-	                        break;
-	                }
-	                if (flags & UFS_DEBUG) {
-	                        printk("lfragno 0x%lx  "
-					"direct d 0x%x  "
-					"d_ino %u  "
-					"d_reclen %u  "
-					"d_namlen %u  d_name `%s'\n",
-	                        	lfragno,
-				        (unsigned int)((unsigned long)d),
-					SWAB32(d->d_ino),
-					SWAB16(d->d_reclen),
-					NAMLEN(d),d->d_name);
-	                }
-	                if ((NAMLEN(d) == len) &&
-	                    /* XXX - don't use strncmp() - see ext2fs */
-	                    (ufs_match(len, name, d, flags))) {
-	                        /* We have a match */
-/* XXX - I only superficially understand how things work,
- * so use at your own risk... -- Fare'
- */
-				inode = iget(sb, SWAB32(d->d_ino));
-				brelse(bh);
-				if(!inode) { return -EACCES; }
-                                d_add(dentry,inode);
-	                        return(0);
-	                } else {
-	                        /* XXX - bounds checking */
-	                        if (flags & UFS_DEBUG) {
-	                                printk("ufs_lookup: "
-						"wanted (%s,%d) got (%s,%d)\n",
-	                                       name, len,
-					       d->d_name, NAMLEN(d));
-	                        }
-	                }
-			d = (struct ufs_direct *)((char *)d +
-			     SWAB16(d->d_reclen));
-	        }
-	        brelse(bh);
-	}
-   not_found:
-	d_add(dentry,NULL);
-	return(0);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,