patch-2.0.37 linux/drivers/net/rcmtl.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.0.36/linux/drivers/net/rcmtl.c linux/drivers/net/rcmtl.c
@@ -1,2058 +0,0 @@
-** *************************************************************************
-**     R C M T L . C             $Revision: 1.1 $
-**  RedCreek Message Transport Layer program module.
-**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-**  ---     Copyright (c) 1997-1998, RedCreek Communications Inc.     ---
-**  ---                   All rights reserved.                        ---
-**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-** File Description:
-** Host side message transport layer.
-**  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-**  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-**  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-**  (at your option) any later version.
-**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-**  GNU General Public License for more details.
-**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-**  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-**  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#undef DEBUG
-#include "rcmtl.h"
-#define dprintf kprintf
-extern int printk(const char * fmt, ...);
- /* RedCreek LAN device Target ID */
-#define LAN_TARGET_ID  0x10 
- /* RedCreek's OSM default LAN receive Initiator */
-** message structures
-#define    TID_SZ                                  12
-#define    FUNCTION_SZ                             8
-/* Transaction Reply Lists (TRL) Control Word structure */
-#define    TRL_SINGLE_FIXED_LENGTH           0x00
-#define    TRL_SINGLE_VARIABLE_LENGTH        0x40
-#define    TRL_MULTIPLE_FIXED_LENGTH         0x80
-/* LAN Class specific functions */
-#define    LAN_PACKET_SEND                         0x3B
-#define    LAN_SDU_SEND                            0x3D
-#define    LAN_RECEIVE_POST                        0x3E
-#define    LAN_RESET                               0x35
-#define    LAN_SHUTDOWN                            0x37
-/* Private Class specfic function */
-#define    RC_PRIVATE                                 0xFF
-/*  RC Executive Function Codes.  */
-#define    RC_CMD_ADAPTER_ASSIGN                     0xB3
-#define    RC_CMD_ADAPTER_READ                       0xB2
-#define    RC_CMD_ADAPTER_RELEASE                    0xB5
-#define    RC_CMD_BIOS_INFO_SET                      0xA5
-#define    RC_CMD_BOOT_DEVICE_SET                    0xA7
-#define    RC_CMD_CONFIG_VALIDATE                    0xBB
-#define    RC_CMD_CONN_SETUP                         0xCA
-#define    RC_CMD_DEVICE_ASSIGN                      0xB7
-#define    RC_CMD_DEVICE_RELEASE                     0xB9
-#define    RC_CMD_HRT_GET                            0xA8
-#define    RC_CMD_ADAPTER_CLEAR                          0xBE
-#define    RC_CMD_ADAPTER_CONNECT                        0xC9
-#define    RC_CMD_ADAPTER_RESET                          0xBD
-#define    RC_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY                         0xA2
-#define    RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT                      0xA1
-#define    RC_CMD_PATH_ENABLE                        0xD3
-#define    RC_CMD_PATH_QUIESCE                       0xC5
-#define    RC_CMD_PATH_RESET                         0xD7
-#define    RC_CMD_STATIC_MF_CREATE                   0xDD
-#define    RC_CMD_STATIC_MF_RELEASE                  0xDF
-#define    RC_CMD_STATUS_GET                         0xA0
-#define    RC_CMD_SW_DOWNLOAD                        0xA9
-#define    RC_CMD_SW_UPLOAD                          0xAB
-#define    RC_CMD_SW_REMOVE                          0xAD
-#define    RC_CMD_SYS_ENABLE                         0xD1
-#define    RC_CMD_SYS_MODIFY                         0xC1
-#define    RC_CMD_SYS_QUIESCE                        0xC3
-#define    RC_CMD_SYS_TAB_SET                        0xA3
- /* Init Outbound Q status */
-#define    RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT_IN_PROGRESS          0x01
-#define    RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT_REJECTED             0x02
-#define    RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT_FAILED               0x03
-#define    RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT_COMPLETE             0x04
-#define    UTIL_NOP                                0x00
-/* RC Get Status State values */
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_INITIALIZING                  0x01
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_RESET                         0x02
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_HOLD                          0x04
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_READY                         0x05
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_OPERATIONAL                   0x08
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_FAILED                        0x10
-#define    ADAPTER_STATE_FAULTED                       0x11
-/* Defines for Request Status Codes:  Table 3-1 Reply Status Codes.  */
-#define    RC_REPLY_STATUS_SUCCESS                    0x00
-#define    RC_REPLY_STATUS_ABORT_DIRTY                0x01
-#define    RC_REPLY_STATUS_ERROR_DIRTY                0x04
-#define    RC_REPLY_STATUS_PROGRESS_REPORT            0x80
-/* DetailedStatusCode defines for ALL messages: Table 3-2 Detailed Status Codes.*/
-#define    RC_DS_SUCCESS                        0x0000
-#define    RC_DS_BAD_KEY                        0x0001
-#define    RC_DS_CHAIN_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE         0x0002
-#define    RC_DS_DEVICE_BUSY                    0x0003
-#define    RC_DS_DEVICE_LOCKED                  0x0004
-#define    RC_DS_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE           0x0005
-#define    RC_DS_DEVICE_RESET                   0x0006
-#define    RC_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_FUNCTION         0x0007
-#define    RC_DS_INVALID_MESSAGE_FLAGS          0x000B
-#define    RC_DS_INVALID_OFFSET                 0x000C
-#define    RC_DS_INVALID_PARAMETER              0x000D
-#define    RC_DS_INVALID_REQUEST                0x000E
-#define    RC_DS_INVALID_TARGET_ADDRESS         0x000F
-#define    RC_DS_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE              0x0010
-#define    RC_DS_MESSAGE_TOO_SMALL              0x0011
-#define    RC_DS_MISSING_PARAMETER              0x0012
-#define    RC_DS_NO_SUCH_PAGE                   0x0013
-#define    RC_DS_REPLY_BUFFER_FULL              0x0014
-#define    RC_DS_TCL_ERROR                      0x0015
-#define    RC_DS_TIMEOUT                        0x0016
-#define    RC_DS_UNKNOWN_ERROR                  0x0017
-#define    RC_DS_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION               0x0018
-#define    RC_DS_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION           0x0019
-#define    RC_DS_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION            0x001A
- /* msg header defines for VersionOffset */
-#define RCMSGVER_1   0x0001
-#define SGL_OFFSET_0    RCMSGVER_1
-#define SGL_OFFSET_4    (0x0040 | RCMSGVER_1)
-#define TRL_OFFSET_5    (0x0050 | RCMSGVER_1)
-#define TRL_OFFSET_6    (0x0060 | RCMSGVER_1)
- /* msg header defines for MsgFlags */
-#define MSG_STATIC      0x0100
-#define MSG_64BIT_CNTXT 0x0200
-#define MSG_MULTI_TRANS 0x1000
-#define MSG_FAIL        0x2000
-#define MSG_LAST        0x4000
-#define MSG_REPLY       0x8000
-  /* normal LAN request message MsgFlags and VersionOffset (0x1041) */
- /* minimum size msg */
-#define THREE_WORD_MSG_SIZE 0x00030000
-#define FOUR_WORD_MSG_SIZE  0x00040000
-#define FIVE_WORD_MSG_SIZE  0x00050000
-#define SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE   0x00060000
-#define SEVEN_WORD_MSG_SIZE 0x00070000
-#define EIGHT_WORD_MSG_SIZE 0x00080000
-#define NINE_WORD_MSG_SIZE  0x00090000
-/* Special TID Assignments */
-#define ADAPTER_TID   0
-#define HOST_TID  1
- /* RedCreek private message codes */
-#define RC_PRIVATE_GET_MAC_ADDR     0x0001/**/ /* OBSOLETE */
-#define RC_PRIVATE_SET_MAC_ADDR     0x0002
-#define RC_PRIVATE_GET_LAN_STATS    0x0003
-#define RC_PRIVATE_SET_LINK_SPEED   0x0005
-#define RC_PRIVATE_SET_IP_AND_MASK  0x0006
-/* #define RC_PRIVATE_GET_IP_AND_MASK  0x0007 */ /* OBSOLETE */
-#define RC_PRIVATE_GET_LINK_SPEED   0x0008
-/* #define RC_PRIVATE_GET_MAC_ADDR     0x000A *//**/
-#define RC_PRIVATE_GET_IP_AND_MASK  0x000B /**/
-#define RC_PRIVATE_DEBUG_MSG        0x000C
-#define RC_PRIVATE_REBOOT           0x00FF
-/* RC message header */
-typedef struct _RC_MSG_FRAME 
-   U8                          VersionOffset;
-   U8                          MsgFlags;
-   U16                         MessageSize;
-   BF                          TargetAddress:TID_SZ;
-   BF                          InitiatorAddress:TID_SZ;
-   BF                          Function:FUNCTION_SZ;
-   U32                         InitiatorContext;
-   /* SGL[] */ 
- /* assumed a 16K minus 256 byte space for outbound queue message frames */
-#define MSG_FRAME_SIZE  512
-#define NMBR_MSG_FRAMES 30
-**  Message Unit CSR definitions for RedCreek PCI45 board
-typedef struct tag_rcatu 
-    volatile unsigned long APICRegSel;  /* APIC Register Select */
-    volatile unsigned long reserved0;
-    volatile unsigned long APICWinReg;  /* APIC Window Register */
-    volatile unsigned long reserved1;
-    volatile unsigned long InMsgReg0;   /* inbound message register 0 */
-    volatile unsigned long InMsgReg1;   /* inbound message register 1 */
-    volatile unsigned long OutMsgReg0;  /* outbound message register 0 */
-    volatile unsigned long OutMsgReg1;  /* outbound message register 1 */
-    volatile unsigned long InDoorReg;   /* inbound doorbell register */
-    volatile unsigned long InIntStat;   /* inbound interrupt status register */
-    volatile unsigned long InIntMask;   /* inbound interrupt mask register */
-    volatile unsigned long OutDoorReg;  /* outbound doorbell register */
-    volatile unsigned long OutIntStat;  /* outbound interrupt status register */
-    volatile unsigned long OutIntMask;  /* outbound interrupt mask register */
-    volatile unsigned long reserved2;
-    volatile unsigned long reserved3;
-    volatile unsigned long InQueue;     /* inbound queue port */
-    volatile unsigned long OutQueue;    /* outbound queue port */
-    volatile unsigned long reserved4;
-    volatile unsigned long reserver5;
-     /* RedCreek extension */
-    volatile unsigned long EtherMacLow;
-    volatile unsigned long EtherMacHi;
-    volatile unsigned long IPaddr;
-    volatile unsigned long IPmask;
- /* 
- ** typedef PAB
- **
- ** PCI Adapter Block - holds instance specific information and is located
- ** in a reserved space at the start of the message buffer allocated by user.
- */
-typedef struct
-    PATU             p_atu;                /* ptr to  ATU register block */
-    PU8              pPci45LinBaseAddr;
-    PU8              pLinOutMsgBlock;
-    U32              outMsgBlockPhyAddr; 
-    PFNTXCALLBACK    pTransCallbackFunc;
-    PFNRXCALLBACK    pRecvCallbackFunc;
-    PFNCALLBACK      pRebootCallbackFunc;
-    PFNCALLBACK      pCallbackFunc;
-    U16              ADAPTERState;
-    U16              InboundMFrameSize;
- /* 
- ** in reserved space right after PAB in host memory is area for returning
- ** values from card 
- */
- /* 
- ** Array of pointers to PCI Adapter Blocks.
- ** Indexed by a zero based (0-31) interface number.
- */ 
-#define MAX_ADAPTERS 32
-static PPAB  PCIAdapterBlock[MAX_ADAPTERS] = 
-** typedef NICSTAT
-** Data structure for NIC statistics retruned from PCI card.  Data copied from
-** here to user allocated RCLINKSTATS (see rclanmtl.h) structure.
-typedef struct tag_NicStat 
-        unsigned long   TX_good; 
-        unsigned long   TX_maxcol;
-        unsigned long   TX_latecol;
-        unsigned long   TX_urun;
-        unsigned long   TX_crs;         /* lost carrier sense */
-        unsigned long   TX_def;         /* transmit deferred */
-        unsigned long   TX_singlecol;   /* single collisions */
-        unsigned long   TX_multcol;
-        unsigned long   TX_totcol;
-        unsigned long   Rcv_good;
-        unsigned long   Rcv_CRCerr;
-        unsigned long   Rcv_alignerr;
-        unsigned long   Rcv_reserr;     /* rnr'd pkts */
-        unsigned long   Rcv_orun;
-        unsigned long   Rcv_cdt;
-        unsigned long   Rcv_runt;
-        unsigned long   dump_status;    /* last field directly from the chip */
-#define DUMP_DONE   0x0000A005      /* completed statistical dump */
-#define DUMP_CLEAR  0x0000A007      /* completed stat dump and clear counters */
-static volatile int msgFlag;
-/* local function prototypes */
-static void ProcessOutboundAdapterMsg(PPAB pPab, U32 phyMsgAddr);
-static int FillAdapterMsgSGLFromTCB(PU32 pMsg, PRCTCB pXmitCntrlBlock);
-static int GetAdapterStatus(PPAB pPab);
-static int SendAdapterOutboundQInitMsg(PPAB pPab);
-static int SendEnableSysMsg(PPAB pPab);
- /* 1st 100h bytes of message block is reserved for messenger instance */
-** =========================================================================
-** InitRCApiMsgLayer()
-** Initialize the RedCreek API Module and adapter.
-** Inputs:  AdapterID - interface number from 0 to 15
-**          pciBaseAddr - virual base address of PCI (set by BIOS)
-**          p_msgbuf - virual address to private message block (min. 16K)
-**          p_phymsgbuf - physical address of private message block
-**          TransmitCallbackFunction - address of transmit callback function
-**          ReceiveCallbackFunction  - address of receive  callback function
-** private message block is allocated by user.  It must be in locked pages.
-** p_msgbuf and p_phymsgbuf point to the same location.  Must be contigous
-** memory block of a minimum of 16K byte and long word aligned.
-** =========================================================================
-InitRCApiMsgLayer(U16 AdapterID, U32 pciBaseAddr, 
-                  PU8 p_msgbuf,  PU8 p_phymsgbuf,
-                  PFNTXCALLBACK  TransmitCallbackFunction,
-                  PFNRXCALLBACK  ReceiveCallbackFunction,
-                  PFNCALLBACK    RebootCallbackFunction)
-     int result;
-     PPAB pPab; 
-#ifdef DEBUG
-     kprintf("InitAPI: Adapter:0x%04.4ux ATU:0x%08.8ulx msgbuf:0x%08.8ulx phymsgbuf:0x%08.8ulx\n"
-             "TransmitCallbackFunction:0x%08.8ulx  ReceiveCallbackFunction:0x%08.8ulx\n",
-             AdapterID, pciBaseAddr, p_msgbuf, p_phymsgbuf, TransmitCallbackFunction, ReceiveCallbackFunction);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-     /* Check if this interface already initialized - if so, shut it down */
-     if (PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID] != NULL)
-     {
-          printk("PCIAdapterBlock[%d]!=NULL\n", AdapterID);
-//        RCResetLANCard(AdapterID, 0, (PU32)NULL, (PFNCALLBACK)NULL);
-          PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID] = NULL;
-     }
-    /* 
-    ** store adapter instance values in adapter block.
-    ** Adapter block is at beginning of message buffer
-    */  
-    pPab = (PPAB)p_msgbuf;
-    pPab->p_atu = (PATU)pciBaseAddr;
-    pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr =  (PU8)pciBaseAddr;
-     /* Set outbound message frame addr - skip over Adapter Block */
-    pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr = (U32)(p_phymsgbuf + ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE);
-    pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock    = (PU8)(p_msgbuf + ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE);
-     /* store callback function addresses */
-    pPab->pTransCallbackFunc = TransmitCallbackFunction;
-    pPab->pRecvCallbackFunc  = ReceiveCallbackFunction;
-    pPab->pRebootCallbackFunc  = RebootCallbackFunction;
-    pPab->pCallbackFunc  = (PFNCALLBACK)NULL;
-    /*
-    ** Initialize API 
-    */
-    result = GetAdapterStatus(pPab);
-    if (result != RC_RTN_NO_ERROR)
-        return result;
-    {
-         printk("pPab->ADAPTERState == op: resetting adapter\n");
-         RCResetLANCard(AdapterID, 0, (PU32)NULL, (PFNCALLBACK)NULL);
-    }
-    result = SendAdapterOutboundQInitMsg(pPab);
-    if (result != RC_RTN_NO_ERROR)
-         return result;
-    result = SendEnableSysMsg(pPab);
-    if (result != RC_RTN_NO_ERROR)
-         return result;
-    PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID] = pPab;
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** Disable and Enable Adapter interrupts.  Adapter interrupts are enabled at Init time
-** but can be disabled and re-enabled through these two function calls.
-** Packets will still be put into any posted received buffers and packets will
-** be sent through RCSendPacket() functions.  Disabling Adapter interrupts
-** will prevent hardware interrupt to host even though the outbound Adapter msg
-** queue is not emtpy.
-** =========================================================================
-#define i960_OUT_POST_Q_INT_BIT        0x0008 /* bit set masks interrupts */
-RC_RETURN RCDisableAdapterInterrupts(U16 AdapterID)
-    PPAB pPab;
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    pPab->p_atu->OutIntMask |= i960_OUT_POST_Q_INT_BIT;
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-RC_RETURN RCEnableAdapterInterrupts(U16 AdapterID)
-    PPAB pPab;
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    pPab->p_atu->OutIntMask &= ~i960_OUT_POST_Q_INT_BIT;
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCSendPacket()
-** =========================================================================
-RCSendPacket(U16 AdapterID, U32 InitiatorContext, PRCTCB pTransCtrlBlock)
-    U32 msgOffset;
-    PU32 pMsg;
-    int size;
-    PPAB pPab;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-     /* get Inbound free Q entry - reading from In Q gets free Q entry */
-     /* offset to Msg Frame in PCI msg block */
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; 
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("RCSendPacket(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */    
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-    size = FillAdapterMsgSGLFromTCB(pMsg + 4, pTransCtrlBlock);
-    if (size == -1) /* error processing TCB - send NOP msg */
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("RCSendPacket(): Error Rrocess TCB!\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        pMsg[0] = THREE_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-        pMsg[1] = UTIL_NOP << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-        return RC_RTN_TCB_ERROR;
-    }
-    else /* send over msg header */
-    {    
-        pMsg[0] = (size + 4) << 16 | LAN_MSG_REQST; /* send over message size and flags */
-        pMsg[1] = LAN_PACKET_SEND << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-        pMsg[2] = InitiatorContext;
-        pMsg[3] = 0;  /* batch reply */
-         /* post to Inbound Post Q */   
-        pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-        return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-    }
-** =========================================================================
-** RCPostRecvBuffer()
-** inputs:  pBufrCntrlBlock - pointer to buffer control block
-** returns TRUE if successful in sending message, else FALSE.
-** =========================================================================
-RCPostRecvBuffers(U16 AdapterID, PRCTCB pTransCtrlBlock)
-    U32 msgOffset;
-    PU32 pMsg;
-    int size;
-    PPAB pPab;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-     /* search for DeviceHandle */
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-     /* get Inbound free Q entry - reading from In Q gets free Q entry */
-     /* offset to Msg Frame in PCI msg block */
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; 
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("RCPostRecvBuffers(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */    
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-    size = FillAdapterMsgSGLFromTCB(pMsg + 4, pTransCtrlBlock);
-    if (size == -1) /* error prcessing TCB - send 3 DWORD private msg == NOP */
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("RCPostRecvBuffers(): Error Processing TCB! size = %d\n", size);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        pMsg[0] = THREE_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-        pMsg[1] = UTIL_NOP << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-         /* post to Post Q */   
-        pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-        return RC_RTN_TCB_ERROR;
-    }
-    else /* send over size msg header */
-    {    
-        pMsg[0] = (size + 4) << 16 | LAN_MSG_REQST; /* send over message size and flags */
-        pMsg[1] = LAN_RECEIVE_POST << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-        pMsg[3] = *(PU32)pTransCtrlBlock; /* number of packet buffers */
-         /* post to Post Q */   
-        pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-        return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-    }
-** =========================================================================
-** RCProcMsgQ()
-** Process outbound message queue until empty.
-** =========================================================================
-RCProcMsgQ(U16 AdapterID)
-    U32 phyAddrMsg;
-    PU8 p8Msg;
-    PU32 p32;
-    U16 count;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    unsigned char debug_msg[20];
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-        return;
-    phyAddrMsg = pPab->p_atu->OutQueue;
-    while (phyAddrMsg != 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-        p8Msg = pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock + (phyAddrMsg - pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr);
-        p32 = (PU32)p8Msg;
-        //printk(" msg: 0x%x  0x%x \n", p8Msg[7], p32[5]);
-     /* 
-     ** Send Packet Reply Msg
-     */
-        if (LAN_PACKET_SEND == p8Msg[7])  /* function code byte */
-        {
-            count = *(PU16)(p8Msg+2);
-            count -= p8Msg[0] >> 4;
-                                      /* status, count, context[], adapter */
-           (*pPab->pTransCallbackFunc)(p8Msg[19], count, p32+5, AdapterID);
-        }             
-     /* 
-     ** Receive Packet Reply Msg */
-        else if (LAN_RECEIVE_POST == p8Msg[7])
-        {
-#ifdef DEBUG    
-    kprintf("RECV_REPLY pPab:0x%08.8ulx p8Msg:0x%08.8ulx p32:0x%08.8ulx\n", pPab, p8Msg, p32);
-    kprintf("msg: 0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n",
-            p32[0], p32[1], p32[2], p32[3]);
-    kprintf("     0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n",
-            p32[4], p32[5], p32[6], p32[7]);
-    kprintf("     0x%08.8ulx:0X%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n",
-            p32[8], p32[9], p32[10], p32[11]);
-               /*  status, count, buckets remaining, packetParmBlock, adapter */
-          (*pPab->pRecvCallbackFunc)(p8Msg[19], p8Msg[12], p32[5], p32+6, AdapterID);
-        }
-        else if (LAN_RESET == p8Msg[7] || LAN_SHUTDOWN == p8Msg[7])
-        {
-            if (pPab->pCallbackFunc)
-            {
-                (*pPab->pCallbackFunc)(p8Msg[19],0,0,AdapterID);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                pPab->pCallbackFunc = (PFNCALLBACK) 1;
-            }
-            //PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID] = 0;
-        }
-        else if (RC_PRIVATE == p8Msg[7])
-        {
-            //printk("i2o private 0x%x, 0x%x \n", p8Msg[7], p32[5]);
-          switch (p32[5])
-          {
-          case RC_PRIVATE_DEBUG_MSG:
-               msgFlag = 1;
-               /*printk("Received RC_PRIVATE msg\n");*/
-               debug_msg[15]  = (p32[6]&0xff000000) >> 24;
-               debug_msg[14]  = (p32[6]&0x00ff0000) >> 16;
-               debug_msg[13]  = (p32[6]&0x0000ff00) >> 8;
-               debug_msg[12]  = (p32[6]&0x000000ff);
-               debug_msg[11]  = (p32[7]&0xff000000) >> 24;
-               debug_msg[10]  = (p32[7]&0x00ff0000) >> 16;
-               debug_msg[ 9]  = (p32[7]&0x0000ff00) >> 8;
-               debug_msg[ 8]  = (p32[7]&0x000000ff);
-               debug_msg[ 7]  = (p32[8]&0xff000000) >> 24;
-               debug_msg[ 6]  = (p32[8]&0x00ff0000) >> 16;
-               debug_msg[ 5] = (p32[8]&0x0000ff00) >> 8;
-               debug_msg[ 4] = (p32[8]&0x000000ff);
-               debug_msg[ 3] = (p32[9]&0xff000000) >> 24;
-               debug_msg[ 2] = (p32[9]&0x00ff0000) >> 16;
-               debug_msg[ 1] = (p32[9]&0x0000ff00) >> 8;
-               debug_msg[ 0] = (p32[9]&0x000000ff);
-               debug_msg[16] = '\0';
-               printk (debug_msg);
-               break;
-          case RC_PRIVATE_REBOOT:
-               printk("Adapter reboot initiated...\n");
-               if (pPab->pRebootCallbackFunc)
-               {
-                    (*pPab->pRebootCallbackFunc)(0,0,0,AdapterID);
-               }
-               break;
-          default:
-                printk("Unknown private msg received: 0x%x\n",
-                      p32[5]);
-               break;
-          }
-        }
-     /* 
-     ** Process other Msg's
-     */
-        else
-        {
-            ProcessOutboundAdapterMsg(pPab, phyAddrMsg);
-        }
-         /* return MFA to outbound free Q*/
-        pPab->p_atu->OutQueue = phyAddrMsg;
-         /* any more msgs? */
-        phyAddrMsg = pPab->p_atu->OutQueue;
-    }
-** =========================================================================
-**  Returns LAN interface statistical counters to space provided by caller at
-**  StatsReturnAddr.  Returns 0 if success, else RC_RETURN code.
-**  This function will call the WaitCallback function provided by
-**  user while waiting for card to respond.
-** =========================================================================
-RCGetLinkStatistics(U16 AdapterID, 
-                    P_RCLINKSTATS StatsReturnAddr,
-                    PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
-    U32 msgOffset;
-    volatile U32 timeout;
-    volatile PU32 pMsg;
-    volatile PU32 p32, pReturnAddr;
-    P_NICSTAT pStats;
-    int i;
-    PPAB pPab;
-/*kprintf("Get82558Stats() StatsReturnAddr:0x%08.8ulx\n", StatsReturnAddr);*/
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-    #ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Get8255XStats(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-    #endif
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-/*dprintf("Get82558Stats - pMsg = 0x%08ulx, InQ msgOffset = 0x%08ulx\n", pMsg, msgOffset);*/
-/*dprintf("Get82558Stats - pMsg = 0x%08X, InQ msgOffset = 0x%08X\n", pMsg, msgOffset);*/
-    pMsg[0] = SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[3] = 0x112; /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[5] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-    p32 = (PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-    pStats = (P_NICSTAT)p32;
-    pStats->dump_status = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-    timeout = 100000;
-    while (1)
-    {
-        if (WaitCallback)
-                (*WaitCallback)();
-        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
-            ;
-        if (pStats->dump_status != 0xFFFFFFFF)
-            break;
-        if (!timeout--)
-        {
-        #ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("RCGet82558Stats() Timeout waiting for NIC statistics\n");
-        #endif
-            return RC_RTN_MSG_REPLY_TIMEOUT;
-        }
-    }
-    pReturnAddr = (PU32)StatsReturnAddr;
-     /* copy Nic stats to user's structure */
-    for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(RCLINKSTATS) / 4; i++)
-        pReturnAddr[i] = p32[i];
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;     
-** =========================================================================
-** Get82558LinkStatus()
-** =========================================================================
-RCGetLinkStatus(U16 AdapterID, PU32 ReturnAddr, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
-    U32 msgOffset;
-    volatile U32 timeout;
-    volatile PU32 pMsg;
-    volatile PU32 p32;
-    PPAB pPab;
-/*kprintf("Get82558LinkStatus() ReturnPhysAddr:0x%08.8ulx\n", ReturnAddr);*/
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-    #ifdef DEBUG
-        dprintf("Get82558LinkStatus(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-    #endif
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-/*dprintf("Get82558LinkStatus - pMsg = 0x%08ulx, InQ msgOffset = 0x%08ulx\n", pMsg, msgOffset);*/
-/*dprintf("Get82558LinkStatus - pMsg = 0x%08X, InQ msgOffset = 0x%08X\n", pMsg, msgOffset);*/
-    pMsg[0] = SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[3] = 0x112; /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[5] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-    p32 = (PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-    *p32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-    timeout = 100000;
-    while (1)
-    {
-        U32 i;
-        if (WaitCallback)
-                (*WaitCallback)();
-        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
-            ;
-        if (*p32 != 0xFFFFFFFF)
-            break;
-        if (!timeout--)
-        {
-        #ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("Timeout waiting for link status\n");
-        #endif    
-            return RC_RTN_MSG_REPLY_TIMEOUT;
-        }
-    }
-    *ReturnAddr = *p32; /* 1 = up 0 = down */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCGetMAC()
-** get the MAC address the adapter is listening for in non-promiscous mode.
-** MAC address is in media format.
-** =========================================================================
-RCGetMAC(U16 AdapterID, PU8 mac, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
-     unsigned i, timeout;
-     U32      off;
-     PU32     p;
-     U32      temp[2];
-     PPAB     pPab;
-     PATU     p_atu;
-     pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-     if (pPab == NULL)
-          return RC_RTN_ADPTR_NOT_REGISTERED;
-     p_atu = pPab->p_atu;
-     p_atu->EtherMacLow = 0;     /* first zero return data */
-     p_atu->EtherMacHi = 0;
-     off = p_atu->InQueue;   /* get addresss of message */
-     if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-          return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-     p = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-#ifdef RCDEBUG
-     printk("RCGetMAC: p_atu 0x%08x, off 0x%08x, p 0x%08x\n", 
-            (uint)p_atu, (uint)off, (uint)p);
-#endif /* RCDEBUG */
-     /* setup private message */
-     p[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-     p[2] = 0;               /* initiator context */
-     p[3] = 0x218;           /* transaction context */
-     p[4] = RC_PCI45_VENDOR_ID << 16 | RC_PRIVATE_GET_MAC_ADDR;
-     p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-#ifdef RCDEBUG
-     printk("RCGetMAC: p_atu 0x%08x, off 0x%08x, p 0x%08x\n", 
-            (uint)p_atu, (uint)off, (uint)p);
-#endif /* RCDEBUG */
-     /* wait for the rcpci45 board to update the info */
-     timeout = 1000000;
-     while (0 == p_atu->EtherMacLow) 
-     {
-          if (WaitCallback)
-               (*WaitCallback)();
-          for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
-               ;
-          if (!timeout--)
-          {
-               printk("rc_getmac: Timeout\n");
-               return RC_RTN_MSG_REPLY_TIMEOUT;
-          }
-     }
-     /* read the mac address  */
-     temp[0] = p_atu->EtherMacLow;
-     temp[1] = p_atu->EtherMacHi;
-     memcpy((char *)mac, (char *)temp, 6);
-#ifdef RCDEBUG
-//    printk("rc_getmac: 0x%X\n", ptr);
-#endif /* RCDEBUG */
-     return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCSetMAC()
-** set MAC address the adapter is listening for in non-promiscous mode.
-** MAC address is in media format.
-** =========================================================================
-RCSetMAC(U16 AdapterID, PU8 mac)
-    U32  off;
-    PU32 pMsg;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    off = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; /* get addresss of message */
-    if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-    /* setup private message */
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[2] = 0;                 /* initiator context */
-    pMsg[3] = 0x219;             /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[4] = RC_PCI45_VENDOR_ID << 16 | RC_PRIVATE_SET_MAC_ADDR;
-    pMsg[5] = *(unsigned *)mac;  /* first four bytes */
-    pMsg[6] = *(unsigned *)(mac + 4); /* last two bytes */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR ;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCSetLinkSpeed()
-** set ethernet link speed. 
-** input: speedControl - determines action to take as follows
-**          0 = reset and auto-negotiate (NWay)
-**          1 = Full Duplex 100BaseT
-**          2 = Half duplex 100BaseT
-**          3 = Full Duplex  10BaseT
-**          4 = Half duplex  10BaseT
-**          all other values are ignore (do nothing)
-** =========================================================================
-RCSetLinkSpeed(U16 AdapterID, U16 LinkSpeedCode)
-    U32  off;
-    PU32 pMsg;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    pPab =PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    off = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; /* get addresss of message */
-    if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-    /* setup private message */
-    pMsg[0] = SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[2] = 0;                 /* initiator context */
-    pMsg[3] = 0x219;             /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[5] = LinkSpeedCode;     /* link speed code */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR ;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCGetLinkSpeed()
-** get ethernet link speed. 
-** 0 = Unknown
-** 1 = Full Duplex 100BaseT
-** 2 = Half duplex 100BaseT
-** 3 = Full Duplex  10BaseT
-** 4 = Half duplex  10BaseT
-** =========================================================================
-RCGetLinkSpeed(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pLinkSpeedCode, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
-     U32 msgOffset, timeout;
-     PU32 pMsg;
-     volatile PU32 p32;
-     U8 AdapterLinkSpeed;
-     PPAB pPab;
-     pPab =PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-     msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-     if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-     {
-          kprintf("RCGetLinkSpeed(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-          return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-     }
-     /* calc virtual address of msg - virtual already mapped to physical */    
-     pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-     /* virtual pointer to return buffer - clear first two dwords */
-     p32 = (volatile PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-     p32[0] = 0xff;
-     /* setup private message */
-     pMsg[0] = SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-     pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-     pMsg[2] = 0;                 /* initiator context */
-     pMsg[3] = 0x219;             /* transaction context */
-     /* phys address to return status - area right after PAB */
-     pMsg[5] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */   
-     pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-     /* wait for response */
-     timeout = 1000000;
-     while(1)
-     {
-          int i;
-          if (WaitCallback)
-                (*WaitCallback)();
-          for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)      /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-               ;
-          if (p32[0] != 0xff)
-               break;
-          if (!timeout--)
-          {
-               kprintf("Timeout waiting for link speed from adapter\n");
-               kprintf("0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[0]);
-               return RC_RTN_NO_LINK_SPEED;
-          }
-     }
-     /* get Link speed */
-     AdapterLinkSpeed = (U8)((volatile PU8)p32)[0] & 0x0f;
-     *pLinkSpeedCode= AdapterLinkSpeed;
-     return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCReportDriverCapability(U16 AdapterID, U32 capability)
-** Currently defined bits:
-** =========================================================================
-RCReportDriverCapability(U16 AdapterID, U32 capability)
-    U32  off;
-    PU32 pMsg;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    pPab =PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    off = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; /* get addresss of message */
-    if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-    /* setup private message */
-    pMsg[0] = SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[2] = 0;                 /* initiator context */
-    pMsg[3] = 0x219;             /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[5] = capability;
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR ;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCGetFirmwareVer()
-** Return firmware version in the form "SoftwareVersion : Bt BootVersion"
-** =========================================================================
-RCGetFirmwareVer(U16 AdapterID, PU8 pFirmString, PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
-     U32 msgOffset, timeout;
-     PU32 pMsg;
-     volatile PU32 p32;
-     PPAB pPab;
-     pPab =PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-     msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-     if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-     {
-          kprintf("RCGetFirmwareVer(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-          return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-     }
-     /* calc virtual address of msg - virtual already mapped to physical */    
-     pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-     /* virtual pointer to return buffer - clear first two dwords */
-     p32 = (volatile PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-     p32[0] = 0xff;
-     /* setup private message */
-     pMsg[0] = SIX_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-     pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-     pMsg[2] = 0;                 /* initiator context */
-     pMsg[3] = 0x219;             /* transaction context */
-     /* phys address to return status - area right after PAB */
-     pMsg[5] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */   
-     pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-     /* wait for response */
-     timeout = 1000000;
-     while(1)
-     {
-          int i;
-          if (WaitCallback)
-                (*WaitCallback)();
-          for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)      /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-               ;
-          if (p32[0] != 0xff)
-               break;
-          if (!timeout--)
-          {
-               kprintf("Timeout waiting for link speed from adapter\n");
-               return RC_RTN_NO_FIRM_VER;
-          }
-     }
-     strcpy(pFirmString, (PU8)p32);
-     return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCResetLANCard()
-** ResourceFlags indicates whether to return buffer resource explicitly
-** to host or keep and reuse.
-** CallbackFunction (if not NULL) is the function to be called when 
-** reset is complete.
-** If CallbackFunction is NULL, ReturnAddr will have a 1 placed in it when
-** reset is done (if not NULL).
-** =========================================================================
-RCResetLANCard(U16 AdapterID, U16 ResourceFlags, PU32 ReturnAddr, PFNCALLBACK CallbackFunction)
-    unsigned long off;
-    unsigned long *pMsg;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    int i;
-    long timeout = 0;
-    pPab =PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    off = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; /* get addresss of message */
-    if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    pPab->pCallbackFunc = CallbackFunction;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-    /* setup message */
-    pMsg[1] = LAN_RESET << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[3] = ResourceFlags << 16;   /* resource flags */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-    if (CallbackFunction == (PFNCALLBACK)NULL)
-    {
-        /* call RCProcMsgQ() until something in pPab->pCallbackFunc
-           or until timer goes off */
-        while (pPab->pCallbackFunc == (PFNCALLBACK)NULL)
-        {
-            RCProcMsgQ(AdapterID);
-            for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)     /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-               ;
-            timeout++;
-            if (timeout > 10000)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (ReturnAddr != (PU32)NULL)
-           *ReturnAddr = (U32)pPab->pCallbackFunc;
-    }
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR ;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCResetAdapter()
-** Send StatusGet Msg, wait for results return directly to buffer.
-** =========================================================================
-RCResetAdapter(U16 AdapterID)
-     U32 msgOffset, timeout;
-     PU32 pMsg;
-     PPAB pPab;
-     volatile PU32 p32;
-     pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-     msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-     if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-     {
-          return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-     }
-     /* calc virtual address of msg - virtual already mapped to physical */    
-     pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-     pMsg[0] = NINE_WORD_MSG_SIZE | SGL_OFFSET_0;
-     pMsg[1] = RC_CMD_ADAPTER_RESET << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-     pMsg[2] = 0; /* universal context */
-     pMsg[3] = 0; /* universal context */
-     pMsg[4] = 0; /* universal context */
-     pMsg[5] = 0; /* universal context */
-     /* phys address to return status - area right after PAB */
-     pMsg[6] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-     pMsg[7] = 0;
-     pMsg[8] = 1;  /*  return 1 byte */
-     /* virual pointer to return buffer - clear first two dwords */
-     p32 = (volatile PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-     p32[0] = 0;
-     p32[1] = 0;
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */   
-     pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-     /* wait for response */
-     timeout = 1000000;
-     while(1)
-     {
-          int i;
-          for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)      /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-               ;
-          if (p32[0] || p32[1])
-               break;
-          if (!timeout--)
-          {
-               printk("RCResetAdapter timeout\n");
-               return RC_RTN_MSG_REPLY_TIMEOUT;
-          }
-     }
-     return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCShutdownLANCard()
-** ResourceFlags indicates whether to return buffer resource explicitly
-** to host or keep and reuse.
-** CallbackFunction (if not NULL) is the function to be called when 
-** shutdown is complete.
-** If CallbackFunction is NULL, ReturnAddr will have a 1 placed in it when
-** shutdown is done (if not NULL).
-** =========================================================================
-RCShutdownLANCard(U16 AdapterID, U16 ResourceFlags, PU32 ReturnAddr, PFNCALLBACK CallbackFunction)
-    volatile PU32 pMsg;
-    U32 off;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    int i;
-    long timeout = 0;
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    off = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; /* get addresss of message */
-    if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    pPab->pCallbackFunc = CallbackFunction;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-    /* setup message */
-    pMsg[1] = LAN_SHUTDOWN << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[3] = ResourceFlags << 16;   /* resource flags */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-    if (CallbackFunction == (PFNCALLBACK)NULL)
-    {
-        /* call RCProcMsgQ() until something in pPab->pCallbackFunc
-           or until timer goes off */
-        while (pPab->pCallbackFunc == (PFNCALLBACK)NULL)
-        {
-            RCProcMsgQ(AdapterID);
-            for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)     /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-               ;
-            timeout++;
-            if (timeout > 10000)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (ReturnAddr != (PU32)NULL)
-           *ReturnAddr = (U32)pPab->pCallbackFunc;
-    }
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR ;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCSetRavlinIPandMask()
-** Set the Ravlin 45/PCI cards IP address and network mask.
-** IP address and mask must be in network byte order.
-** For example, IP address and mask would be
-** 0x04030201 and 0x00FFFFFF on a little endian machine.
-** =========================================================================
-RCSetRavlinIPandMask(U16 AdapterID, U32 ipAddr, U32 netMask)
-    volatile PU32 pMsg;
-    U32 off;
-    PPAB pPab;
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    off = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; /* get addresss of message */
-    if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-    /* setup private message */
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[2] = 0;                 /* initiator context */
-    pMsg[3] = 0x219;             /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[5] = ipAddr; 
-    pMsg[6] = netMask;
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR ;
-** =========================================================================
-** RCGetRavlinIPandMask()
-** get the IP address and MASK from the card
-** =========================================================================
-RCGetRavlinIPandMask(U16 AdapterID, PU32 pIpAddr, PU32 pNetMask, 
-                        PFNWAITCALLBACK WaitCallback)
-    unsigned i, timeout;
-    U32      off;
-    PU32     pMsg, p32;
-    PPAB     pPab;
-    PATU     p_atu;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    kprintf("RCGetRavlinIPandMask: pIpAddr is 0x%08.8ulx, *IpAddr is 0x%08.8ulx\n", pIpAddr, *pIpAddr);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    pPab = PCIAdapterBlock[AdapterID];
-    if (pPab == NULL)
-    p_atu = pPab->p_atu;
-    off = p_atu->InQueue;   /* get addresss of message */
-   if (0xFFFFFFFF == off)
-         return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    p32 = (volatile PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-    *p32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + off);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    kprintf("RCGetRavlinIPandMask: p_atu 0x%08.8ulx, off 0x%08.8ulx, p32 0x%08.8ulx\n", p_atu, off, p32);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    /* setup private message */
-    pMsg[1] = RC_PRIVATE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | LAN_TARGET_ID;
-    pMsg[2] = 0;               /* initiator context */
-    pMsg[3] = 0x218;           /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[5] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-    p_atu->InQueue = off;   /* send it to the device */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    kprintf("RCGetRavlinIPandMask: p_atu 0x%08.8ulx, off 0x%08.8ulx, p32 0x%08.8ulx\n", p_atu, off, p32);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-     /* wait for the rcpci45 board to update the info */
-    timeout = 100000;
-    while (0xffffffff == *p32)
-    {
-        if (WaitCallback)
-                (*WaitCallback)();
-        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
-            ;
-        if (!timeout--)
-        {
-        #ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("RCGetRavlinIPandMask: Timeout\n");
-        #endif /* DEBUG */
-             return RC_RTN_MSG_REPLY_TIMEOUT;
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    kprintf("RCGetRavlinIPandMask: after time out\n", \
-            "p32[0] (IpAddr) 0x%08.8ulx, p32[1] (IPmask) 0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[0], p32[1]);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    /* send IP and mask to user's space  */
-    *pIpAddr  = p32[0];
-    *pNetMask = p32[1];
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    kprintf("RCGetRavlinIPandMask: pIpAddr is 0x%08.8ulx, *IpAddr is 0x%08.8ulx\n", pIpAddr, *pIpAddr);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-** /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-**                        local functions
-** /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-** /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-** =========================================================================
-** SendAdapterOutboundQInitMsg()
-** =========================================================================
-static int 
-SendAdapterOutboundQInitMsg(PPAB pPab)
-    U32 msgOffset, timeout, phyOutQFrames, i;
-    volatile PU32 pMsg;
-    volatile PU32 p32;
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("SendAdapterOutboundQInitMsg(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */    
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-kprintf("SendAdapterOutboundQInitMsg - pMsg = 0x%08.8ulx, InQ msgOffset = 0x%08.8ulx\n", pMsg, msgOffset);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    pMsg[1] = RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-    pMsg[3] = 0x106; /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[4] = 4096; /* Host page frame size */
-    pMsg[5] = MSG_FRAME_SIZE  << 16 | 0x80; /* outbound msg frame size and Initcode */
-    pMsg[6] = 0xD0000004;       /* simple sgl element LE, EOB */
-     /* phys address to return status - area right after PAB */
-    pMsg[7] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-     /* virual pointer to return buffer - clear first two dwords */
-    p32 = (PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-    p32[0] = 0;
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */   
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-  /* wait for response */
-    timeout = 100000;
-    while(1)
-    {
-        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)      /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-            ;
-        if (p32[0])
-            break;
-        if (!timeout--)
-        {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("Timeout wait for InitOutQ InPrgress status from adapter\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            return RC_RTN_NO_STATUS;
-        }
-    }
-    timeout = 100000;
-    while(1)
-    {
-        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)      /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-            ;
-        if (p32[0] == RC_CMD_OUTBOUND_INIT_COMPLETE)
-            break;
-        if (!timeout--)
-        {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("Timeout wait for InitOutQ Complete status from adapter\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            return RC_RTN_NO_STATUS;
-        }
-    }
-     /* load PCI outbound free Q with MF physical addresses */
-    phyOutQFrames = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr;
-    for (i = 0; i < NMBR_MSG_FRAMES; i++)
-    {
-        pPab->p_atu->OutQueue = phyOutQFrames;
-        phyOutQFrames += MSG_FRAME_SIZE;
-    }
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** GetAdapterStatus()
-** Send StatusGet Msg, wait for results return directly to buffer.
-** =========================================================================
-static int 
-GetAdapterStatus(PPAB pPab)
-    U32 msgOffset, timeout;
-    PU32 pMsg;
-    volatile PU32 p32;
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue; 
-    printk("GetAdapterStatus: msg offset = 0x%x\n", msgOffset);
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("GetAdapterStatus(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */    
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-    pMsg[1] = RC_CMD_STATUS_GET << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-    pMsg[2] = 0; /* universal context */
-    pMsg[3] = 0; /* universal context */
-    pMsg[4] = 0; /* universal context */
-    pMsg[5] = 0; /* universal context */
-     /* phys address to return status - area right after PAB */
-    pMsg[6] = pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB); 
-    pMsg[7] = 0;
-    pMsg[8] = 88;  /*  return 88 bytes */
-     /* virual pointer to return buffer - clear first two dwords */
-    p32 = (volatile PU32)(pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock - ADAPTER_BLOCK_RESERVED_SPACE + sizeof(PAB));
-    p32[0] = 0;
-    p32[1] = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-kprintf("GetAdapterStatus - pMsg:0x%08.8ulx, msgOffset:0x%08.8ulx, [1]:0x%08.8ulx, [6]:0x%08.8ulx\n",
-    pMsg, msgOffset, pMsg[1], pMsg[6]);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */   
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-kprintf("Return status to p32 = 0x%08.8ulx\n", p32);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-     /* wait for response */
-    timeout = 1000000;
-    while(1)
-    {
-        int i;
-        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)      /* please don't hog the bus!!! */
-            ;
-        if (p32[0] && p32[1])
-            break;
-        if (!timeout--)
-        {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-            kprintf("Timeout waiting for status from adapter\n");
-kprintf("0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[0], p32[1], p32[2], p32[3]);
-kprintf("0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[4], p32[5], p32[6], p32[7]);
-kprintf("0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[8], p32[9], p32[10], p32[11]);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            return RC_RTN_NO_STATUS;
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-kprintf("0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[0], p32[1], p32[2], p32[3]);
-kprintf("0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[4], p32[5], p32[6], p32[7]);
-kprintf("0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[8], p32[9], p32[10], p32[11]);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    /* get adapter state */
-    pPab->ADAPTERState = ((volatile PU8)p32)[10];
-    pPab->InboundMFrameSize  = ((volatile PU16)p32)[6];
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    kprintf("adapter state 0x%02.2x InFrameSize = 0x%04.4x\n", 
-                        pPab->ADAPTERState, pPab->InboundMFrameSize);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** SendEnableSysMsg()
-** =========================================================================
-static int 
-SendEnableSysMsg(PPAB pPab)
-    U32 msgOffset; // timeout;
-    volatile PU32 pMsg;
-    msgOffset = pPab->p_atu->InQueue;
-    if (msgOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("SendEnableSysMsg(): Inbound Free Q empty!\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        return RC_RTN_FREE_Q_EMPTY;
-    }
-     /* calc virual address of msg - virual already mapped to physical */
-    pMsg = (PU32)(pPab->pPci45LinBaseAddr + msgOffset);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-kprintf("SendEnableSysMsg - pMsg = 0x%08.8ulx, InQ msgOffset = 0x%08.8ulx\n", pMsg, msgOffset);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    pMsg[1] = RC_CMD_SYS_ENABLE << 24 | HOST_TID << 12 | ADAPTER_TID;
-    pMsg[3] = 0x110; /* transaction context */
-    pMsg[4] = 0x50657465; /*  RedCreek Private */
-     /* post to Inbound Post Q */
-    pPab->p_atu->InQueue = msgOffset;
-    return RC_RTN_NO_ERROR;
-** =========================================================================
-** FillI12OMsgFromTCB()
-** inputs   pMsgU32 - virual pointer (mapped to physical) of message frame
-**          pXmitCntrlBlock - pointer to caller buffer control block.
-** fills in LAN SGL after Transaction Control Word or Bucket Count.
-** =========================================================================
-static int 
-FillAdapterMsgSGLFromTCB(PU32 pMsgFrame, PRCTCB pTransCtrlBlock)
-    unsigned int nmbrBuffers, nmbrSeg, nmbrDwords, context, flags;
-    PU32 pTCB, pMsg;
- /* SGL element flags */   
-#define EOB        0x40000000
-#define LE         0x80000000
-#define SIMPLE_SGL 0x10000000
-#define BC_PRESENT 0x01000000
-    pTCB = (PU32)pTransCtrlBlock;
-    pMsg = pMsgFrame;
-    nmbrDwords = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- kprintf("FillAdapterMsgSGLFromTCBX\n");
-kprintf("TCB  0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n",
-               pTCB[0], pTCB[1], pTCB[2], pTCB[3], pTCB[4]);
-kprintf("pTCB 0x%08.8ulx, pMsg 0x%08.8ulx\n", pTCB, pMsg);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    nmbrBuffers = *pTCB++;
-    if (!nmbrBuffers)
-    {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    do
-    {
-        context = *pTCB++; /* buffer tag (context) */
-        nmbrSeg = *pTCB++; /* number of segments */
-        if (!nmbrSeg)
-        {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        flags = SIMPLE_SGL | BC_PRESENT;
-        if (1 == nmbrSeg)
-        {
-            flags |= EOB;
-            if (1 == nmbrBuffers)
-                flags |= LE;
-        }    
-         /* 1st SGL buffer element has context */
-        pMsg[0] = pTCB[0] | flags ; /* send over count (segment size) */
-        pMsg[1] = context;
-        pMsg[2] = pTCB[1]; /* send buffer segment physical address */
-        nmbrDwords += 3;
-        pMsg += 3;
-        pTCB += 2;
-        if (--nmbrSeg)
-        {
-            do
-            {
-                flags = SIMPLE_SGL;
-                if (1 == nmbrSeg)
-                {
-                    flags |= EOB;
-                    if (1 == nmbrBuffers)
-                        flags |= LE;
-                }    
-                pMsg[0] = pTCB[0] | flags;  /* send over count */
-                pMsg[1] = pTCB[1];   /* send buffer segment physical address */
-                nmbrDwords += 2;
-                pTCB += 2;
-                pMsg += 2;
-            } while (--nmbrSeg);
-        }
-    } while (--nmbrBuffers);
-    return nmbrDwords;
-** =========================================================================
-** ProcessOutboundAdapterMsg()
-** process reply message
-** * change to msg structure *
-** =========================================================================
-static void 
-ProcessOutboundAdapterMsg(PPAB pPab, U32 phyAddrMsg)
-    PU8 p8Msg;
-    PU32 p32;
-  //  U16 count;
-    p8Msg = pPab->pLinOutMsgBlock + (phyAddrMsg - pPab->outMsgBlockPhyAddr);
-    p32 = (PU32)p8Msg;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- kprintf("VXD: ProcessOutboundAdapterMsg - pPab 0x%08.8ulx, phyAdr 0x%08.8ulx, linAdr 0x%08.8ulx\n", pPab, phyAddrMsg, p8Msg);
- kprintf("msg :0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[0], p32[1], p32[2], p32[3]);
- kprintf("msg :0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx:0x%08.8ulx\n", p32[4], p32[5], p32[6], p32[7]);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-    if (p32[4] >> 24 != RC_REPLY_STATUS_SUCCESS)
-    {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Message reply status not success\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (p8Msg[7] )  /* function code byte */
-    {
-        case RC_CMD_SYS_TAB_SET:
-            msgFlag = 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Received RC_CMD_SYS_TAB_SET reply\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            break;
-        case RC_CMD_HRT_GET:
-            msgFlag = 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Received RC_CMD_HRT_GET reply\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            break;
-        case RC_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY:
-            msgFlag = 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Received RC_CMD_LCT_NOTIFY reply\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            break;
-        case RC_CMD_SYS_ENABLE:
-            msgFlag = 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Received RC_CMD_SYS_ENABLE reply\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            break;
-        default:    
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        kprintf("Received UNKNOWN reply\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-            break;
-    }

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,