patch-2.4.13 linux/drivers/message/i2o/README

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.12/linux/drivers/message/i2o/README linux/drivers/message/i2o/README
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+	Linux I2O Support	(c) Copyright 1999 Red Hat Software
+					and others.
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+	2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+AUTHORS (so far)
+Alan Cox, Building Number Three Ltd.
+	Core code, SCSI and Block OSMs
+Steve Ralston, LSI Logic Corp.
+	Debugging SCSI and Block OSM
+Deepak Saxena, Intel Corp.
+	Various core/block extensions
+	/proc interface, bug fixes
+	Ioctl interfaces for control
+	Debugging LAN OSM
+Philip Rumpf
+	Fixed assorted dumb SMP locking bugs
+Juha Sievanen, University of Helsinki Finland
+	LAN OSM code
+	/proc interface to LAN class
+	Bug fixes
+	Core code extensions
+Auvo H�kkinen, University of Helsinki Finland
+	LAN OSM code
+	/Proc interface to LAN class
+	Bug fixes
+	Core code extensions
+Taneli V�h�kangas, University of Helsinki Finland
+	Fixes to i2o_config
+	This work was made possible by 
+Red Hat Software
+	Funding for the Building #3 part of the project
+Symbios Logic (Now LSI)
+	Host adapters, hints, known to work platforms when I hit
+	compatibility problems
+BoxHill Corporation
+	Loan of initial FibreChannel disk array used for development work.
+European Comission
+	Funding the work done by the University of Helsinki
+        Loan of FDDI and Gigabit Ethernet cards
+        Loan of I2O motherboard 
+o	The core setup works within limits.
+o	The scsi layer seems to almost work. 
+           I'm still chasing down the hang bug.
+o	The block OSM is mostly functional
+o	LAN OSM works with FDDI and Ethernet cards.
+o	Provide hidden address space if asked
+o	Long term message flow control
+o	PCI IOP's without interrupts are not supported yet
+o	Push FAIL handling into the core
+o	DDM control interfaces for module load etc
+o       Add I2O 2.0 support (Deffered to 2.5 kernel)
+o	Multiple major numbers
+o	Read ahead and cache handling stuff. Talk to Ingo and people
+o	Power management
+o	Finish Media changers
+o	Find the right way to associate drives/luns/busses
+o	Performance tuning
+o	Test Fibre Channel code
+o	Anyone seen anything implementing this ?
+           (D.S: Will attempt to do so if spare cycles permit)

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: