patch-2.4.10 linux/arch/ppc/kernel/l2cr.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.9/linux/arch/ppc/kernel/l2cr.S linux/arch/ppc/kernel/l2cr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+	L2CR functions
+	Copyright � 1997-1998 by PowerLogix R & D, Inc.
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+	Thur, Dec. 12, 1998.
+	- First public release, contributed by PowerLogix.
+	***********
+	Sat, Aug. 7, 1999.
+	- Terry: Made sure code disabled interrupts before running. (Previously
+			it was assumed interrupts were already disabled).
+	- Terry: Updated for tentative G4 support.  4MB of memory is now flushed
+			instead of 2MB.  (Prob. only 3 is necessary).
+	- Terry: Updated for workaround to HID0[DPM] processor bug
+			during global invalidates.
+	***********
+	Thu, July 13, 2000.
+	- Terry: Added isync to correct for an errata.
+	Author:	Terry Greeniaus (
+	Please e-mail updates to this file to me, thanks!
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/cputable.h>
+#include "ppc_asm.h"
+/* Usage:
+	When setting the L2CR register, you must do a few special
+	things.  If you are enabling the cache, you must perform a
+	global invalidate.  If you are disabling the cache, you must
+	flush the cache contents first.  This routine takes care of
+	doing these things.  When first enabling the cache, make sure
+	you pass in the L2CR you want, as well as passing in the
+	global invalidate bit set.  A global invalidate will only be
+	performed if the L2I bit is set in applyThis.  When enabling
+	the cache, you should also set the L2E bit in applyThis.  If
+	you want to modify the L2CR contents after the cache has been
+	enabled, the recommended procedure is to first call
+	__setL2CR(0) to disable the cache and then call it again with
+	the new values for L2CR.  Examples:
+	_setL2CR(0)		- disables the cache
+	_setL2CR(0xB3A04000)	- enables my G3 upgrade card:
+				- L2E set to turn on the cache
+				- L2SIZ set to 1MB
+				- L2CLK set to 1:1
+				- L2RAM set to pipelined synchronous late-write
+				- L2I set to perform a global invalidation
+				- L2OH set to 0.5 nS
+				- L2DF set because this upgrade card
+				  requires it
+	A similar call should work for your card.  You need to know
+	the correct setting for your card and then place them in the
+	fields I have outlined above.  Other fields support optional
+	features, such as L2DO which caches only data, or L2TS which
+	causes cache pushes from the L1 cache to go to the L2 cache
+	instead of to main memory.
+ * Summary: this procedure ignores the L2I bit in the value passed in,
+ * flushes the cache if it was already enabled, always invalidates the
+ * cache, then enables the cache if the L2E bit is set in the value
+ * passed in.
+ *   -- paulus.
+ */
+	/* Make sure this is a 750 or 7400 chip */
+	li	r3,-1
+	blr
+	/* Turn off interrupts and data relocation. */
+	mfmsr	r7		/* Save MSR in r7 */
+	rlwinm	r4,r7,0,17,15
+	rlwinm	r4,r4,0,28,26	/* Turn off DR bit */
+	sync
+	mtmsr	r4
+	isync
+	/* Get the current enable bit of the L2CR into r4 */
+	mfspr	r4,L2CR
+	/* Tweak some bits */
+	rlwinm	r5,r3,0,0,0		/* r5 contains the new enable bit */
+	rlwinm	r3,r3,0,11,9		/* Turn off the invalidate bit */
+	rlwinm	r3,r3,0,1,31		/* Turn off the enable bit */
+	/* Check to see if we need to flush */
+	rlwinm.	r4,r4,0,0,0
+	beq	2f
+	/* Flush the cache. First, read the first 4MB of memory (physical) to
+	 * put new data in the cache.  (Actually we only need
+	 * the size of the L2 cache plus the size of the L1 cache, but 4MB will
+	 * cover everything just to be safe).
+	 */
+	 /**** Might be a good idea to set L2DO here - to prevent instructions
+	       from getting into the cache.  But since we invalidate
+	       the next time we enable the cache it doesn't really matter.
+	  ****/
+	lis	r4,0x0002
+	mtctr	r4
+	li	r4,0
+	lwzx	r0,r0,r4
+	addi	r4,r4,32		/* Go to start of next cache line */
+	bdnz	1b
+	/* Now, flush the first 4MB of memory */
+	lis	r4,0x0002
+	mtctr	r4
+	li	r4,0
+	sync
+	dcbf	r0,r4
+	addi	r4,r4,32		/* Go to start of next cache line */
+	bdnz	1b
+	/* Set up the L2CR configuration bits (and switch L2 off) */
+	sync
+	mtspr	L2CR,r3
+	sync
+	/* Before we perform the global invalidation, we must disable dynamic
+	 * power management via HID0[DPM] to work around a processor bug where
+	 * DPM can possibly interfere with the state machine in the processor
+	 * that invalidates the L2 cache tags.
+	 */
+	mfspr	r8,HID0			/* Save HID0 in r8 */
+	rlwinm	r4,r8,0,12,10		/* Turn off HID0[DPM] */
+	sync
+	mtspr	HID0,r4			/* Disable DPM */
+	sync
+	/* Perform a global invalidation */
+	oris	r3,r3,0x0020
+	sync
+	mtspr	L2CR,r3
+	sync
+	isync				/* For errata */
+	/* Wait for the invalidation to complete */
+3:	mfspr	r3,L2CR
+	rlwinm.	r4,r3,0,31,31
+	bne	3b
+	rlwinm	r3,r3,0,11,9		/* Turn off the L2I bit */
+	sync
+	mtspr	L2CR,r3
+	sync
+	/* Restore HID0[DPM] to whatever it was before */
+	sync
+	mtspr	1008,r8
+	sync
+	/* See if we need to enable the cache */
+	cmplwi	r5,0
+	beq	4f
+	/* Enable the cache */
+	oris	r3,r3,0x8000
+	mtspr	L2CR,r3
+	sync
+	/* Restore MSR (restores EE and DR bits to original state) */
+4:	SYNC
+	mtmsr	r7
+	isync
+	blr
+	/* Return the L2CR contents */
+	li	r3,0
+	mfspr	r3,L2CR
+	blr
+/* --- End of PowerLogix code ---
+ */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: