patch-2.4.1 linux/arch/ppc/kernel/misc.S
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- Lines: 401
- Date:
Mon Jan 22 15:41:15 2001
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Sat Nov 11 18:14:38 2000
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.0/linux/arch/ppc/kernel/misc.S linux/arch/ppc/kernel/misc.S
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@
+ .align 5
+ cmpwi 0,r3,0
+ mtctr r3
+ beqlr
+1: bdnz 1b
+ blr
* Returns (address we're running at) - (address we were linked at)
* for use before the text and data are mapped to KERNELBASE.
@@ -82,16 +90,16 @@
lwz r7,ppc_n_lost_interrupts@l(r7)
cmpi 0,r7,0 /* lost interrupts to process first? */
bne- do_lost_interrupts
-1: sync
+1: SYNC
mtmsr r3
- isync
mfmsr r0 /* Get current interrupt state */
rlwinm r3,r0,16+1,32-1,31 /* Extract old value of 'EE' */
rlwinm r0,r0,0,17,15 /* clear MSR_EE in r0 */
- sync /* Some chip revs have problems here... */
+ SYNC /* Some chip revs have problems here... */
mtmsr r0 /* Update machine state */
blr /* Done */
@@ -102,7 +110,7 @@
ori r3,r3,MSR_EE /* Turn on 'EE' bit */
cmpi 0,r4,0 /* lost interrupts to process first? */
bne- do_lost_interrupts
- sync /* Some chip revs have problems here... */
+ SYNC /* Some chip revs have problems here... */
mtmsr r3 /* Update machine state */
@@ -121,7 +129,7 @@
cmpi 0,r4,0
bne- 1b
lwz r3,8(r1)
- sync
mtmsr r3
lwz r0,20(r1)
mtlr r0
@@ -137,8 +145,9 @@
mfmsr r0 /* Get current msr */
andc r0,r0,r3 /* And off the bits set in r3 (first parm) */
or r0,r0,r4 /* Or on the bits in r4 (second parm) */
- sync /* Some chip revs have problems here... */
+ SYNC /* Some chip revs have problems here... */
mtmsr r0 /* Update machine state */
+ isync
blr /* Done */
@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@
#if defined(CONFIG_SMP)
mfmsr r10
- sync
rlwinm r0,r10,0,17,15 /* clear bit 16 (MSR_EE) */
mtmsr r0
@@ -161,7 +170,6 @@
bne- 10b
stwcx. r8,0,r9
bne- 10b
- eieio
#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
@@ -182,7 +190,7 @@
#if defined(CONFIG_SMP)
mfmsr r10
- sync
rlwinm r0,r10,0,17,15 /* clear bit 16 (MSR_EE) */
mtmsr r0
@@ -228,7 +236,7 @@
ori r3,r3,HID0_ICFI
mtspr HID0,r3
#endif /* CONFIG_8xx */
+ isync
@@ -259,7 +267,6 @@
2: icbi 0,r6
addi r6,r6,CACHE_LINE_SIZE
bdnz 2b
- sync
@@ -717,6 +724,8 @@
mr r3,r1 /* Close enough */
+#if 0
+/* isn't it just easier to use the mtspr/mfspr inline macros?? --Troy */
mfspr r3,THRM1
@@ -740,6 +749,7 @@
mtspr THRM3,r3
mfspr r3,PVR
@@ -755,6 +765,12 @@
mfspr r3,HID0
+ sync
+ mtspr HID0, r3
+ SYNC /* Handle erratas in some cases */
+ blr
mfspr r3,ICTC
@@ -763,7 +779,6 @@
mtspr ICTC,r3
L2CR functions
Copyright � 1997-1998 by PowerLogix R & D, Inc.
@@ -785,6 +800,17 @@
Thur, Dec. 12, 1998.
- First public release, contributed by PowerLogix.
+ ***********
+ Sat, Aug. 7, 1999.
+ - Terry: Made sure code disabled interrupts before running. (Previously
+ it was assumed interrupts were already disabled).
+ - Terry: Updated for tentative G4 support. 4MB of memory is now flushed
+ instead of 2MB. (Prob. only 3 is necessary).
+ - Terry: Updated for workaround to HID0[DPM] processor bug
+ during global invalidates.
+ ***********
+ Thu, July 13, 2000.
+ - Terry: Added isync to correct for an errata.
Author: Terry Greeniaus (
Please e-mail updates to this file to me, thanks!
@@ -823,82 +849,94 @@
causes cache pushes from the L1 cache to go to the L2 cache
instead of to main memory.
+ * Summary: this procedure ignores the L2I bit in the value passed in,
+ * flushes the cache if it was already enabled, always invalidates the
+ * cache, then enables the cache if the L2E bit is set in the value
+ * passed in.
+ * -- paulus.
+ */
- /* Make sure this is a 750 chip */
+ /* Make sure this is a 750 or 7400 chip */
mfspr r4,PVR
rlwinm r4,r4,16,16,31
- cmplwi r4,0x0008
- beq thisIs750
- cmplwi r4,0x000c
- beq thisIs750
- li r3,-1
- blr
- /* Get the current enable bit of the L2CR into r4 */
- mfspr r4,L2CR
- mfmsr r7
- /* See if we want to perform a global inval this time. */
- rlwinm r6,r3,0,10,10 /* r6 contains the new invalidate bit */
- rlwinm. r5,r3,0,0,0 /* r5 contains the new enable bit */
- rlwinm r3,r3,0,11,9 /* Turn off the invalidate bit */
- rlwimi r3,r4,0,0,0 /* Keep the enable bit the same as it was. */
- bne dontDisableCache /* Only disable the cache if L2CRApply
- has the enable bit off */
- /* Disable the cache. First, we turn off interrupts.
- An interrupt while we are flushing the cache could bring
- in data which may not get properly flushed. */
- rlwinm r4,r7,0,17,15 /* Turn off EE bit */
+ cmpwi r4,0x0008
+ cmpwi cr1,r4,0x000c
+ cror 2,2,4*cr1+2
+ bne 99f
+ /* Turn off interrupts and data relocation. */
+ mfmsr r7 /* Save MSR in r7 */
+ rlwinm r4,r7,0,17,15
+ rlwinm r4,r4,0,28,26 /* Turn off DR bit */
mtmsr r4
- sync
+ isync
+ /* Get the current enable bit of the L2CR into r4 */
+ mfspr r4,L2CR
- Now, read the first 2MB of memory to put new data in the cache.
- (Actually we only need the size of the L2 cache plus the size
- of the L1 cache, but 2MB will cover everything just to be safe).
- lis r4,0x0001
+ /* Tweak some bits */
+ rlwinm r5,r3,0,0,0 /* r5 contains the new enable bit */
+ rlwinm r3,r3,0,11,9 /* Turn off the invalidate bit */
+ rlwinm r3,r3,0,1,31 /* Turn off the enable bit */
+ /* Check to see if we need to flush */
+ rlwinm. r4,r4,0,0,0
+ beq 2f
+ /* Flush the cache. First, read the first 4MB of memory (physical) to
+ * put new data in the cache. (Actually we only need
+ * the size of the L2 cache plus the size of the L1 cache, but 4MB will
+ * cover everything just to be safe).
+ */
+ /**** Might be a good idea to set L2DO here - to prevent instructions
+ from getting into the cache. But since we invalidate
+ the next time we enable the cache it doesn't really matter.
+ ****/
+ lis r4,0x0002
mtctr r4
- lis r4,KERNELBASE@h
-1: lwzx r0,r0,r4
- addi r4,r4,0x0020 /* Go to start of next cache line */
+ li r4,0
+ lwzx r0,r0,r4
+ addi r4,r4,32 /* Go to start of next cache line */
bdnz 1b
- /* Now, flush the first 2MB of memory */
- lis r4,0x0001
+ /* Now, flush the first 4MB of memory */
+ lis r4,0x0002
mtctr r4
- lis r4,KERNELBASE@h
+ li r4,0
-2: dcbf r0,r4
- addi r4,r4,0x0020 /* Go to start of next cache line */
- bdnz 2b
- /* Turn off the L2CR enable bit. */
- rlwinm r3,r3,0,1,31
- /* Set up the L2CR configuration bits */
+ dcbf r0,r4
+ addi r4,r4,32 /* Go to start of next cache line */
+ bdnz 1b
+ /* Set up the L2CR configuration bits (and switch L2 off) */
mtspr L2CR,r3
- /* Reenable interrupts if necessary. */
- mtmsr r7
+ /* Before we perform the global invalidation, we must disable dynamic
+ * power management via HID0[DPM] to work around a processor bug where
+ * DPM can possibly interfere with the state machine in the processor
+ * that invalidates the L2 cache tags.
+ */
+ mfspr r8,HID0 /* Save HID0 in r8 */
+ rlwinm r4,r8,0,12,10 /* Turn off HID0[DPM] */
- cmplwi r6,0
- beq noInval
+ mtspr HID0,r4 /* Disable DPM */
+ sync
/* Perform a global invalidation */
oris r3,r3,0x0020
mtspr L2CR,r3
+ isync /* For errata */
/* Wait for the invalidation to complete */
3: mfspr r3,L2CR
@@ -910,27 +948,38 @@
mtspr L2CR,r3
+ /* Restore HID0[DPM] to whatever it was before */
+ sync
+ mtspr 1008,r8
+ sync
/* See if we need to enable the cache */
cmplwi r5,0
- beqlr
+ beq 4f
/* Enable the cache */
oris r3,r3,0x8000
mtspr L2CR,r3
+ /* Restore MSR (restores EE and DR bits to original state) */
+4: SYNC
+ mtmsr r7
+ isync
+ blr
+99: li r3,-1
/* Make sure this is a 750 chip */
mfspr r3,PVR
- rlwinm r3,r3,16,16,31
- cmplwi r3,0x0008
- beq 1f
- cmplwi r3,0x000c
+ srwi r3,r3,16
+ cmpwi r3,0x0008
+ cmpwi cr1,r3,0x000c
li r3,0
+ cror 2,2,4*cr1+2
/* Return the L2CR contents */
mfspr r3,L2CR
@@ -986,15 +1035,6 @@
- mfmsr r0 /* Get current interrupt state */
- lis r3,0
- ori r3,r3,MSR_ME
- andc r0,r0,r3 /* Clears bit in (r4) */
- sync /* Some chip revs have problems here */
- mtmsr r0 /* Update machine state */
- blr
* Create a kernel thread
* kernel_thread(fn, arg, flags)
@@ -1244,16 +1284,20 @@
.long sys_getrlimit /* 190 */
.long sys_ni_syscall /* 191 */ /* Unused */
.long sys_ni_syscall /* 192 - reserved - mmap2 */
- .long sys_ni_syscall /* 193 - reserved - truncate64 */
- .long sys_ni_syscall /* 194 - reserved - ftruncate64 */
- .long sys_ni_syscall /* 195 - reserved - stat64 */
- .long sys_ni_syscall /* 196 - reserved - lstat64 */
- .long sys_ni_syscall /* 197 - reserved - fstat64 */
+ .long sys_truncate64 /* 193 */
+ .long sys_ftruncate64 /* 194 */
+ .long sys_stat64 /* 195 */
+ .long sys_lstat64 /* 196 */
+ .long sys_fstat64 /* 197 */
.long sys_pciconfig_read /* 198 */
.long sys_pciconfig_write /* 199 */
.long sys_pciconfig_iobase /* 200 */
.long sys_ni_syscall /* 201 - reserved - MacOnLinux - new */
.long sys_getdents64 /* 202 */
+ .long sys_pivot_root /* 203 */
+ .long sys_fcntl64 /* 204 */
+ .long sys_madvise /* 205 */
+ .long sys_mincore /* 206 */
.rept NR_syscalls-(.-sys_call_table)/4
.long sys_ni_syscall
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: