patch-2.3.47 linux/drivers/net/skfp/fplustm.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.46/linux/drivers/net/skfp/fplustm.c linux/drivers/net/skfp/fplustm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1645 @@
+ *
+ *	(C)Copyright 1998,1999 SysKonnect,
+ *	a business unit of Schneider & Koch & Co. Datensysteme GmbH.
+ *
+ *	See the file "skfddi.c" for further information.
+ *
+ *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *	(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *	The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * FORMAC+ Driver for tag mode
+ */
+#include "h/types.h"
+#include "h/fddi.h"
+#include "h/smc.h"
+#include "h/supern_2.h"
+#include "can.c"
+#ifndef	lint
+static const char ID_sccs[] = "@(#)fplustm.c	1.32 99/02/23 (C) SK " ;
+#ifndef UNUSED
+#ifdef  lint
+#define UNUSED(x)	(x) = (x)
+#define UNUSED(x)
+#define MS2BCLK(x)	((x)*12500L)
+#define US2BCLK(x)	((x)*1250L)
+ * prototypes for static function
+ */
+static void build_claim_beacon() ;
+static int init_mac() ;
+static void rtm_init() ;
+static void smt_split_up_fifo() ;
+#if (!defined(NO_SMT_PANIC) || defined(DEBUG))
+static	char write_mdr_warning [] = "E350 write_mdr() FM_SNPPND is set\n";
+static	char cam_warning [] = "E_SMT_004: CAM still busy\n";
+#define	DUMMY_READ()	smc->hw.mc_dummy = (u_short) inp(ADDR(B0_RAP))
+#define	CHECK_NPP() {	unsigned k = 10000 ;\
+			while ((inpw(FM_A(FM_STMCHN)) & FM_SNPPND) && k) k--;\
+			if (!k) { \
+				SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0130, SMT_E0130_MSG) ; \
+			}	\
+		}
+#define	CHECK_CAM() {	unsigned k = 10 ;\
+			while (!(inpw(FM_A(FM_AFSTAT)) & FM_DONE) && k) k--;\
+			if (!k) { \
+				SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0131, SMT_E0131_MSG) ; \
+			}	\
+		}
+const struct fddi_addr fddi_broadcast = {0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff};
+static const struct fddi_addr null_addr = {0,0,0,0,0,0} ;
+static const struct fddi_addr dbeacon_multi = {0x01,0x80,0xc2,0x00,0x01,0x00};
+static const u_short my_said = 0xffff ;	/* short address (n.u.) */
+static const u_short my_sagp = 0xffff ;	/* short group address (n.u.) */
+ * define my address
+ */
+#ifdef	USE_CAN_ADDR
+#define MA	smc->hw.fddi_canon_addr
+#define MA	smc->hw.fddi_home_addr
+ * usefull interrupt bits
+ */
+static int mac_imsk1u = FM_STXABRS | FM_STXABRA0 | FM_SXMTABT ;
+static int mac_imsk1l = FM_SQLCKS | FM_SQLCKA0 | FM_SPCEPDS | FM_SPCEPDA0|
+	/* delete FM_SRBFL after tests */
+static int mac_imsk2u = FM_SERRSF | FM_SNFSLD | FM_SRCVOVR | FM_SRBFL |
+static int mac_imsk2l = FM_STRTEXR | FM_SDUPCLM | FM_SFRMCTR |
+static int mac_imsk3u = FM_SRCVOVR2 | FM_SRBFL2 ;
+static int mac_imsk3l = FM_SRPERRQ2 | FM_SRPERRQ1 ;
+static int mac_beacon_imsk2u = FM_SOTRBEC | FM_SMYBEC | FM_SBEC |
+static u_long mac_get_tneg(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	u_long	tneg ;
+	tneg = (u_long)((long)inpw(FM_A(FM_TNEG))<<5) ;
+	return((u_long)((tneg + ((inpw(FM_A(FM_TMRS))>>10)&0x1f)) |
+		0xffe00000L)) ;
+void mac_update_counter(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACFrame_Ct =
+		(smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACFrame_Ct & 0xffff0000L)
+		+ (u_short) inpw(FM_A(FM_FCNTR)) ;
+	smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACLost_Ct =
+		(smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACLost_Ct & 0xffff0000L)
+		+ (u_short) inpw(FM_A(FM_LCNTR)) ;
+	smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACError_Ct =
+		(smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACError_Ct & 0xffff0000L)
+		+ (u_short) inpw(FM_A(FM_ECNTR)) ;
+	smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACT_Neg = mac_get_tneg(smc) ;
+	/*
+	 * If the token counter is emulated it is updated in smt_event.
+	 */
+	smt_emulate_token_ct( smc, MAC0 );
+ * write long value into buffer memory over memory data register (MDR),
+ */
+void	write_mdr(smc,val)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_long val;
+	MDRW(val) ;
+ * read long value from buffer memory over memory data register (MDR),
+ */
+u_long read_mdr(smc,addr)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+unsigned int addr;
+	long p ;
+	MARR(addr) ;
+	CHECK_NPP() ;	/* needed for PCI to prevent from timeing violations */
+/*	p = MDRR() ; */	/* bad read values if the workaround */
+			/* smc->hw.mc_dummy = *((short volatile far *)(addr)))*/
+			/* is used */
+	p = (u_long)inpw(FM_A(FM_MDRU))<<16 ;
+	p += (u_long)inpw(FM_A(FM_MDRL)) ;
+	return(p) ;
+ * clear buffer memory
+ */
+static void init_ram(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	u_short i ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start = 0 ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end =
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + RBC_MEM_SIZE ;
+	MARW(smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start) ;
+	for (i = smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start;
+		i < (u_short) (smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end-1); i++)
+		write_mdr(smc,0L) ;
+	/* Erase the last byte too */
+	write_mdr(smc,0L) ;
+ * set receive FIFO pointer
+ */
+static void set_recvptr(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/*
+	 * initialize the pointer for receive queue 1
+	 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_RPR1),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start) ;	/* RPR1 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPR1),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start) ;	/* SWPR1 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_WPR1),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start) ;	/* WPR1 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_EARV1),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start-1) ;	/* EARV1 */
+	/*
+	 * initialize the pointer for receive queue 2
+	 */
+	if (smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_size) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_RPR2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPR2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_WPR2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_EARV2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end-1) ;
+	}
+	else {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_RPR2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end-1) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPR2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end-1) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_WPR2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end-1) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_EARV2),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end-1) ;
+	}
+ * set transmit FIFO pointer
+ */
+static void set_txptr(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG2),FM_IRSTQ) ;	/* reset transmit queues */
+	/*
+	 * initialize the pointer for asynchronous transmit queue
+	 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_RPXA0),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start) ;	/* RPXA0 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPXA0),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start) ;	/* SWPXA0 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_WPXA0),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start) ;	/* WPXA0 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_EAA0),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start-1) ;	/* EAA0 */
+	/*
+	 * initialize the pointer for synchronous transmit queue
+	 */
+	if (smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_size) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_RPXS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPXS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_WPXS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_EAS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start-1) ;
+	}
+	else {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_RPXS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start-1) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPXS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start-1) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_WPXS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start-1) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_EAS),smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start-1) ;
+	}
+ * init memory buffer management registers
+ */
+static void init_rbc(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	u_short	rbc_ram_addr ;
+	/*
+	 * set unused pointers or permanent pointers
+	 */
+	rbc_ram_addr = smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start - 1 ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_RPXA1),rbc_ram_addr) ;	/* a1-send pointer */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_WPXA1),rbc_ram_addr) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SWPXA1),rbc_ram_addr) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_EAA1),rbc_ram_addr) ;
+	set_recvptr(smc) ;
+	set_txptr(smc) ;
+ * init rx pointer
+ */
+static void init_rx(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	struct s_smt_rx_queue	*queue ;
+	/*
+	 * init all tx data structures for receive queue 1
+	 */
+	smc->hw.fp.rx[QUEUE_R1] = queue = &smc->hw.fp.rx_q[QUEUE_R1] ;
+	queue->rx_bmu_ctl = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_R1_CSR) ;
+	queue->rx_bmu_dsc = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B4_R1_DA) ;
+	/*
+	 * init all tx data structures for receive queue 2
+	 */
+	smc->hw.fp.rx[QUEUE_R2] = queue = &smc->hw.fp.rx_q[QUEUE_R2] ;
+	queue->rx_bmu_ctl = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_R2_CSR) ;
+	queue->rx_bmu_dsc = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B4_R2_DA) ;
+ * set the TSYNC register of the FORMAC to regulate synchronous transmission
+ */
+void set_formac_tsync(smc,sync_bw)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+long sync_bw ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_TSYNC),(unsigned int) (((-sync_bw) >> 5) & 0xffff) ) ;
+ * init all tx data structures
+ */
+static void init_tx(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	struct s_smt_tx_queue	*queue ;
+	/*
+	 * init all tx data structures for the synchronous queue
+	 */
+	smc->hw.fp.tx[QUEUE_S] = queue = &smc->hw.fp.tx_q[QUEUE_S] ;
+	queue->tx_bmu_ctl = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_XS_CSR) ;
+	queue->tx_bmu_dsc = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B5_XS_DA) ;
+#ifdef ESS
+	set_formac_tsync(smc,smc->ess.sync_bw) ;
+	/*
+	 * init all tx data structures for the asynchronous queue 0
+	 */
+	smc->hw.fp.tx[QUEUE_A0] = queue = &smc->hw.fp.tx_q[QUEUE_A0] ;
+	queue->tx_bmu_ctl = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_XA_CSR) ;
+	queue->tx_bmu_dsc = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B5_XA_DA) ;
+	llc_recover_tx(smc) ;
+static void mac_counter_init(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	int i ;
+	u_long *ec ;
+	/*
+	 * clear FORMAC+ frame-, lost- and error counter
+	 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_FCNTR),0) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LCNTR),0) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_ECNTR),0) ;
+	/*
+	 * clear internal error counter stucture
+	 */
+	ec = (u_long *)&smc->hw.fp.err_stats ;
+	for (i = (sizeof(struct err_st)/sizeof(long)) ; i ; i--)
+		*ec++ = 0L ;
+	smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACRingOp_Ct = 0 ;
+ * set FORMAC address, and t_request
+ */
+static	void set_formac_addr(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	long	t_requ = smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACT_Req ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SAID),my_said) ;	/* set short address */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LAIL),(unsigned)((smc->hw.fddi_home_addr.a[4]<<8) +
+					smc->hw.fddi_home_addr.a[5])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LAIC),(unsigned)((smc->hw.fddi_home_addr.a[2]<<8) +
+					smc->hw.fddi_home_addr.a[3])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LAIM),(unsigned)((smc->hw.fddi_home_addr.a[0]<<8) +
+					smc->hw.fddi_home_addr.a[1])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SAGP),my_sagp) ;	/* set short group address */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LAGL),(unsigned)((smc->hw.fp.group_addr.a[4]<<8) +
+					smc->hw.fp.group_addr.a[5])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LAGC),(unsigned)((smc->hw.fp.group_addr.a[2]<<8) +
+					smc->hw.fp.group_addr.a[3])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_LAGM),(unsigned)((smc->hw.fp.group_addr.a[0]<<8) +
+					smc->hw.fp.group_addr.a[1])) ;
+	/* set r_request regs. (MSW & LSW of TRT ) */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_TREQ1),(unsigned)(t_requ>>16)) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_TREQ0),(unsigned)t_requ) ;
+void set_long(p,l)
+char *p;
+long l;
+	p[0] = (char)(l >> 24) ;
+	p[1] = (char)(l >> 16) ;
+	p[2] = (char)(l >> 8) ;
+	p[3] = (char)(l >> 0) ;
+ * copy TX descriptor to buffer mem
+ * append FC field and MAC frame
+ * if more bit is set in descr
+ *	append pointer to descriptor (endless loop)
+ * else
+ *	append 'end of chain' pointer
+ */
+static void copy_tx_mac(smc,td,mac,off,len)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_long td;		/* transmit descriptor */
+struct fddi_mac *mac;	/* mac frame pointer */
+unsigned off;		/* start address within buffer memory */
+int len ;		/* lenght of the frame including the FC */
+	int	i ;
+	u_long	*p ;
+	MARW(off) ;		/* set memory address reg for writes */
+	p = (u_long *) mac ;
+	for (i = (len + 3)/4 ; i ; i--) {
+		if (i == 1) {
+			/* last word, set the tag bit */
+			outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG2),FM_ISTTB) ;
+		}
+		write_mdr(smc,MDR_REVERSE(*p)) ;
+		p++ ;
+	}
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG2),FM_ISTTB) ;	/* set the tag bit */
+	write_mdr(smc,td) ;	/* write over memory data reg to buffer */
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(module;tests;3)
+	How to test directed beacon frames
+	----------------------------------------------------------------
+	o Insert a break point in the function build_claim_beacon()
+	  before calling copy_tx_mac() for building the claim frame.
+	o Modify the RM3_DETECT case so that the RM6_DETECT state
+	  will always entered from the RM3_DETECT state (function rmt_fsm(),
+	  rmt.c)
+	o Compile the driver.
+	o Set the parameter TREQ in the protocol.ini or net.cfg to a
+	  small value to make sure your station will win the claim
+	  process.
+	o Start the driver.
+	o When you reach the break point, modify the SA and DA address
+	  of the claim frame (e.g. SA = DA = 10005affffff).
+	o When you see RM3_DETECT and RM6_DETECT, observe the direct
+	  beacon frames on the UPPSLANA.
+ */
+static void directed_beacon(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	SK_LOC_DECL(u_long,a[2]) ;
+	/*
+	 * set UNA in frame
+	 * enable FORMAC to send endless queue of directed beacon
+	 * important: the UNA starts at byte 1 (not at byte 0)
+	 */
+	* (char *) a = (char) ((long)DBEACON_INFO<<24L) ;
+	a[1] = 0 ;
+	memcpy((char *)a+1,(char *) &smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACUpstreamNbr,6) ;
+	 /* set memory address reg for writes */
+	MARW(smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start+DBEACON_FRAME_OFF+4) ;
+	write_mdr(smc,MDR_REVERSE(a[0])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG2),FM_ISTTB) ;	/* set the tag bit */
+	write_mdr(smc,MDR_REVERSE(a[1])) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SABC),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + DBEACON_FRAME_OFF) ;
+	setup claim & beacon pointer
+	NOTE :
+		special frame packets end with a pointer to their own
+		descriptor, and the MORE bit is set in the descriptor
+static void build_claim_beacon(smc,t_request)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_long t_request;
+	u_long	td ;
+	int	len ;
+	struct fddi_mac_sf *mac ;
+	/*
+	 * build claim packet
+	 */
+	len = 17 ;
+	td = TX_DESCRIPTOR | ((((u_long)len-1)&3)<<27) ;
+	mac = &smc->hw.fp.mac_sfb ;
+	mac->mac_fc = FC_CLAIM ;
+	/* DA == SA in claim frame */
+	mac->mac_source = mac->mac_dest = MA ;
+	/* 2's complement */
+	set_long((char *)mac->mac_info,(long)t_request) ;
+	copy_tx_mac(smc,td,(struct fddi_mac *)mac,
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + CLAIM_FRAME_OFF,len) ;
+	/* set CLAIM start pointer */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SACL),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + CLAIM_FRAME_OFF) ;
+	/*
+	 * build beacon packet
+	 */
+	len = 17 ;
+	td = TX_DESCRIPTOR | ((((u_long)len-1)&3)<<27) ;
+	mac->mac_fc = FC_BEACON ;
+	mac->mac_source = MA ;
+	mac->mac_dest = null_addr ;		/* DA == 0 in beacon frame */
+	set_long((char *) mac->mac_info,((long)BEACON_INFO<<24L) + 0 ) ;
+	copy_tx_mac(smc,td,(struct fddi_mac *)mac,
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + BEACON_FRAME_OFF,len) ;
+	/* set beacon start pointer */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_SABC),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + BEACON_FRAME_OFF) ;
+	/*
+	 * build directed beacon packet
+	 * contains optional UNA
+	 */
+	len = 23 ;
+	td = TX_DESCRIPTOR | ((((u_long)len-1)&3)<<27) ;
+	mac->mac_fc = FC_BEACON ;
+	mac->mac_source = MA ;
+	mac->mac_dest = dbeacon_multi ;		/* multicast */
+	set_long((char *) mac->mac_info,((long)DBEACON_INFO<<24L) + 0 ) ;
+	set_long((char *) mac->mac_info+4,0L) ;
+	set_long((char *) mac->mac_info+8,0L) ;
+	copy_tx_mac(smc,td,(struct fddi_mac *)mac,
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start + DBEACON_FRAME_OFF,len) ;
+	/* end of claim/beacon queue */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_EACB),smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start-1) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_WPXSF),0) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_RPXSF),0) ;
+void formac_rcv_restart(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/* enable receive function */
+	SETMASK(FM_A(FM_MDREG1),smc->hw.fp.rx_mode,FM_ADDRX) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICLLR) ;	/* clear receive lock */
+void formac_tx_restart(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICLLS) ;	/* clear s-frame lock */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICLLA0) ;	/* clear a-frame lock */
+static void enable_formac(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/* set formac IMSK : 0 enables irq */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U),~mac_imsk1u) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1L),~mac_imsk1l) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK2U),~mac_imsk2u) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK2L),~mac_imsk2l) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK3U),~mac_imsk3u) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK3L),~mac_imsk3l) ;
+#if 0	/* Removed because the driver should use the ASICs TX complete IRQ. */
+	/* The FORMACs tx complete IRQ should be used any longer */
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;4)
+	void enable_tx_irq(smc, queue)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+	u_short	queue ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		enable_tx_irq() enables the FORMACs transmit complete
+		interrupt of the queue.
+Para	queue	= QUEUE_S:	synchronous queue
+		= QUEUE_A0:	asynchronous queue
+Note	After any ring operational change the transmit complete
+	interrupts are disabled.
+	The operating system dependent module must enable
+	the transmit complete interrupt of a queue,
+		- when it queues the first frame,
+		  because of no transmit resources are beeing
+		  available and
+		- when it escapes from the function llc_restart_tx
+		  while some frames are still queued.
+ */
+void enable_tx_irq(smc, queue)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_short	queue ;		/* 0 = synchronous queue, 1 = asynchronous queue 0 */
+	u_short	imask ;
+	imask = ~(inpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U))) ;
+	if (queue == 0) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U),~(imask|FM_STEFRMS)) ;
+	}
+	if (queue == 1) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U),~(imask|FM_STEFRMA0)) ;
+	}
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;4)
+	void disable_tx_irq(smc, queue)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+	u_short	queue ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		disable_tx_irq disables the FORMACs transmit complete
+		interrupt of the queue
+Para	queue	= QUEUE_S:	synchronous queue
+		= QUEUE_A0:	asynchronous queue
+Note	The operating system dependent module should disable
+	the transmit complete interrupts if it escapes from the
+	function llc_restart_tx and no frames are queued.
+ */
+void disable_tx_irq(smc, queue)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_short	queue ;		/* 0 = synchronous queue, 1 = asynchronous queue 0 */
+	u_short	imask ;
+	imask = ~(inpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U))) ;
+	if (queue == 0) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U),~(imask&~FM_STEFRMS)) ;
+	}
+	if (queue == 1) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U),~(imask&~FM_STEFRMA0)) ;
+	}
+static void disable_formac(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/* clear formac IMSK : 1 disables irq */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1U),MW) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK1L),MW) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK2U),MW) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK2L),MW) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK3U),MW) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK3L),MW) ;
+static void mac_ring_up(smc,up)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+int up;
+	if (up) {
+		formac_rcv_restart(smc) ;	/* enable receive function */
+		smc->hw.mac_ring_is_up = TRUE ;
+		llc_restart_tx(smc) ;		/* TX queue */
+	}
+	else {
+		/* disable receive function */
+		/* abort current transmit activity */
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG2),FM_IACTR) ;
+		smc->hw.mac_ring_is_up = FALSE ;
+	}
+/*--------------------------- ISR handling ----------------------------------*/
+ * mac1_irq is in drvfbi.c
+ */
+ * mac2_irq:	status bits for the receive queue 1, and ring status
+ * 		ring status indication bits
+ */
+void mac2_irq(smc,code_s2u,code_s2l)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_short code_s2u ;
+u_short code_s2l ;
+	u_short	change_s2l ;
+	u_short	change_s2u ;
+	/* (jd) 22-Feb-1999
+	 * Restart 2_DMax Timer after end of claiming or beaconing
+	 */
+	if (code_s2u & (FM_SCLM|FM_SHICLM|FM_SBEC|FM_SOTRBEC)) {
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_TX_STATE_CHANGE) ;
+	}
+	else if (code_s2l & (FM_STKISS)) {
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_TX_STATE_CHANGE) ;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * XOR current st bits with the last to avoid useless RMT event queuing
+	 */
+	change_s2l = smc->hw.fp.s2l ^ code_s2l ;
+	change_s2u = smc->hw.fp.s2u ^ code_s2u ;
+	if ((change_s2l & FM_SRNGOP) ||
+		(!smc->hw.mac_ring_is_up && ((code_s2l & FM_SRNGOP)))) {
+		if (code_s2l & FM_SRNGOP) {
+			mac_ring_up(smc,1) ;
+			queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_RING_OP) ;
+			smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACRingOp_Ct++ ;
+		}
+		else {
+			mac_ring_up(smc,0) ;
+			queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_RING_NON_OP) ;
+		}
+		goto mac2_end ;
+	}
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SMISFRM) {	/* missed frame */
+		smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACNotCopied_Ct++ ;
+	}
+	if (code_s2u & (FM_SRCVOVR |	/* recv. FIFO overflow */
+			FM_SRBFL)) {	/* recv. buffer full */
+		smc->hw.mac_ct.mac_r_restart_counter++ ;
+/*		formac_rcv_restart(smc) ;	*/
+		smt_stat_counter(smc,1) ;
+/*		goto mac2_end ;			*/
+	}
+	if (code_s2u & FM_SOTRBEC)
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_OTHER_BEACON) ;
+	if (code_s2u & FM_SMYBEC)
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_MY_BEACON) ;
+	if (change_s2u & code_s2u & FM_SLOCLM) {
+		DB_RMTN(2,"RMT : lower claim received\n",0,0) ;
+	}
+	if ((code_s2u & FM_SMYCLM) && !(code_s2l & FM_SDUPCLM)) {
+		/*
+		 * This is my claim and that claim is not detected as a
+		 * duplicate one.
+		 */
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_MY_CLAIM) ;
+	}
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SDUPCLM) {
+		/*
+		 * If a duplicate claim frame (same SA but T_Bid != T_Req)
+		 * this flag will be set.
+		 * In the RMT state machine we need a RM_VALID_CLAIM event
+		 * to do the appropriate state change.
+		 * RM(34c)
+		 */
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_VALID_CLAIM) ;
+	}
+	if (change_s2u & code_s2u & FM_SHICLM) {
+		DB_RMTN(2,"RMT : higher claim received\n",0,0) ;
+	}
+	if ( (code_s2l & FM_STRTEXP) ||
+	     (code_s2l & FM_STRTEXR) )
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_TRT_EXP) ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SMULTDA) {
+		/*
+		 * The MAC has found a 2. MAC with the same address.
+		 * Signal dup_addr_test = failed to RMT state machine.
+		 * RM(25)
+		 */
+		smc->r.dup_addr_test = DA_FAILED ;
+		queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_DUP_ADDR) ;
+	}
+	if (code_s2u & FM_SBEC)
+		smc->hw.fp.err_stats.err_bec_stat++ ;
+	if (code_s2u & FM_SCLM)
+		smc->hw.fp.err_stats.err_clm_stat++ ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_STVXEXP)
+		smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACTvxExpired_Ct++ ;
+	if ((code_s2u & (FM_SBEC|FM_SCLM))) {
+		if (!(change_s2l & FM_SRNGOP) && (smc->hw.fp.s2l & FM_SRNGOP)) {
+			mac_ring_up(smc,0) ;
+			queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_RING_NON_OP) ;
+			mac_ring_up(smc,1) ;
+			queue_event(smc,EVENT_RMT,RM_RING_OP) ;
+			smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACRingOp_Ct++ ;
+		}
+	}
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SPHINV)
+		smc->hw.fp.err_stats.err_phinv++ ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SSIFG)
+		smc->hw.fp.err_stats.err_sifg_det++ ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_STKISS)
+		smc->hw.fp.err_stats.err_tkiss++ ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_STKERR)
+		smc->hw.fp.err_stats.err_tkerr++ ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SFRMCTR)
+		smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACFrame_Ct += 0x10000L ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SERRCTR)
+		smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACError_Ct += 0x10000L ;
+	if (code_s2l & FM_SLSTCTR)
+		smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACLost_Ct  += 0x10000L ;
+	if (code_s2u & FM_SERRSF) {
+		SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0114, SMT_E0114_MSG) ;
+	}
+	/* notice old status */
+	smc->hw.fp.s2l = code_s2l ;
+	smc->hw.fp.s2u = code_s2u ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK2U),~mac_imsk2u) ;
+ * mac3_irq:	receive queue 2 bits and address detection bits
+ */
+void mac3_irq(smc,code_s3u,code_s3l)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_short code_s3u ;
+u_short code_s3l ;
+	UNUSED(code_s3l) ;
+	if (code_s3u & (FM_SRCVOVR2 |	/* recv. FIFO overflow */
+			FM_SRBFL2)) {	/* recv. buffer full */
+		smc->hw.mac_ct.mac_r_restart_counter++ ;
+		smt_stat_counter(smc,1);
+	}
+	if (code_s3u & FM_SRPERRQ2) {	/* parity error receive queue 2 */
+		SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0115, SMT_E0115_MSG) ;
+	}
+	if (code_s3u & FM_SRPERRQ1) {	/* parity error receive queue 2 */
+		SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0116, SMT_E0116_MSG) ;
+	}
+ * take formac offline
+ */
+static void formac_offline(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG2),FM_IACTR) ;/* abort current transmit activity */
+	/* disable receive function */
+	/* FORMAC+ 'Initialize Mode' */
+	disable_formac(smc) ;
+	smc->hw.mac_ring_is_up = FALSE ;
+	smc->hw.hw_state = STOPPED ;
+ * bring formac online
+ */
+static void formac_online(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	enable_formac(smc) ;
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_mode, FM_MMODE | FM_SELRA | FM_ADDRX) ;
+ * FORMAC+ full init. (tx, rx, timer, counter, claim & beacon)
+ */
+int init_fplus(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode = FM_MRNNSAFNMA ;
+	smc->hw.fp.rx_mode = FM_MDAMA ;
+	smc->hw.fp.group_addr = fddi_broadcast ;
+	smc->hw.fp.func_addr = 0 ;
+	smc->hw.fp.frselreg_init = 0 ;
+	init_driver_fplus(smc) ;
+	if (smc-> == SMT_DAS)
+		smc->hw.fp.mdr3init |= FM_MENDAS ;
+	smc->hw.mac_ct.mac_nobuf_counter = 0 ;
+	smc->hw.mac_ct.mac_r_restart_counter = 0 ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fm_st1u = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_ST1U) ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fm_st1l = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_ST1L) ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fm_st2u = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_ST2U) ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fm_st2l = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_ST2L) ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fm_st3u = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_ST3U) ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fm_st3l = (HW_PTR) ADDR(B0_ST3L) ;
+	smc->hw.fp.s2l = smc->hw.fp.s2u = 0 ;
+	smc->hw.mac_ring_is_up = 0 ;
+	mac_counter_init(smc) ;
+	/* convert BCKL units to symbol time */
+	smc->hw.mac_pa.t_neg = (u_long)0 ;
+	smc->hw.mac_pa.t_pri = (u_long)0 ;
+	/* make sure all PCI settings are correct */
+	mac_do_pci_fix(smc) ;
+	return(init_mac(smc,1)) ;
+	/* enable_formac(smc) ; */
+static int init_mac(smc,all)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+int all ;
+	u_short	t_max,x ;
+	u_long	time=0 ;
+	/*
+	 * clear memory
+	 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDREG1),FM_MINIT) ;	/* FORMAC+ init mode */
+	set_formac_addr(smc) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDREG1),FM_MMEMACT) ;	/* FORMAC+ memory activ mode */
+	/* Note: Mode register 2 is set here, incase parity is enabled. */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDREG2),smc->hw.fp.mdr2init) ;
+	if (all) {
+		init_ram(smc) ;
+	}
+	else {
+		/*
+		 * reset the HPI, the Master and the BMUs
+		 */
+		outp(ADDR(B0_CTRL), CTRL_HPI_SET) ;
+		time = hwt_quick_read(smc) ;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * set all pointers, frames etc
+	 */
+	smt_split_up_fifo(smc) ;
+	init_tx(smc) ;
+	init_rx(smc) ;
+	init_rbc(smc) ;
+	build_claim_beacon(smc,smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACT_Req) ;
+	/* set RX threshold */
+	/* see Errata #SN2 Phantom receive overflow */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_FRMTHR),14<<12) ;		/* switch on */
+	/* set formac work mode */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDREG1),MDR1INIT | FM_SELRA | smc->hw.fp.rx_mode) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDREG2),smc->hw.fp.mdr2init) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDREG3),smc->hw.fp.mdr3init) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_FRSELREG),smc->hw.fp.frselreg_init) ;
+	/* set timer */
+	/*
+	 * errata #22 fplus:
+	 * T_MAX must not be FFFE
+	 * or one of FFDF, FFB8, FF91 (-0x27 etc..)
+	 */
+	t_max = (u_short)(smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACT_Max/32) ;
+	x = t_max/0x27 ;
+	x *= 0x27 ;
+	if ((t_max == 0xfffe) || (t_max - x == 0x16))
+		t_max-- ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_TMAX),(u_short)t_max) ;
+	/* BugFix for report #10204 */
+	if (smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACTvxValue < (u_long) (- US2BCLK(52))) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_TVX), (u_short) (- US2BCLK(52))/255 & MB) ;
+	} else {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_TVX),
+			(u_short)((smc->mib.m[MAC0].fddiMACTvxValue/255) & MB)) ;
+	}
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICLLS) ;	/* clear s-frame lock */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICLLA0) ;	/* clear a-frame lock */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICLLR);	/* clear receive lock */
+	/* Auto unlock receice threshold for receive queue 1 and 2 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_UNLCKDLY),(0xff|(0xff<<8))) ;
+	rtm_init(smc) ;				/* RT-Monitor */
+	if (!all) {
+		/*
+		 * after 10ms, reset the BMUs and repair the rings
+		 */
+		hwt_wait_time(smc,time,MS2BCLK(10)) ;
+		outpd(ADDR(B0_R1_CSR),CSR_SET_RESET) ;
+		outp(ADDR(B0_CTRL), CTRL_HPI_CLR) ;
+		outpd(ADDR(B0_R1_CSR),CSR_CLR_RESET) ;
+		if (!smc->hw.hw_is_64bit) {
+			outpd(ADDR(B4_R1_F), RX_WATERMARK) ;
+			outpd(ADDR(B5_XA_F), TX_WATERMARK) ;
+			outpd(ADDR(B5_XS_F), TX_WATERMARK) ;
+		}
+		smc->hw.hw_state = STOPPED ;
+		mac_drv_repair_descr(smc) ;
+	}
+	smc->hw.hw_state = STARTED ;
+	return(0) ;
+ * called by CFM
+ */
+void config_mux(smc,mux)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+int mux;
+	plc_config_mux(smc,mux) ;
+ * called by RMT
+ * enable CLAIM/BEACON interrupts
+ * (only called if these events are of interest, e.g. in DETECT state
+ * the interrupt must not be permanently enabled
+ * RMT calls this function periodically (timer driven polling)
+ */
+void sm_mac_check_beacon_claim(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/* set formac IMSK : 0 enables irq */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_IMSK2U),~(mac_imsk2u | mac_beacon_imsk2u)) ;
+	/* the driver must receive the directed beacons */
+	formac_rcv_restart(smc) ;
+	process_receive(smc) ;
+/*-------------------------- interface functions ----------------------------*/
+ * control ODL output
+ */
+void sm_pm_control(smc,mode)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+int mode;
+	SK_UNUSED(smc) ;
+	/*
+	 * if PCM logic has set LS_REQUEST = Transmit QUIET Line State
+	 *	/FOTOFF signal turn activ -> ODL disable
+	 */
+	switch(mode) {
+		break ;
+		break ;
+	}
+ * control MAC layer	(called by RMT)
+ */
+void sm_ma_control(smc,mode)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+int mode;
+	switch(mode) {
+	case MA_OFFLINE :
+		/* Add to make the MAC offline in RM0_ISOLATED state */
+		formac_offline(smc) ;
+		break ;
+	case MA_RESET :
+		(void)init_mac(smc,0) ;
+		break ;
+	case MA_BEACON :
+		formac_online(smc) ;
+		break ;
+	case MA_DIRECTED :
+		directed_beacon(smc) ;
+		break ;
+	case MA_TREQ :
+		/*
+		 * no actions necessary, TREQ is already set
+		 */
+		break ;
+	}
+int sm_mac_get_tx_state(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	return((inpw(FM_A(FM_STMCHN))>>4)&7) ;
+ * multicast functions
+ */
+static struct s_fpmc	*mac_get_mc_table(smc,user,own,del,can)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+struct fddi_addr *user ;
+struct fddi_addr *own ;
+int del ;
+int can ;
+	struct s_fpmc	*tb ;
+	struct s_fpmc	*slot ;
+	u_char	*p ;
+	int i ;
+	/*
+	 * set own = can(user)
+	 */
+	*own = *user ;
+	if (can) {
+		p = own->a ;
+		for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++, p++)
+			*p = canonical[*p] ;
+	}
+	slot = 0 ;
+	for (i = 0, tb = smc-> ; i < FPMAX_MULTICAST ; i++, tb++){
+		if (!tb->n) {		/* not used */
+			if (!del && !slot)	/* if !del save first free */
+				slot = tb ;
+			continue ;
+		}
+		if (memcmp((char *)&tb->a,(char *)own,6))
+			continue ;
+		return(tb) ;
+	}
+	return(slot) ;			/* return first free or NULL */
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;2)
+	void mac_clear_multicast(smc)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		Clear all multicast entries
+ */
+void mac_clear_multicast(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	struct s_fpmc	*tb ;
+	int i ;
+	smc->hw.fp.os_slots_used = 0 ;	/* note the SMT addresses */
+					/* will not be deleted */
+	for (i = 0, tb = smc-> ; i < FPMAX_MULTICAST ; i++, tb++){
+		if (!tb->perm) {
+			tb->n = 0 ;
+		}
+	}
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;2)
+	int mac_set_func_addr(smc,f_addr)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+	u_long f_addr ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		Set a Token-Ring functional address, the address will
+		be activated after calling mac_update_multicast()
+Para	f_addr	functional bits in non-canonical format
+Returns	0: always success
+ */
+int mac_set_func_addr(smc,f_addr)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+u_long f_addr ;
+	smc->hw.fp.func_addr = f_addr ;
+	return(0) ;
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;2)
+	int mac_add_multicast(smc,addr,can)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+	struct fddi_addr *addr ;
+	int can ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMC, fplustm.c)
+		Add an entry to the multicast table
+Para	addr	pointer to a multicast address
+	can	= 0:	the multicast address has the physical format
+		= 1:	the multicast address has the canonical format
+		| 0x80	permanent
+Returns	0: success
+	1: address table full
+Note	After a 'driver reset' or a 'station set address' all
+	entries of the multicast table are cleared.
+	In this case the driver has to fill the multicast table again.
+	After the operating system dependent module filled
+	the multicast table it must call mac_update_multicast
+	to activate the new multicast addresses!
+ */
+int mac_add_multicast(smc,addr,can)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+struct fddi_addr *addr ;
+int can ;
+	SK_LOC_DECL(struct fddi_addr,own) ;
+	struct s_fpmc	*tb ;
+	/*
+	 * check if there are free table entries
+	 */
+	if (can & 0x80) {
+		if (smc->hw.fp.smt_slots_used >= SMT_MAX_MULTI) {
+			return(1) ;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		if (smc->hw.fp.os_slots_used >= FPMAX_MULTICAST-SMT_MAX_MULTI) {
+			return(1) ;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * find empty slot
+	 */
+	if (!(tb = mac_get_mc_table(smc,addr,&own,0,can & ~0x80)))
+		return(1) ;
+	tb->n++ ;
+	tb->a = own ;
+	tb->perm = (can & 0x80) ? 1 : 0 ;
+	if (can & 0x80)
+		smc->hw.fp.smt_slots_used++ ;
+	else
+		smc->hw.fp.os_slots_used++ ;
+	return(0) ;
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;2)
+	void mac_del_multicast(smc,addr,can)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+	struct fddi_addr *addr ;
+	int can ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		Delete an entry from the multicast table
+Para	addr	pointer to a multicast address
+	can	= 0:	the multicast address has the physical format
+		= 1:	the multicast address has the canonical format
+		| 0x80	permanent
+ */
+void mac_del_multicast(smc,addr,can)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+struct fddi_addr *addr ;
+int can ;
+	SK_LOC_DECL(struct fddi_addr,own) ;
+	struct s_fpmc	*tb ;
+	if (!(tb = mac_get_mc_table(smc,addr,&own,1,can & ~0x80)))
+		return ;
+	/*
+	 * permanent addresses must be deleted with perm bit
+	 * and vice versa
+	 */
+	if (( tb->perm &&  (can & 0x80)) ||
+	    (!tb->perm && !(can & 0x80))) {
+		/*
+		 * delete it
+		 */
+		if (tb->n) {
+			tb->n-- ;
+			if (tb->perm) {
+				smc->hw.fp.smt_slots_used-- ;
+			}
+			else {
+				smc->hw.fp.os_slots_used-- ;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * mode
+ */
+#define RX_MODE_PROM		0x1
+#define RX_MODE_ALL_MULTI	0x2
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;2)
+	void mac_update_multicast(smc)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+Function	DOWNCALL	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		Update FORMAC multicast registers
+ */
+void mac_update_multicast(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	struct s_fpmc	*tb ;
+	u_char	*fu ;
+	int	i ;
+	/*
+	 * invalidate the CAM
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * set the functional address
+	 */
+	if (smc->hw.fp.func_addr) {
+		fu = (u_char *) &smc->hw.fp.func_addr ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_AFMASK2),0xffff) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_AFMASK1),(u_short) ~((fu[0] << 8) + fu[1])) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_AFMASK0),(u_short) ~((fu[2] << 8) + fu[3])) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_AFCOMP2), 0xc000) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_AFCOMP1), 0x0000) ;
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_AFCOMP0), 0x0000) ;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * set the mask and the personality register(s)
+	 */
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_AFMASK0),0xffff) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_AFMASK1),0xffff) ;
+	outpw(FM_A(FM_AFMASK2),0xffff) ;
+	for (i = 0, tb = smc->; i < FPMAX_MULTICAST; i++, tb++) {
+		if (tb->n) {
+			CHECK_CAM() ;
+			/*
+			 * wirte the multicast addres into the CAM
+			 */
+			outpw(FM_A(FM_AFCOMP2),
+				(u_short)((tb->a.a[0]<<8)+tb->a.a[1])) ;
+			outpw(FM_A(FM_AFCOMP1),
+				(u_short)((tb->a.a[2]<<8)+tb->a.a[3])) ;
+			outpw(FM_A(FM_AFCOMP0),
+				(u_short)((tb->a.a[4]<<8)+tb->a.a[5])) ;
+		}
+	}
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(if,func;others;3)
+	void mac_set_rx_mode(smc,mode)
+	struct s_smc *smc ;
+	int mode ;
+Function	DOWNCALL/INTERN	(SMT, fplustm.c)
+		This function enables / disables the selected receive.
+		Don't call this function if the hardware module is
+		used -- use mac_drv_rx_mode() instead of.
+Para	mode =	1	RX_ENABLE_ALLMULTI	enable all multicasts
+		2	RX_DISABLE_ALLMULTI	disable "enable all multicasts"
+		3	RX_ENABLE_PROMISC	enable promiscous
+		4	RX_DISABLE_PROMISC	disable promiscous
+		5	RX_ENABLE_NSA		enable reception of NSA frames
+		6	RX_DISABLE_NSA		disable reception of NSA frames
+Note	The selected receive modes will be lost after 'driver reset'
+	or 'set station address'
+ */
+void mac_set_rx_mode(smc,mode)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+int mode ;
+	switch (mode) {
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_prom |= RX_MODE_ALL_MULTI ;
+		break ;
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_prom &= ~RX_MODE_ALL_MULTI ;
+		break ;
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_prom |= RX_MODE_PROM ;
+		break ;
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_prom &= ~RX_MODE_PROM ;
+		break ;
+	case RX_ENABLE_NSA :
+		smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode = FM_MDAMA ;
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_mode = (smc->hw.fp.rx_mode & ~FM_ADDET) |
+			smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode ;
+		break ;
+		smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode = FM_MRNNSAFNMA ;
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_mode = (smc->hw.fp.rx_mode & ~FM_ADDET) |
+			smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode ;
+		break ;
+	}
+	if (smc->hw.fp.rx_prom & RX_MODE_PROM) {
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_mode = FM_MLIMPROM ;
+	}
+	else if (smc->hw.fp.rx_prom & RX_MODE_ALL_MULTI) {
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_mode = smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode | FM_EXGPA0 ;
+	}
+	else
+		smc->hw.fp.rx_mode = smc->hw.fp.nsa_mode ;
+	SETMASK(FM_A(FM_MDREG1),smc->hw.fp.rx_mode,FM_ADDRX) ;
+	mac_update_multicast(smc) ;
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(module;tests;3)
+	How to test the Restricted Token Monitor
+	----------------------------------------------------------------
+	o Insert a break point in the function rtm_irq()
+	o Remove all stations with a restricted token monitor from the
+	  network.
+	o Connect a UPPS ISA or EISA station to the network.
+	o Give the FORMAC of UPPS station the command to send
+	  restricted tokens until the ring becomes instable.
+	o Now connect your test test client.
+	o The restricted token monitor should detect the restricted token,
+	  and your break point will be reached.
+	o You can ovserve how the station will clean the ring.
+ */
+void rtm_irq(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	outpw(ADDR(B2_RTM_CRTL),TIM_CL_IRQ) ;		/* clear IRQ */
+	if (inpw(ADDR(B2_RTM_CRTL)) & TIM_RES_TOK) {
+		outpw(FM_A(FM_CMDREG1),FM_ICL) ;	/* force claim */
+		DB_RMT("RMT: fddiPATHT_Rmode expired\n",0,0) ;
+		AIX_EVENT(smc, (u_long) FDDI_RING_STATUS,
+				(u_long) FDDI_SMT_EVENT,
+				(u_long) FDDI_RTT, smt_get_event_word(smc));
+	}
+	outpw(ADDR(B2_RTM_CRTL),TIM_START) ;	/* enable RTM monitoring */
+static void rtm_init(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	outpd(ADDR(B2_RTM_INI),0) ;		/* timer = 0 */
+	outpw(ADDR(B2_RTM_CRTL),TIM_START) ;	/* enable IRQ */
+void rtm_set_timer(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/*
+	 * MIB timer and hardware timer have the same resolution of 80nS
+	 */
+	DB_RMT("RMT: setting new fddiPATHT_Rmode, t = %d ns \n",
+		(int) smc->mib.a[PATH0].fddiPATHT_Rmode,0) ;
+	outpd(ADDR(B2_RTM_INI),smc->mib.a[PATH0].fddiPATHT_Rmode) ;
+static void smt_split_up_fifo(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(module;mem;1)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------
+	-------------------------------------------------------------
+	SMT_R1_RXD_COUNT must be unequal zero
+		   | R1_RxD R2_RxD |R1_RxD R2_RxD | R1_RxD R2_RxD
+		   |   x      0	   |  x	    1-3	  |   x     < 3
+	----------------------------------------------------------------------
+		   |   63,75 kB	   |    54,75	  |	R1_RxD
+	rx queue 1 | RX_FIFO_SPACE | RX_LARGE_FIFO| ------------- * 63,75 kB
+		   |		   |		  | R1_RxD+R2_RxD
+	----------------------------------------------------------------------
+		   |		   |    9 kB	  |     R2_RxD
+	rx queue 2 |	0 kB	   | RX_SMALL_FIFO| ------------- * 63,75 kB
+		   |  (not used)   |		  | R1_RxD+R2_RxD
+	if (SMT_R1_RXD_COUNT == 0) {
+		SMT_PANIC(smc,SMT_E0117, SMT_E0117_MSG) ;
+	}
+	switch(SMT_R2_RXD_COUNT) {
+	case 0:
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_size = RX_FIFO_SPACE ;
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_size = 0 ;
+		break ;
+	case 1:
+	case 2:
+	case 3:
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_size = RX_LARGE_FIFO ;
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_size = RX_SMALL_FIFO ;
+		break ;
+	default:	/* this is not the real defaule */
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_size = RX_FIFO_SPACE *
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_size = RX_FIFO_SPACE *
+		break ;
+	}
+	BEGIN_MANUAL_ENTRY(module;mem;1)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------
+	-------------------------------------------------------------
+		 | no sync bw	| sync bw available and | sync bw available and
+		 | available	| SynchTxMode = SPLIT	| SynchTxMode = ALL
+	-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	sync tx	 |     0 kB	|	32 kB		|	55 kB
+	queue	 |		|   TX_MEDIUM_FIFO	|   TX_LARGE_FIFO
+	-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	async tx |    64 kB	|	32 kB		|	 9 k
+	/*
+	 * set the tx mode bits
+	 */
+	if (smc->mib.a[PATH0].fddiPATHSbaPayload) {
+#ifdef ESS
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.fifo_config_mode |=
+			smc->mib.fddiESSSynchTxMode | SYNC_TRAFFIC_ON ;
+	}
+	else {
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.fifo_config_mode &=
+	}
+	/*
+	 * split up the FIFO
+	 */
+	if (smc->hw.fp.fifo.fifo_config_mode & SYNC_TRAFFIC_ON) {
+		if (smc->hw.fp.fifo.fifo_config_mode & SEND_ASYNC_AS_SYNC) {
+			smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_size = TX_LARGE_FIFO ;
+			smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_size = TX_SMALL_FIFO ;
+		}
+		else {
+			smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_size = TX_MEDIUM_FIFO ;
+			smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_size = TX_MEDIUM_FIFO ;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+			smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_size = 0 ;
+			smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_size = TX_FIFO_SPACE ;
+	}
+	smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start = smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start +
+	smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start = smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start +
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_size ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start = smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start +
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_size ;
+	smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start = smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start +
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_size ;
+	DB_SMT("FIFO split: mode = %x\n",smc->hw.fp.fifo.fifo_config_mode,0) ;
+	DB_SMT("rbc_ram_start =	%x	 rbc_ram_end = 	%x\n",
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_start, smc->hw.fp.fifo.rbc_ram_end) ;
+	DB_SMT("rx1_fifo_start = %x	 tx_s_start = 	%x\n",
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx1_fifo_start, smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_start) ;
+	DB_SMT("tx_a0_start =	%x	 rx2_fifo_start = 	%x\n",
+		smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_a0_start, smc->hw.fp.fifo.rx2_fifo_start) ;
+void formac_reinit_tx(smc)
+struct s_smc *smc ;
+	/*
+	 * Split up the FIFO and reinitialize the MAC if synchronous
+	 * bandwidth becomes available but no synchronous queue is
+	 * configured.
+	 */
+	if (!smc->hw.fp.fifo.tx_s_size && smc->mib.a[PATH0].fddiPATHSbaPayload){
+		(void)init_mac(smc,0) ;
+	}

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: