patch-2.1.89 linux/include/linux/ufs_fs.h
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- Lines: 39
- Date:
Sat Feb 28 13:14:45 1998
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Tue Feb 17 13:12:49 1998
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.88/linux/include/linux/ufs_fs.h linux/include/linux/ufs_fs.h
@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@
} ui_addr;
__u8 ui_symlink[4*(UFS_NDADDR+UFS_NINDIR)];/* 0x28 fast symlink */
} ui_u2;
- __u32 ui_flags; /* 0x64 unused -- "status flags (chflags)" ??? */
+ __u32 ui_flags; /* 0x64 immutable, append-only... */
__u32 ui_blocks; /* 0x68 blocks in use */
- __u32 ui_gen; /* 0x6c generation number XXX - what is this? */
+ __u32 ui_gen; /* 0x6c like ext2 i_version, for NFS support */
union {
struct {
- __u32 ui_shadow;/* 0x70 shadow inode XXX - what is this?*/
+ __u32 ui_shadow;/* 0x70 shadow inode with security data */
__u32 ui_uid; /* 0x74 long EFT version of uid */
__u32 ui_gid; /* 0x78 long EFT version of gid */
__u32 ui_oeftflag;/* 0x7c reserved */
@@ -318,6 +318,22 @@
} ui_hurd;
} ui_u3;
+/* FreeBSD has these in sys/stat.h */
+/* ui_flags that can be set by a file owner */
+#define UFS_UF_SETTABLE 0x0000ffff
+#define UFS_UF_NODUMP 0x00000001 /* do not dump */
+#define UFS_UF_IMMUTABLE 0x00000002 /* immutable (can't "change") */
+#define UFS_UF_APPEND 0x00000004 /* append-only */
+#define UFS_UF_OPAQUE 0x00000008 /* directory is opaque (unionfs) */
+#define UFS_UF_NOUNLINK 0x00000010 /* can't be removed or renamed */
+/* ui_flags that only root can set */
+#define UFS_SF_SETTABLE 0xffff0000
+#define UFS_SF_ARCHIVED 0x00010000 /* archived */
+#define UFS_SF_IMMUTABLE 0x00020000 /* immutable (can't "change") */
+#define UFS_SF_APPEND 0x00040000 /* append-only */
+#define UFS_SF_NOUNLINK 0x00100000 /* can't be removed or renamed */
#ifdef __KERNEL__
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,