patch-2.1.42 linux/drivers/isdn/avmb1/capiutil.c
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- Lines: 975
- Date:
Wed May 28 10:49:09 1997
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.41/linux/drivers/isdn/avmb1/capiutil.c linux/drivers/isdn/avmb1/capiutil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+ * $Id: capiutil.c,v 1.3 1997/05/18 09:24:18 calle Exp $
+ *
+ * CAPI 2.0 convert capi message to capi message struct
+ *
+ * From CAPI 2.0 Development Kit AVM 1995 (msg.c)
+ * Rewritten for Linux 1996 by Carsten Paeth (
+ *
+ * $Log: capiutil.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.3 1997/05/18 09:24:18 calle
+ * added verbose disconnect reason reporting to avmb1.
+ * some fixes in capi20 interface.
+ * changed info messages for B1-PCI
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 1997/03/05 21:22:13 fritz
+ * Fix: Symbols have to be exported unconditionally.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1 1997/03/04 21:50:34 calle
+ * Frirst version in isdn4linux
+ *
+ * Revision 2.2 1997/02/12 09:31:39 calle
+ * new version
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1 1997/01/31 10:32:20 calle
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/ctype.h>
+#include <linux/stddef.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#include "compat.h"
+#include "capiutil.h"
+/* from CAPI2.0 DDK AVM Berlin GmbH */
+char *capi_info2str(__u16 reason)
+ return "..";
+char *capi_info2str(__u16 reason)
+ switch (reason) {
+/*-- informative values (corresponding message was processed) -----*/
+ case 0x0001:
+ return "NCPI not supported by current protocol, NCPI ignored";
+ case 0x0002:
+ return "Flags not supported by current protocol, flags ignored";
+ case 0x0003:
+ return "Alert already sent by another application";
+/*-- error information concerning CAPI_REGISTER -----*/
+ case 0x1001:
+ return "Too many applications";
+ case 0x1002:
+ return "Logical block size to small, must be at least 128 Bytes";
+ case 0x1003:
+ return "Buffer exceeds 64 kByte";
+ case 0x1004:
+ return "Message buffer size too small, must be at least 1024 Bytes";
+ case 0x1005:
+ return "Max. number of logical connections not supported";
+ case 0x1006:
+ return "Reserved";
+ case 0x1007:
+ return "The message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition";
+ case 0x1008:
+ return "OS resource error (no memory ?)";
+ case 0x1009:
+ return "CAPI not installed";
+ case 0x100A:
+ return "Controller does not support external equipment";
+ case 0x100B:
+ return "Controller does only support external equipment";
+/*-- error information concerning message exchange functions -----*/
+ case 0x1101:
+ return "Illegal application number";
+ case 0x1102:
+ return "Illegal command or subcommand or message length less than 12 bytes";
+ case 0x1103:
+ return "The message could not be accepted because of a queue full condition !! The error code does not imply that CAPI cannot receive messages directed to another controller, PLCI or NCCI";
+ case 0x1104:
+ return "Queue is empty";
+ case 0x1105:
+ return "Queue overflow, a message was lost !! This indicates a configuration error. The only recovery from this error is to perform a CAPI_RELEASE";
+ case 0x1106:
+ return "Unknown notification parameter";
+ case 0x1107:
+ return "The Message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition";
+ case 0x1108:
+ return "OS Resource error (no memory ?)";
+ case 0x1109:
+ return "CAPI not installed";
+ case 0x110A:
+ return "Controller does not support external equipment";
+ case 0x110B:
+ return "Controller does only support external equipment";
+/*-- error information concerning resource / coding problems -----*/
+ case 0x2001:
+ return "Message not supported in current state";
+ case 0x2002:
+ return "Illegal Controller / PLCI / NCCI";
+ case 0x2003:
+ return "Out of PLCI";
+ case 0x2004:
+ return "Out of NCCI";
+ case 0x2005:
+ return "Out of LISTEN";
+ case 0x2006:
+ return "Out of FAX resources (protocol T.30)";
+ case 0x2007:
+ return "Illegal message parameter coding";
+/*-- error information concerning requested services -----*/
+ case 0x3001:
+ return "B1 protocol not supported";
+ case 0x3002:
+ return "B2 protocol not supported";
+ case 0x3003:
+ return "B3 protocol not supported";
+ case 0x3004:
+ return "B1 protocol parameter not supported";
+ case 0x3005:
+ return "B2 protocol parameter not supported";
+ case 0x3006:
+ return "B3 protocol parameter not supported";
+ case 0x3007:
+ return "B protocol combination not supported";
+ case 0x3008:
+ return "NCPI not supported";
+ case 0x3009:
+ return "CIP Value unknown";
+ case 0x300A:
+ return "Flags not supported (reserved bits)";
+ case 0x300B:
+ return "Facility not supported";
+ case 0x300C:
+ return "Data length not supported by current protocol";
+ case 0x300D:
+ return "Reset procedure not supported by current protocol";
+/*-- informations about the clearing of a physical connection -----*/
+ case 0x3301:
+ return "Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol)";
+ case 0x3302:
+ return "Protocol error layer 2";
+ case 0x3303:
+ return "Protocol error layer 3";
+ case 0x3304:
+ return "Another application got that call";
+/*-- T.30 specific reasons -----*/
+ case 0x3311:
+ return "Connecting not successful (remote station is no FAX G3 machine)";
+ case 0x3312:
+ return "Connecting not successful (training error)";
+ case 0x3313:
+ return "Disconnected before transfer (remote station does not support transfer mode, e.g. resolution)";
+ case 0x3314:
+ return "Disconnected during transfer (remote abort)";
+ case 0x3315:
+ return "Disconnected during transfer (remote procedure error, e.g. unsuccessful repetition of T.30 commands)";
+ case 0x3316:
+ return "Disconnected during transfer (local tx data underrun)";
+ case 0x3317:
+ return "Disconnected during transfer (local rx data overflow)";
+ case 0x3318:
+ return "Disconnected during transfer (local abort)";
+ case 0x3319:
+ return "Illegal parameter coding (e.g. SFF coding error)";
+/*-- disconnect causes from the network according to ETS 300 102-1/Q.931 -----*/
+ case 0x3481: return "Unallocated (unassigned) number";
+ case 0x3482: return "No route to specified transit network";
+ case 0x3483: return "No route to destination";
+ case 0x3486: return "Channel unacceptable";
+ case 0x3487:
+ return "Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel";
+ case 0x3490: return "Normal call clearing";
+ case 0x3491: return "User busy";
+ case 0x3492: return "No user responding";
+ case 0x3493: return "No answer from user (user alerted)";
+ case 0x3495: return "Call rejected";
+ case 0x3496: return "Number changed";
+ case 0x349A: return "Non-selected user clearing";
+ case 0x349B: return "Destination out of order";
+ case 0x349C: return "Invalid number format";
+ case 0x349D: return "Facility rejected";
+ case 0x349E: return "Response to STATUS ENQUIRY";
+ case 0x349F: return "Normal, unspecified";
+ case 0x34A2: return "No circuit / channel available";
+ case 0x34A6: return "Network out of order";
+ case 0x34A9: return "Temporary failure";
+ case 0x34AA: return "Switching equipment congestion";
+ case 0x34AB: return "Access information discarded";
+ case 0x34AC: return "Requested circuit / channel not available";
+ case 0x34AF: return "Resources unavailable, unspecified";
+ case 0x34B1: return "Quality of service unavailable";
+ case 0x34B2: return "Requested facility not subscribed";
+ case 0x34B9: return "Bearer capability not authorized";
+ case 0x34BA: return "Bearer capability not presently available";
+ case 0x34BF: return "Service or option not available, unspecified";
+ case 0x34C1: return "Bearer capability not implemented";
+ case 0x34C2: return "Channel type not implemented";
+ case 0x34C5: return "Requested facility not implemented";
+ case 0x34C6: return "Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available";
+ case 0x34CF: return "Service or option not implemented, unspecified";
+ case 0x34D1: return "Invalid call reference value";
+ case 0x34D2: return "Identified channel does not exist";
+ case 0x34D3: return "A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not";
+ case 0x34D4: return "Call identity in use";
+ case 0x34D5: return "No call suspended";
+ case 0x34D6: return "Call having the requested call identity has been cleared";
+ case 0x34D8: return "Incompatible destination";
+ case 0x34DB: return "Invalid transit network selection";
+ case 0x34DF: return "Invalid message, unspecified";
+ case 0x34E0: return "Mandatory information element is missing";
+ case 0x34E1: return "Message type non-existent or not implemented";
+ case 0x34E2: return "Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented";
+ case 0x34E3: return "Information element non-existent or not implemented";
+ case 0x34E4: return "Invalid information element contents";
+ case 0x34E5: return "Message not compatible with call state";
+ case 0x34E6: return "Recovery on timer expiry";
+ case 0x34EF: return "Protocol error, unspecified";
+ case 0x34FF: return "Interworking, unspecified";
+ default: return "No additional information";
+ }
+typedef struct {
+ int typ;
+ size_t off;
+} _cdef;
+#define _CBYTE 1
+#define _CWORD 2
+#define _CDWORD 3
+#define _CSTRUCT 4
+#define _CMSTRUCT 5
+#define _CEND 6
+static _cdef cdef[] =
+ /*00 */
+ {_CEND},
+ /*01 */
+ {_CEND},
+ /*02 */
+ {_CEND},
+ /*03 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, adr.adrController)},
+ /*04 */
+ {_CMSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, AdditionalInfo)},
+ /*05 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B1configuration)},
+ /*06 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B1protocol)},
+ /*07 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B2configuration)},
+ /*08 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B2protocol)},
+ /*09 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, B3configuration)},
+ /*0a */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, B3protocol)},
+ /*0b */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BC)},
+ /*0c */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BChannelinformation)},
+ /*0d */
+ {_CMSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, BProtocol)},
+ /*0e */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CalledPartyNumber)},
+ /*0f */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CalledPartySubaddress)},
+ /*10 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CallingPartyNumber)},
+ /*11 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, CallingPartySubaddress)},
+ /*12 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPmask)},
+ /*13 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPmask2)},
+ /*14 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, CIPValue)},
+ /*15 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Class)},
+ /*16 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ConnectedNumber)},
+ /*17 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ConnectedSubaddress)},
+ /*18 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Data)},
+ /*19 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, DataHandle)},
+ /*1a */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, DataLength)},
+ /*1b */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityConfirmationParameter)},
+ /*1c */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Facilitydataarray)},
+ /*1d */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityIndicationParameter)},
+ /*1e */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilityRequestParameter)},
+ /*1f */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, FacilitySelector)},
+ /*20 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Flags)},
+ /*21 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Function)},
+ /*22 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, HLC)},
+ /*23 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Info)},
+ /*24 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoElement)},
+ /*25 */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoMask)},
+ /*26 */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, InfoNumber)},
+ /*27 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Keypadfacility)},
+ /*28 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, LLC)},
+ /*29 */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, ManuData)},
+ /*2a */
+ {_CDWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, ManuID)},
+ /*2b */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, NCPI)},
+ /*2c */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reason)},
+ /*2d */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reason_B3)},
+ /*2e */
+ {_CWORD, offsetof(_cmsg, Reject)},
+ /*2f */
+ {_CSTRUCT, offsetof(_cmsg, Useruserdata)}
+static unsigned char *cpars[] =
+ /*00 */ 0,
+ /*01 ALERT_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01",
+ /*02 CONNECT_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x14\x0e\x10\x0f\x11\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x0b\x28\x22\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01",
+ /*03 */ 0,
+ /*04 DISCONNECT_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01",
+ /*05 LISTEN_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x25\x12\x13\x10\x11\x01",
+ /*06 */ 0,
+ /*07 */ 0,
+ /*08 INFO_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x0e\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01",
+ /*09 FACILITY_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x1f\x1e\x01",
+ /*0a SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x01",
+ /*0b CONNECT_B3_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*0c */ 0,
+ /*0d DISCONNECT_B3_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*0e */ 0,
+ /*0f DATA_B3_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x18\x1a\x19\x20\x01",
+ /*10 RESET_B3_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*11 */ 0,
+ /*12 */ 0,
+ /*13 ALERT_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*14 CONNECT_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*15 */ 0,
+ /*16 DISCONNECT_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*17 LISTEN_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*18 MANUFACTURER_REQ */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01",
+ /*19 */ 0,
+ /*1a INFO_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*1b FACILITY_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x1f\x1b\x01",
+ /*1c SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*1d CONNECT_B3_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*1e */ 0,
+ /*1f DISCONNECT_B3_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*20 */ 0,
+ /*21 DATA_B3_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x19\x23\x01",
+ /*22 RESET_B3_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x23\x01",
+ /*23 */ 0,
+ /*24 */ 0,
+ /*25 */ 0,
+ /*26 CONNECT_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x14\x0e\x10\x0f\x11\x0b\x28\x22\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01",
+ /*27 CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x16\x17\x28\x01",
+ /*28 DISCONNECT_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2c\x01",
+ /*29 */ 0,
+ /*2a MANUFACTURER_CONF */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01",
+ /*2b */ 0,
+ /*2c INFO_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x26\x24\x01",
+ /*2d FACILITY_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x1f\x1d\x01",
+ /*2e */ 0,
+ /*2f CONNECT_B3_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*30 CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*31 DISCONNECT_B3_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2d\x2b\x01",
+ /*32 */ 0,
+ /*33 DATA_B3_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x18\x1a\x19\x20\x01",
+ /*34 RESET_B3_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*35 CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2b\x01",
+ /*36 */ 0,
+ /*37 */ 0,
+ /*38 CONNECT_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2e\x0d\x06\x08\x0a\x05\x07\x09\x01\x16\x17\x28\x04\x0c\x27\x2f\x1c\x01\x01",
+ /*39 CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*3a DISCONNECT_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*3b */ 0,
+ /*3c MANUFACTURER_IND */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01",
+ /*3d */ 0,
+ /*3e INFO_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*3f FACILITY_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x1f\x01",
+ /*40 */ 0,
+ /*41 CONNECT_B3_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2e\x2b\x01",
+ /*42 CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*43 DISCONNECT_B3_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*44 */ 0,
+ /*45 DATA_B3_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x19\x01",
+ /*46 RESET_B3_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*47 CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x01",
+ /*48 */ 0,
+ /*49 */ 0,
+ /*4a */ 0,
+ /*4b */ 0,
+ /*4c */ 0,
+ /*4d */ 0,
+ /*4e MANUFACTURER_RESP */ (unsigned char *) "\x03\x2a\x15\x21\x29\x01",
+#define byteTLcpy(x,y) *(__u8 *)(x)=*(__u8 *)(y);
+#define wordTLcpy(x,y) *(__u16 *)(x)=*(__u16 *)(y);
+#define dwordTLcpy(x,y) memcpy(x,y,4);
+#define structTLcpy(x,y,l) memcpy (x,y,l)
+#define structTLcpyovl(x,y,l) memmove (x,y,l)
+#define byteTRcpy(x,y) *(__u8 *)(y)=*(__u8 *)(x);
+#define wordTRcpy(x,y) *(__u16 *)(y)=*(__u16 *)(x);
+#define dwordTRcpy(x,y) memcpy(y,x,4);
+#define structTRcpy(x,y,l) memcpy (y,x,l)
+#define structTRcpyovl(x,y,l) memmove (y,x,l)
+static unsigned command_2_index(unsigned c, unsigned sc)
+ if (c & 0x80)
+ c = 0x9 + (c & 0x0f);
+ else if (c <= 0x0f);
+ else if (c == 0x41)
+ c = 0x9 + 0x1;
+ else if (c == 0xff)
+ c = 0x00;
+ return (sc & 3) * (0x9 + 0x9) + c;
+#define TYP (cdef[cmsg->par[cmsg->p]].typ)
+#define OFF (((__u8 *)cmsg)+cdef[cmsg->par[cmsg->p]].off)
+static void jumpcstruct(_cmsg * cmsg)
+ unsigned layer;
+ for (cmsg->p++, layer = 1; layer;) {
+ /* $$$$$ assert (cmsg->p); */
+ cmsg->p++;
+ switch (TYP) {
+ case _CMSTRUCT:
+ layer++;
+ break;
+ case _CEND:
+ layer--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void pars_2_message(_cmsg * cmsg)
+ for (; TYP != _CEND; cmsg->p++) {
+ switch (TYP) {
+ case _CBYTE:
+ byteTLcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, OFF);
+ cmsg->l++;
+ break;
+ case _CWORD:
+ wordTLcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, OFF);
+ cmsg->l += 2;
+ break;
+ case _CDWORD:
+ dwordTLcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, OFF);
+ cmsg->l += 4;
+ break;
+ case _CSTRUCT:
+ if (*(__u8 **) OFF == 0) {
+ *(cmsg->m + cmsg->l) = '\0';
+ cmsg->l++;
+ } else if (**(_cstruct *) OFF != 0xff) {
+ structTLcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, *(_cstruct *) OFF, 1 + **(_cstruct *) OFF);
+ cmsg->l += 1 + **(_cstruct *) OFF;
+ } else {
+ _cstruct s = *(_cstruct *) OFF;
+ structTLcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, s, 3 + *(__u16 *) (s + 1));
+ cmsg->l += 3 + *(__u16 *) (s + 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case _CMSTRUCT:
+/*----- Metastruktur 0 -----*/
+ if (*(_cmstruct *) OFF == CAPI_DEFAULT) {
+ *(cmsg->m + cmsg->l) = '\0';
+ cmsg->l++;
+ jumpcstruct(cmsg);
+ }
+/*----- Metastruktur wird composed -----*/
+ else {
+ unsigned _l = cmsg->l;
+ unsigned _ls;
+ cmsg->l++;
+ cmsg->p++;
+ pars_2_message(cmsg);
+ _ls = cmsg->l - _l - 1;
+ if (_ls < 255)
+ (cmsg->m + _l)[0] = (__u8) _ls;
+ else {
+ structTLcpyovl(cmsg->m + _l + 3, cmsg->m + _l + 1, _ls);
+ (cmsg->m + _l)[0] = 0xff;
+ wordTLcpy(cmsg->m + _l + 1, &_ls);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+unsigned capi_cmsg2message(_cmsg * cmsg, __u8 * msg)
+ cmsg->m = msg;
+ cmsg->l = 8;
+ cmsg->p = 0;
+ cmsg->par = cpars[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)];
+ pars_2_message(cmsg);
+ wordTLcpy(msg + 0, &cmsg->l);
+ byteTLcpy(cmsg->m + 4, &cmsg->Command);
+ byteTLcpy(cmsg->m + 5, &cmsg->Subcommand);
+ wordTLcpy(cmsg->m + 2, &cmsg->ApplId);
+ wordTLcpy(cmsg->m + 6, &cmsg->Messagenumber);
+ return 0;
+static void message_2_pars(_cmsg * cmsg)
+ for (; TYP != _CEND; cmsg->p++) {
+ switch (TYP) {
+ case _CBYTE:
+ byteTRcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, OFF);
+ cmsg->l++;
+ break;
+ case _CWORD:
+ wordTRcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, OFF);
+ cmsg->l += 2;
+ break;
+ case _CDWORD:
+ dwordTRcpy(cmsg->m + cmsg->l, OFF);
+ cmsg->l += 4;
+ break;
+ case _CSTRUCT:
+ *(__u8 **) OFF = cmsg->m + cmsg->l;
+ if (cmsg->m[cmsg->l] != 0xff)
+ cmsg->l += 1 + cmsg->m[cmsg->l];
+ else
+ cmsg->l += 3 + *(__u16 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l + 1);
+ break;
+ case _CMSTRUCT:
+/*----- Metastruktur 0 -----*/
+ if (cmsg->m[cmsg->l] == '\0') {
+ *(_cmstruct *) OFF = CAPI_DEFAULT;
+ cmsg->l++;
+ jumpcstruct(cmsg);
+ } else {
+ unsigned _l = cmsg->l;
+ *(_cmstruct *) OFF = CAPI_COMPOSE;
+ cmsg->l = (cmsg->m + _l)[0] == 255 ? cmsg->l + 3 : cmsg->l + 1;
+ cmsg->p++;
+ message_2_pars(cmsg);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+unsigned capi_message2cmsg(_cmsg * cmsg, __u8 * msg)
+ memset(cmsg, 0, sizeof(_cmsg));
+ cmsg->m = msg;
+ cmsg->l = 8;
+ cmsg->p = 0;
+ byteTRcpy(cmsg->m + 4, &cmsg->Command);
+ byteTRcpy(cmsg->m + 5, &cmsg->Subcommand);
+ cmsg->par = cpars[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)];
+ message_2_pars(cmsg);
+ wordTRcpy(msg + 0, &cmsg->l);
+ wordTRcpy(cmsg->m + 2, &cmsg->ApplId);
+ wordTRcpy(cmsg->m + 6, &cmsg->Messagenumber);
+ return 0;
+unsigned capi_cmsg_header(_cmsg * cmsg, __u16 _ApplId,
+ __u8 _Command, __u8 _Subcommand,
+ __u16 _Messagenumber, __u32 _Controller)
+ memset(cmsg, 0, sizeof(_cmsg));
+ cmsg->ApplId = _ApplId;
+ cmsg->Command = _Command;
+ cmsg->Subcommand = _Subcommand;
+ cmsg->Messagenumber = _Messagenumber;
+ cmsg->adr.adrController = _Controller;
+ return 0;
+static char *mnames[] =
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ "DATA_B3_REQ",
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ "DATA_B3_IND",
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+char *capi_cmd2str(__u8 cmd, __u8 subcmd)
+ return mnames[command_2_index(cmd, subcmd)];
+static char *pnames[] =
+ /*00 */ 0,
+ /*01 */ 0,
+ /*02 */ 0,
+ /*03 */ "Controller/PLCI/NCCI",
+ /*04 */ "AdditionalInfo",
+ /*05 */ "B1configuration",
+ /*06 */ "B1protocol",
+ /*07 */ "B2configuration",
+ /*08 */ "B2protocol",
+ /*09 */ "B3configuration",
+ /*0a */ "B3protocol",
+ /*0b */ "BC",
+ /*0c */ "BChannelinformation",
+ /*0d */ "BProtocol",
+ /*0e */ "CalledPartyNumber",
+ /*0f */ "CalledPartySubaddress",
+ /*10 */ "CallingPartyNumber",
+ /*11 */ "CallingPartySubaddress",
+ /*12 */ "CIPmask",
+ /*13 */ "CIPmask2",
+ /*14 */ "CIPValue",
+ /*15 */ "Class",
+ /*16 */ "ConnectedNumber",
+ /*17 */ "ConnectedSubaddress",
+ /*18 */ "Data",
+ /*19 */ "DataHandle",
+ /*1a */ "DataLength",
+ /*1b */ "FacilityConfirmationParameter",
+ /*1c */ "Facilitydataarray",
+ /*1d */ "FacilityIndicationParameter",
+ /*1e */ "FacilityRequestParameter",
+ /*1f */ "FacilitySelector",
+ /*20 */ "Flags",
+ /*21 */ "Function",
+ /*22 */ "HLC",
+ /*23 */ "Info",
+ /*24 */ "InfoElement",
+ /*25 */ "InfoMask",
+ /*26 */ "InfoNumber",
+ /*27 */ "Keypadfacility",
+ /*28 */ "LLC",
+ /*29 */ "ManuData",
+ /*2a */ "ManuID",
+ /*2b */ "NCPI",
+ /*2c */ "Reason",
+ /*2d */ "Reason_B3",
+ /*2e */ "Reject",
+ /*2f */ "Useruserdata"
+static char buf[8192];
+static char *p = 0;
+#include <stdarg.h>
+static void bufprint(char *fmt,...)
+ va_list f;
+ va_start(f, fmt);
+ vsprintf(p, fmt, f);
+ va_end(f);
+ p += strlen(p);
+static void printstructlen(__u8 * m, unsigned len)
+ unsigned hex = 0;
+ for (; len; len--, m++)
+ if (isalnum(*m) || *m == ' ') {
+ if (hex)
+ bufprint(">");
+ bufprint("%c", *m);
+ hex = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!hex)
+ bufprint("<%02x", *m);
+ else
+ bufprint(" %02x", *m);
+ hex = 1;
+ }
+ if (hex)
+ bufprint(">");
+static void printstruct(__u8 * m)
+ unsigned len;
+ if (m[0] != 0xff) {
+ len = m[0];
+ m += 1;
+ } else {
+ len = ((__u16 *) (m + 1))[0];
+ m += 3;
+ }
+ printstructlen(m, len);
+#define NAME (pnames[cmsg->par[cmsg->p]])
+static void protocol_message_2_pars(_cmsg * cmsg, int level)
+ for (; TYP != _CEND; cmsg->p++) {
+ int slen = 29 + 3 - level;
+ int i;
+ bufprint(" ");
+ for (i = 0; i < level - 1; i++)
+ bufprint(" ");
+ switch (TYP) {
+ case _CBYTE:
+ bufprint("%-*s = 0x%x\n", slen, NAME, *(__u8 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l));
+ cmsg->l++;
+ break;
+ case _CWORD:
+ bufprint("%-*s = 0x%x\n", slen, NAME, *(__u16 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l));
+ cmsg->l += 2;
+ break;
+ case _CDWORD:
+ if (strcmp(NAME, "Data") == 0) {
+ bufprint("%-*s = ", slen, NAME);
+ printstructlen((__u8 *) * (__u32 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l),
+ *(__u16 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l + sizeof(__u32)));
+ bufprint("\n");
+ } else
+ bufprint("%-*s = 0x%lx\n", slen, NAME, *(__u32 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l));
+ cmsg->l += 4;
+ break;
+ case _CSTRUCT:
+ bufprint("%-*s = ", slen, NAME);
+ if (cmsg->m[cmsg->l] == '\0')
+ bufprint("default");
+ else
+ printstruct(cmsg->m + cmsg->l);
+ bufprint("\n");
+ if (cmsg->m[cmsg->l] != 0xff)
+ cmsg->l += 1 + cmsg->m[cmsg->l];
+ else
+ cmsg->l += 3 + *(__u16 *) (cmsg->m + cmsg->l + 1);
+ break;
+ case _CMSTRUCT:
+/*----- Metastruktur 0 -----*/
+ if (cmsg->m[cmsg->l] == '\0') {
+ bufprint("%-*s = default\n", slen, NAME);
+ cmsg->l++;
+ jumpcstruct(cmsg);
+ } else {
+ char *name = NAME;
+ unsigned _l = cmsg->l;
+ bufprint("%-*s\n", slen, name);
+ cmsg->l = (cmsg->m + _l)[0] == 255 ? cmsg->l + 3 : cmsg->l + 1;
+ cmsg->p++;
+ protocol_message_2_pars(cmsg, level + 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+char *capi_message2str(__u8 * msg)
+ _cmsg cmsg;
+ p = buf;
+ p[0] = 0;
+ cmsg.m = msg;
+ cmsg.l = 8;
+ cmsg.p = 0;
+ byteTRcpy(cmsg.m + 4, &cmsg.Command);
+ byteTRcpy(cmsg.m + 5, &cmsg.Subcommand);
+ cmsg.par = cpars[command_2_index(cmsg.Command, cmsg.Subcommand)];
+ bufprint("%-26s ID=%03d #0x%04x LEN=%04d\n",
+ mnames[command_2_index(cmsg.Command, cmsg.Subcommand)],
+ ((unsigned short *) msg)[1],
+ ((unsigned short *) msg)[3],
+ ((unsigned short *) msg)[0]);
+ protocol_message_2_pars(&cmsg, 1);
+ return buf;
+char *capi_cmsg2str(_cmsg * cmsg)
+ p = buf;
+ p[0] = 0;
+ cmsg->l = 8;
+ cmsg->p = 0;
+ bufprint("%s ID=%03d #0x%04x LEN=%04d\n",
+ mnames[command_2_index(cmsg->Command, cmsg->Subcommand)],
+ ((__u16 *) cmsg->m)[1],
+ ((__u16 *) cmsg->m)[3],
+ ((__u16 *) cmsg->m)[0]);
+ protocol_message_2_pars(cmsg, 1);
+ return buf;
+static struct symbol_table capifunc_syms =
+#include <linux/symtab_begin.h>
+ X(capi_cmsg2message),
+ X(capi_message2cmsg),
+ X(capi_cmsg_header),
+ X(capi_cmd2str),
+ X(capi_cmsg2str),
+ X(capi_message2str),
+ X(capi_info2str),
+#include <linux/symtab_end.h>
+#ifdef MODULE
+int init_module(void)
+ register_symtab(&capifunc_syms);
+ return 0;
+void cleanup_module(void)
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,